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Shank |OT| (PC/XBLA/PSN)


finished the demo, not impressed.

the cutscenes are awesome. there seem to be quite a lot of them (which explains the size).
but the combat is the real problem here. if there is only one enemy, everything is fine. but if you fight against 2 or more, it gets very hectic and there is almost no way to avoid getting shot or hit. the blocking and dodging isnt really useful (ign review is spot on about that).

graphics look great and the animations are smooth, but the backgrounds feel very copy & paste.

i really like the cutscenes and the story so far (seems very story and cutscene heavy) but i just dont feel the combat, its not fun (for me).
I think they use the d-pad to select weapons. Analog stick control wasn't really an issue in the demo.
It's kinda fun, but not $15 fun (in relation to other download titles and the short length). Apart from the combat the first level design was really simple. Also, I miss gore for the normal combat and I feel like it would be more fun if the most basic enemies were "one"-hit kills.


Damn, wish I had read these updates before buyin it. I finished a chapter of Valkyria Chronicles, saw it was available, and hit buy. =/

Hope I enjoy it.
I liked the demo a lot... really want to buy it but the fact that it's $15 and only has local co-op is bugging me. :\
I also don't get why it can't run at a native 1080p.


Snaku said:
Damn, wish I had read these updates before buyin it. I finished a chapter of Valkyria Chronicles, saw it was available, and hit buy. =/

Hope I enjoy it.
its not a bad game, its just that the fighting is too hectic and unfair for me. dishwasher did this kind of gameplay much better. i would still buy it for 10 bucks.
I enjoyed the demo and will purchase the full game. I do wish it allowed you to config the controls to allow the d-pad for movement though, and it feels like it could use a dodge/dash mapped to the right stick instead of the dash done by holding block and pressing left or right. I probably just need to get used to the control a little more I guess.


Reviews seem to be all over the place:

Gamesradar: 6/10
Gamespot: 6.5/10
IGN: 7/10
Destructoid: 8.5/10
Joystiq: 4.5/5
1up: A


1up seems to be the outlier from the review sites and 1up has been shit since all the competent people left

definitely a pass from me. IGN gave it a 7 FFS


I'm enjoying the game. Beat the first level and made it partway through the second one. Game's kinda difficult at points, but nothing too crazy so far. I'm only playing on normal too, hard has no checkpoints :lol


Initially I found the controls to be very loose and I didn't understand how the block worked. Once I got that down things started to improve.

It's pretty chaotic at times. You can fall to your death in weird spots and the controls are still loose, but when you really start to work together, it's pretty damn fun. I played the first three bosses worth of co-op and I can say I'm enjoying the game.

Good, not great.

Len Dontree

Animator. Respect knuckles.
Stumpokapow said:
Given that XBLA games have mandatory demos, it'd pretty much be a scam if the PSN version didn't :p

Well, it wouldn't be the first time that's happened. :/ Looking forward to trying this out regardless.


lobdale said:
No d-pad support? What kind of fucking idiots code a 2D action game and remove d-pad? What a below-the-belt shot in the face!


I now have written off the developers of this game forever, and I hope they are reading this, because hey developers, you are totally amateur, and you smell, and even though I already bought your game I am going to pretend this game just made itself, because you guys are seriously morons.


Not You Guys

Now, now, Eets: Chowdown was a very good though sadly overlooked game.
Played the demo...meh. It's something I'd pick up on a sale or something. Not right now though. 15 is too much. Games like Deathspank warrant the price, not this.

Also combat bored me a bit by the time I ended the demo :lol

Adam J.

Just played through the first level with a friend. Wow. I must be totally out of touch with what merits a quality title these days. Judging by the first level, this is one of the crunchiest, stickiest action games about a dude with a knife and gun I've ever played, not to mention it has some of the most mind-blowing 2D graphics I've ever seen. I was playing on Normal and every enemy felt like a threat, which I totally love in a game like this.


Well everything you said is true, but I've done varying degrees of this in other games, like Devil May Cry, Mad World, etc.

There's so much going on but it becomes very difficult to appreciate it when you can't tell your character apart from the other guys. He needs a big red cape or white hair or something.

The ambition is too big and the world is too small to capture it.

Adam J.

For those complaining about the lack of gore, I've already witnessed a decapitation, big shard of glass through the face and explosions that send blood and guts all over the place (it happens really fast).
Yeah, no Dpad support..and after playing it, it definitely would be much better with it. Honestly, it seems as if it was designed for an analog at one point in development considering how heavy his running start up is, but then was axed for whatever reason. Either way, it isn't in, and it would be better with it. Now that this is over...

First of all, boy is this game meaty! I mean, don't expect hyperbolic time chamber type gravity, but it does have some really nice weight to its is feel, controls and animations. Certainly much heavier than I would have thought, and more so than most games of this type. It doesn't feel cheap at all in that regard. The only real complaint I would have at this point as far as controls, moves, and whatnot go would be the fact that there is a lag in the start up of his run animation. It isn't the forward momentum shift he does, which I like, but a lag in the actual input/reaction. It feels like it's due to the analog dead zone, but whatever the case is, its there. It doesn't seem to be game breaking or anything from what I've played, but its an annoyance none the less.

