Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The writing was on the wall they were gonna get Lana and Summer Rae to fight
Well yeah, but that doesn't change what I originally said.I can't imagine many people are clamoring to see Lana wrestle. Especially amid the divas revolution of 2015.
Puppets are what we have now.
JBL is honestly just embarrassing, Cole will try but then gets buried, and the other seat may as well be empty.
None of them give a shit about what is going on in the ring that is for sure.
Big E picked Kimberly as his WCW crush
Seth Rollins picked Major Gunns.
And somehow Seth Rollins ins the champion
The worst is when you listen to any late 1998, early 1999 WWE stuff when JR was off from his bout of Bell's Palsy. You realize that this is the turning point in commentary where instead of having someone with an established personality and defined voice, you have a more or less outsider in Michael Cole who is putty in Vince McMahon's/Dunn's hands.
Seriously watching Rock Bottom 1998 and Cole interjects during a Mankind promo, simply to refer to Survivor Series 1998 as "The Biggest Betrayal in WWF history" in the most Michael Cole, lifeless, branded statement manner possible. It wasn't witty or didn't add color or fill in something that the audience might not know but was a distracting, painfully scripted throwaway line that had no reason to be there in the midst of a great promo.
I'm sure Sasha will find away to shine despite Paige.Paige Vs Sasha is happening on Raw tonight. To be honest I'm not expecting much from this. Just Paige shouting "This is my house!" over and over like she's a Pokémon or something.
Paige Vs Sasha is happening on Raw tonight. To be honest I'm not expecting much from this. Just Paige shouting "This is my house!" over and over like she's a Pokémon or something.
Imma miss RAW tonight..Damn job.
JR and Jerry stood up to Vince several times about different topics and I could never imagine Michael Cole doing the same. There is no personality or relatable trait just a yes man with little to no integrity.
The Beast in the East show was the best Michael Cole commentary ever. He called the show in his way but it was very evident there was no one yelling at him in an earpiece as it allowed him to actually display knowledge and not force everything.
Paige Vs Sasha is happening on Raw tonight. To be honest I'm not expecting much from this. Just Paige shouting "This is my house!" over and over like she's a Pokémon or something.
I'm gonna get 2k16
It's funny that an anti-vax person would believe there are mind controlling chemical agents or other negative properties inside a cure where as a conspiracy theorist simply believes that there is a cure with no downsides to it other than entities withholding it because evil.I bet there's a cure for Colles fracture but THEY don't want us to have it.
Is there any evidence you have of Cole just never standing up to Vince? He does have a personality. His job isn't to show his personality on Raw. His job is to be that bland stater of facts type announcer that most sports commentators in sports are now. He's good at the job he's asked to do. People must never have had real jobs who say stuff like this. You don't just "stand up to your boss" and expect your job to stay safe. Go to work tomorrow and tell your boss, "no, this is stupid, I'm not going to do/say that".
It's funny that an anti-vax person would believe there are mind controlling chemical agents or other negative properties inside a cure where as a conspiracy theorist simply believes that there is a cure with no downsides to it other than entities withholding it because evil.
Lana ;;;;;
I studied for four years and have eight years of experience in my current job, not counting the fact that I've technically been doing what is now my job since age 14ish. I tell my boss when one of his suggestions is stupid and will lose us money.
Instead of it costing my job, I've been getting raises and appreciation, while I'm sure there are jobs were input is not appreciated, most jobs require you to think critically and your boss should (and will) appreciate you for it.
Does Michael Cole's commentary lose them money? Is there a reason why he'd need to not do what his boss asks him to do?
Lana ;;;;;
I am sure, Cole actively turned viewers away, yes. Especially during his Heel-period, but even today. WWE commentary is part of why wrestling isn't as fun today as it was before.
For the record King was NEVER good at commentary.
He's no Ventura and No Brain.
I am sure, Cole actively turned viewers away, yes. Especially during his Heel-period, but even today. WWE commentary is part of why wrestling isn't as fun today as it was before.
He was good at playing off of JR
I am sure, Cole actively turned viewers away, yes. Especially during his Heel-period, but even today. WWE commentary is part of why wrestling isn't as fun today as it was before.
For the record King was NEVER good at commentary.
He's no Ventura and No Brain.
He was good at playing off of JR
Ideal commentary team:
Kevin Nash
Booker T
Scott Steiner
Me too, but only because I paid $5.
Is there any evidence you have of Cole just never standing up to Vince? He does have a personality. His job isn't to show his personality on Raw. His job is to be that bland stater of facts type announcer that most sports commentators in sports are now. He's good at the job he's asked to do. People must never have had real jobs who say stuff like this. You don't just "stand up to your boss" and expect your job to stay safe. Go to work tomorrow and tell your boss, "no, this is stupid, I'm not going to do/say that".
oh shit, I just realized that tonight is the night
Sheamus cashes in and saves america from a Nazi sympathizer.
Sheamus finally gets the 14 year title run he deserves