I love Shawn subtlety dropping "He's going to throw a hip out".
I'm still in disbelief how poorly that was all handled. Even for WWE. They actually tend to be pretty good at that kind of story telling, but holy fuck. Just the most stubborn booking I've seen in a very long time.
Add to that coming right off of HHH going over him at Mania.Stang trying his hardest to sell the scripted promos they give him makes me sad.
You can tell he's giving it his all, but you can't beat shit writing.
You can feel the embarrassment for Waltman through the screen.
Add to that coming right off of HHH going over him at Mania.
There were lots of people interested in seeing Sting coming to WWE at some point, but not like this.
Who is this for? They are disappointing old school Sting fans. And new fans that don't even know who Sting is.
Well, duh. It's one of the constants in this universe.
He had his push "ruined" by not being ready. You think they would have booed him if he wasn't shit?
The fans wanted Bryan to win that Rumble, given he was extremely over and had been the main babyface for the prior months (as well as a lot of other factors). Then he wasn't even in it, and it was made clear he was not going to be getting the big match at WM, instead Batista randomly reappears to get it.
It's like if in January 1998, everyone is ready for Stone Cold to win the Rumble and go on to WM 14 to ascend to the top. Then Stone Cold isn't even in the Rumble, and it's won by the Ultimate Warrior.
Stang trying his hardest to sell the scripted promos they give him makes me sad.
You can tell he's giving it his all, but you can't beat shit writing.
Fans wanting to BOLIEVEWhat a 1998 that would have been for the One Warrior Nation!
2014 was more the fans wanting Bryan and 2015 was the fans not wanting Roman. What's 2016 going to be?
Sting appeared on Jim Ross podcast The Ross Report recently to talk about his career winding down.
During the conversation Jim Ross said that there was a very short list of names that hed want to come back to call their last match. He told Sting that his name was on the list. Sting let him know that he felt the same way.
The feeling is mutual, Sting said. If I could have anyone on the face of this Earth to call my last match, it would be Jim Ross. If I get my way, if I get what I want, thats whats going to happen.
Ross then joked that he was available and works cheap.
You cant say the young kid from Venice Beach anymore, though. Youll have to be more creative, Sting joked.
I want to review one of the WCW Fall Brawls. Which year should I do?
Gonna do 95 first. Maybe I'll just do 96 right after.96 for sure
What a 1998 that would have been for the One Warrior Nation!
2014 was more the fans wanting Bryan and 2015 was the fans not wanting Roman. What's 2016 going to be?
Yes. Absolutely. The year before they were hot as fuck for Roman until they figured out that it wasn't going to be Bryan in the top spot. They fans would have booed anyone that wasn't Bryan, which they did, for entire shows. The quality of Roman's matches had absolutely nothing to do with fans turning on him. It was the perception that he was "Vince's guy" and was stealing Bryan's push.
Fuck, can you imagine the backlash if Bryan didn't get injured and Brock demolished him instead of Cena at Summerslam? People would have had actual protests.
As much as we hated the idea of Roman v Brock at WM31, you gotta admit it ended up being a stellar match.
It breaks my heart to say this but Cesaro ain't never breaking that upper-midcard ceiling.
Selling heel offense is 90% of what a WWE babyface does these days.Wasn't the match basically "Let Brock beat the ever loving shit out of you for 20 mins"?
I hope it happens :')
Wasn't the match basically "Let Brock beat the ever loving shit out of you for 20 mins"?
It breaks my heart to say this but Cesaro ain't never breaking that upper-midcard ceiling.
I feel like they're already letting his momentum slip through their hands. He's been hot as fuck last month and WWE didn't quite leap onto it like I wish they would have. And I'm seeing a lot of "insert-name-here section" signs from fans for other wrestlers now, which honestly I think is pretty shitty since it takes the heat off of our Swiss dreamboat. Like, he's still doing well right now but I know WWE booking well enough where it seems like interest is already waning.
The time for main event Cesaro is just about out.
EDIT: I did skip this past RAW because fuck watching RAW. Is that a still image from this Monday? If so, awesome.
"Paul needs this shit to get over..."
Wish they'd actually write a story for him. Giving him the mic once in a while and seeing if he sinks or swims is not how you get a character over.When you revolve a guys entire character around what he does in the ring, then he lives and dies by whether he wins or loses. "Oh he put on a good match" and that's it. He needs more of a character than that.
Also that picture is a few years old.
So you fully believe that if Reigns had been having great promos, great singles matches, actually had a compelling character and story in the months leading up to the Rumble, they would have booed?
As much as we hated the idea of Roman v Brock at WM31, you gotta admit it ended up being a stellar match.
I blame John Cena.Why can't wrestlers dress like adults more often ?
WWE World Heavyweight and United States Champion Seth Rollins was off weekend live events as he was on vacation with his girlfriend, former WWE NXT Diva Zahra Schreiber, in the Dominican Republic. Rollins is headed back today for Monday's RAW in Baltimore.
From the dirt sheets
Why can't wrestlers dress like adults more often ?
As much as we hated the idea of Roman v Brock at WM31, you gotta admit it ended up being a stellar match.
It breaks my heart to say this but Cesaro ain't never breaking that upper-midcard ceiling.
I feel like they're already letting his momentum slip through their fingers. He's been hot as fuck this past month and WWE didn't quite leap onto it like I wish they would have. And I'm seeing a lot of "insert-name-here section" signs from fans for other wrestlers now, which honestly I think is pretty shitty since it takes the heat off of our Swiss dreamboat. Like, he's still doing well right now but I know WWE booking well enough where it seems like interest is already waning.
The time for main event Cesaro is just about out.
EDIT: I did skip this past RAW because fuck watching RAW. Is that a still image from this Monday? If so, awesome.
Doesn't that mean that X-Pac's figures sell better than Sat Wars toys?
Wasn't the match basically "Let Brock beat the ever loving shit out of you for 20 mins"?
Why can't wrestlers dress like adults more often ?
That being said we got two "happy endings" in a row. Bryan and Seth. For smarks anyways. Both cases of WWE listening to their fans, on the biggest night of them all. Not Batista, Not Roman. Bryan and Seth.