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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line


Y'know, I really do miss CM Punk. I know his last 6 months were shit, but fuck, with the 1-2 attrition of him and Bryan, the program feels like it has significantly less star power these days. Cena and Orton are stars, and carry themselves like they're stars, but they have no real long-term connection with the audience, even after all this time. New Day are amazing, but they're comedy heel midcarders. Roman and Dean both carry themselves very well, but they've neither of them have had that moment that really pushes them over-the-top into true stardom vs. being mere over midcarders with potential. Rollins has been a pretty colossal failure because the storylines he was given were just bad, he was booked poorly, and he never made the most of it by really wrestling as a heel and making the audience despise him. AS such, it just kind of seems like almost nobody gives a shit about him, anymore, and they have a lot of repairing they need to do if they're going to get true long-term stardom out of him. Barrett is a joke, Big Show is a joke, Kane is a joke, Wyatt is circling the joke drain, and Triple H doesn't wrestle and quite plainly doesn't give much of a shit about the authority figure character right now.

Really, in terms of true STARS, there's only Lesnar, and he's only around a few times per year. The two guys with the biggest, most genuine, most consistent connections to the audience of the modern era got eaten up by the business and by WWE's poor management, and WWE has not really put anybody else in a position to have that same success. They tried with Roman, but they had no idea how to present him. They somewhat tried with Dean, but they seem to vacillate back and forth on whether they want him to be a star or a goofy midcard face. Cesaro always seems like he's on the verge of it, but he's never quite made a strong case as to why he'd make so much more money in the main event vs. what he's doing now. They REALLY tried with Rollins, to a point but his own stubborn refusal to change up his wrestling style met with some of the worst creative given to any champion in the last ten years to produce a perfect storm of 'eh'.

It's been said before, but it's hard to understate the magnitude of WWE's failure in creating new stars.


I would mark the fuck out if Angle's theme hit while interrupting someone's promo or something like that. Just give him a few matches with some safe spots and I think he could easily have a 3-4 month run.
Even better... they should troll everyone by playing Angle's theme only for Del Wilkes to come out for an appearance as The Patriot.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I really like Bruiser Brody a lot. Especially for the way he could work crowds into a frenzy both as a good guy and a bad guy but I think the more I watch his stuff the lower he falls on my all-time favorite list. He's got a great look, decent brawler but not much in the way of range like a Terry Funk or even an Andre.

Funk is probably my all-time #1
The unintended consequence of making God King Brock look like a monster star by only showing up a few times a year and only wrestling in the biggest match on the show is making all the full timers look like chumps by comparison. It wasn't a big deal in the 80s wen basically all the top stars were on the Brock schedule as far as TV went, but now he makes everyone look like a loser.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't know, I feel like Cena showing up every week to defend the US title is the best Cena has ever looked just from going the opposite end of the spectrum and going with that 'I can beat whoever every week and keep on trucking' like when Bret used to put the WWF title on the line on Raws and shit.

It's just when Rollins shows up every week you realize how lame he is every time he cuts a promo. The same promo he always cuts. And his uninteresting opponents aren't helping matters any. And despite his great athleticism, I've never seen Seth Rollins as a convincing heel champion. He never seems like a challenge and so you, as a fan, watch all of his matches and go 'ok what is going to be the screwball finish on this one'. You never believe that he could realistically defend the title. He's booked like a MITB winner always is(which I think is fine because that gimmick always struck me as 'you got lucky' rather than a 'you earned it') but then you realize that he's booked like that and he CONTINUES to hold the title. It'd be like if Buff Bagwell won the title and you'd be like yeah ok for a month then when he has it four months later you're kind of like 'wait what the fuck is going on why is Buff still champion'
Cutting shitty 20 minute promos inst exclusive to rolling. Every Main eventer has to do it. It's part of the reason why roman failed earlier this year. It's why bray sucks the life out of the room. Every authority promo is the same. At some point it sounds like dead air and no one gives a shit.

