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Shank |OT| (PC/XBLA/PSN)

xRosvall said:
Anyone got any tips for the last boss? His kicking my ass.

he gave me some trouble but check out this video from my stream http://www.justin.tv/cil1/b/268948065

just foward to near the end. the key is to give yourself some space, run towards him and dash to his other side with LT which leaves him vulnerable for a sec. just keep doing that and the fight becomes manageable but I died a bit trying to figure it out.


2GB is huge for an arcade game, thank god I picked up the new slim with plenty of storage, definitely buying shank tonight.


Anyone else had problems with this loading on the Xbox? Downloaded the trial and shit will not load at all. If it does, it's really choppy. My other games work fine.
Jroderton said:
Anyone else had problems with this loading on the Xbox? Downloaded the trial and shit will not load at all. If it does, it's really choppy. My other games work fine.

Are you currently downloading anything else? I had this problem but it was because I was simultaneously downloading Scott Pilgrim. Once the download finished it smoothed out.
Jroderton said:
Anyone else had problems with this loading on the Xbox? Downloaded the trial and shit will not load at all. If it does, it's really choppy. My other games work fine.

Yep. I came home, started the download, left it and let it finish. Just booted it up and the intro is skipping horribly and the game won't even load. I guess I'll try re-downloading it, but fuck man, 2GB.
Jroderton said:
Anyone else had problems with this loading on the Xbox? Downloaded the trial and shit will not load at all. If it does, it's really choppy. My other games work fine.

I have this issue with my launch model 360.
The intro stutters but after that it worked fine so try waiting it out.
Last costume is DeathSpank. Or... DeathShank? ShankSpank?

MyEpitomeCliché said:
Yep. I came home, started the download, left it and let it finish. Just booted it up and the intro is skipping horribly and the game won't even load. I guess I'll try re-downloading it, but fuck man, 2GB.

Well, I deleted and re-downloaded, but it's still fucked up. The intro still skips and the game won't even load when I try to start. Fix this shit!


MyEpitomeCliché said:
Well, I deleted and re-downloaded, but it's still fucked up. The intro still skips and the game won't even load when I try to start. Fix this shit!
You seem to be the only one in gaf having that problem. Sorry, mang.


Sketchbook Picasso
The Intro skipped for me like crazy. And it froze for a few seconds. But after pressing start, it loaded to the title screen fine.

The load times have also be atrotious, heh, but once in, it's all fine. The game is good fun, Very "Kill Bill".

Did I mention I hate "Snitch" archetypes? I'm not even asking how he
lived on so well, after losing his arm
. Stopped around there for now.

Shotgun and Chains rule.


AHHHH awesome game!!! This, the New Tomb Raider and Scott Pilgram game are such awesome games for me and my wife to co-op together. Love all 3 of them
SAB CA said:
The Intro skipped for me like crazy. And it froze for a few seconds. But after pressing start, it loaded to the title screen fine.

The load times have also be atrotious, heh, but once in, it's all fine. The game is good fun, Very "Kill Bill".

Did I mention I hate "Snitch" archetypes? I'm not even asking how he
lived on so well, after losing his arm
. Stopped around there for now.

Shotgun and Chains rule.

So I see the problem persists. It did eventually load for me, and I put about a good hour into it. Yes, the load times are pretty bad, at least a minute between levels. Is this common for everyone? Enjoying the game, but I hope they patch the intro glitch.


GameFan Alumnus
Beat the game and I liked it a lot. More than happy to pay full price to support independent game development. The game is good, but it has flaws.

There's a deep combat system with a lot of variety in moves, but there's no tutorial explaining any of that, so the player is left to figure it out on their own, or play the game the 'wrong' way (without using all of Shank's tools properly).

You can lose yourself when things get hectic. It would be better if there were some kind of marker over Shank, so you can't lose yourself in the crowd.

Here and there, there are some aggravating cheap deaths like random grenades hitting you as you spawn, so you die during the cutscene, or gun guys positioned next to ropes/ladders, causing you to fall to your death. I really wish checkpoints would be after cutscenes, or you could at least skip cutscenes by hitting start, not start then X. Why is there that extra step?

Lastly, there's no explanation for how you unlock all the costumes. I unlocked one for beating the game. I hope I don't have to beat the game 10+ times to unlock all the outfits. Wish it were like Red Dead where you could see the requirements to unlock the hidden costumes.

Also, for the guy stuck on the last boss,
dodge to the other side, then shank, rinse, repeat. Don't waste time trying to block. You're only going to get cut by that second knife attack anyway. Can't seem to avoid it.
Eggo said:
Beat the game and I liked it a lot. More than happy to pay full price to support independent game development. The game is good, but it has flaws.

There's a deep combat system with a lot of variety in moves, but there's no tutorial explaining any of that, so the player is left to figure it out on their own, or play the game the 'wrong' way (without using all of Shank's tools properly).

You can lose yourself when things get hectic. It would be better if there were some kind of marker over Shank, so you can't lose yourself in the crowd.

Here and there, there are some aggravating cheap deaths like random grenades hitting you as you spawn, so you die during the cutscene, or gun guys positioned next to ropes/ladders, causing you to fall to your death. I really wish checkpoints would be after cutscenes, or you could at least skip cutscenes by hitting start, not start then X. Why is there that extra step?

Lastly, there's no explanation for how you unlock all the costumes. I unlocked one for beating the game. I hope I don't have to beat the game 10+ times to unlock all the outfits. Wish it were like Red Dead where you could see the requirements to unlock the hidden costumes.

