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Shadowverse |OT| Anime Hearthstone now on Steam


Strange how that works out. I've faced only one Forest today, and maybe two Haven, but so many of the others I mentioned.

... also I lost to a Roost Satan deck. Felt bad, lol


Yeah, I saw at least four Haven decks about an hour ago. One of them was even a healing/ward Haven deck that should have been a natural counter to mine, but he still couldn't deal with the Banner.

I only saw one Roost today, and it was played against my Aggro Blood deck while he was at 12 health. I have no idea what that was about, but thank you for making my Imp Lancers cost 3. And what about the Dire Bond played against my Banner deck. That last one didn't cost my opponent, but it still ended up milling two of his cards so it didn't accomplish anything either. You'd think that these would be obviously horrible ideas, and that people would stop it by the time they get to B.


Crusher is very bad card - removal of single big minion is easy in SV and you lose whole your hand by playing it.
Only exception to this would be discard dragon where you can get draw for each discarded card.

Discard Dragon is about the only way to take advantage of Angel Crusher, but removal effects are so common in this game that it might not even be worth it.

You could do Imperial Dragoon instead in that deck and arguably get a better finisher.

Thanks for this. Like I said, I'm still not familiar with enough cards to know what is common or not in a match. If its easy to force folks to toss single powered cards then its likely too risky to force a beefed up guy onto the field at the cost of all my other cards. Unless there is a rite or some other kind of card to play that makes them invulnerable to spells like that. I'll do some digging just in case. For now...still just playing, collecting and studying to see what options and small card combo setups I can figure out.

I'm seeing a few interesting potentials with bats after playing a Vania. Also a couple swordcraft things too. I get the feeling Dragoncraft has power but is expensive. I've seen good stuff, but it all looks heavy duty and high rarity.


Thanks for this. Like I said, I'm still not familiar with enough cards to know what is common or not in a match. If its easy to force folks to toss single powered cards then its likely too risky to force a beefed up guy onto the field at the cost of all my other cards. Unless there is a rite or some other kind of card to play that makes them invulnerable to spells like that. I'll do some digging just in case. For now...still just playing, collecting and studying to see what options and small card combo setups I can figure out.
There are a lot of big followers out there, so just about every deck will carry at least a couple of "kill follower" cards that ignore their stats. In Aggro decks, the most common one of these is Dance of Death which destroys an opposing follower and does 2 damage to the opposing leader. Control decks will have more varied cards which do the same. And so if you play an expensive follower, it has to do something on the turn it comes into play or have some other useful special ability. The problem with Angel Crusher is that it's ability is mostly a penalty in exchange for a bigger body. It's only good if you have an amulet called Dracomancer's Rite in play. That card draws you a card for every card you discard so at least you don't lose any card advantage.

I'm seeing a few interesting potentials with bats after playing a Vania. Also a couple swordcraft things too. I get the feeling Dragoncraft has power but is expensive. I've seen good stuff, but it all looks heavy duty and high rarity.
Vania's great. She's one of the best 2-drops in the game, and if you have a couple of her, you can build a pretty strong Aggro Blood deck, and Aggro Blood is one of the most powerful archetypes in the game right now. Another good cheap deck is Banner Sword, and you don't need any Gold or Legendary cards in that one (although it's better with Alwida's Command).

Most Dragoncraft decks run 3x Forte, which is a Legendary, so it's going to take a long time to unlock the power of that faction. The only archetype in Dragoncraft that doesn't is Discard Dragon, which only really needs one Legendary, but it also needs a lot of Gold cards. Furthermore, any cards you craft for that deck will be unusable anywhere else.

If you're not worried about making a particularly competitive deck then you can always go with a hodgepodge like I've been doing with the majority of what I'm playing!


Her role in the deck is to be a finisher alongside Imp Lancer. It's basically either her or Demonic Storm in that role. I suspect that Demonic Storm is the better card for the role but I'm trying her out for now. At a pinch, you can also play bloody Mary on 5 to draw fire away from your other followers.
I don't think Bloody Mary does a ton to finish games as she tends to die on the turn she's summoned and doesn't really get to do much else. Granted, if anyone is dumb enough to let her live then yeah that will typically end games right there... but then there's the other issue of Aggro Blood not doing a whole ton of damage to itself. This isn't discussing the amount of value she brings by being a pure distraction on the board, but I wonder if not prioritizing her would be the correct play against that specific deck.

