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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line


Bryan still kind of sucks though. His character turned to crap after that Cena match. They had a good thing going for him, and he ended up a generic face soon after.

Truth is Brotista should have taken that belt, and kept it all the way until Wrestlemania 31. I would've loved to see 15 minute promos every week where he just dumped on the crowd like the good old days. I'd actually watch Raw then.

Net positive right there.


Bryan still kind of sucks though. His character turned to crap after that Cena match. They had a good thing going for him, and he ended up a generic face soon after.

Truth is Brotista should have taken that belt, and kept it all the way until Wrestlemania 31. I would've loved to see 15 minute promos every week where he just dumped on the crowd like the good old days. I'd actually watch Raw then.

Net positive right there.
After Mania he was boring as fuck thanks to some lazy ass booking. He needs a good story behind him. That Kane feud :(

I miss Brotista :(

:( :( :(


Cena played off them wonderfully. Not sure many in his position would have handled it as well.

Cena was fucking great that night



Reigns right now has improved quite a bit in match quality, He still gets a little punch and closeline heavy sometimes.

The thing is he still has not recovered from the disaster that was the Royal Rumble up to Wrestlemania. He was booked bad, gave horrible promos and was pushed to hard and it damaged him.

He has recovered but Ambrose is still more over than him and when he goes to the bigger cities he is still booed to death. So he still has a ways to go.

As for Eve Marie I get the story that want to tell but that should be happening late next year and not now. She is still no where close to the match quality the NXT crowd wants from the women matches.

Plus can you imagine Eve Marie vs Kanna?
Bryan was being booed by Reigns fans. It didn't happen any other time. Also he was being booked like a total prick which was really out of character. The story around the match was strange. Bryan being forced into the picture to try and salvage things was super obvious. I think even the marks felt insulted.

Reigns is STILL getting a fair amount of boos on a weekly basis on RAW. Come on dude.

Does he? I honestly wouldn't know. I only recall decent pops for him to maybe a tepid reaction at worst.

The most hilarious part to me is Bryan didn't use putting Reigns over as leverage to get a better spot on Mania. He's a chump like that. Even if WWE clears him to wrestle he'll never be in the main event again and he'll always have this aura as a failure around him with the fans, I think.

Bryan still kind of sucks though. His character turned to crap after that Cena match. They had a good thing going for him, and he ended up a generic face soon after.

Bryan was gifted an incredible heel in Triple H that made the typical WWE babyface shtick passable.


All I say is please gods do not like Eric Rowan be the Shield partner.
Please. Seriously it would be such a boring let down.
Want to tear the roof off of the place? BRRRRRRRRROCK LESNARRRR.
Think about it. Heyman likes Reigns. Brock said he kind of respected him.
Can you imagine? And it will end the stupid assed feud.
Back up plan, Taker.

Back up plan...make Rollins the legend, he wrestles 3 matches and unites the Shield and serves notice to Trips all in the same night.



Wish he didn't possibly burn bridges when he spit truth in that Tweet about Stephanie constantly emasculating all of the talent with out ever getting her comeuppance.

Batista has shown he is legitimately interested in wrestling still and has a mind for the business. But between that Hollywood schedule and the heat he's put on himself I'm not sure we'll see him back until some kind of Evolution reunion in 5 or 10 years.
All I say is please gods do not like Eric Rowan be the Shield partner.
Please. Seriously it would be such a boring let down.
Want to tear the roof off of the place? BRRRRRRRRROCK LESNARRRR.
Think about it. Heyman likes Reigns. Brock said he kind of respected him.
Can you imagine? And it will end the stupid assed feud.
Back up plan, Taker.

Back up plan...make Rollins the legend, he wrestles 3 matches and unites the Shield and serves notice to Trips all in the same night.

Maybe Reigns and Ambrose should hirenJ&J Security.


I hope its my boy Baron Corbin as Ambrose/Reigns third partner. I'm thinking if not Corbin then its somebody else in the NXT roster...


