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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

While I was out today, I saw this elderly man and his obese stereotypical neck bearded son, and he was massive. Had on a this huge Jeff Hardy T-shirt and he was having an argument with his pops about two figures in the cart. X-Pac and DDP. The moment I locked eyes with this older man, all I saw was shame and regret. Flooded with thoughts of "where did I go wrong". His 30-something year old 6'4 massive adult baby with a scraggly ass beard having some argument over buy him a fuckin' X-Pac doll.

MC Safety

I'm watching a replay for last week's Raw.

Sting's testimonial for Hunter Helmsley would be more believable and maybe heartfelt if Helmsley hadn't spent the entirety of their Wrestlemania match cheating and relying on run-ins.

I understand Sting is old and prone to forgetfulness, but someone should have said something...
So there's a video showing in my Facebook feed where Cena is hurt wrestling Owens. Falls on his neck. Is this real?

Wrestling is fake, brother.

I'm watching a replay for last week's Raw.

Sting's testimonial for Hunter Helmsley would be more believable and maybe heartfelt if Helmsley hadn't spent the entirety of their Wrestlemania match cheating and relying on run-ins.

I understand Sting is old and prone to forgetfulness, but someone should have said something...

Dont forget that the following night, Trips talked shit about Sting.
So there's a video showing in my Facebook feed where Cena is hurt wrestling Owens. Falls on his neck. Is this real?

Yep but apparently it wasn't as serious as it looked. He said backstage he was fine.

Of course it's Cena, he could easily work with a broken neck for the next 3 years before he notices it's broken


speaking of nash, I've been listening to lapsed fan podcast lately and their nash impersonation had me fucking cracking up at the gym.

"it's just entertainment, man. it's show business."


dude is scum. but he makes me laugh.
Lapsed fan is the best podcast out there.
The Young Bucks are great at what they do, but "what they do" is exceedingly narrow and is basically the wrestling equivalent of, say, a "quirky" indie rom com - not much to it, but just enough appeal to consistently make money from of a relatively narrow segment of the market. Every match I've seen from them is exceedingly similar to every other match I've seen from them, and their "omg meta Dave Meltzer flippies" gimmick is really quite annoying, and not in a good way. I don't begrudge anyone their enjoyment of them, because ultimately, who gives a fuck about people's opinions about something as stupid as wrestling, where even the very best moments of the medium are exceedingly small threads in the human cultural fabric? I'd take Kevin Nash any day, because ultimately, he had a well-defined character that made sense for him and was quite a bit more versatile in terms of the kinds of stories and matches he could conceivably participate in.

Also, Sting vs. Triple H was awesome. Reigns vs. Lesnar was Match of the Night, and my personal WWE match of the year thus far, but Sting vs. Triple H was about as fun as wrestling gets and was almost like some kind of kabuki recreation of the Attitude Era. Fuck anybody who gets on their smarky high horse about that match. I think Sting probably should have won, for the story of the match, especially if they were planning on having him wrestle again after that, but fuck, was it enjoyable.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Funny that you guys want to dismiss one of the greatest wrestlers of all time with quad jokez. Yeah ok.

The fact that someone is asking for 'gifs' to prove why someone is a good 'wrestler' has shown that this medium's future is fucked. Jesus fucking christ. 'Gorgeous George? Where's the gifs ,brah?! Billy Graham, got any gifs of him? Oh wow a double axe handle. He's shit. Kevin Owens has lots of gifs He's the best'
No one's making quad jokes. Some one here is wrong. Pop quiz is up! It's YOU.


The point is that Nash is the kind of wrestler whose matches worked because he was a big guy who knew how to wrestle for his size while still retaining an in-character aura of cool detachment. He's not the kind of wrestler whose ability you can capture in GIFs because his good matches were never as much about "da movez" as they were about the compelling, psychologically motivated stories he was able to help tell in them and about the way he incorporated his character into the way he wrestled, which is something WWE is lacking BIG time right now.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Matt Morgan is a big wrestler who can do lots of moves and do them mostly well. Nobody knows who the fuck Matt Morgan is because he has no aura because he can't tell a story. He goes for all the spots he can hit that don't look good and even if they did look good, they devalued his size.

Nash talked about the best match he ever saw was Haystacks Calhoun fighting some smaller guy and the smaller guy worked his ass off while the big guy just kept coming because he was the unstoppable force and it meant the smaller guy had to work harder. It made the giant feel bigger and the smaller guy come off even more as someone you wanted to cheer because he was working his ass off to win.
Matt Morgan is a big wrestler who can do lots of moves and do them mostly well. Nobody knows who the fuck Matt Morgan is because he has no aura because he can't tell a story. He goes for all the spots he can hit that don't look good and even if they did look good, they devalued his size.