That and I don't want to use her because she's expensive. :p

I'm actually not thrilled with Demonic Storm as an ender in that deck, mainly because it pretty much wipes your entire board in doing so. If you only need the three extra damage then it doesn't matter but if you're ahead in terms of life and board but can't finish it on turn 6, wiping does more harm than good. From the games I've played, you're either ahead far enough that the game is ending (or over) by that point anyway (and it doesn't matter) or you drew bad and you're behind (and you're probably going to lose anyway, since you have jack squat for cards). Granted, you can just pocket it until you can get a fatal combo with it what happens if you don't have anything else to play on that turn?

Honestly, I haven't been running Aggro Blood with any kind of finisher (outside of Imp Lancer). Instead, I put in Goblin Mage and Fortunehunter Feena in the deck in an attempt to just get my hand on as many creatures as I can and throw them all on the board until I run out of cards (which typically happens on turn 7 or so). Frankly, I want the game over in 5-6 turns and I want to make sure I can consistently get enough cards to throw everything out and maximize PP efficiency for 6-7 straight turns. There's not a ton of clearance in this deck (I'm running Razory Claw, Night Horde and Dance of Death -- and two of these can hurt the player directly) as I really don't care what they put on the board as I have no real intent of even touching it.

I've actually thought of adding Alucard as a finisher, but he's a 7 cost card and honestly, most of the time that I've won the game is over before that point. He would just be a dead card in a win or a loss a lot of the time. Now thinking about it, I wonder how Mastema would work as a finisher? 6/6 for a 5 cost card that also has Bane (so any creature clearing it out is guaranteed to trade at best). It can only target the player and wards, but that's all this deck cars about. Seems to fit -- I'll experiment with it.

On the flip side, part of me wonders if the solution here is just some budget warding or healing. Seems like more "meta" decks are adding a bit more warding to deal with this and I suspect that's the right play. I know for example the couple of times I've played Forestcraft that got an Ancient Elf out early or the couple of times I've played what was probably a Sword Control deck (as they were getting wards out on turns 1-3) and it was ugly, as this deck has no good way to clear anything like that our early and nothing that hot even late. (Too bad those decks get roflstomped by Daria -- well, Forest Roach probably does OK against it.) Hell, even something like Unicorn Angel Utica has proven to be annoying as shit if it comes out on turn 2 (as I need to either clear it out and burn units in the process or it negates a chunk of the the face damage I typically do on turns 3 and 4).


I'm seeing a few interesting potentials with bats after playing a Vania. Also a couple swordcraft things too. I get the feeling Dragoncraft has power but is expensive. I've seen good stuff, but it all looks heavy duty and high rarity.

Welcome to aggrobats. Check out Veight, Summon Bloodkin, and Vampiric Fortress.

It's one of the best decks in the game and very cheap.

Another good cheap deck is Banner Sword, and you don't need any Gold or Legendary cards in that one (although it's better with Alwida's Command).

Banner is okay, but I really don't think it is as good as it used to be. It's all about face and control sword these days.


I don't think Bloody Mary does a ton to finish games as she tends to die on the turn she's summoned and doesn't really get to do much else. Granted, if anyone is dumb enough to let her live then yeah that will typically end games right there... but then there's the other issue of Aggro Blood not doing a whole ton of damage to itself. This isn't discussing the amount of value she brings by being a pure distraction on the board, but I wonder if not prioritizing her would be the correct play against that specific deck.

That and I don't want to use her because she's expensive. :p
Strictly speaking, she's supposed to be played on 7; closing out a game by comboing with one of the self-damaging cards. I almost never get to play her like that, but it's damned satisfying when I do.

I'm actually not thrilled with Demonic Storm as an ender in that deck, mainly because it pretty much wipes your entire board in doing so. If you only need the three extra damage then it doesn't matter but if you're ahead in terms of life and board but can't finish it on turn 6, wiping does more harm than good. From the games I've played, you're either ahead far enough that the game is ending (or over) by that point anyway (and it doesn't matter) or you drew bad and you're behind (and you're probably going to lose anyway, since you have jack squat for cards). Granted, you can just pocket it until you can get a fatal combo with it what happens if you don't have anything else to play on that turn?
If you have nothing good to play on that turn, you should skip doing anything. This is especially true for direct damage spells because you can always play them later to finish your opponent off. I always try to save my Razory Claws for face unless I absolutely need to remove a follower.

