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Shadowverse |OT| Anime Hearthstone now on Steam


Neo Member
What is the Daria Rune deck?

Daria Rune is the same as Tempo Rune.

If you look up Tempo Rune/Daria Rune on youtube you'll run into it.

The idea is basically to get Daria and Flame Destroyer on the board at the same time. Daria can drop the mana cost of cards in your hand by 5 when she hits the board. Flame Destroyer is a 10 mana creature who gets really nasty when he evolves. The whole deck is basically take big cost creatures and turn them into tiny cost creatures. Then beat your face in. With a decent amount of removal (Angelic Snipes, Piercing Runes etc.)


Daria can also flood the board early on with 0 cost creatures like Ogler, etc.
The risk of Daria decks is since she refreshes one's hand, if one has two Darias in hand at the same time, that's one less that can be played... If by some unfortunate draw one actually pulls all three Darias into a single hand, that's pretty much the game lost right there.


Neo Member
Wonderful! I finally pulled 10 Legendaries out of the packs I was given!

Souldealer, Eidolon of Madness x2, Sahaquiel, White Wolf of Eldwood, Pluto, Albert-Levin Saber, Blood Hungry Matriach, Alexander, and Bahamut

Is this acceptable to run out and start playing with? Or should I re-roll this as well?
Got back into Shadowverse because of the expansion and wow am I having a lot of fun with the new cards. Aggro blood is so much more consistent now with Yurius and Veight i feel it's broken.


Got back into Shadowverse because of the expansion and wow am I having a lot of fun with the new cards. Aggro blood is so much more consistent now with Yurius and Veight i feel it's broken.

Right now, Aggro Blood is the most powerful deck in the game. It has a 60% winrate at the top level of the game, higher than anything else.

I feel that over time this will go down, as people learn to adjust. I can see it remaining tier 1 though.


Huh, looking at my collection, I only need one Ghostly Grasp, and one Dwarf Alchemist, and I'll have 3 of every RoB bronze and silver...

I should start buying DE packs again.


Right now, Aggro Blood is the most powerful deck in the game. It has a 60% winrate at the top level of the game, higher than anything else.

I feel that over time this will go down, as people learn to adjust. I can see it remaining tier 1 though.
Today definitely feels like Aggro Blood day. I ran into a ton of them playing my Tempo Forest deck - as many as four of them in a row! You whippersnappers, I was playing that deck before it was cool!

Yurius is definitely the card that pushes the power level of that deck to a new height. It shuts certain archetypes down, and the 3 health is very hard to deal with. I made the mistake of not playing an Elf Child May with him on an empty board on 2 just because I had a Sylvan Justice in hand, and that cost me the game right there. On the other hand, Veidt isn't nearly as impressive. Just about everyone should be running a 2-damage card of some kind, and then he's just a target unless you evolve him the turn you play him.


I would feel a lot more comfortable if Yurius was 0/3 instead of 1/3. His effect is just so damn good.

Edit: Alright, just got into B1.


I would feel a lot more comfortable if Yurius was 0/3 instead of 1/3. His effect is just so damn good.

Its both him and Veight, the nerf for Yurius needs to be two HP so the tempo DD removal (Sylvan, swing, dragon flame) can hit him. I would be fine with him being made a 2/2 as well.

I'm fine with Veight as is, but the two of them together is really rough for certain decks. They synergize too well, and in all honesty blood aggro is way too cheap to build.


'enry 'ollins
The other night, I had three incredibly rare scenarios where I made the right (debatable) play and screwed myself. All three in arena.

#1 Bloodcraft. We're both topdecking, I have a 2/3 on an empty board. I'm at 1 life and he's at 6 life. I topdeck Well of Destiny and play it. I hit face. Life totals 1-4. He plays a x/5 dude. So I lose next turn unless I topdeck something good. I draw Succubus... Since my amulet buffs my 2/3 to a 3/4, if I hit face, we tie at 1-1 and my Succubus does not go off. Had I held it, I would've won.