Best part of US Cena is we don't have to hear him talk too much.(in fact his promos have gotten better)

They have a quality control problem.
Cutting shitty 20 minute promos inst exclusive to rolling. Every Main eventer has to do it. It's part of the reason why roman failed earlier this year. It's why bray sucks the life out of the room. Every authority promo is the same. At some point it sounds like dead air and no one gives a shit.

Best part of US Cena is we don't have to hear him talk too much.(in fact his promos have gotten better)

They have a quality control problem.

It's because the shows are written on the thought that people only watch every 2-3 weeks, and don't watch the whole 3 hours when they do watch. That's why they stretch out 3 months of story into 9 months. That's why they have constant replays and repeats of matches on both Raw and Smackdown. They don't expect you to watch every week. They write accordingly. And people should treat it accordingly.

Try it. Watch one Raw a month. You'll be 100% caught up on everything you need to know. And it doesn't matter which week you pick. You'll be caught up on everything you need to know.
It's because the shows are written on the thought that people only watch every 2-3 weeks, and don't watch the whole 3 hours when they do watch. That's why they stretch out 3 months of story into 9 months. That's why they have constant replays and repeats of matches on both Raw and Smackdown. They don't expect you to watch every week. They write accordingly. And people should treat it accordingly.

Try it. Watch one Raw a month. You'll be 100% caught up on everything you need to know. And it doesn't matter which week you pick. You'll be caught up on everything you need to know.

Writing your episodic TV show for people to only watch once a month is dumb. I don't watch raw outside of New Day and Brock.
What's weird is I think Rollins COULD be a GREAT heel champion, but there's a fine line between "great wrestler who doesn't mind cheating if it means holding onto the title" and "chickenshit pussy who wouldn't be ANYTHING if he weren't being propped up by like 5 separate people on the show", and they did a Bork Shooting Star Press way the hell over that line long ago. He can barely even win TV matches half the time, let alone look competitive in PPV matches.

In the end, the Rollins heel experiment has, I think, failed. Their best bet is to have him absolutely demolished by HHH (or whoever) and do an Okada-like redemption arc, with him emerging as a babyface contender and trying to claw his way back to the top, without help. He's a bad top heel, because that's just not him, but he could maybe do the Eddie "good guy who doesn't give a shit about cheating to win" thing, albeit with his own twist. I'm not willing to accept yet that the guy is just an overall failure because he's never had a good story to flop. He did well with the Stewart shit and has had some really great moments, so I think he does deserve better.
Man I just rewatched Cena vs Punk MITB 2011, how on Brock's green earth did WWE fuck that angle up? My god Punk was red hot.

Let's see...They brought him back waaay to early.....They made Alberto Cash in a month after he won the title...He got stuck in a feud with Kevin Nash for way too long...Then HHH pulled out his golden shovel when he should have let Punk go over..
Writing your episodic TV show for people to only watch once a month is dumb. I don't watch raw outside of New Day and Brock.

In theory, I'd agree with you. But WWE isn't a normal episode TV series. It's ridiculous to expect people to watch and pay 100% attention to 5 hours of TV per week, every week, year round. If it was a Lucha Underground type show, an hour a week for so many weeks, I'd be on board with you. But just 3 hours of Raw a week alone is more than any other show on TV. And it is year round. You can't write a new 3 hours every week and expect people to follow along with everything. Hence, repeating matches/promos/angles and frequent recaps every week. This isn't even adding Smackdown into the equation, and I would assume the reason it is meaningless ties into the reason Raw is full of recaps and repeating angles.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've always been of the mind that the only way to even kind of compete with WWE in North America is to book it television show style rather than just doing what WWE and WCW did. You can never win that kind of fight. It's asking people to watch too much wrestling and it's too intimidating. I think Lucha Underground doing episodic style is the smartest thing they ever did.

Hell, I thought that was the only reason WSX was any good. You're never going to compete with Vince in the long 'event' style because WWE has done it for too long. You have to do something different.

Original La Parka vs Original Psicosis vs Pagano.

Pagano is really getting that rub this year.
Bu bu bu nash is goodz.

Nash was goodz when he wanted to be. Booking a 7 feet tall 52 year old in a ladder match against a 41 one year old, both with serious leg injuries in the past, is a bizarre booking decision that I don't think anyone will ever understand.

