What about #ShittyPunchesSunday
Shitty punches?
that match is otherwise really good and physical![]()
there are two acceptable songs for a helicopter scene
So you fully believe that if Reigns had been having great promos, great singles matches, actually had a compelling character and story in the months leading up to the Rumble, they would have booed?
Do you even helicopter without Ride of the Valkyries, bro?
Yes. As evidenced by how they completely eased up and crowds were generally favorable to him from Fastlane on when they realized Bryan wasn't going to be around and really shouldn't get that top spot. The booing for Roman now is in smark areas like NYC and Philly, who are going to boo just about every face that didn't come from the indies or Japan.
His promos when they weren't weird fairytale stuff were good. In the match with Bryan, he was clearly the better performer on every level that night. I have no idea why they let Bryan come back when he clearly wasn't back to normal.
That's pretty much the whole week...
Yes. As evidenced by how they completely eased up and crowds were generally favorable to him from Fastlane on when they realized Bryan wasn't going to be around and really shouldn't get that top spot. The booing for Roman now is in smark areas like NYC and Philly, who are going to boo just about every face that didn't come from the indies or Japan.
His promos when they weren't weird fairytale stuff were good. In the match with Bryan, he was clearly the better performer on every level that night. I have no idea why they let Bryan come back when he clearly wasn't back to normal. Anyone but Bryan was going to take the L, because wrestling fans don't things on the story they're told, but on the story they WISH they were told. Which is stupid.
Eased up? They didn't give a shit about him. Nearly everyone was pointing out how ice cold he was going into WM.
The "stupid millennial smarks only cheer indies!" narrative is getting old.
- Nazi connection
- Daneil Bryan factor means you are in for a crash
Do you watch Raw every week? Roman gets the biggest reactions outside of anyone but Cena, Brock, and Sting. And only one of those three is on TV every week.
We're talking about WM here, and the idea that WWE were right to ram Reigns into that top spot pretending he was Stone Cold in 1998. It was a total failure so evidently they weren't right.
Also, I like that you make sure to discount any cities that do boo Reigns as "smark cities", which apparently makes them not count.
Yes. As evidenced by how they completely eased up and crowds were generally favorable to him from Fastlane on when they realized Bryan wasn't going to be around and really shouldn't get that top spot. The booing for Roman now is in smark areas like NYC and Philly, who are going to boo just about every face that didn't come from the indies or Japan.
His promos when they weren't weird fairytale stuff were good. In the match with Bryan, he was clearly the better performer on every level that night. I have no idea why they let Bryan come back when he clearly wasn't back to normal. Anyone but Bryan was going to take the L, because wrestling fans don't things on the story they're told, but on the story they WISH they were told. Which is stupid.
Bryan/Reigns was a dope match. Gonna have to rewatch.
Definitely.The "Rollins is a failure" talk is worse than "does Roman deserve a top spot" talk.
Rollins has been a total failure. They should have stuck to their guns and gone with Roman instead of intentionally cooling him off and shoving him back down the card to ride out the Bryan shit. Smark cities shouldn't count for general audience reactions. Put the Vaudvillians in front of a big crowd anywhere between Ohio and Arizona and see how dead silent the reaction is. When every city except well known smark cities that have been cheering against the grain since the 70s are the only crowds that are even 60% booing Roman, that should be taken into consideration.
Bryan was being booed by Reigns fans. It didn't happen any other time. Also he was being booked like a total prick which was really out of character. The story around the match was strange. Bryan being forced into the picture to try and salvage things was super obvious. I think even the marks felt insulted.I don't think the crowd was as anti-Reigns as most think though. In the build up to Fastlane Bryan was getting booed too, people were split. Reigns wasn't getting terribly negative reactions, he hasn't even came close to the Rumble or Mania reactions. People were still cheering for him. What cooled people on him was his mini-feud with Big Show and terrible promos in-between.
The "Rollins is a failure" talk is worse than "does Roman deserve a top spot" talk.
WrassleGAF talking about the same old stuff again, we need a new creative team.
People forget that Austin was direction-less for months after the 3:16 promo.
The ONE MAN was screwed. Roman Reigns vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania 32. Where there can finally be some REDEMPTION.
Cena played off them wonderfully. Not sure many in his position would have handled it as well.The night Cena went to hell.
That crowd was on Death March difficulty.