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Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter project by Harebrained Schemes [Ended, $1.8M funded]


Damn that was fast.

We have been asking for a Shadowrun RPG for years. Publishers and devs should have listened. The audience is there.

The project currently has 10,393 backers, no publisher is going to make a game for that audience. Its great that all these projects are being successful and we will see new games but even the most successful of these kickstarter campaigns (DoubleFine Adventure) only had just shy of 80,000 backers, the publishers are completely justified in not wanting to make games for what they see as tiny markets.


The project currently has 10,393 backers, no publisher is going to make a game for that audience. Its great that all these projects are being successful and we will see new games but even the most successful of these kickstarter campaigns (DoubleFine Adventure) only had just shy of 80,000 backers, the publishers are completely justified in not wanting to make games for what they see as tiny markets.
Yeah because kickstarter reaches the entire audience right?


The project currently has 10,393 backers, no publisher is going to make a game for that audience. Its great that all these projects are being successful and we will see new games but even the most successful of these kickstarter campaigns (DoubleFine Adventure) only had just shy of 80,000 backers, the publishers are completely justified in not wanting to make games for what they see as tiny markets.

I am going to be purchasing many of these kickstarter games and since my time is limited I will purchase less mainstream "big budget" titles. I am probably not the only one.

And I was not suggesting that Ubisoft should have tried to make Shadowrun into the next Assassins Creed-size phenomenon, there are other small shops that could have taken a shot at Shadowrun sooner.

Everything has to be the next CoD or GTA these days......



If you had told me 6 months ago that we would be seeing a new Schafer adventure, a sequel to Wasteland by Fargo, or Weisman rising out of obscurity to deliver a new and proper Shadowrun... well I wonder what the future has in store.

As well as the rebirth of 'Mech games (Mechwarrior: Online, Mechwarrior: Tactics, Hawken, etc.).
I really wonder what they were planning to do with just $400,000. I mean the Leisure Suit Larry guys say they need $500,000 to remake an existing adventure game. Brian Fargo marked $1,000,000 as the absolute minimum for a game in the same genre. $400,000 sounds like a shoestring budget with just a handful of people.

Fortunately it looks like they're on their way to making that $1,000,000.


I really wonder what they were planning to do with just $400,000. I mean the Leisure Suit Larry guys say they need $500,000 to remake an existing game. Brian Fargo marked $1,000,000 as the absolute minimum for a game in the same genre.
I sometimes wonder if these game Kickstarters are more for just a bit more cash to actually produce a game (and get guaranteed sales at the same time). In that case they may've had the funding set for Shadowrun, but needed to build capital for that last push, and if possible go even further as more comes in.
I sometimes wonder if these game Kickstarters are more for just a bit more cash to actually produce a game (and get guaranteed sales at the same time). In that case they may've had the funding set for Shadowrun, but needed to build capital for that last push, and if possible go even further as more comes in.

That's my read. They hope for more, but they can self fund the rest if they can get the minimum, at least I hope that is how they are planning it.


I sometimes wonder if these game Kickstarters are more for just a bit more cash to actually produce a game (and get guaranteed sales at the same time). In that case they may've had the funding set for Shadowrun, but needed to build capital for that last push, and if possible go even further as more comes in.

In some cases they can throw their own money in, but the majority of money in budgets goes to dev wages, so I imagine they are taking cuts to make this sort of thing feasible (it also helps that they actually get to keep the profit generated with post-release sales).

That tends to be why budgets are high - teams are large and each person has to be paid, often over the course of more than a year. If the people on the team take cuts at the start of development, then they can whittle that budget down pretty substantially.


I really wonder what they were planning to do with just $400,000. I mean the Leisure Suit Larry guys say they need $500,000 to remake an existing adventure game. Brian Fargo marked $1,000,000 as the absolute minimum for a game in the same genre. $400,000 sounds like a shoestring budget with just a handful of people.

Fortunately it looks like they're on their way to making that $1,000,000.

Well, I think it's pretty much going to look like a hi-res version of the SNES game.

Whereas Wasteland 2 probably has a higher target - starting at Fallout.

Bear in mind, Harebrained Studios does mobile games (someone posted screens of their previous titles), so that's probably where they are starting from, while inXile has started on consoles/PC and gone to mobile
Harebrained teamed up with Bungie Aerospace for one title. I wish that this game was actually big enough in scope that they would collaborate again.


