It's 100 percent on that goober ref, yet Eva takes the vast majority of the heat. Disgusting.
Let's put it this way-Blue Pants wrestles in the most comfortable situation possible-the fans expect nothing of her, she never has to control a match, she just gets beat,makes the brief comeback and jobs in a situation in which the fans are perfectly fine with that.
And she sucks.
Eva wrestles in maybe the most difficult situation in the company-VENEMOUS booing,the kind reserved for Cena or Reigns,except that so far those boos-which are supposedly in reaction to a wrestler being booked too strongly-re against someone doing squash matches against jobbers in developmental. Every single spot she does is scrutinized to death and back. I wonder if Sasha or Charlotte's development would have went as smoothly if Fuck Sail was giving them an inquisition every fucking match?
Probably not. And she's STILL improving.
They push her because she's maybe the most beautiful diva they've ever had.If they can get her to Early 2010's Diva-level, she will be money in the bank.
Top 5 Battle Systems:
5. Chrono Trigger
4. Xenosaga Episode1
3. Earthbound
2. Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance
1. Final Fantasy Tactics