Banner is okay, but I really don't think it is as good as it used to be. It's all about face and control sword these days.
I don't know about the higher levels of play, but Banner Sword is letting me cruise through B right now. Not even Aggro Blood is getting as high a win rate right now. I think that the difference is that Banner Sword is better at handling Wards and dealing with getting your board wiped. Admittedly, this is based on a small sample size, but I don't think that a new player can ask for much more.


it's so beautiful. I love my janky rose queen roach hyrbid deck a lot, it's so fun. I always get a lot of emotes when I win lol.

cute seraph you have there, you're so dead.


goblin mage might as well read, add a roach to your hand lol. the card is so stupid.
I'm jealous of those white wolfs and rose queens :) I want to get them one day but they are so expensive with vials and I still have to make control blood and mid-range sword decks first.


yeah I opened them all. It's something you'd never want to craft. I'm sure it's not a good deck, but it sure is fun.

9 pp gold forest spell is probably better than rose queen with wolf, I don't have the card to try.

It's 9 damage for 0. then you can combo roach much more.


Roach Combo is definitely a lot more consistent than Silver Bolt, particularly since with Roach you aim for a t7-t8 win, where as Silver Bolt it's t9.

Edit: Crafted two Themis for myself... Thinking of trying an Elana Seraph deck. With the massive number of Shadow decks I've faced lately (45% of my matches were against Shadow yesterday), my Dragons are weeping.


Salty losers disconnecting is irritating, had a bad run of that while grinding out the longer dailies today. Sort of tempted to try out a Seraph deck, used to prefer heavy control back in MtG but find aggro decks are a bit more fun when you need to play lots of matches in a row. The main thing holding me back is how expensive those Enstatuated Seraphs are going to be to craft, havent managed to pull a single one yet (nor a Timesworn Levi, my luck with Darkness boosters is super shoddy).


Jeez, just did a casual match with aggro Blood (I need my daily mission) where I had a perfect curve vs. Disco Dragon... Just, poor Rowen.


Neo Member
Reached Master rank today with combo roach. Time for memes decks now.
I saw Kripp playing this a few nights ago, and I wanted to give it a shot. Gave the solo play a few days, and wanted to go into MP. Got kinda nervous because I felt like I was going to be behind every other player since I was fresh into the game. But interestingly enough, this game had an option to buy pre-built decks!

Looked into what kind of deck I could construct out of the pre-builts, chose Blood Bat and here I am! Having quite a blast, and I don't know why but I feel like I already have a better grasp on it than Hearthstone. I never could get into Hearthstone, because I always felt behind and intimidated- but maybe it's because of the single player option and the pre-built deck I went ahead and bought I feel way more comfortable.

Need to win a private match with a friend though, and I don't have any friends who paly lol.


Salty losers disconnecting is irritating, had a bad run of that while grinding out the longer dailies today. Sort of tempted to try out a Seraph deck, used to prefer heavy control back in MtG but find aggro decks are a bit more fun when you need to play lots of matches in a row. The main thing holding me back is how expensive those Enstatuated Seraphs are going to be to craft, havent managed to pull a single one yet (nor a Timesworn Levi, my luck with Darkness boosters is super shoddy).
Well, the good news is that you only need two of them in most Seraph decks. I'd run it myself, but it's the 3x Themis's Decree that I need to make it work.

Jeez, just did a casual match with aggro Blood (I need my daily mission) where I had a perfect curve vs. Disco Dragon... Just, poor Rowen.
I just had a perfect curve with my Combo Roach deck against Ramp Dragon. My poor opponent was at 8 health before I played a single Roach. It's the very first time I went Elven Princess Mage -> Feena -> Roach death combo. I think I felt the collective pain of every Dragon player in that one!

Historical recreation of what happened:

Reached Master rank today with combo roach. Time for memes decks now.
Awesome! What does your deck look like?


Reached Master rank today with combo roach. Time for memes decks now.
Congrats and welcome to GAF!

Well, the good news is that you only need two of them in most Seraph decks. I'd run it myself, but it's the 3x Themis's Decree that I need to make it work.