Nash talked about the best match he ever saw was Haystacks Calhoun fighting some smaller guy and the smaller guy worked his ass off while the big guy just kept coming because he was the unstoppable force and it meant the smaller guy had to work harder. It made the giant feel bigger and the smaller guy come off even more as someone you wanted to cheer because he was working his ass off to win.
I liked Morgan in TNA, but you're 100% right about him.
Share your Nash stories as Nashtember rolls on

I remember having my Kevin Nash action figure and you would squeeze his legs to make his arms do the Jack knife motion.

Also remember how some of those figures came with little rey mysterio jobbers? That tells you all you need to know about who draws money and who's just there to make the giants look good.


After last week's social media scandal with WWE NXT Diva Zahra Schreiber, few people who currently work in WWE noted to F4Wonline.com that all wrestlers and Divas, even those looking to get into the company should delete anything that could be seen as questionable from their social media accounts.

It was also suggested to women that they delete any sexually themed photos as soon as possible. The company, going forward, will start digging into the social media accounts of all employees, especially prospective talents before signing them in future.

Vince testing Google as we speak #EndOfAnEra


I'm watching a replay for last week's Raw.

Sting's testimonial for Hunter Helmsley would be more believable and maybe heartfelt if Helmsley hadn't spent the entirety of their Wrestlemania match cheating and relying on run-ins.

I understand Sting is old and prone to forgetfulness, but someone should have said something...
It was terrible, and reminded me of those promos WWE would do post-Lesnar and Undertaker matches with Hunter in them where it made him out to be the equal, if not underdog, who rose to the challenge to defeat the monster. No one ever cared about him on either end.


Who will be the last member of a group is such a cheap story ploy.

Funnily (?) enough Rowans faceturn will be almost a year ago
For any of my favorite wrestlers, I can cite numerous significant and unique spots in classic matches they had thorough out their career. If you asked me to, none of my answers would be "the time he leap frogged or jumped over the ropes." Come on. If that's the best anyone can think of for Nash then I rest my case.

You asked for evidence of him doing moves well, then of him doing a leap frog and a dive. I provided them to you and you're still "NO YOU'RE WRONG" shit, because you don't even have a reason to hate Nash so much that isn't smarky bullshit, and you're not willing to concede any part of the argument even with the evidence you asked for.

Thanks for the recommendations, I've asked for good Nash matches in the past and never had a response, keen to see what the fuss was about back in the day.

When Nash wanted to go, he could go. Don't let the last few years of WCW fool you. I would argue he was the best big man in the US between 1994 (after the decline of Vader) and early-mid 1997. Maybe even longer than that, because Vader was just not good after 1994, and Taker wasn't shit in the ring until 1998 if you're generous, 2001-2002 if you know what's up. He gave up after a while in WCW because he didn't have to try to get paid, but once in a while he'd still have some flashes. I enjoy both matches with Goldberg (Starrcade 1998, Spring Stampede 1999), and he had a couple of really good matches with Booker towards the end. It was in WCW's HIAC and was full on "I'm putting this dude over as hard as possible" mode for Nash. He and DDP had a pretty good tag match against the NBT somewhere around that time as well.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Nash has a fantastic run in late 1995 and 1996 in WWF. All of his matches from when he loses the title to Bret until his final one with HBK are really, really, good. Better than anything he does in the WCW, brother.
Nash has a fantastic run in late 1995 and 1996 in WWF. All of his matches from when he loses the title to Bret until his final one with HBK are really, really, good. Better than anything he does in the WCW, brother.

Nash's role in the Attitude Era is vastly underrated. He brings it up a lot and when you watch back everything from around Survivor Series 1995 to his last WWF show, that dude is full on Attitude Era character in the middle of still cartoony WWF. Real Ass Stone Cold probably wouldn't have happened without Real Ass Diesel leading the way.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'd argue Taker figures his shit out in 1996 when he starts feuding with Mankind. After then we get primarily fast moving, dick kicking taker for the rest of his career.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If Nash wasn't a businessman, Daniel Bryan would be on welfare without his guaranteed contract with his hospital bill that WWE would refuse to pay for.
I'd argue Taker figures his shit out in 1996 when he starts feuding with Mankind. After then we get primarily fast moving, dick kicking taker for the rest of his career.

He started to, but he still wasn't that enjoyable imo in the ring outside of 2-3 matches between 1996-WM17. HIAC, the first match with Kane, maybe the HIAC with Foley, Summerslam with Austin...and then nothing until WM 17 with HHH.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I liked more Diesel matches than Undertaker matches in the 90s. Though one of those Diesel matches I liked was with The Undertaker
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