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Sequence |OT| Rhythm, Role-Playing, and Ronald Jenkees


Jew Gamer
bobs99 ... said:
Feep, your game is awesome. That is all.

No wait that isnt all... Howcome you can make a Indy game thats more engaging and creative than a lot of big name titles. I love it. I will say im wary the grinding for objects stuff will annoy me, but generally the game is amazing, love the music and fairly fresh take on the ddr style games.

Small game, small price. If this game was 60$ AAA game you'd look at it differently man. Indies get away with stuff because they can release a smaller product for people, a AAA and an indie game are entirely different!

If Feep had blown 10 mil on this game I guarantee you there would be a space marine in it :p


Fantastic game. Such a weird genre blend but it really works. I also had that bug above with the magic staff but it replaced a bottomless pit.
Had a good little play with it after the latest patch allowed it to work on my PC. Good stuff so far. I've cottoned on quite quickly.

The only question I do have is about other USB controllers. As it's an XNA title, I assume it's programmed to work with the 360 controller, but should other controllers work as well? It's just that I keep getting the WASD keys mixed up with the Q/E buttons which is not good for the later stages :p.


HiddenAway said:
Had a good little play with it after the latest patch allowed it to work on my PC. Good stuff so far. I've cottoned on quite quickly.

The only question I do have is about other USB controllers. As it's an XNA title, I assume it's programmed to work with the 360 controller, but should other controllers work as well? It's just that I keep getting the WASD keys mixed up with the Q/E buttons which is not good for the later stages :p.
You can use other controllers with a quick MotionKey/Joy2Key setup, but it's not natively unless it mimics a 360 driver, unfortunately. We might add some more support in the future.

I will note that the key bindings are completely customizable...check the Settings screen. = D Also, an eleventh hour feature I added three days ago, you can left/right click the mouse to change fields.
You know, to be honest, after seeing the trailer and all, I thought the mix of genres wouldn't work and that it would be to confusing to play, after playing for a bit I can say I was wrong.

Music is very good and also I was surprised there's quite more deep into it in the RPG mechanics.

Just to note that I can play now on 1024x768, but that fullscreen mode seems like it runs on widescreen (at least it display wrongly), it seems that it also affects with mouse pointing so hovering elements on the screen requires positioning the mouse a few pixels to the right, it can be confusing.

The game is perfectly playable,though so far, but I thought you might want to now these things.


Feep said:
Hey, everyone.

It appears that this error is due to not having Windows Media Player installed or configured properly on your computer.

Apparently, the XNA framework decided to lift numerous audio utilities from the Windows Media Player .dlls, which I suppose Microsoft just assumes are available on every Windows machine.

Cheers feep, kind of lame from Microsoft. It's a serious flaw of XNA to rely on something but not check to see if it's installed.
Thanks for all the great live support!


I'm in the middle of floor 3. I'll do a bigger review once I'm farther in, but here are a few of my pleasures and concerns:

+The genre mix is intriguing and fairly successful.
+The art is nice, although with only three enemies per floor, the palette swaps seem really weak. Still, I like it.
+The music is solid - it's Jenkees, gotta love it!

-I don't really find the guardians funny, but I think this is purely personal taste. Naia's entertaining, though.
-The grinding is hella stupid and really brings down the fun level. Why? Why enforce grinding and item drops? These are not split-second battles, here. I highly suggest that a sequel/spiritual successor utilizes some sort of dungeon map with rooms containing an enemy & item, or something like that; 100% drop rates for everything, especially because...
-Synthing makes no sense. Like, you spend bonus XP for a chance to not spend more XP? It'd make more sense if synthing failures discarded the components, but all you lose is that XP. It's a terrible use of risk/reward.
-Hit detection seems really off to me. I guess I'm used to rhythm games that have various degrees of success; "near miss" to"perfect" or somesuch. In this, it's "you got it exactly right, or you didn't." This aggravates me, although apparently lots of GAFers think the hit detection is right on. My opinion: no me gusta.

The negatives are pretty powerful, but I'm still playing. If this is a first game, then I'll certainly be giving up my money for future games; Sequence isn't Teh Greatestxors, but it's still an excellent primary release. Good work.


jgminto said:
Fantastic game. Such a weird genre blend but it really works. I also had that bug above with the magic staff but it replaced a bottomless pit.
I actually can't reproduce this. It obviously involves desynthing and clicking something else, but when do you click? Do you click on a category at the top, or just another item in the same pane?


