- Fire Hayes
- Make WWE pay for medical
A. That story is probably bullshit considering the source
B. WWE always pays for stuff like that
Just saw this tidbit about Tyson Kidd. It comes from Bruce Hart. I usually ignore everything that he says.
On Tyson Kidds injury: I was taken aback when I heard about, just the way WWE handled it. He injured his neck quite badly in that match with Samoa Joe. I was told when he [Tyson Kidd] was in the dressing room after, one agent, he indifferently said go take your shower. [Kidd] said no my neck is really f***ed up and I was told he said were not going to pay for an ambulance and they were almost making it out like he was a hypochondriac. My niece Nattie, his wife, they said if you wanted to go to the hospital its your choice. She set out for the hospital and got lost in San Antonio and she finally got there after some kind of driving around. When they got there, they did the CT scans and MRIs and immediately determined that it was a near fatal injury. It was a fraction of an inch from either being a fatality or a paralysis from the neck down type thing. They notified the WWE of this, and I was told there were only 3 or 4 places in the US where they can perform this type of microsurgery that would stabilize and do what they needed to for his neck. They had to at that point charter a some kind of air ambulance from San Antonio to Florida, which was the closest place that did that type of surgery. I heard that cost $100,000 and they had to fly him back for that. At this point I was told they havent made any contact, WWE hasnt called, some of the wrestlers have called TJ, as I know him. At this point as far as Ive been told its certain his careers over and that hes fortunate to not be a paraplegic.
.TJ Wilson
1h1 hour ago
TJ Wilson ‏@KiddWWE
Just for the record I haven't had contact with Bruce Hart in over a decade. End of story, rumor mill over!
At least WWE has a spotless record with medical right...
1-0 for brisk tacos.
All I remember about Bruce Hart is from review a wai. I know he got real pissed at Bret when he chose Owen to have the big storyline with instead of him.
Plus I believe he was the one Doink nailed with a bucket of water and made Heenan break down in insane laughter.
lmao, now I want to see that.
That's not a very good story.
Undertaker choke slammed him because he took a long lunch. Better?
He had to quit because wwe pays shit and he couldn't afford to live on his salary. Then again, working in tv pays shit. That's why I changed careers.
Let this be a reminder to us all: Never believe anyone in professional wrestling. Maybe it's TJ who's lying.
If you take Scott Steiner or Paul Orndorff's word, those legends would probably see VERY little of that cash.
What on earth?!?!? CMLL actually embracing modern technology? Fucking hell;
If you take Scott Steiner or Paul Orndorff's word, those legends would probably see VERY little of that cash.
If there is anything that wrestling really needs its a bunch of graphic designers and artists to weed out some of these shit shirts
The pay for being in the WWE game isn't much, either, going by Foley's rant about it a few years ago.
It's easier to get some intern to fart out a colorful drawing that kids and adults with no sense of style will buy than to actually hire an artiste to design something.
Also Foley passed up on money out of principle in the name of the boys getting short changed, but did it do anything other than cost the Foley household a lighter Christmas?
Definitely. WWE has very few hits every once in a while. That OG after pipebomb punk shirt was great. A few of his were. Some of Bryan's were fun. Cesaro's have been pretty alright for the most part. Am I leaving anything out?
Although I think for the most part the designes are all fucking stupid. The Suplex City shirts that people were cranking out the day after wrestlemania were better than the one wwe made.
Aren't those two pretty bad with money..?
Not that I know of.
If you need another example, there's a reason Bret Hart is just friendly with the WWE and isn't on a Legends Contract and instead sells his shit through other websites
His new shirt is actually decent.
Although I think for the most part the designes are all fucking stupid. The Suplex City shirts that people were cranking out the day after wrestlemania were better than the one wwe made.
Plus I wish they would stop it with the designs on the back of the shirt.
With the exception of event shirts that list the card, Austin's 3:16 shirt with the skull, and maybe Brahma Bull shirt they all fucking suck.
It looks dumb. The proportions are either too small and look stupid or too big and embarrassing
Not that I know of.
If you need another example, there's a reason Bret Hart is just friendly with the WWE and isn't on a Legends Contract and instead sells his shit through other websites