#2 Shadowcraft. Both topdecking again. I have 6 shadow and an evolution point left. They have a stealthed 5/5. Life is 20-7. I draw Feathered Patroller. I think I have to play it. It spends 4 shadow to do 2 negligible damage. Next turn, I topdeck Andras and only have 3 shadow. If I had just passed, I would've topdecked a 1/18 chance to win the game =/. Ended up losing.

#3 Swordcraft. I have to play Sahaquiel on curve despite not having any Neutrals in my hand. Topdeck Hamsa. zzzzzzz. I had held my Cyclone Blade waiting to punish my opponent for flooding. Of course, I have no choice but to show the Hamsa, and from that point on, my opponent stopped filling the board until I slowly got outvalued.

I do really enjoy the varied scenarios I find myself in with lots of tough choices to make throughout the game. Really appreciate the breadth of playable cards (especially in Arena). If I had a complaint, it's that you cannot choose whether or not to activate certain effects, including those weird scenarios in Discard Dragon where you're forced to discard even though there are no targets. I know it's a function of making the mobile game easier to navigate by doing away with more complex menus, but it does suck sometime. Also, having more flexibility to target your own units with damaging abilities/spells would be nice. It's rare, but the use care can come up.


I initially considered Yurius being 1/2, but I felt if he's too easy to remove with standard 1pp/2pp removal cards then his usefulness drops tremendously. At least this way he still forces damage and can only get attack if evolved. It think that puts more value into his effect.

Anywho, just pulled my third Eidolon of Madness... um... joy? I don't play Haven, nor am I really aware of any decks that use it, lol


'enry 'ollins
I initially considered Yurius being 1/2, but I felt if he's too easy to remove with standard 1pp/2pp removal cards then his usefulness drops tremendously. At least this way he still forces damage and can only get attack if evolved. It think that puts more value into his effect.

Anywho, just pulled my third Eidolon of Madness... um... joy? I don't play Haven, nor am I really aware of any decks that use it, lol
I saw someone play a Seraph deck with Eidolon and Dream Rabbits. You basically get up to 3 taunts per turn. And then just run tons of removal.


Hm, I wonder if that was the kind of deck I just went up against, but they didn't get their necessary draws. It was a Haven deck full of wards. Definitely not one I had seen prior.


I do really enjoy the varied scenarios I find myself in with lots of tough choices to make throughout the game. Really appreciate the breadth of playable cards (especially in Arena). If I had a complaint, it's that you cannot choose whether or not to activate certain effects, including those weird scenarios in Discard Dragon where you're forced to discard even though there are no targets. I know it's a function of making the mobile game easier to navigate by doing away with more complex menus, but it does suck sometime. Also, having more flexibility to target your own units with damaging abilities/spells would be nice. It's rare, but the use care can come up.
The forced effects are one of the things I like about Shadowverse. it hearkens back to ye olde Magic which used to have a lot more symmetrical effects and sometimes the cards you play can screw yourself over. Most games moved away from this because it's a little less newbie friendly, but I think that it leads to deeper play opportunities overall.

I initially considered Yurius being 1/2, but I felt if he's too easy to remove with standard 1pp/2pp removal cards then his usefulness drops tremendously. At least this way he still forces damage and can only get attack if evolved. It think that puts more value into his effect.
Making it a bit risky to play Yurius isn't a bad thing, and I think that he'd be fine as a 2/2 as well.

Anywho, just pulled my third Eidolon of Madness... um... joy? I don't play Haven, nor am I really aware of any decks that use it, lol
Countdown heavy decks would be the best fit for Eidolon of Madness. All of the amulets pop at the end of the turn, so you can build a board pretty darned quick. It's an ongoing effect so it's a much more useful card than Skullfane, but I don't know if you'd ever want more than two of them in a deck.


'enry 'ollins
Since I've asked about the interaction between Khawy and Art of the Ninja, I've had 4 more board states where I could've used that knowledge. Still chickened out of testing every time. Why won't it happen on a trash 2-3 run or something? I really should just bite the bullet once and try it.
The forced effects are one of the things I like about Shadowverse. it hearkens back to ye olde Magic which used to have a lot more symmetrical effects and sometimes the cards you play can screw yourself over. Most games moved away from this because it's a little less newbie friendly, but I think that it leads to deeper play opportunities overall.
Could you elaborate on what you mean here?


