Jimmy King
Definitely gonna check out Nash/Booker T after this Goldberg vs. a ladder match.
Definitely gonna check out Nash/Booker T after this Goldberg vs. a ladder match.
Holy shit, Nash/Booker on commentary for that one night or so was amazing. Comedic gold. Also look down Nash's paparazzi productions stuff with TNA.
Laughing at a joke by Kevin Owens. I think this is the end.
Holy shit, Nash/Booker on commentary for that one night or so was amazing. Comedic gold. Also look down Nash's paparazzi productions stuff with TNA.
Yall ready for the Guitar Hero and Rock Band revivals to have a shorter lifespan than John Cena's monster of the week?
Nash in general put in a lot more work in TNA than he did the last 2 1/2 years of WCW. I also enjoyed his return to WWE in 2002-2003. There is a Rock/Nash match from Smackdown that is on the Network that has him will his working boots on.
This was the same event where Scott Steiner worked as the ring announcer
Nick Gage no-showed his own invitational tournament show and speculation is he already violated his parole :jnc
I've said this before and I'll say it again. I want TNA to go out of business and I want WWE to buy them, even if they have to slightly overpay.
1. Gives more footage for the network/dvd sales because a lot of their stars did put in time in TNA.
2. I'd love to see all of TNA with good quality video and well organized.
3. I'd love Vince to do it just to keep it out of the hands of Double J because he's still salty about being held up for money from him.
Smh and to think it was suppose to be the year of Nick Fuckin Gage.
Definitely. He seemed to just be having fun in TNA. Especially since he had maybe like.. 2 matches back then..? Genuinely funny guy. He also gave us Black Machismo
Kevin Nash isn't a wrestler, he's a business man.
What about Trashuary?
Winner winner.
Taco, you can piss and moan all night about some imaginary rose tinted glasses and Nash being considered great. But it ain't true. It ain't happening. Neh eh! So replace the letter N with T and R, and you got your new reality. I'll see you in Trashvember.
I'm turning heel
I'm still pissed that Stingtember never happened.
You're a really hard man to respect. You seem very angry, bitter, and hateful.
Did they ever give a reason why The Authority wanted Seth Rollins at all? Or why they hate Cena?
Yep. the greatest night in our business
If I remember correctly it was because he was the architect of the Shield but as for specifics, they didn't. (Going into Fanfic mode a little bit here) I guess they were impressed with how successful the group was and that he was smart enough to pick the best people for the group. As for the Cena hate... Idk maybe they hate/are against anime or something?
You know who else didn't do movez well?
I can buy that but I don't get why they've stuck with him since he's mostly if not completely incompetent. In retrospect they should have gone with Reigns and done the obvious Batista build.
They don't want to abandon a project they've put so much time and effort into, I guess. Reigns would have been an interesting choice for sure.
Did they ever give a reason why The Authority wanted Seth Rollins at all? Or why they hate Cena?
I wonder... Would Wrasslegaf be down with a Reignstista character? Would something like that win you over, if you aren't stanning him already?
Reigns is a great heel and I wish they'd turn him alreadyPoor Reigns should go heel for a while. I still say he walks out as champ next Wrestlemania though.
Reigns is a great heel and I wish they'd turn him already
I wonder... Would Wrasslegaf be down with a Reignstista character? Would something like that win you over, if you aren't stanning him already?
they won't because of those bulling PSAs
The least they should do is get him out of that fucking vest and shield shit
Shield is dead Reigns
everyone else moved on.
they are saving that stuff for CorbinWhat the hell guys?
I thought next month was David Otungber
What about Rasta Reigns?
Change the theme. Stop walking in through the crowd. Appear on the ramp and punch the ground BOOM pyro. Wear a glove like Diesel so you can sell gloves to fans and you can high five people who wear the glove like Nash did. #Money
they won't because of those bulling PSAs
The least they should do is get him out of that fucking vest and shield shit
Shield is dead Reigns
everyone else moved on.
Today, on "Quack is an ass":
Fenix cursed during Team AAA's KOT match tonight. At intermission everybody but Fenix was selling merch (he had it out temporarily but removed it and looked pissed about doing so). Fans recognized what was going on and started chanting what he said in protest/solidarity, and were kicked out for doing so
Literal timeout
Kevin Owens ‏@FightOwensFight 3h3 hours ago
Me and Fenix, friends.
Matt Morgan is a big wrestler who can do lots of moves and do them mostly well. Nobody knows who the fuck Matt Morgan is because he has no aura because he can't tell a story. He goes for all the spots he can hit that don't look good and even if they did look good, they devalued his size.
Nash talked about the best match he ever saw was Haystacks Calhoun fighting some smaller guy and the smaller guy worked his ass off while the big guy just kept coming because he was the unstoppable force and it meant the smaller guy had to work harder. It made the giant feel bigger and the smaller guy come off even more as someone you wanted to cheer because he was working his ass off to win.
Today, on "Quack is an ass":
Fenix cursed during Team AAA's KOT match tonight. At intermission everybody but Fenix was selling merch (he had it out temporarily but removed it and looked pissed about doing so). Fans recognized what was going on and started chanting what he said in protest/solidarity, and were kicked out for doing so
Literal timeout