I've always been of the mind that the only way to even kind of compete with WWE in North America is to book it television show style rather than just doing what WWE and WCW did. You can never win that kind of fight. It's asking people to watch too much wrestling and it's too intimidating. I think Lucha Underground doing episodic style is the smartest thing they ever did.

Hell, I thought that was the only reason WSX was any good. You're never going to compete with Vince in the long 'event' style because WWE has done it for too long. You have to do something different.

Original La Parka vs Original Psicosis vs Pagano.

Pagano is really getting that rub this year.

Psicosis still as ugly as ever, I see. Also, I agree 100% on LU. I think they should have gone even farther with their format and shot/edited their matches like movies. Maybe not even have a crowd. Be completely unique. In a world with literal dragons and a promoter who legitimately has people murdered, I don't think it made a ton of sense to have Matt Striker dropping all of his reference and ADR bringing a AAA belt to the ring. It should have been completely separate of any wrestling company ever. Don't have dudes doing arm drags and chin locks. The in-ring action didn't match the amazing and unique world they built at all.


When does Vince start allowing more non-WWE programming on the Network?

Would be cool for archival purposes to have WBF and XFL.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Psicosis still as ugly as ever, I see. Also, I agree 100% on LU. I think they should have gone even farther with their format and shot/edited their matches like movies. Maybe not even have a crowd. Be completely unique. In a world with literal dragons and a promoter who legitimately has people murdered, I don't think it made a ton of sense to have Matt Striker dropping all of his reference and ADR bringing a AAA belt to the ring. It should have been completely separate of any wrestling company ever. Don't have dudes doing arm drags and chin locks. The in-ring action didn't match the amazing and unique world they built at all.

I think some characters fit with doing arm drags and chin locks. I think some wrestlers in LU did a good job getting their character across in the ring (Mil, Drago, Aerostar, Cuerno, Fenix, and even Big Ryck) but then you had guys like Killshot. Or even guys like Texano who are great in AAA but that kind of guy doesn't work in Lucha Underground. I think ADR didn't work in LU in general, and I fear those rumors that they wanted him and Rey in a major way for a season 2 because neither works with that kind of show. Especially because Rey shouldn't be there overshadowing guys like Drago when this is the closest thing they can get to a break.

My main thing I would fix about LU to keep the elements of the show working with the matches is I would get rid of all the scrambles. Or drastically cut them down. They worked ok for stuff like 'Ok we need a bunch of geeks for Fenix to beat to put him up there in kayfabe power levels' but a lot of the other ones just felt like filler and in a show with a very good storyline and a show that can be heavily edited, the last thing you need is filler.


Nash was goodz when he wanted to be. Booking a 7 feet tall 52 year old in a ladder match against a 41 one year old, both with serious leg injuries in the past, is a bizarre booking decision that I don't think anyone will ever understand.

So no one was there to carry that worthless piece of shit. Makes sense to me.


So not worth it
Any expecting fathers here?

While a funny picture, it is deeply concerning to me there is a device that you hook up to your stomach so you can send shock waves of sound through to your baby in the womb.

I mean ffs humanity, what are you doing?
While a funny picture, it is deeply concerning to me there is a device that you hook up to your stomach so you can send shock waves of sound through to your baby in the womb.

I mean ffs humanity, what are you doing?

Child abuse before the child is even born!


Probably the best/worst thing to come out of Nash's return was seeing Nash get completely killed by Punk's promo skills each and every time. I started to feel bad for him when the WHAT chants started...but then remembered it was Nash.

Nash's arms were too short.


So not worth it
"OMG. Kevin Nash. WTF. Thought he was dead. LOL." is perhaps one of my fave five greatest lines in professional rasslin'.
I think some characters fit with doing arm drags and chin locks. I think some wrestlers in LU did a good job getting their character across in the ring (Mil, Drago, Aerostar, Cuerno, Fenix, and even Big Ryck) but then you had guys like Killshot. Or even guys like Texano who are great in AAA but that kind of guy doesn't work in Lucha Underground. I think ADR didn't work in LU in general, and I fear those rumors that they wanted him and Rey in a major way for a season 2 because neither works with that kind of show. Especially because Rey shouldn't be there overshadowing guys like Drago when this is the closest thing they can get to a break.