Saint Nic
Crazetex said:
I'm in the middle of floor 3. I'll do a bigger review once I'm farther in, but here are a few of my pleasures and concerns:

+The genre mix is intriguing and fairly successful.
+The art is nice, although with only three enemies per floor, the palette swaps seem really weak. Still, I like it.
+The music is solid - it's Jenkees, gotta love it!

-I don't really find the guardians funny, but I think this is purely personal taste. Naia's entertaining, though.
-The grinding is hella stupid and really brings down the fun level. Why? Why enforce grinding and item drops? These are not split-second battles, here. I highly suggest that a sequel/spiritual successor utilizes some sort of dungeon map with rooms containing an enemy & item, or something like that; 100% drop rates for everything, especially because...
-Synthing makes no sense. Like, you spend bonus XP for a chance to not spend more XP? It'd make more sense if synthing failures discarded the components, but all you lose is that XP. It's a terrible use of risk/reward.
-Hit detection seems really off to me. I guess I'm used to rhythm games that have various degrees of success; "near miss" to"perfect" or somesuch. In this, it's "you got it exactly right, or you didn't." This aggravates me, although apparently lots of GAFers think the hit detection is right on. My opinion: no me gusta.

The negatives are pretty powerful, but I'm still playing. If this is a first game, then I'll certainly be giving up my money for future games; Sequence isn't Teh Greatestxors, but it's still an excellent primary release. Good work.

With the exception of hit detection (either calibrate or just go with the idea that this ISN'T a IIDX wannabe...it's its own game), I tend to agree entirely. I love the game, it's SO fresh, but I find myself making battles overly complex just to keep the game exciting on these lower floors. I imagine the challenge ramps up later, but it's a bit slow to start, that's for sure.

Also, regarding the grinding, my biggest beef is that if I go back to grind for an item from floor 1, it takes me two attacks to kill the monster. So I'm going and killing a monster 10 times to get a drop, and it just seems like a waste of time. Again, maybe it gets harder later and my item "grinds" will feel more engaging, but I do not look forward to ANY of my synths at 95% failing. -_-

If this was an appstore game, you'd get 4/5 stars from me. The negatives here are only enough to bring it down so much - there's so much creativity and uniqueness here that it needs to get the attention it deserves if for no other reason than to really spark developers to start thinking outside the box like this title has.

Great product and THANK YOU for your promotion. :)


Crazetex said:
It'd make more sense if synthing failures discarded the components, but all you lose is that XP. It's a terrible use of risk/reward.
Totally legit criticisms, but I want to point out that in early versions of the game, failing did destroy your components, and playtesters wanted to punch my face in.


Gold Member
Crazetex said:
-The grinding is hella stupid and really brings down the fun level. Why? Why enforce grinding and item drops? These are not split-second battles, here. I highly suggest that a sequel/spiritual successor utilizes some sort of dungeon map with rooms containing an enemy & item, or something like that; 100% drop rates for everything, especially because...
-Synthing makes no sense. Like, you spend bonus XP for a chance to not spend more XP? It'd make more sense if synthing failures discarded the components, but all you lose is that XP. It's a terrible use of risk/reward.

These two points contradict each other. If failing synthing would have destroyed the raw materials, that would mean you'd have to go grind some more to get more of them before you could try again.


RoadHazard said:
These two points contradict each other. If failing synthing would have destroyed the raw materials, that would mean you'd have to go grind some more to get more of them before you could try again.

Or you could get rid of failure and just have the items.

I mean, whatever. Like nicoga3000, it's a good game despite its issues. I have faith that the next project by Iridium will be even better.


I have no problem with losing XP if I don't synth, but items on the other hand. Hell no - that would make me super mad. You made the right choice, Feep.

You gotta think of it that way - you can earn XP anytime, but certain items can only be acquired from certain battles. Plus, what is there more of an abundance - XP or item Z?


DigiMish said:
I have no problem with losing XP if I don't synth, but items on the other hand. Hell no - that would make me super mad. You made the right choice, Feep.

You gotta think of it that way - you can earn XP anytime, but certain items can only be acquired from certain battles. Plus, what is there more of an abundance - XP or item Z?

My issue with it is that you're spending additional XP to... lower the chance of spending more XP. That sounds silly to me.
Well experience is money in this game.
Money in rpgs is you spend it in an object, with that object you can kill monsters faster to get more money, so you can buy more items that makes a faster process.

Feep said:
Totally legit criticisms, but I want to point out that in early versions of the game, failing did destroy your components, and playtesters wanted to punch my face in.

And thank god for that.
I dont usually like grinding in RPG, but I dont know why, I really like grinding here, probably becuase its easy, fast and fun.
At least now the percentages are high enough to get the obejects you want in a couple battles.