Does he? I honestly wouldn't know. I only recall decent pops for him to maybe a tepid reaction at worst.

The most hilarious part to me is Bryan didn't use putting Reigns over as leverage to get a better spot on Mania. He's a chump like that. Even if WWE clears him to wrestle he'll never be in the main event again and he'll always have this aura as a failure around him with the fans, I think.

Bryan was gifted an incredible heel in Triple H that made the typical WWE babyface shtick passable.
You don't hear he boos when Roman goes for his signature spots? Selective hearing maybe? His biggest cheers are when he does his entrance. After that the reaction becomes very mixed.

Bryan is a failure to the fans? What? It's ok to not care for him but you're superimposing your views on the product on other fans.
You know how we say that Bryan should retire to train wrestlers at the Performance Center?

Didn't he lead the ROH school at one point? Did anyone come out of that trainee group?


I hope its my boy Baron Corbin as Ambrose/Reigns third partner. I'm thinking if not Corbin then its somebody else in the NXT roster...

I am guessing Kane.
Corbin would be good, there is nothing left for him in NXT, Samoa Joe will fued with Finn until Finn leaves.
Rhino will play the role of the big guy.


You know how we say that Bryan should retire to train wrestlers at the Performance Center?

Didn't he lead the ROH school at one point? Did anyone come out of that trainee group?
I imagine that's exactly what's going to happen.

Even when booked like shit, Batista had several moments of greatness. That's the sign of a true kung fu master.
Dude is legit on the mic and has an amazing presence.
You don't hear he boos when Roman goes for his signature spots? Selective hearing maybe? His biggest cheers are when he does his entrance. After that the reaction becomes very mixed.

Bryan is a failure to the fans? What? It's ok to not care for him but you're superimposing your views on the product on other fans.

I don't hear the boos but I've only been watching again for maybe a month or two. I've never heard anything vemenous or even Cena levels of mixed reaction but I'm not saying you're wrong. I just don't recall.

As for Bryan, how can the fans not view him as that? He's forfeited two titles in no time. Essentially all the stuff The Authority said about him has become true and the kids probably feel that way on some level.


You know how we say that Bryan should retire to train wrestlers at the Performance Center?

Didn't he lead the ROH school at one point? Did anyone come out of that trainee group?

In his book he said he was a horrible trainer. He was credited with training Sara Del Ray.


I don't hear the boos but I've only been watching again for maybe a month or two. I've never heard anything vemenous or even Cena levels of mixed reaction but I'm not saying you're wrong. I just don't recall.

As for Bryan, how can the fans not view him as that? He's forfeited two titles in no time. Essentially all the stuff The Authority said about him has become true and the kids probably feel that way on some level.
Kids still seem to like Bryan, and the Majority of WWE fans are in their 30's, despite WWE sometimes booking as if it's mostly children watching. People are smart enough to understand the series of events that led to where Bryan is now.

Maybe if WWE does their typical telling of history down the road, yeah people will think Bryan was a total failure. But as it stands Bryan is still liked by mainstream fans.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nope, I will rate Arn's over Jake's any day of the week.
Jake would do the whole set up thing and the crowd was rabid for it which was awesome.
Arn would pull that shit out of nowhere, BANG.

Sounds like Arn's the one that caused the DDT to stop being special then.


Batista is so versatile, he has many monikers.

Dah Animahl

The Beast


Guardian of the Galaxy

The Accountant

The Henchman

The Professor

And so on. There's just too much versatility there for anyone to really handle.


Isn't that the one with the dream match of Flair vs Anderson, which took a back seat to Hogan's shite Dungeon of Doom shite?
Yes. Lol the match positioning is hilarious. Haven't gotten to the Hulkamaniacs Vs Dungeon of Doom yet but oh god it's going to be awful.


As for Bryan, how can the fans not view him as that? He's forfeited two titles in no time. Essentially all the stuff The Authority said about him has become true and the kids probably feel that way on some level.

