Yeah, it will definitely be worth it, I love the apartment we managed to grab and got the exact car I wanted waiting in a dealer garage for when i do my one way flight out there. Just have to continue downsizing from a house to an apartment at home and pack up, say my goodbyes and get on a plane (i'm tall and really really dislike all these coast to coast trips i've been making the last few months). I got the job I wanted/the experience I wanted moving out to Silicon Valley, got in on a start up (ish, a few years old and still private) that I think makes a fantastic product, so its definitely exciting to go from a mega corporation to this.
i saw that but for all the hoops and crazy shit California makes you do, i couldn't believe that they didn't need proof of address... which only confused me more.
This whole "making an appointment" at the DMV challenges everything I thought i knew about the DMV, I'll definitely be going that route.
Stumbled in here, just because I'd imagine SF is an amazing place to live and discovered that you seem to have a new job GCubed, good luck!