I just had a perfect curve with my Combo Roach deck against Ramp Dragon. My poor opponent was at 8 health before I played a single Roach. It's the very first time I went Elven Princess Mage -> Feena -> Roach death combo. I think I felt the collective pain of every Dragon player in that one!

Historical recreation of what happened:
lol, damn.
I've been trying to avoid it, but maybe I should play some Roach combo...

I love playing Dragon, but right now it's not in the best place.
Second week of meta analytics and it still has the lowest WR in general, averaging less than 50% against every other craft (while some Dragon styles are obviously better than others, it's still struggling).


it's so beautiful. I love my janky rose queen roach hyrbid deck a lot, it's so fun. I always get a lot of emotes when I win lol.

cute seraph you have there, you're so dead.

goblin mage might as well read, add a roach to your hand lol. the card is so stupid.

I was playing Take Two last night and ended up with adeck that had Crystal Tia, Rose Gardener, Rose Queen , Fairy Caster, Mana Elk, Petal Fencer, Elf of the Gemstones, Pixie Paradise, Woodland Refuge and some other stuff (wrote down some of the better cards after playing it).

Considering I'm just starting out and I'm very threadbare on deck options holy shit was this like a night and day difference in my performance out there! Once I got Pixie Paradise and Refuge out it was just a runaway of fairies buffs, thornbursts and what have you. I got my first match vs a human that ended with me having full health!

I'm really digging Take Two sets now because of stuff like this. It rewards me with deck tickets a lot and I get to test out really wild cards like this. I got what felt like a helluva good 30 out of my draws last night and I'm loving all the thornbursts. Felt like I could use some warded stuff though, but it was all good considering I always seemed to have some sorta card I could play and attack with as soon as it was used to keep the battlefield clear.

Feels like I finally got to play the tip of the iceberg last night. Such a difference.


lol, damn.
I've been trying to avoid it, but maybe I should play some Roach combo...
The funny thing about Roach combo is that the new hotness is Goblin Mage, and she's basically kicked December's card back to the curb. Shadowverse can be so fickle sometimes. :)

I was playing Take Two last night and ended up with adeck that had Crystal Tia, Rose Gardener, Rose Queen , Fairy Caster, Mana Elk, Petal Fencer, Elf of the Gemstones, Pixie Paradise, Woodland Refuge and some other stuff (wrote down some of the better cards after playing it).

Considering I'm just starting out and I'm very threadbare on deck options holy shit was this like a night and day difference in my performance out there! Once I got Pixie Paradise and Refuge out it was just a runaway of fairies buffs, thornbursts and what have you. I got my first match vs a human that ended with me having full health!

I'm really digging Take Two sets now because of stuff like this. It rewards me with deck tickets a lot and I get to test out really wild cards like this. I got what felt like a helluva good 30 out of my draws last night and I'm loving all the thornbursts. Felt like I could use some warded stuff though, but it was all good considering I always seemed to have some sorta card I could play and attack with as soon as it was used to keep the battlefield clear.

Feels like I finally got to play the tip of the iceberg last night. Such a difference.
Two of the great advantages of Take Two are that it lets new player play with something other than their barebones decks, and that we get to see lots of off-meta cards. Personally, I find Take Two to be much more stressful, and as I play Shadowverse to wind down, I don't play it very often. Good rewards though, so it's probably good for newer players.


Is it possible to create link codes to transfer my account data from the IOS version to Steam? I've been trying to search for device link and it's gone.


Is it possible to create link codes to transfer my account data from the IOS version to Steam? I've been trying to search for device link and it's gone.

You need to use an Android device or emulator now.

iOS -> Facebook -> Android -> Steam

RoB patch removed the ability to link from iOS to Steam for unexplained circumstances, but it probably has something to do with Apple.


You need to use an Android device or emulator now.

iOS -> Facebook -> Android -> Steam

RoB patch removed the ability to link from iOS to Steam for unexplained circumstances, but it probably has something to do with Apple.

Just fuck my shit up. Won't have access to my phone for a while so i guess i'll have to lose out on dailies. Thanks for the help.


Currently I have 2 Alexander and 2 Eidolon of Madness.
Should I keep them?
I don't think I have ever seen either card get played.