Feep said:
I actually can't reproduce this. It obviously involves desynthing and clicking something else, but when do you click? Do you click on a category at the top, or just another item in the same pane?
I believe I equipped the magic staff and then synthed Gem A. When it finished it showed Magic Staff x 0 in place of the Bottomless Pit.


Started playing this yesterday on Steam for a bit, one issue I'm having is with the sound volume. If I turn up my speakers so the characters' voices are loud enough the music during the gameplay itself is excessively loud. Any chance that ingame volume settings for each could be added?


Crazetex said:
-Hit detection seems really off to me. I guess I'm used to rhythm games that have various degrees of success; "near miss" to"perfect" or somesuch. In this, it's "you got it exactly right, or you didn't." This aggravates me, although apparently lots of GAFers think the hit detection is right on. My opinion: no me gusta.
I dunno if this helps, but I had a problem with hit detection, and putting it in windowed mode fixed it for me.


Earlier this year, Zeboyd Games made the remarkable claim that they had exceeded their Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in only six days on Steam. A remarkable feat.

It's a pleasure to inform you, then, that Sequence exceeded its own Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in seven hours.


Sales may not be AAA caliber, but thanks to you guys, other Steam gamers, and Valve, Iridium Studios is going to be able to continue development and work on future projects for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone.

Card Boy

Feep said:
Earlier this year, Zeboyd Games made the remarkable claim that they had exceeded their Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in only six days on Steam. A remarkable feat.

It's a pleasure to inform you, then, that Sequence exceeded its own Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in seven hours.


Sales may not be AAA caliber, but thanks to you guys, other Steam gamers, and Valve, Iridium Studios is going to be able to continue development and work on future projects for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone.
Congrats! Keep up the good work.
I am getting trashed by the last enemy on the 3rd floor, am I just crap or should I hold off before I put the difficulty on easy lol?

What does defence do out of interest? Im guessing it drops the number of orbs that come down the defensive panel?


Feep said:
Earlier this year, Zeboyd Games made the remarkable claim that they had exceeded their Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in only six days on Steam. A remarkable feat.

It's a pleasure to inform you, then, that Sequence exceeded its own Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in seven hours.


Sales may not be AAA caliber, but thanks to you guys, other Steam gamers, and Valve, Iridium Studios is going to be able to continue development and work on future projects for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone.
Absolutely amazing. So happy for you.


No, it reduces the amount of damage taken per hit (minimum 1). It might not be evident in the gray arrows, but it makes a significant difference for the glowing gems.

Be sure to learn Maelstrom and Fallout for your battles against later third floor enemies.

Edit: FINALLY! Managed to reproduce the negative item glitch. Gonna fix now...


Feep said:
Earlier this year, Zeboyd Games made the remarkable claim that they had exceeded their Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in only six days on Steam. A remarkable feat.

It's a pleasure to inform you, then, that Sequence exceeded its own Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in seven hours.


Sales may not be AAA caliber, but thanks to you guys, other Steam gamers, and Valve, Iridium Studios is going to be able to continue development and work on future projects for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone.

Digital distribution (and quality games), ladies and gentlemen!
Feep said:
Earlier this year, Zeboyd Games made the remarkable claim that they had exceeded their Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in only six days on Steam. A remarkable feat.

It's a pleasure to inform you, then, that Sequence exceeded its own Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in seven hours.


Sales may not be AAA caliber, but thanks to you guys, other Steam gamers, and Valve, Iridium Studios is going to be able to continue development and work on future projects for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone.


Congrats feep!



- Cancel will now have the same effect as Pause during battle.
- Quarter Quell should now unlock correctly.
- Triple Fortune should now unlock correctly.
- The game will display a warning and then quit, not crash, if the player does not have Windows Media Player 12 installed.
- The item mode screen "negative item" glitch has been corrected.

Still to come:
- That godforsaken twitch crap


Today's discover: Hard is HARD. I had previously thought I was playing on Hard but actually I was locked to EASY. Also, songs can end and you can fail :T


Jintor said:
Today's discover: Hard is HARD. I had previously thought I was playing on Hard but actually I was locked to EASY. Also, songs can end and you can fail :T

I chose spasmodic difficulty at the beginning and thought this is incredibly easy for being the hardest difficulty. I checked the difficulty before unlocking floor 4 and it was set to easy the whole time >_>. I feel like I need to start over cause I just blazed through the first 3 floors because I couldn't wait for it to get harder so I'm very low level, and terribly under-equipped.