His move transitions are also really nice. His...er, shank combo, can be varied by holding forward, down, or simply standing. The down version will give you an arching pop up swing of which you can immediately attack afterward, be it a juggle or just going after other dangers around you. His jump is pretty digital, so no matter how long you press the button, the height will remain the same. There are some noteworthy details about it though. The after effect of the jump differs if you are actually running vs jumping from a standing position. You can move while in mid-air, and if you are still moving once your feet hit the ground, it will result in him doing a quick forward roll if you have jumped from a stand. A running jump while continuing to move when your feet plant will have him simply continuing the run animation. Good stuff.

Also, concerning his guns. Not sure if its been shown, but you can sort of "combo" them ala gunslinger stance from DMC3. Shooting while remaining still will just cause the usual repeated dual wielding madness, but if you hold forward, he will go all Dante and get fancy(still shooting forward though)...but once his fancy feast ends, if you press the opposite direction right afterward while continuing to shoot, he will fire in both directions at the same time. Again, good stuff.

His pounce(done with the R trigger) is pretty heavy as far as animation goes, and has a set distance when not locked on to someone. No analog pouncing, so you need to understand the amount of ground it covers. When enemies are around, it is assisted, and homes in slowly on a chosen one. While it isn't a problem in the demo(you can pretty much do it worry free unless you are near a ledge or a big enemy), it could prove to be used as a tactile move if the difficulty ramps up and adjusts to it. One cool thing is that once you successfully pounce an enemy and begin carving your name in his chest/face, you can fire one of your guns at others that may be closing in and either continue afterward, or simply jump off if things are getting too crazy. Really nice to look at.

The chainsaw is pretty self explanatory. Nothing fancy at all, and is at it should be. You can pop someone up, or throw them behind you depending on what swing you use though. I tried to pop someone up and follow with a pounce, but no dice :^(

Well, now that I'm done toying with it, I think ill actually play it :lol
Sipowicz said:
definitely a pass from me. IGN gave it a 7 FFS


IGN said:
by Arthur Gies



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
tjohn86 said:
jesus could this thing download slower off the psn?

220 minutes my ass

Wait, it actually told you 220 minutes? :lol

It gave me 37 minutes, and it STILL pissed me off.


its downloading in the background now but it was 200+ minutes while it was in the foreground.

15 mb/s comcast connection. the fuck sony.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Demo's not bad. But like other people said: Yeah, not a $15 game for. Esp. since they couldn't be assed to subtitle the cutscenes. Christ, in this day and age you could at least be inclusive for some of us with a five minute (SHOW SUBTITLE) code job. :|


Beat the first three levels and killed
The Butcher
. Really digging this game. The combat is simple and fun, the art & animation is wonderfully tongue-in-cheek, the music is very subject matter appropriate, and the story is a guy version of Kill Bill. Not much to say other than bad ass.

Given the troubled times in which we live, a $15 asking price for a downloadable slash 'em up is probably a bit much. But if the demo rubs you the right way, and you're not pinching pennies, go for it.


denomes said:
That's 2-3 hours longer than typical admission at a movie theater. Give your head a shake dude.
I usually use this argument, but movies typically give a unique experience throughout.
Repetition in games devalue its worth in the argument.

With no dpad controls, I'm not sure if I want to get into it.


Just played the first couple levels. Very cool so far. The combat system is quite good. Looking forward to playing more tomorrow.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Played the demo. It left me kind of cold. I guess it's back to Ys!
does this game have that "i can't wait to play it again so i can totally rape the parts i know i can rape now" feeling?

if it's a one time wowee look at the gory kill game, i'm passing.

remember, you can buy viewtiful joe for 2.99... :lol


I'll buy it in the same way I bought Odin Sphere... average game but great, high res 2D sprites FTW. So maybe one day, I'll be playing Metroidvania HD.

Adam J.

quinntendopower said:
does this game have that "i can't wait to play it again so i can totally rape the parts i know i can rape now" feeling?

if it's a one time wowee look at the gory kill game, i'm passing.

remember, you can buy viewtiful joe for 2.99... :lol

I just played it for about an hour and a half, and I'm just now "getting" how to play and look forward to going back to earler levels and totally destroying them (the dogs in this game are some of the most ruthless ever btw).


I was pretty hyper for this but I am not feeling the combat either. I am actually having more fun with Scott Pilgrim. No D-Pad control also feels really weird.
I love the look, I love the style, the combat is a lot of fun and does a good job of making you feel like a total badass - but then that feeling is constantly stripped away by the games design intentionally trying to overwhelm you. There is literally too much going on, and when you're expected to take out a whole variety of enemies, who all take a freaking age to kill, it fast becomes totally overwhelming and very, very frustrating.
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