Hey BayGAF!
I don't actually live in the city, but I'm down south in Monterey, so it's only a 2.5hr car drive (or a 5-ish hour trip on public transit) into SF. The couple of times I've been there, I've loved it. Love love loved it.
For the next month and a half before I move out of Cali, I would like to compile a list of places I want to check out during my jaunts in SF. The starter I've put together here is made up of searches in past GAF threads as well as some of my own experience, but of course I'm here to solicit advice & recs. What I'm not looking for? Overly expensive restaurants, things that would be weird to go to solo. Anything else goes!
The Castro Theatre - this place has the most absurdly good line-up, if I lived in town I'd be here EVERY NIGHT.
Cako - I gather they sell cupcakes here.
Golden Gate Park - I'm thinking this'll be a good half day of exploration.
Onigilly's - little Japanese place I bumped into once which has an amazing spicy bacon onigiri wrap thing.
Beijing Restaurant - this is kind of out of the way, but it's the nearest Chinese restaurant I could find that serves - this is key - authentic Northern cuisine, as opposed to the Cantonese & Sichuan (&, let's be real, American) styles that proliferate in Chinatown. Crucial for me, as I speak mandarin Ch. & lived in Beijing for about six weeks and I miss it terribly.
Papalote - I dun even like Mexican, but I'm open-minded.
Bi Rite Creamery, Fenton's Creamery - yea pretty much just looking for a good ice cream joint
City Lights Book Store
Rasputin Music
Ike's Place
Super Duper Burger
I also plan to book a bed in a hostel for these trips, as well as probably go on a pub crawl with a bunch of Aussies & Europeans (I gather these are the only people who utilize hostels). If anyone has recs for a "good" one (meaning cheap, accessible) then I'm all ears - I've been eyeing Adelaide and Green Tortoise.