Currently I have 2 Alexander and 2 Eidolon of Madness.
Should I keep them?
I don't think I have ever seen either card get played.
Eidolon of Madness is a key card in some Seraph and Amulet control decks, so they're worth keeping. I've only seen Alexander in a Sword Control deck, but those are meant to be played with a ton of legendaries (2x Alexander, 3x Aurelia, 3x Albert, 2x Otohime). I kept one of the Alexanders I opened because you never know, but I got rid of the animated one since I wasn't going to use it any time soon. The other thing to look at is whether you have a use for the vials right now. Personally, I don't have any immediate goals so I've been sitting on 5600 vials for the time being.


Starting to get my head around combo Roach.

Currently I have 2 Alexander and 2 Eidolon of Madness.
Should I keep them?
I don't think I have ever seen either card get played.

There's a nice Eidolon + Bunny control haven deck. It either finishes with PTP or Seraph.

I had trouble getting it working but other people seem to be having some luck with it.


Alexander seems bad now that you have cyclone blade. Even then you play one at most, I would get rid of one. It's a decent playable card though.

Sword decks right now are about playing wall of wards and then winning on turn 9 with Albert. You don't have time for Alexander.


There's a nice Eidolon + Bunny control haven deck. It either finishes with PTP or Seraph.

I had trouble getting it working but other people seem to be having some luck with it.

Yeah I ran across two of them yesterday, and then today I see a post about it in Reddit, lol


Yeah! I made A0! And I went through trials with a Banner Sword deck. Now, I might want to start laddering with Combo Roach instead.

Alexander's issue is that I'd much rather have Odin or Fangblade in his spot.
Theoretically, Alexander can clear an entire board by himself. But the likelihood you'd want to do that so late with a Swordcraft deck, especially when Cyclone Blade exists, is pretty darned remote.


Yeah! I made A0! And I went through trials with a Banner Sword deck. Now, I might want to start laddering with Combo Roach instead.

Theoretically, Alexander can clear an entire board by himself. But the likelihood you'd want to do that so late with a Swordcraft deck, especially when Cyclone Blade exists, is pretty darned remote.

Grats! I'm within 1000pts from my trials playing my Ward Ramp Dragon... Hopefully I make it.

Edit: Jeez, I just lost in a Dragon mirror, simply because my opponent played THREE Bahamuts...
I stopped and took down his first. Then I countered his second with my own, but then he countered that one with his third... jeez.


Grats! I'm within 1000pts from my trials playing my Ward Ramp Dragon... Hopefully I make it.
Thanks. The thing is, I actually wanted to stay in B for a few more days. I wanted to practice Combo Roach a bit more before moving on, but I didn't realize how close I was to Trials. I crushed that last opponent with a 5-attack, a 7-attack, and an 8-attack Roach on 8. That was just disgusting.

Edit: Jeez, I just lost in a Dragon mirror, simply because my opponent played THREE Bahamuts...
I stopped and took down his first. Then I countered his second with my own, but then he countered that one with his third... jeez.
Sometimes I get the feeling that legendaries should be restricted to 2 per deck. It would avoid a lot of the abusive plays in the game.


Yeah! I made A0! And I went through trials with a Banner Sword deck. Now, I might want to start laddering with Combo Roach instead.

Theoretically, Alexander can clear an entire board by himself. But the likelihood you'd want to do that so late with a Swordcraft deck, especially when Cyclone Blade exists, is pretty darned remote.

That and if you really want a late game boardclearer, Bahamut is so much better at it and can finish at the same time.

Sword control is so freaking expensive to build, it's hard to experiment.


Currently I mostly play Shadow Control with Nephthys as well as Rune Tempo ,because the game really wants me to play it by giving me Daria 3 times.
I definitely prefere the Shadow deck, partly because I more of a control player and partly because I'm not a fan of decks that are too strong.
I feel like meta is really bad for face Dragon - I'm getting hit by same things that are designed to stop OTK roach and aggro blood but without their power.


'enry 'ollins
So, I'm 4-0 in TT and get matched up against Runecraft... I've never seen one past 2 wins, so I knew shit was about to get real.