All of my opponents misplayed hard against Khawy. I love this card lol.

This guy play gabriel, buffed his guy and killed my Khawy, lolol. followed by a long pause.


Is it possible to link my Steam account to Mobile, or is it only Mobile to Steam?

Yes you can link Steam to Mobile.
Go to More > Device Link > Create a Link Code
You will generate a link code that you can enter on your mobile device, that will overwrite the existing account on that device.


Could you elaborate on what you mean here?
If a card, mostly creatures, coming into play is forced to negatively target one of your own creatures, then it requires more thought before either playing it, or even including it in your deck. Cards with potential drawbacks like this can be made more powerful as a consequence, leading to more interesting card design and play. If cards can only have an upside then their power has to be more limited and so we have less interesting designs.


Yes you can link Steam to Mobile.
Go to More > Device Link > Create a Link Code
You will generate a link code that you can enter on your mobile device, that will overwrite the existing account on that device.

Coolio, now all i have to do is launch now hahaha! Thanks for the help!
Where I can find a beginner's guide? Like, how to build a good deck and stuff? I've tried building one but there's so many cards that I have no idea how to distinguish a good card from trash


'enry 'ollins
Saw this interesting mechanics quirk on the subreddit.
Basically, if you Whole-Souled Swing a Yurius, he doesn't deal damage despite the fact that the damage comes AFTER the summon. This is because the whole spell resolves first, before any other effects enter the stack. Therefore, unless Art of the Ninja or Last Words in general are crazy edge cases I assume it probably works the same way in that the summoned Master Ninja would die to Khawy.

If a card, mostly creatures, coming into play is forced to negatively target one of your own creatures, then it requires more thought before either playing it, or even including it in your deck. Cards with potential drawbacks like this can be made more powerful as a consequence, leading to more interesting card design and play. If cards can only have an upside then their power has to be more limited and so we have less interesting designs.
I would agree if Cygames made any cards that can target either side or had optional fanfares. I don't think there are any yet, but I can hope.


Where I can find a beginner's guide? Like, how to build a good deck and stuff? I've tried building one but there's so many cards that I have no idea how to distinguish a good card from trash
gamepress has a variety of competitive decklists you can try out. for evaluating on a per-card basis, try reading this

some general guidelines:
  • a creature's attack/defense should be "on curve", or equal to the casting cost. a 1/2 for 1 is above curve and clearly better than a vanilla 1/1
  • fanfare, storm, and ward are all keywords that give a creature more inherent value than those without
  • "end of turn" effects mean the card does something the turn it is played and should almost always be chosen over "start of turn"
  • you want adequate removal for your opponent's threats at the least possible cost
  • draw, replacement, or deck searching is more or less the best effect a card can give you


Saw this interesting mechanics quirk on the subreddit.
Basically, if you Whole-Souled Swing a Yurius, he doesn't deal damage despite the fact that the damage comes AFTER the summon. This is because the whole spell resolves first, before any other effects enter the stack. Therefore, unless Art of the Ninja or Last Words in general are crazy edge cases I assume it probably works the same way in that the summoned Master Ninja would die to Khawy.
Art of the Ninja is worded differently than just about any other card, so it should be an edge case.

I would agree if Cygames made any cards that can target either side or had optional fanfares. I don't think there are any yet, but I can hope.
No, not yet. I do hope that will be more punishing forced effects and none of this optional fanfare stuff. I'm glad though that we don't see upkeep from Magic showing up in any modern CCGs. As far as I'm concerned, that can go the way of lands.


I wonder. Is Tsubaki a reference to Sephiroth maybe?

They both have a Japanese style sword, they are both half-human (Tsubaki has horns in evolved form and Sephiroth has one wing), both have a similar presence around them (cool, collected and efficient), both are cursed and both say "vanish!". Maybe I'm just projecting a little bit too much but they feel similar. Or maybe they both are referencing something else?


I wonder. Is Tsubaki a reference to Sephiroth maybe?