I really wonder what they were planning to do with just $400,000. I mean the Leisure Suit Larry guys say they need $500,000 to remake an existing adventure game. Brian Fargo marked $1,000,000 as the absolute minimum for a game in the same genre. $400,000 sounds like a shoestring budget with just a handful of people.

Note how much they talk about 'levels' and about participating in missions or 'runs', along with lots of mention of short stories leading to a cohesive whole. I have a feeling from reading between the lines a little that they're actually going for a PnP RPG feel - that is, characters being persistent through a set of discrete *standalone* modules. Doing that rather than a single massive quest in an open world should save a fair amount of money.
I really wonder what they were planning to do with just $400,000. I mean the Leisure Suit Larry guys say they need $500,000 to remake an existing adventure game. Brian Fargo marked $1,000,000 as the absolute minimum for a game in the same genre. $400,000 sounds like a shoestring budget with just a handful of people.

Fortunately it looks like they're on their way to making that $1,000,000.

Well, it's kickstart a game, not pay all the development cost to be able to distribute the game free.

With the initial money you can start depeloping the game and have some results in order to look for an investor (or credit), finish the game and then use the revenues of the sales of the game. The kickstarter money is not all the money that the game will make.
$533,917 so far, 22 days to go.

Here's a (brief and doubtlessly incomplete) overview of the works of Tom Dowd, one of the people involved with Shadowrun Returns, in the Shadowrun Universe for those interested (and to pad out this post a bit ;)):

Source Books:
Harlequin (Shadowrun Adventure)
Harlequin's Back (Shadowrun Adventure)
Street Samurai Catalog
Neo-Anarchists the Guide to North America
Virtual Realities
Fields of Fire
Paranormal Animals of Europe
Bug City
Silver Angel (Shadowrun Adventure)
Divided Assets

Short Stories:
A Plague of Demons (appearing in "Into The Shadows")

Night's Pawn
Burning Bright

Loved Bug City, maybe we'll see some Insect Shamans in SR: Returns? For those unfamiliar with the SR setting, shaman take on aspects of their totem animal, a Rat Shaman might get beady eyes and buck teeth and a love for cheese for example, but those who heed the call of Insect Spirits take on this quality even more so, becoming pawns of their spirit rather than merely being guided by them and their bodies get twisted into bug/human hybrid forms able to inflict similar results onto even those not magically gifted. Bug City, Chicago of the Shadowrun universe, is one place where such a breakout happened. The infestation was so extreme that the UCAS simply walled off the city and posted heavily armed guards to contain it instead, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves. Imagine a post-apocalyptic future Chi-Town swarming with creatures sort of like the Xenomorphs of Aliens, throw in a little S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (several Megacorps had important branches in Chicago before the infestation), and you sort of got the idea of the setting in the book. He was also one of the guys behind the Harlequin character as he appeared in SR (I seems to recall someone mentioning him in this thread).


Gold Member
They need to update some new funding goals pronto! The 425k Mac version goal got pasted like minutes after the update lol. Nice to see it being backed so heavily, I enjoyed the SNES version from what I can remember, never revisited it or spent much time with the PnP versions, but perhaps I'll check out one of those novels soon.
They HAVE to get a sizable update out today, ideally somewhere this afternoon to give some clarity/specific figures. I mean, given the whole Mac lapping thing that took like 5 minutes, at this rate the funding has probably already secured another thing or so that they would've mentioned yesterday or whatever if they'd had time to do so.

They need to give the weekend something concrete and multi-faceted to chew on, and ideally not something that'll get gobbled in 15 minutes before people head out for Friday night as hilarious as that would be.


They HAVE to get a sizable update out today, ideally somewhere this afternoon to give some clarity/specific figures. I mean, given the whole Mac lapping thing that took like 5 minutes, at this rate the funding has probably already secured another thing or so that they would've mentioned yesterday or whatever if they'd had time to do so.

They need to give the weekend something concrete and multi-faceted to chew on, and ideally not something that'll get gobbled in 15 minutes before people head out for Friday night as hilarious as that would be.

Jordan said in the update video that they are working on planning additional stuff for the extra funding. But I'm unsure when they will be ready to announce it.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
they were not prepared for the onslaught im sure they have hourly dance offs every time they recheck kickstarter gotta give them time to come up with new cash goals
They need to update some new funding goals pronto! The 425k Mac version goal got pasted like minutes after the update lol. Nice to see it being backed so heavily, I enjoyed the SNES version from what I can remember, never revisited it or spent much time with the PnP versions, but perhaps I'll check out one of those novels soon.