My main thing I would fix about LU to keep the elements of the show working with the matches is I would get rid of all the scrambles. Or drastically cut them down. They worked ok for stuff like 'Ok we need a bunch of geeks for Fenix to beat to put him up there in kayfabe power levels' but a lot of the other ones just felt like filler and in a show with a very good storyline and a show that can be heavily edited, the last thing you need is filler.

I just think that they world they built up AROUND the wrestling completely falls to shit once the actual wrestling part comes into the show and is shot like TNA with tons of crowd and crane shots, with guys working regular wrestling matches. Plus Matt Striker doing non-stop smarky shit and in general references to every promotion ever. To me, it didn't fit with the world they built in the vignettes and out of ring stuff. I think LU had a real shot to do something completely unique and instead ended up as half telenovela and half normal wrestling show.

I think they should have had the wrestling stuff shot like movies or TV fight scenes and had all the out of ring stuff be the main focus. Do a unique show. In the end, it felt like WSX meets TNA meets Robert Rodriguez. And while that produced a fairly unique and interesting show, it just feels like it could have gone further. The actual wrestling part felt off to me. Maybe it was the commentary, as Striker's non stop references of WWE/NWA/WCW/AAA/ECW really interferes with the universe out of ring stuff built up. Imo, I don't think they should have referenced anyone's time in any other promotion. I mean, I understand why they did, but it feels weird when they have a dude who is literally part dragon and their promoter has people murdered.

*Remembers the matches from Judgment Day and Bad Blood that involved those two*

Oh god...I wanted to forget about those.

Hey, Smackdown isn't THAT bad.

I mean...it's a show that's on.

Okay, I got nothing.

I...I liked Nash's 2003 run and feud with HHH. In general, I think HHH's deathgrip over Raw in 2002-2003 is a lot more enjoyable in retrospect than it was at the time.


Bret burying Martha and the Owen DVD

On the upcoming "Owen: Hart of Gold" DVD:
I'm looking forward to it but I'm not really optimistic that it's going to be a great job. Martha [Hart, Owen's widow] handcuffed them so much. I don't know if they're even allowed to use any pictures from the past. It's a poorly done DVD because of all the restraints and the limitations that Martha put on it. To me, that's such a lousy thing to have happen. I think Owen would turn in his grave if he knew how much trouble Martha has gone to erase his career and make sure that nobody enjoys anything about his career today. It's a bitterness and selfishness that I can't stand by anymore. I think Martha's taken the wrong approach and she should understand that, you know, we all miss Owen. I lost a brother, I lost a great friend and maybe one of the closest people I knew on this earth. I want to celebrate his career, I want to watch his matches back – not just with me, but with everybody he worked with. His time with WWE, they got so much footage and so many great memories with Owen, and here she is standing in the way of that saying, "Nobody can see these videos. No one should see anything that brings back any of his career." […] They couldn't use any pictures from his childhood, they couldn't use anything from Stampede Wrestling. They had so many restraints. Even the interviews, the questions that they did with me were so bullshit. The whole thing was so bullshit that sure, there's an Owen Hart DVD, but it's the shits. […] I think WWE maybe had good intentions, but I'm not very impressed with the quality that it's going to be. I haven't seen it, I'm not optimistic but I'm hoping that it'll be better than I think. But I could tell by the questions that they asked me and the interview that they did with me that it was a very short version of [Owen's story]. I'm not really gonna hold up hope that it's gonna be as great as it should be, and I feel bad because that's Martha's fault.


Kevin Nash calling Punk a "short order cook from a Waffle House" is the only redeeming line in hindsight from that entire ridiculous angle.

Punk's hotness died way before Nash or ADR interferred. He came back early, for one, and they did that whole shit with him and Triple H.

One point he and Triple H are arguing doing shoot names and then another time he gets wide-eyed because he gets to do commentary wearing Triple H's blazer. Good lord that was awful looking back.
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