They both have a Japanese style sword, they are both half-human (Tsubaki has horns in evolved form and Sephiroth has one wing), both have a similar presence around them (cool, collected and efficient), both are cursed and both say "vanish!". Maybe I'm just projecting a little bit too much but they feel similar. Or maybe they both are referencing something else?
I really don't think so. Swordcraft Ambush units are all ninjas, and ninjas are associated with Japanese swords and Oni horns. Sephiroth has some of the vibe of a wandering ronin, but that's as far as the connection goes.
Thanks to few guys on reddit I've changed my forest into "combo build" where only 2 cost drop is Roach while the deck packs 3 Goblin Mages and 3 Feenas and it really works nicely. Drop enemy life slowly over the course of game then finish with 1-2 bouncing roaches.
gamepress has a variety of competitive decklists you can try out. for evaluating on a per-card basis, try reading this

some general guidelines:
  • a creature's attack/defense should be "on curve", or equal to the casting cost. a 1/2 for 1 is above curve and clearly better than a vanilla 1/1
  • fanfare, storm, and ward are all keywords that give a creature more inherent value than those without
  • "end of turn" effects mean the card does something the turn it is played and should almost always be chosen over "start of turn"
  • you want adequate removal for your opponent's threats at the least possible cost
  • draw, replacement, or deck searching is more or less the best effect a card can give you

Thank you! What about the "cost" of the deck? I mean the graph that shows the "curve" of the deck


Thank you! What about the "cost" of the deck? I mean the graph that shows the "curve" of the deck
well, obviously, you want something useful to play each turn. the worst deck is the one that leaves too many cards in the player's hand without action; you need a "turn 1 card, turn 2 card, turn 3 card..." start with a fair amount of cards you'll be able to play at the beginning of a match, and maybe have a little over half of your deck be in the 4-6 range. that leaves everything 7 points and above reserved only to a small amount of cards that give you a big advantage when played. use this information to study other people's decks

Is there a list of released card back to date? Have I missed out on Crystalia Tia?


What's with all the Japanese text since the latest update?

They messed up the assets clearly, lol
Specifically the Evolution countdown, and all the Flairs.

Edit: Apparently Story Mode is also completely untranslated, and Isabelle was uncensored (albeit I already had that...)


They messed up the assets clearly, lol
Specifically the Evolution countdown, and all the Flairs.

Edit: Apparently Story Mode is also completely untranslated, and Isabelle was uncensored (albeit I already had that...)
Evolved Vanguards are white blanks! I guess that was an repair update, and they ended up breaking even more things. I'm guessing that means more free packs!


So what kind of decks are people running for Aggro Blood?

Currently using the following but it just doesnt seem to click for me, considering taking out the Blood Pact and maybe one of the Midnight Vampires and Veight's. But not sure what to add in, I'd honestly like another 1 cost card, Cursebrand Vampire seems the best option for that.

Ambling Wraith	 1	x3
Blood Wolf	 2	x3
Vania		 2	x3
Yurius		 2	x3
Blood Pact	 2	x3
Razory Claw	 2	x3
Summon Bloodkin  2	x3
Killer Devil	 3	x3
Mignight Vampire 3	x3
Veight		 3	x3
Demonic Strike	 4	x2
Night Horde	 4	x3
Dance of Death	 5	x2
Imp Lancer	 6	x3


So what kind of decks are people running for Aggro Blood?

Currently using the following but it just doesnt seem to click for me, considering taking out the Blood Pact and maybe one of the Midnight Vampires and Veight's. But not sure what to add in, I'd honestly like another 1 cost card, Cursebrand Vampire seems the best option for that.

Ambling Wraith	 1	x3
Blood Wolf	 2	x3
Vania		 2	x3
Yurius		 2	x3
Blood Pact	 2	x3
Razory Claw	 2	x3
Summon Bloodkin  2	x3
Killer Devil	 3	x3
Mignight Vampire 3	x3
Veight		 3	x3
Demonic Strike	 4	x2
Night Horde	 4	x3
Dance of Death	 5	x2
Imp Lancer	 6	x3
Indeed, Cursebrand Vampire is the best 1-drop. However, I'm using Goblins as placeholders because Vengeance rarely activates in the Aggro deck (and if it does, you've probably lost).

