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Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter project by Harebrained Schemes [Ended, $1.8M funded]

I wanted to vote for HK but I stuck with Berlin just becuase I created a German Hobbit with a flamethrower who burned hookers and others listed in his "Book of Names". He was inspired by the Primus song Scissors Man and he was adorable. He was also accompanied by a six legged cat named Auschwitz.


Man, I missed this literally by a day. :/

Someone vote for HK for me. I'll end up buying it full price on launch day anyway.
Think I'm going to do more Seattle. Tempting to go for another city but a larger more detailed single location seems cool.

Same here, thought it would make for a more expanded experience if they go underground and around Seattle rather than just touch on another city. I can totally see them doing more Kickstarters for expansions to the game world, would be a great idea to develop what people want.


Aftershock LA
I was going to go HK, but after thinking about it, I went with more Seattle. In the end, I decided that a more detailed, immersive single location was more interestig to me, but I honestly liked all the choices, and it was harder than I thought it would be deciding on just one.
Got my email.
Can't decide between Denver, HK, or Chicago.
Bug City could be VERY interesting. Denver for fucking angry Native Americans. And HK for the juxtaposition of new & old.


Reading the email, I feel like Seattle would be the best choice. More focus on one area, so they can fully flesh it out. I keep getting the idea it would be akin to Elder Scrolls installments how each one now is dedicated to a particular province. Fleshing out the Orc Underground sounds really interesting, as I'm not sure how hopping around the world to other areas would fit in with the flow or whatever.

That being said, Denver sounded really interesting too with the Information Highway aspect. That instantly reminded me of some of the coolest aspects of Cyberpunk: The Matrix, the Cyberspace, the download and upload of knowledge like any other commodity or substance. The only part of me that is wary about THAT is that they can't properly pull it off.

Hong Kong sounds cool too, especially now we got our "ninja" class.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Well, it's obvious that all the cool kids are voting for Hong Kong, but I wonder if the German fans will outnumber us.


I voted for HK, but now I'm thinking a deeper Seattle would have been the better choice. I'm excited to see what wins eventually.
I voted HK but Berlin would be fine. Anywhere not in the US please.

Yeah, if they are going to go with the US, then I would like to see it be an extension of Seattle. Though, the Chicago scenario does interest me... Hong Kong or Berlin also sounds interesting too. Not sure what to vote for.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I was down for Berlin but that description sounded boring. Chicago sounds way cooler. HK still the best tho.


Nooooo. I can't believe I missed this thread and my chance to back this game. Shadowrun on the Genesis is close to my favorite gaming experience of all time and it's not just nostalgia as I replay it every few years. Reading the kickstarter bit gave me goosebumps. I feel like such a nerd.

But two things were also a bit disconcerting. I don't like the idea of receiving special in-game items for backing. Shadowrun was hard - making the game easier for backers is undesirable. I'm also curious to see how turn-based combat will work out. I'm usually all about the turn-based but I'm particularly fond of the Genesis rendition of this game, which was real time. I assume it will be Fallout style which should be great, but the constant worry of being insta-gibbed for taking a wrong turn or the pressure when infiltrating a complex in the Genesis version - that was just incredible. They somehow managed to merge real time and RPG without it being 'Ninja Gaiden with stats'.
I eventually went for Denver. HK was a close second but I really want to see cyberpunk Native Americans.
Still, if they decided to release any of the second city choices as an expansion I'd buy day 1.


I've yet to get the email. Was this only open to early backers? I backed about 3 days before this ended.
In addition to the 10k a day limit also be sure to check your spam folder. I'm using gmail and hadn't received mine either but turns out it had been flagged as spam.
In addition to the 10k a day limit also be sure to check your spam folder. I'm using gmail and hadn't received mine either but turns out it had been flagged as spam.
This, mine wound up in spam (using Gmail) as well.

Really torn between Berlin and more Seattle, ended up going with the former. They did a good job making all the choices sound fantastic.
The poll for the second city is happening. Quick list (they offer a more detailed explanation of each one):

Hong Kong
More Seattle (a bigger portion of Renraku, a larger version of Ork Underground and Council Island).

I like the idea of a change of setting. Not sure about my decision yet.

What are the Descriptions for each?


I went with Hong Kong. Berlin sounded pretty nice too but a complete change of scenery that a Asian city would bring sounds a lot more appropriate.


What are the Descriptions for each?

Berlin has seen many wars in its history and the Awakened World did not spare it. The EuroWars left it crushed yet again, but like a phoenix it continues to rise from the ashes. While the more modern western half turned to the corps, the more volatile eastern residents voted with their Molotov cocktails that anarchy was the way to go. The result is that Berlin is a dynamic dichotomy; home to many of Europe’s top corps, including the great dragon Lofwyr’s Saeder-Krupp and Daimler-Benz, and home to Europe’s biggest collection of fixers, data thieves and gangs. Every runner considers it a badge of honor to run the streets of Berlin.