I doubt it. I mean, it's not like Bryan was suspended or was in "the doghouse" which caused him to drop the title.. It's just that...Bryan's body simply gave out on him at those times. Unfortunate, but it happened. Unless the WWE does their tried and true method of revising history (and they likely will), Bryan is still well liked.

Sounds like Arn's the one that caused the DDT to stop being special then.

To be fair, AA was a bad motherfucka.
Yes. Lol the match positioning is hilarious. Haven't gotten to the Hulkamaniacs Vs Dungeon of Doom yet but oh god it's going to be awful.

If you don't get too pissed at it being the usual Hogan shit, you'll find it enjoyably terrible. Otherwise... You're in for the opposite of a treat. Still a pretty fun PPV IMO, if a bit of a weird one.


If you don't get too pissed at it being the usual Hogan shit, you'll find it enjoyably terrible. Otherwise... You're in for the opposite of a treat. Still a pretty fun PPV IMO, if a bit of a weird one.
Been liking it so far. It's all over the place but in a fun way.
Been liking it so far. It's all over the place but in a fun way.

One interesting thing to do is noting how very different it is from the Fall Brawl the following year. In spite of Hogan, the mid-90s were pretty great for WCW.

Oh, and the buildup between Flair and Anderson is possibly my favourite buildup for any wrestling match ever.


Here's my argument for Bryan over Reigns in general, as it stands presently;

- Bryan can get entire stadiums to eat of out of the palm of his hands with YES chants and explosive match finishes. Crowds have been hot for him more than not.

- Roman gets a decent 3 second pop when he does his entrance. Followed by mixed reactions whilst the match is happening. Sometimes boos. It's treated as a pleasant surprise when Roman gets a solid positive reaction.

I don't understand how the two are comparable at all when you're considering success amongst fans. Yes, you want to groom Roman to be able to be plugged into that top spot when needed for the next decade. Bryan is not the future, we know that. They need to turn Reigns heel badly if they want him to legit get over. Reactions will be significantly bigger and stronger, if done right of course.

Bryan's time is likely passed him, or at most one more big run. But suggesting that Reigns is somehow more of succes than Bryan at this point just seems fucking crazy to me honestly. Maybe it's just a difference in tastes and expectations.
I doubt it. I mean, it's not like Bryan was suspended or was in "the doghouse" which caused him to drop the title.. It's just that...Bryan's body simply gave out on him at those times. Unfortunate, but it happened. Unless the WWE does their tried and true method of revising history (and they likely will), Bryan is still well liked.

But being in the doghouse or having him drop the title would be preferable than the reality. He was booked atrociously post-SummerSlam '13 but people still cheered for him because they wanted him in the main event and WWE didn't. But now even the hardcore fans seem to think if he does come back he shouldn't be in a main event position because of his body, which means mid-card purgatory doing nothing. That can be fine but how is that not a failure when you should be gunning for the main event?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
DDT became a non finishing move for most in the early 1990's, though Arn and then Raven used a regular ass DDT for a finisher.

That being said its not like this doesn't happen all the time. Two people in the WWF had the fucking Sleeper Hold as finishers in the 1980's at the same time most were using it as an honest to god rest hold.


DDT became a non finishing move for most in the early 1990's, though Arn and then Raven used a regular ass DDT for a finisher.

That being said its not like this doesn't happen all the time. Two people in the WWF had the fucking Sleeper Hold as finishers in the 1980's at the same time most were using it as an honest to god rest hold.
Raven's Evenflow was awesome.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I know AAA feels like they 'built up' El Mesias for so many years.

But he should really just be Mil Muertes in AAA.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Raven's Evenflow was awesome.

I agree. Give your move a cool name and do it better than anyone else and blamo, finisher. Rhyno's Gore is another classic example. Dozens of wrestlers have used the spear as a regular move, set up move, or a finisher. Rhyno does it better than anyone, gives it a cool name, and its an over finisher.
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