Here's my list:
3x Goblin
3x Ambling Wraith
3x Blood Wolf
3x Vania
3x Yurius
2x Blood Pact
3x Razory Claw
3x Summon Bloodkin
1x Killer Devil
2x Midnight Vampire
2x Mini Soul Devil
3x Veight
2x Night Horde
3x Imp Lancer
2x Demonic Storm
The Midnight Vampires are just placeholders until I replace them with Killer Devils. I don't think that they're that great because you have to have a board with Bats on it before they do much, and they'd really suck in a top deck situation. The Mini Soul Devils can do a very useful amount of chip damage, and their healing lets you be a bit reckless with the self-damage spells. Ideally, I'd want a couple of Vampiric Fortresses as well, but I don't have any yet.


Indeed, Cursebrand Vampire is the best 1-drop. However, I'm using Goblins as placeholders because Vengeance rarely activates in the Aggro deck (and if it does, you've probably lost).

Here's my list:
3x Goblin
3x Ambling Wraith
3x Blood Wolf
3x Vania
3x Yurius
2x Blood Pact
3x Razory Claw
3x Summon Bloodkin
1x Killer Devil
2x Midnight Vampire
2x Mini Soul Devil
3x Veight
2x Night Horde
3x Imp Lancer
2x Demonic Storm
The Midnight Vampires are just placeholders until I replace them with Killer Devils. I don't think that they're that great because you have to have a board with Bats on it before they do much, and they'd really suck in a top deck situation. The Mini Soul Devils can do a very useful amount of chip damage, and their healing lets you be a bit reckless with the self-damage spells. Ideally, I'd want a couple of Vampiric Fortresses as well, but I don't have any yet.

Yeah I figured with an aggro deck vengeance riders are just an incidental boost for matches where things go wrong. I think I'll swap out the Midnight Vamps for Mini Soul Devils as you suggested, I've very rarely got full mileage out of the Midnight Vamps.


My aggro blood is something like this.

3x Cursebrand Vampire
3x Ambling Wraith
3x Blood Wolf
3x Vania
3x Summon Bloodkin
2x Vampire Fortress
2x Yurius
3x Razory Claw
2x Killer Devil
2x Mini Soul Devil
2x Demonic Strike
3x Night Horde
3x Dance of Death
1x Wind God
3x Imp Lancer
2x Demonic Storm

I probably need to include Veight somewhere in the deck, but I still don't know what to replace it with. I felt that Yurius/Vania/soul devil/Wind God are enough of a "pseudo ward", they are all kill on sight for the opponent at next turn.

I like Dance of Death, it kills huge turn 4 evo if you go first, destroy ward, etc. Aggro blood just doesn't have a good answer to big body/ward, there are no follower big enough for blood to evo, the biggest evo at turn 5 is a 5/4, which will most likely die on the trade. Rather than evolving one of my follower to trade, I rather use Dance of Death to kill that follower, evo my bat to deal extra face damage. The 2 face damage sweeten the deals, Demonic Strike is 4 cost and only deal 3 damage.

I am surprise no one like Vampiric Fortress, it is 2 cost only, deal 2 - 4 face damage, generate 1 bat per turn, and force opponent to attack your 1/1 bats.

I put Wind God in there because the deck is so boring, Wind God did won me a few game, and sometime sit there as a brick when I have no board control.

You should take out Blood Pact unless you are playing mid-range or control deck, 22/40 cards in this deck are <2 cost.

Many people are putting wards in their decks to counter aggro forest, which may eventually hurt this deck also.


I probably need to include Veight somewhere in the deck, but I still don't know what to replace it with. I felt that Yurius/Vania/soul devil/Wind God are enough of a "pseudo ward", they are all kill on sight for the opponent at next turn.

I like Dance of Death, it kills huge turn 4 evo if you go first, destroy ward, etc. Aggro blood just doesn't have a good answer to big body/ward, there are no follower big enough for blood to evo, the biggest evo at turn 5 is a 5/4, which will most likely die on the trade. Rather than evolving one of my follower to trade, I rather use Dance of Death to kill that follower, evo my bat to deal extra face damage. The 2 face damage sweeten the deals, Demonic Strike is 4 cost and only deal 3 damage.

