What would posts from WWE Mecca look like?
When I saw her for the first time, she was William Regal's manager, that got her a lot of points in my book, so I'm sort of biassed. I like her, she's not a good wrestler, but she's entertaining
What would posts from WWE Mecca look like?
No love for Phantasy Star IV's combos system or Final Fantasy XII's programmable combat system. Disappointed.
LOL at this Eva Marie kickout on NXT.
"Man that Rusev vs Ziggler feud is intense, I love it"
My dude.![]()
Cosigned, agreed 100%. Neidhart has always been a big nothing to me, and I usually like the bigger dude in tag teams.
Man, I loved the sphere grid. When you put FF7 up there, is this due to the materia system? I always did enjoy that far more than the ATB stuff..
Kevin Owens is solid as a rock? Aight breh.![]()
Yet when Becky Lynch forgets to kick out of a pin, everyone acts like Emma winning is normal and fine.
Well one part of his body is solid.
LOL @ Bret. What a fucking cunt. Best finisher? Sharpshooter. Most underrated wrestler? Tyson Kidd. Fucker is in work mode forever. Fuck you Bret. I'm sure he'll talk about the ladder match he invented that Vince and Shawn stole from him.
I just remembered, Kevin Owens is Canadian. It all makes sense now.
Top 5 jrpgs
1. Skies of Arcadia
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. Dragon Quest 7
4. Legend of Legaia
5. Final Fantasy 10
I just remembered, Kevin Owens is Canadian. It all makes sense now.
THE Brian Kendrick: "alright Eva, I want you to use Sliced Bread #2 as your finisher, but to keep it from looking so similar to mine, I want you to just do it absolutely as lethargically and telegraphed as possible. I want you to do it from a standing start, with no momentum, and no excitement. Robotic and soul-less as fuck"
THE Brian Kendrick: "perfect!"
It makes sense that Eva Marie moves in the ring at half speed because red means "stop" and she's #AllRedEverything.
Id like to find out if #AllRedEverything.
How is eva in Nxt cause that gif makes it seems that she is really bad.
How is eva in Nxt cause that gif makes it seems that she is really bad.
Yup. He clearly mentioned that at the start so it triggered me into my Canada hate spiral. Why even bring up that he's Canadian? Because Bret is a cunt.
Does anyone know the exact Nitro where Ric Flair was dragged to the desert?
I want to watch that episode tonight.
I apologize about my comment about Eve, she is just the most beautiful Woman on earth. Next to my GF of course.
How is eva in Nxt cause that gif makes it seems that she is really bad.
We need a good Canada vs US stable war.
Well, I can forgive Becky's botch because it was less pronounced than Eva's. Also, Becky has some talent where Eva Marie is still ... not that.
The divas 4-way match was terrible, there's no doubt about it. I'm not sure who was supposed to win, but it wasn't Emma.
10/25/99 Nitro
Currently not on the Network.