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SF BayGaf

For my very first job 14 years ago, I had to commute from Davis to Alameda because our college apartment lease wasn't up yet for another few months. And I was on night shift too, lol. At least the drive back was pretty traffic free.

When I moved out here I was driving every day from North Berkeley down the 880 to the far southern tip of San Jose and back. If anything's gonna convince someone that moving across the country on short notice for a job was a terrible idea....
At one time I was commuting everyday from Fresno/Clovis area to Sunnyvale 5 days a week. It was nightmarish at times, I remember when I didn't have a day off for more than a month. I ended up selling my place and moving to Sunnyvale, but now It's really hard to believe in the dream here. I don't see my future here and that's kind of sad, but who knows maybe the market might work itself out.


I commute from Brentwood to Hayward for work and it can take from 1.5-2 hours both ways. But I start at 7am so traffic could be worse I guess. I miss commuting to Livermore.

Without podcasts I'd think I'd go insane.
Not my usual commute, but for work I found myself going from recently going from SF to Redwood City twice--each time at 8:15 a.m. on a Tuesday.

First time I arrived at 9:15. Second time I arrived at 9:50. Traffic!


I love thunderstorms*!


*As long as they're far enough away from my residence that I don't have to worry about power issues or shutting all my electronics down.


Unconfirmed Member
Should start getting wet in mid December I think, and it peaks in mid January.

Unless you live on the side of a hill, I wouldn't worry.

I'd say it's already been a wet fall, in comparison to last year. Last year was very, very worrying and weird with how dry it was. Some places up north got flooded, but that was it for the year.


I commute from Brentwood to Hayward for work and it can take from 1.5-2 hours both ways. But I start at 7am so traffic could be worse I guess. I miss commuting to Livermore.

Without podcasts I'd think I'd go insane.

Ahh so exciting to see another Gaffer from Brentwood!! YAY!


I would love to go to PlayStation experience event to meet up with some people on Gaf, but I didn't buy a ticket in time.

Is there a public demonstration available at all?


Hey Bay Area GAF! Just stopping by to second interest in a meetup sometime. Really enjoyed meeting some of you at PSX last weekend. Cheers!


Hey Bay Area GAF! Just stopping by to second interest in a meetup sometime. Really enjoyed meeting some of you at PSX last weekend. Cheers!

Dropping by here to do the same. PSX was a blast, and it'd be cool to continue meeting up.
Was a pleasure meeting Bay Area (and beyond!) GAF members during the PlayStation Experience.

May I suggest AFK Lounge or that Star Wars bar (7 Stars?) for a future meetup? I plan to help organize it, too, perhaps with v1lla21 and/or Nicko!
Trying to buy a townhome (instead of a house) here. Already ruled out Campbell, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, and north towards thanks to prices. Would be lucky to find a place in south San Jose...
If you don't mind adding a ten minute drive or so from south san jose. Might I suggest Morgan hill area? It's where I'm leaning towards going in the future if things get any worse.

On the idea of another bay meetup. I'm all for it, it's been awhile since the last official one.
If you don't mind adding a ten minute drive or so from south san jose. Might I suggest Morgan hill area? It's where I'm leaning towards going in the future if things get any worse.

On the idea of another bay meetup. I'm all for it, it's been awhile since the last official one.

I think Morgan hill is definitely within the options. Haven't made an offer yet but I'm already bracing to be outbid left and right...
I think Morgan hill is definitely within the options. Haven't made an offer yet but I'm already bracing to be outbid left and right...

Be prepared to make a lot of offers. It's very competitive. I got pushed out into South San Jose and prices were skyrocketing then. I think it's settled down a little, but they shot up dramatically there about 8 months ago. You might have to go to Morgan Hill because of that. East San Jose is still somewhat affordable relative to South San Jose. On the upside, now is the slow period so now is a good time to look that might net you some results. There will just be less to choose from though.
Be prepared to make a lot of offers. It's very competitive. I got pushed out into South San Jose and prices were skyrocketing then. I think it's settled down a little, but they shot up dramatically there about 8 months ago. You might have to go to Morgan Hill because of that. East San Jose is still somewhat affordable relative to South San Jose. On the upside, now is the slow period so now is a good time to look that might net you some results. There will just be less to choose from though.