I am surprise no one like Vampiric Fortress, it is 2 cost only, deal 2 - 4 face damage, generate 1 bat per turn, and force opponent to attack your 1/1 bats.

I put Wind God in there because the deck is so boring, Wind God did won me a few game, and sometime sit there as a brick when I have no board control.

You should take out Blood Pact unless you are playing mid-range or control deck, 22/40 cards in this deck are <2 cost.

Many people are putting wards in their decks to counter aggro forest, which may eventually hurt this deck also.
I would probably drop Demonic Strike (and Wind God :p) for Veight, as this deck already has Night Horde/Dance of Death/Demonic Storm for clearing out units. (Although Wind God on a bat-flooded board is pretty goddamn annoying). It's not even about needing warding outright -- running Vania/Veight on turns 2 and 3 is annoying as it's going to probably cause two bats to appear and the opponent take two damage of chip just to clear it out (unless they have a 2 attack monster on turn 2 or buff one somehow). That and it pretty much guarantees they'll then need to waste time killing Vania the next turn, and then the bats, while you are just bringing other stuff on-line and kicking them in the face the whole time until they die the death. Or against something that spawns a lot of creatures (like Forest or Sword), Yurius/Veight can make them feel foolish and can get very painful very quickly as they take damage on every creature they bring in while having to waste time to clear out Veight before they can stop the bleeding.

I've always seen Dance of Death as a pocket card, and I try to hold onto it for late game in case the opponent gets a really annoying ward or a huge creature on the board. No sense in dying with it though, and while I think you lose the opportunity to set board presence if you use it on turn 5 (while also losing the option to wipe something even bigger later), it does allow you to keep units up as-is and it keeps you on curve (while giving you advantage on evo points -- although this deck typically plays so quickly I'm not sure how much that matters?). Your point on this deck lacking in big units is an important one, so maybe I should be using it more aggressively.

Vampiric Fortress is good, and while it can be a bit situational (and frustrating to have turn into a brick) with this deck it's likely to keep spawning bats so it generally works out, even if it only ends up being an annoyance at best.


My aggro blood looks same but I'm playing 2x Mastema. I think that card is pretty good, it's kinda like Fel Reaver in HS if you played that. It demands hard removal, if they have it it means it's unlikely they can deal with the rest of your board or play anything else, if they don't have it, it's so expensive to deal with it, it they don't deal with it, you just win. It hits face once the game is over. I think it's fine but I haven't seen anyone playing it yet, it's a new card, too soon to say I guess.


Is the game coded so you will alway have 3 darias on your hand?

I hate tempo rune, sometimes you lose the match because of mulligan, others by drawing, and you win by the same standards
well, obviously, you want something useful to play each turn. the worst deck is the one that leaves too many cards in the player's hand without action; you need a "turn 1 card, turn 2 card, turn 3 card..." start with a fair amount of cards you'll be able to play at the beginning of a match, and maybe have a little over half of your deck be in the 4-6 range. that leaves everything 7 points and above reserved only to a small amount of cards that give you a big advantage when played. use this information to study other people's decks

so it's something like 15 1* cards, 10 2* cards, 5 3* cards, 5 4*, 5 5*> cards?
I thought a good idea was to have many 3* cards, since it's in the middle of the game and they're not weak as 1* cards.


I'm amused when I see Seraph players try to bait me into conceding when I have them at lethal. They will use enough countdown reduction to be one away from victory, but not have it, then wait, or wait and taunt.

Meanwhile I just wait for them to either concede or end turn.


Is the game coded so you will alway have 3 darias on your hand?

I hate tempo rune, sometimes you lose the match because of mulligan, others by drawing, and you win by the same standards
Yeah, it seems very much like a feast or famine deck. Get an early Daria out and it can be a world beater. Don't get an early Daria out and it just sits there doing nothing. That may be why I lean a lot more towards Earth Rite over Spellboost Rune.

so it's something like 15 1* cards, 10 2* cards, 5 3* cards, 5 4*, 5 5*> cards?
I thought a good idea was to have many 3* cards, since it's in the middle of the game and they're not weak as 1* cards.
That's not quite right. The mana curve of any deck is going to depend on what your win conditions are, and the faction you're playing. An Aggro deck will have a lot of 1-2 drops and maybe nothing at 7+. Control decks may have no 1-drops but have more expensive cards.

