So Vince is screwed, yeah? Didn't he provide Snuka an alibi?
Vince always finds a way out pal
So Vince is screwed, yeah? Didn't he provide Snuka an alibi?
So Vince is screwed, yeah? Didn't he provide Snuka an alibi?
So Vince is screwed, yeah? Didn't he provide Snuka an alibi?
So Vince is screwed, yeah? Didn't he provide Snuka an alibi?
I think Steph is on Botox
Aiding and abetting...What specific chargers would go against Vince?
Stephanie has literally had one good moment in like 15 years of TV.
Get her off my damn TV
Vince should be charged with murder
of WCW
Aiding and abetting...
Isn't that Vince shit urban legend
So do they pull Tamina from team B.A.D.?
Wrasslin is being attacked friends.
I'm abandoning ship before the shit hits the fan. I'll see yall in another life.
*shakes hands*
Wrasslin is being attacked friends.
I'm abandoning ship before the shit hits the fan. I'll see yall in another life.
*shakes hands*
Which Diva is Jimmy Snuka's daughter?
Which Diva is Jimmy Snuka's daughter?
Wrasslin is being attacked friends.
I'm abandoning ship before the shit hits the fan. I'll see yall in another life.
*shakes hands*
Wrasslin is being attacked friends.
I'm abandoning ship before the shit hits the fan. I'll see yall in another life.
*shakes hands*
Which Diva is Jimmy Snuka's daughter?
"If you're gonna murder someone"
that's not Tamina, that's the longest reigning Divas champ
Might as well have fun with the sinking ship...
Vince getting got for perjury would be the Capone getting got for taxes of our time
"Gentlemen it has been a privilege posting with you "
It's public record that Vince attended the police interview with Snuka. It's even mentioned in the article. There's no conspiracy, dude helped cover up a murder.
With how frequently you get wellness violations around here, you'd be this guy
Holy "Skull Snaps" guys, this is the perfect New Day groove
rare funk song from 1973 "Skull Snaps - It's a New Day"
It's public record that Vince attended the police interview with Snuka. It's even mentioned in the article. There's no conspiracy, dude helped cover up a murder.
Vince's fall would be a blessing, what are you guys talking about with your sinking ship
What he say?
"Me and Snuka were out hanging in the trees drinking coconuts. No way he could have done that at the time"
yep, only good can come from a publicly traded company losing their chairman, majority owner, and CEO.