An XBLA/PSN version would be sweet...I know the dev costs on those platforms are higher and the profits aren't as nice, but I'm guessing the fan base would probably add about 20-30% more in total sales...


An XBLA/PSN version would be sweet...I know the dev costs on those platforms are higher and the profits aren't as nice, but I'm guessing the fan base would probably add about 20-30% more in total sales...

With those platforms it's entirely up to publishers, and publishers are the reason why this Kickstarter exists in the first place. If there's one thing I want changed next gen, it's for Microsoft and Sony to significantly relax their online platform restrictions.
Things that have been discussed to be added for additional funding:

Linux version
PVP Death match
Polishing the editor

Riggers and polishing up the editor are the ones I'm most interested in myself, but I'm sure I'm likely in the minority.
Remember, you can manage your donation at any time should you decide to increase it.

15 dollar automatically gives you a downloadable copy of the PC game and it can be activated on Steam.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm just hoping all the extra money doesn't make them try to add too many things to the game and either 1. bloat it up too much or 2. extend the release date significantly.

That said, I'm definitely in, and I'm leaning towards $100. Shadowrun Genesis is one of VERY few games I ever replay (as in one of only two or three).


I'm in! All in baby. I loved both the Genesis and Super NES Shadowrun titles, never got to play the Sega CD one, and would love to see more of the same. I of course hope these guys can deliver the goods but even if the game isn't amazing I at least hope that it along with the browser game give the franchise increased visibility and make it look attractive for a real big budget game. But hopefully this Kickstarter game turns out amazing anyways.
Note how much they talk about 'levels' and about participating in missions or 'runs', along with lots of mention of short stories leading to a cohesive whole. I have a feeling from reading between the lines a little that they're actually going for a PnP RPG feel - that is, characters being persistent through a set of discrete *standalone* modules. Doing that rather than a single massive quest in an open world should save a fair amount of money.

Yeah, the turnaround time is too short for a game like the SNES or Genesis ones, but enough time to put together a turn-based ruleset-driven game environment with editor to create standalone scenarios. If it is this way, I'd love to see extra money go toward making the game feel fully-integrated in all of its features and content. Instead of a plain-Jane mission browser, I'd love to see a small 3D Seattle (like the old Ghostbusters game) to travel to these Johnsons for jobs and then to the appropriate predetermined mission site or to a point inside of the mission area for final deployment. Random missions while traveling the map could be based on character skills and stats, like fame or reputation, as well as being hunted for by other (AI) members of or contracted 'Runners working for factions. If your Perception checks succeed, you may be able to spot those stalking you on the map and work from there, getting away or initiating combat on your terms, kinda like a Pac-Man-like simplicity to the city/mission navigation, but with SR-driven action and options. It would all be simultaneous turn-based using an easy and quick boardgame layout and navigation interface and a character creator/editor/browser.

Anyway, just an idea for integrating campaign and user-created missions into a singular user's view of Seattle when polling the network for available missions, passively using character match criteria or with user-enabled filters. Much better than a detached set of lists, anyway, but probably only something better fit to consoles and dedicated handhelds.

That's a pretty nifty graphic. I think they'll hit a million easily.


I like their sales goal pic there, and what they promise to do with the next installment of pledges. It's going to be pretty effective, I imagine.

Dropping Linux support seems pretty odd, though.


Yeah, they really nailed the spirit of Kickstarter. They look honest and willing and that's how we like them.

Just makes the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter more frustrating, heh. It feels like they could have done so much better, even though they already went past their original amount quite a bit.

Even something like regular video updates can have a big effect. Weisman here is giving people some good information and he's doing it early on, and personalizing it via video instead of just text.
Just makes the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter more frustrating, heh. It feels like they could have done so much better, even though they already past their original amount quite a bit.

Even something like regular video updates can have a big effect. Weisman here is giving people some good information and he's doing it early on, and personalizing it via video instead of just text.

Hard to beat the update The Banner Saga had today imo.
Yeah that's the sort of thing that helps a lot. Even if it isn't video, just putting some concrete info out there is a good idea. Fargo hasn't really done much of either, unfortunately.

I don't think Fargo really needs any more money. They'll be hitting 2.5 mil easily with the end spike.
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