Thanks man. I'm thinking even for Morgan hill I want to act fast. Just from looking at houses and see how much equity had gone up in the last few years... Feel like it's about time all the area gets really expensive


Unconfirmed Member
Soooo many rainy storms here this season! Definitely over compensating for last year when we got barely anything. Thunderstorms Thursday night, and it hasn't stopped raining here for an hour.

Drought over??


Unconfirmed Member
Not by a long shot.

This isn't even the El Niño related stuff either, but even a really good El Niño winter/spring won't completely recover things from the drought.

It's sad just how far it's gone dry, but we did it all for the almonds!!

At least it's some water getting back into the reservoirs, and the aqueducts are filling up a bit too. When driving down to LA this year, in comparison to last year, it was sad to see just HOW low that large lake just outside of garlic county, had gotten. I know all this rain won't recover completely, by far, but it's still a start.
Soooo many rainy storms here this season! Definitely over compensating for last year when we got barely anything. Thunderstorms Thursday night, and it hasn't stopped raining here for an hour.

Drought over??

El Niño could definitely help a lot if it does lead to much higher rain than normal in CA, but it'll take several years of abnormally high rain to make up for four years of abnormally low:



I think a GAF meet at one of Folsom St. Foundry's game nights would be amazing. Those are only Tues/Thurs though so harder to swing for most.


I think a GAF meet at one of Folsom St. Foundry's game nights would be amazing. Those are only Tues/Thurs though so harder to swing for most.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I don't drink, but I've been to the Foundry twice before for their game nights and they're pretty fun. Watching the pros duke it out in the SF4 tournament before Capcom Cup was awesome.


BART will shut down all of the bathrooms in almost every station citing security concerns from theoretical terrorist threats (more like they don't want to pay to maintain them.) But if they are so concerned about rider safety, let's see what they do once people are being shot and killed on their trains. Time to put up or shut up, BART.

Sad situation! But if you've spent much time on the mass transit you've no doubt seen your share of the nutjobs that get on the train. As far as I'm concerned there needs to be a BART police officer on every train at all times, going from car to car throughout the ride to check on weird shit. I've had a lot of awkward moments with the crazies and violent people that find their way on there.

More about the bathroom situation... if you think a lot of SF smells like piss -- especially within a few blocks of a BART station; They do get part of that blame. Paying riders at least deserve bathroom access. It might sound bizarre that a significant portion of people hop off the BART only to go pee on a building or sidewalk instead of a nearby establishment (hint: not a lot of them have restrooms and it's intentional), but there's a lot of data that shows this is happening.


Rain is intense right now. I think in the past week it's rained almost every day, maybe skipping a day or two. Hope this all helps out the drought since it's getting annoying not having nice weather out to be able to do stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Rain is intense right now. I think in the past week it's rained almost every day, maybe skipping a day or two. Hope this all helps out the drought since it's getting annoying not having nice weather out to be able to do stuff.

Looks like it's been raining for a few hours now. I've been lucky, as I've been indoors most of the time it starts, or it's only a light drizzle.

It's been great for the wildlife too! Well, except all those feral cats, I'm sure :/ I heard frogs croaking tonight, and there's been tons of birds around taking advantage of the buffet of surfaced bugs.


ABC is looking for 23 year old bay area residents to be on a reality show this summer. Could be a start in your acting career. Or some catfish.


ABOUT: This show will follow the lives of six 23 year-olds chasing their dreams, finding love, and making a living in today's digital revolutionary mecca, San Francisco.

LOOKING FOR: Captivating individuals in the Bay Area who are eager to bare their emotions, dreams, disappointments, and triumphs. IMPORTANT: Candidates cannot have turned 24 before September 2016.''

Nelo Ice

ABC is looking for 23 year old bay area residents to be on a reality show this summer. Could be a start in your acting career. Or some catfish.


ABOUT: This show will follow the lives of six 23 year-olds chasing their dreams, finding love, and making a living in today's digital revolutionary mecca, San Francisco.

LOOKING FOR: Captivating individuals in the Bay Area who are eager to bare their emotions, dreams, disappointments, and triumphs. IMPORTANT: Candidates cannot have turned 24 before September 2016.''

Well I look like I'm 23 lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Whatever happened to hiring 30-somethings for younger roles?

(If the show is realistic, they will all being sharing like a 1-bed apartment).


Is it really that expensive to live in the Bay Area. I have gotten so discouraged from hearing other people say it and say it wouldn't be smart to move there? It's kinda been a dream but right now I'm also not rich
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