Also, 1-drop followers tend to have 1/x stats so they don't have very much impact while 2-drops will have 2/x. That extra power may not seem like much, but since the game starts at 20 health and the active player gets to assign damage, it's a very big deal. That's why some decks may not run any 1-drop cards at all, but they'll all run 2-drops. Missing your turn 1 play isn't a big deal at all most of the time, but missing your turn 2 play will often cost you the game right there.

In my Blood Aggro deck, I run 6x 1-drops, 17x 2-drops, 8x 3-drops, 2x 4-drops, 2x 5-drops, and 5x 6-drops. This distribution has less to do with curve considerations and more to do with what the individual cards are. Bloodcraft has a ton of very strong 2-drops and they suit an Aggro deck extremely well.
Yeah, it seems very much like a feast or famine deck. Get an early Daria out and it can be a world beater. Don't get an early Daria out and it just sits there doing nothing. That may be why I lean a lot more towards Earth Rite over Spellboost Rune.

That's not quite right. The mana curve of any deck is going to depend on what your win conditions are, and the faction you're playing. An Aggro deck will have a lot of 1-2 drops and maybe nothing at 7+. Control decks may have no 1-drops but have more expensive cards.

Also, 1-drop followers tend to have 1/x stats so they don't have very much impact while 2-drops will have 2/x. That extra power may not seem like much, but since the game starts at 20 health and the active player gets to assign damage, it's a very big deal. That's why some decks may not run any 1-drop cards at all, but they'll all run 2-drops. Missing your turn 1 play isn't a big deal at all most of the time, but missing your turn 2 play will often cost you the game right there.

In my Blood Aggro deck, I run 6x 1-drops, 17x 2-drops, 8x 3-drops, 2x 4-drops, 2x 5-drops, and 5x 6-drops. This distribution has less to do with curve considerations and more to do with what the individual cards are. Bloodcraft has a ton of very strong 2-drops and they suit an Aggro deck extremely well.
Where can I find information about the types of decks? I guess aggro is with lots of units? Control have no idea... Usually I play the Sword deck, because it's the only one where I can understand a bit how's supposed to work


Where can I find information about the types of decks? I guess aggro is with lots of units? Control have no idea... Usually I play the Sword deck, because it's the only one where I can understand a bit how's supposed to work
The decks are named primarily for how fast they're trying to win, and what their win conditions are. In the case of Aggro, it's about high-power low cost followers to whittle down your opponent, and then to win by turn 5-7 before you run out of steam. Swordcraft is well suited to Aggro play, and a well built deck is one of the strongest archetypes in the game.

Here's a list of some of the stronger decks out there right now: https://shadowverse.gamepress.gg/tier-list You're not going to have the cards to build most of these starting out, but they should give you an idea of what each faction is good at, and the kinds of decks will be effective. And if you have the cards to build the most of a deck, just make a few substitutions for what you're missing, and you can give it a spin!


The decks are named primarily for how fast they're trying to win, and what their win conditions are. In the case of Aggro, it's about high-power low cost followers to whittle down your opponent, and then to win by turn 5-7 before you run out of steam. Swordcraft is well suited to Aggro play, and a well built deck is one of the strongest archetypes in the game.

Here's a list of some of the stronger decks out there right now: https://shadowverse.gamepress.gg/tier-list You're not going to have the cards to build most of these starting out, but they should give you an idea of what each faction is good at, and the kinds of decks will be effective. And if you have the cards to build the most of a deck, just make a few substitutions for what you're missing, and you can give it a spin!

Here is an ipdated tier list to this day


It's in japanese but if you want to see the deck on english you have to click in one the links next to the card, scroll down and press on the light blue button below the deck list in japanse


Here is an ipdated tier list to this day


It's in japanese but if you want to see the deck on english you have to click in one the links next to the card, scroll down and press on the light blue button below the deck list in japanse
That's great! No surprise what the top two are, but putting Goblin Mage in with all the super powerful Blood 2-drops looks fantastic. I'm dying to give that a try with maybe Bloody Marys instead of the Demonic Storms.
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