In the early 2050s, Chicago was your typical massive American sprawl. At least it was until anarchists blew up the Sears Tower. The falling debris destroyed blocks’ worth of buildings crushing thousands of people. No one has rebuilt any of it in the years since; the ghosts of the dead are said to haunt the area, and the increasing presence of ghouls there earned it the name “Shattergraves.” The rest of the Loop was likewise left to rot, and eventually become fully controlled by the Mafia. And don’t even get us started on the bugs, more and more of these magical entities that see humanity as a good place to lay their eggs seem to appear there.

The Treaty of Denver balkanized this city and now 6 countries control of parts of this sprawl. In an arrangement that made almost nobody happy, the new “owners” decided to wall off their sections from each other. That turned Denver into a smuggler’s paradise and a shadowrunner’s secret love…so many borders, so much valuable goods to sneak across them ... who could ask for anything more? And if that wasn’t enough to get a runner’s blood going, Denver is home to the Nexus. Known as the Denver Data Haven, it is the North American hub of information, and data exchange. And remember children, knowledge is power.

Hong Kong
Hong Kong finds itself now as an independent city/state in 2050. Both ancient and modern Hong Kong seems to be at peace on the same island. It’s corporate sponsored City Center rivals any in the world for splendor and corporate intrigue. All the megcorps are there as well as all smaller ones that love to think they can play with the big boys (and maybe even steal a secret or two). Yet, just outside the city center you will find ancient temples and shrines. Each one situated on the many dragon lines that cross the island. Dragon lines are mysterious and powerful paths of magic that the monks claim hold the secrets of the great dragons themselves. Protecting the monks and running the underworld are the mysterious syndicate called the Triads – gangs that control their island, protect their secret masters and really really hate the Yakuza.

Buckingham Palace, the West End, the Tube, the Castles, Big Ben…it all screams welcome to London, but in 2050 London is not the sparkling jewel it once was. Sure you get those sunny days that allow you to walk the cobblestones of history. But now, the fog and rain are toxic, forcing the creation of the West End Underplex - a thriving city that tries to keep the mood and feel of London artificially alive underneath the acid washed old city. London is a nightmare which contains the bright palaces and friendly pubs as well as the ghetto of lost humanity called “the squeeze” but all of it is under the very heavy thumb of the city's Lord Protector.

More Seattle
Seattle is the home city of the Shadowrun Universe and where the game will be initially set. One option for the game’s “second city” is to add MORE depth to Seattle. Specifically we could add the following: a bigger chunk of the Renraku Arcology (remember it is home to 100,000 employees), a larger version of the Ork Underground, it’s an entire world beneath the streets of the Seattle metroplex, and Council Island where we can show the Native American Tribes flexing their newfound magical and military muscles.

I seem to be the only one that voted for London.


HK. Because Asia is sorely under-represented in western SF.
Seriously? Pretty much every cyberpunk game has a section in Asia, in fact this is why I didn't vote for HK. I like the idea of the 2nd city being outside NA (because you're going to end up with a rep that forces you to flee NA) and London's desc made it sound like a slightly more upscale version of Seattle so I voted for Berlin instead.
I went with Denver. Looks like Hong Kong is going to win though.
To be honest, I thought they were all good options. (Though I'm always loathe to pick London having grown up there.)


Seriously? Pretty much every cyberpunk game has a section in Asia, in fact this is why I didn't vote for HK. I like the idea of the 2nd city being outside NA (because you're going to end up with a rep that forces you to flee NA) and London's desc made it sound like a slightly more upscale version of Seattle so I voted for Berlin instead.

So true. Just look at the Deus Ex games.


Voted for Bug City.

On which note, as a total Shadowrun neophyte, so I might be on the wrong track here, but...

...it's not actually Bug City yet, is it? The way the description pans out suggests it's in the *buildup* to it becoming Bug City, which could be an interesting variation.
On which note, as a total Shadowrun neophyte, so I might be on the wrong track here, but...

...it's not actually Bug City yet, is it? The way the description pans out suggests it's in the *buildup* to it becoming Bug City, which could be an interesting variation.

Yeah, it sounds like the bomb hasn't went off and the city hasn't been locked down yet which could lead to some interesting situations for the player given what canonically happens there.


I got an e-mail, but only the project update from Kickstarter. I assume I'm getting another e-mail with a link to the poll?

Anyway, I'm going to vote Berlin. Asia in Cyberpunk is so cliché.
Couldn't decide between Berlin and Denver, so I went boring: more Seattle. The way I see it, if they completely exhaust Seattle and its locales now, we can look forward to other cities that are equally as fleshed out in the future.

For example, Denver sounds amazing with its six sections. However, I doubt they'd be able to fully realize all of it as a secondary city. The same goes for Berlin.


The way I see it, if they completely exhaust Seattle and its locales now, we can look forward to other cities that are equally as fleshed out in the future.

I kind of would like the opposite: give us what they originally planned for Seattle + another city, then later expansions and/or sequels can take place in yet another city, with the potential to revisit Seattle and explore new areas and old haunts. It'll be like Kanto in Gold/Silver again... except hopefully not as gutted.
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