I was specifically referring to klonere's post, for the record. And here's the thing: I don't entirely disagree with you, but I'm sure you can see how it's kinda fucked up to go into full on WrassleGAF mode (best thing I can think of, if I can't call it gimmick posting) when someone who isn't a member of the community and isn't attuned to the way things work around here comes in and asks a simple question. Hell, I'd have reacted the same way shao did were it me in his shoes.
And look, I know how WrassleGAF is. I've been posting in here since 2010, long before a lot of the current crop of WrassleGAF posters even joined GAF. Back when, yes, threads struggled to break 5,000 posts, but things just felt...better back then, at least to me. Before the personalities took over and everyone decided they wanted to pretend to be wrestlers and cut promos on one another. And for a while when we wanted to cut loose we had Midnight WrassleGAF, but that didn't last too terribly long before Kev cracked down on us (probably deservedly so). Things were just more enjoyable for me, personally, back then.
I don't know. I don't like WrassleGAF that much anymore, and haven't for a while now. And I've made no secret of that the few times I've brought it up. But at the same time, eh, there's nothing to be done about it. At this point I feel like an old man yelling at clouds. Everyone else seems to be fine with it, I guess, so clearly I'm the one in the wrong here. I sure do miss the old days, though.
A lot of what goes on here embarrasses me, too.
I like the commentary, but the pretending to be a wrestler stuff is painful.