I was searching for toilet paper on Amazon (yes, I buy toilet paper on Amazon - it's cheaper), and stumbled upon this company "Seventh Generation" which makes all sorts of products out of completely recycled materials, or natural ones.
Paper plates
Toilet paper
Bathroom cleaners
Dish cleaning liquids
Paper towels
Laundry detergents
Light Bulbs
http://www.amazon.com/gp/search.html/102-8339447-0844127?index=hpc&brand=Seventh Generation
So for those who'd like to check it out and help save the enviornment, click above for their full product listing. I'm going to buy some of their paper plates, toilet paper, and paper towels to try them out.
Paper plates
Toilet paper
Bathroom cleaners
Dish cleaning liquids
Paper towels
Laundry detergents
Light Bulbs
http://www.amazon.com/gp/search.html/102-8339447-0844127?index=hpc&brand=Seventh Generation
So for those who'd like to check it out and help save the enviornment, click above for their full product listing. I'm going to buy some of their paper plates, toilet paper, and paper towels to try them out.
If every household in the U.S. replaced just one bottle of 150 oz. ultra petroleum-based liquid laundry detergent with our 150 oz. vegetable based product, we could save 298,000 barrels of oil, enough to heat and cool 17,100 U.S. homes for a year!