Yeah Feep, can you check whether new games are locking at easy? I'm pretty sure I chose hard when I started the game, but after switching my difficulty up I think I was locked on easy.


I'm on it. /runs off to check

Edit: Seems to work fine from a new game. I will note that in the tutorial battles, your actual difficulty is "saved" and replaced with a value of 0 (easy), which means that you guys might have been affected by the crashing from last night in tutorial 3. That's my guess, anyway.


Well whatever, it's an easy fix.

Bumped it down to medium, but now I feel emasculated, and it's a bit too easy...


Feep said:
Hey, everyone.

We did some investigating on our current priority 2 bug, the game crashing immediately after the logo screen.

It appears that this error is due to not having Windows Media Player installed or configured properly on your computer.

Apparently, the XNA framework decided to lift numerous audio utilities from the Windows Media Player .dlls, which I suppose Microsoft just assumes are available on every Windows machine.

I apologize here; most users who are savvy enough to not have WMP on their Windows machines probably have a good reason to want it gone. However, an *exceptional* amount of the audio engine, obviously of some significant importance in a rhythm game, was written using these libraries, in ignorance of this strange dependency. It's unlikely we'll be able to rewrite this amount of code in the near future.

To (hopefully) fix this issue, you should renable/reinstall Windows Media Player 12 on Windows Vista or Windows 7. You can head to Control Panel -> Programs and Features, and on the top left-hand side, click "Turn Windows Features On or Off". Expand "Media Features" and make sure that "Windows Media Player" is checked.

If it's already checked, you should attempt to uncheck it, (restart may be required), and then reenable it so that the system will reactivate it.

Any chance you can upload the .dll's that the game needs from WMP, or does it really need to have it installed?


First of all, I want to thank you Feep for the game, I played last night and I really enjoyed it, so I want to echo SpacePirate Ridley's impressions, great stuff there. Also, congrats for the success you are having with the game and hopefully it will only get bigger with the next projects from your company!


Feep said:
Earlier this year, Zeboyd Games made the remarkable claim that they had exceeded their Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in only six days on Steam. A remarkable feat.

It's a pleasure to inform you, then, that Sequence exceeded its own Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in seven hours.


Sales may not be AAA caliber, but thanks to you guys, other Steam gamers, and Valve, Iridium Studios is going to be able to continue development and work on future projects for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone.
Congrats Feep. The game is lots of fun, I have only played into floor 2, but I will get back to it once I can put down Dungeon Defenders for a bit.
Feep said:
Earlier this year, Zeboyd Games made the remarkable claim that they had exceeded their Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in only six days on Steam. A remarkable feat.

It's a pleasure to inform you, then, that Sequence exceeded its own Xbox Live Indie Games lifetime revenue in seven hours.


Sales may not be AAA caliber, but thanks to you guys, other Steam gamers, and Valve, Iridium Studios is going to be able to continue development and work on future projects for a long time to come.

Thank you, everyone.

That's amazing, Feep. Congratulations!


aj_hix36 said:
Any chance you can upload the .dll's that the game needs from WMP, or does it really need to have it installed?
We're unsure. Without doing insane .NET reflection stuff that I, frankly, don't understand, we have no ability to see what the MediaPlayer API calls are doing under the hood.

You can try to eliminate them one by one, but I'm not going to put them in the installfile, so I'm just going to recommend that everyone actually install the program. = P


Feep said:
I'm on it. /runs off to check

Edit: Seems to work fine from a new game. I will note that in the tutorial battles, your actual difficulty is "saved" and replaced with a value of 0 (easy), which means that you guys might have been affected by the crashing from last night in tutorial 3. That's my guess, anyway.

I never crashed on the tutorial or any other part of the game. I remember finishing the tutorial before quitting D:


bs000 said:
I never crashed on the tutorial or any other part of the game. I remember finishing the tutorial before quitting D:
Hmmm. Strange...well, I'll investigate some more later.

I'm off to a party, because I deserve it! Patch should be up later tonight, and this time, should not break everything in the game. = D
I just spent my first hour with the game, it's very cool. I have a lot of friends that are still into DDR stuff and I'm definitely going to pass it on to them, even if by force (ie: Steam gifting). I think I might up the difficulty a bit since I'm fairly beat-inclined, but it's a crazy cool concept and it's executed rather well.

One thing though, I got all three items from a battle twice in my first floor 100%ing but never got the achievement for it, known issue?

And I just saw that it is, ignore.

Also, I know you're probably very swamped with PMs right now, but I did send you something a little interesting if you get the change to sift through a couple of thousand "thank you" PMs to find it.
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