T1: Scrap Iron Golem
T2: Dwarf Alchemist
T3: some generic 3-drop
T4: Evolve Levi + Piercing Rune
T5: Ancient Alchemist
T6: triple Conjure Guardian
T7: Professor of Taboos
T8: gg

I was not prepared.
So, I'm 4-0 in TT and get matched up against Runecraft... I've never seen one past 2 wins, so I knew shit was about to get real.

T1: Scrap Iron Golem
T2: Dwarf Alchemist
T3: some generic 3-drop
T4: Evolve Levi + Piercing Rune
T5: Ancient Alchemist
T6: triple Conjure Guardian
T7: Professor of Taboos
T8: gg

I was not prepared.
The power of the Earth Rune deck!!

I fucking love Professor of Taboos so fucking much.


'enry 'ollins
The power of the Earth Rune deck!!

I fucking love Professor of Taboos so fucking much.
Yeah, I'm trying to build one for constructed but I don't have any Ancient Alchemists. I think it's definitely more efficient of an anti-aggro/midrange deck than my Ward Dragon attempts.


I feel like meta is really bad for face Dragon - I'm getting hit by same things that are designed to stop OTK roach and aggro blood but without their power.
Maybe you should switch to Discard Dragon for a little while. It can handle wards better than face Dragon, and it's decent at control to boot.

Yeah, I'm trying to build one for constructed but I don't have any Ancient Alchemists. I think it's definitely more efficient of an anti-aggro/midrange deck than my Ward Dragon attempts.
You don't necessarily have to have Ancient Alchemist to run Earth Rite. It's only essential to super Golem-centric decks with Twin Guardians. Juno or Remi and Rami would be really good in that deck as well.

EDIT: One thing that sucks about A is that, even in Unranked, you get matched up with other A players with their refined decks so playing goofy decks is just an exercise in masochism. Finishing missions is also a much bigger pain in the neck.
EDIT: One thing that sucks about A is that, even in Unranked, you get matched up with other A players with their refined decks so playing goofy decks is just an exercise in masochism. Finishing missions is also a much bigger pain in the neck.

Yep, thought once I climbed to A0 I could try using some meme decks, but my dragonclaw pendant dragon deck is getting nowhere lol
You don't necessarily have to have Ancient Alchemist to run Earth Rite. It's only essential to super Golem-centric decks with Twin Guardians. Juno or Remi and Rami would be really good in that deck as well.

EDIT: One thing that sucks about A is that, even in Unranked, you get matched up with other A players with their refined decks so playing goofy decks is just an exercise in masochism. Finishing missions is also a much bigger pain in the neck.
Agreed. I run Ancient Alchemist because my Earth Rune is HEAVY with Golems so I also run Apprentice Alchemist and Goblin Mage(To make sure I actually get one of the other two followers)

The vast majority of my matches are won because I am able to grind people down with a constant stream of golems. Also been experimenting with Timeless Witch since she serve a similar function. It is amusing how many people I run into who don't realize she's protecting my HP and go face when she's out there.


Question. Can I even take my iOS account to PC, on Steam? I started on iOS last year and I can no longer make a link code on iOS it seems. I'm kinda stuck with this one


Question. Can I even take my iOS account to PC, on Steam? I started on iOS last year and I can no longer make a link code on iOS it seems. I'm kinda stuck with this one
You cans till do it, but you have to link it to facebook first ,then to an android phone(or emulator) and then finally to steam.


so I've been playing this on and off for a while

I'm at D3, and not even close to being a hot shot or anything, haven't spent vials on anything, and unlike most players I still haven't burned through all my card tickets yet. I open one of each every day in order to try and get myself used to new cards and concepts better, and to see the practicality of each new card within an actual game.

Granted, I'm getting dunked on by Path to Purgatory decks (stocked with Ancient Elves, Rhinoceroaches, and Crystallia Tias galore), Dimensional Shift and Daria decks, Vania-centric aggro Bloodcraft decks... the list goes on.

And this is way far from the top of the stack.

How the hell am I supposed to compete? I don't have any of those cards, and I'm pretty sure the only legendaries I've pulled are Lord Atomy, Aurelia, Bloody Mary, and White Wolf of Eldwood ... the second and fourth of whom are the only ones to prove kinda-useful overall.

I mean, I guess I should probably consider looking into decks... but crafting cards from vials is expensive as all get-out in this game... At least, it feels like that to me. Legendaries feel extraordinarily out of reach...
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