Also, for the guy stuck on the last boss,
dodge to the other side, then shank, rinse, repeat. Don't waste time trying to block. You're only going to get cut by that second knife attack anyway. Can't seem to avoid it.
So you can pause the cutscene if needed. It already came in handy for me while playing just the demo.

All of your complaints besides the cheap deaths sound minor which is a great thing to hear since I haven't had the chance to pick it up yet.


Jesus man, 2 gigs and atrocious loading times. Pretty stupid for any game, let alone a beat em up on xbl arcade. Double considering another beat em up came out today that doesn't have any of those issues.
Phloxy said:
Jesus man, 2 gigs and atrocious loading times. Pretty stupid for any game, let alone a beat em up on xbl arcade. Double considering another beat em up came out today that doesn't have any of those issues.

There's been some reports of freezing issues with that game though.

They're aware of the problem:
Two things we’re looking into

With every launch, there’s always something! We’re currently looking at fixes for two issues:

The first is that it appears that older Xbox 360’s have slower disc access rates, so the opening cinematic chugs, and loading between levels takes longer — when we tested this on development kits, this never came up so that took us completely by surprise, and we’re looking into it. Note that the actual game experience is not affected in any way.

The second is that, if you unlock the Trial on the 360, there’s a chance that the first two achievements are not unlocked. We’ve already got a fix for this, so when it comes in, you’ll automatically get your achievements.

Thanks and please keep letting us know if you have any questions or concerns!


corrosivefrost said:
What's with all the dpad complaints? I don't get it. I had no problem using the analog stick.

Graphics are cool -- as for the gameplay, jury's still out for me there.

I also do not have a problem, but I play on 360, I can Imagine that PS3 users complaining.


Neo Member
BigBlackGamer said:
he gave me some trouble but check out this video from my stream http://www.justin.tv/cil1/b/268948065

just foward to near the end. the key is to give yourself some space, run towards him and dash to his other side with LT which leaves him vulnerable for a sec. just keep doing that and the fight becomes manageable but I died a bit trying to figure it out.

Thanks, watching now. I tried this morning and got my ass kicked again.


Absolutely loved the game from start to finish (single player)- haven't tried Co-op yet. I didn't have any issues with the analog stick, and although the load times were a bit long I didn't experience any freezing/choppiness on the 360. Great game, gonna try to kill 1000 for the achievement!


Gold Member
Played the demo, did not like.

The biggest problem to me are the controls, which honestly feel awful. Above all I it really annoys me that he constantly makes jumping attacks, no matter what attack button you're pressing. If I'm mashing the Circle button (pistols) that means I want to attack from a distance for a little while, but that will initiate a combo where he jumps toward the closest enemy. The same goes for any other button, and on occasion he would even jump without me pressing any button at all. Very odd. There is a "jump-n-attack" button (R2), so why not just let me do that when I want to and not do it for me when I don't want to? I died several times in the demo because of unintended jump attacks which ended up throwing me into bottomless pits. Not cool.

All in all, I just don't feel like I'm 100% in control. The game keeps doing stuff that I don't intend to happen, and by the end of the demo/trial that had made me very frustrated. Will not buy.


RoadHazard said:
Played the demo, did not like.

The biggest problem to me are the controls, which honestly feel awful. Above all I it really annoys me that he constantly makes jumping attacks, no matter what attack button you're pressing. If I'm mashing the Circle button (pistols) that means I want to attack from a distance for a little while, but that will initiate a combo where he jumps toward the closest enemy. The same goes for any other button, and on occasion he would even jump without me pressing any button at all. Very odd. There is a "jump-n-attack" button (R2), so why not just let me do that when I want to and not do it for me when I don't want to? I died several times in the demo because of unintended jump attacks which ended up throwing me into bottomless pits. Not cool.

All in all, I just don't feel like I'm 100% in control. The game keeps doing stuff that I don't intend to happen, and by the end of the demo/trial that had made me very frustrated. Will not buy.
That's really weird coz the game doesn't do that at all. It sounds a bit condescending but are you sure your pad isn't having issues?

And the pounce move isn't really a jump and attack.


Gold Member
samratty said:
That's really weird coz the game doesn't do that at all. It sounds a bit condescending but are you sure your pad isn't having issues?

And the pounce move isn't really a jump and attack.

Never had a problem with the pad before. But sure, I can try using my other one and see if anything changes.

EDIT: Actually, the R2 button on the pad I used is a bit loose, so maybe that's the problem. I'll try using my other one, which doesn't have this issue.
All the attacks are affected by the direction you are holding when you initiate them, and I personally found that thanks to analogue over d-pad controls that I often accidentally triggered the wrong attack because I hadn't noticed that I had the analogue pointing more upwards than forwards. The lack of an option to switch the d-pad and analogue controls is regrettable.


Just beat the final boss - awesome game, now for the costumes. When you start a new game do you keep all the items?


Sketchbook Picasso
RoadHazard said:
Never had a problem with the pad before. But sure, I can try using my other one and see if anything changes.
Please refer to Abstrat Alien's awesome post describing the particulars of the combat.

There should be no issues with standing still and shooting if your Analog is centered neutral. If your controller is a bit messed up, however, you'll do lots of forward + shoot that you don't want.

RB = A targeted pounce, if there are enemies on screen. If there are none, it's a set distanced jump that has none of the smart properties (ability to control, ability to grab onto objects) of a REAL jump, so yeah, for platforming, it's suicide. Think of it as a fancy grappler/crowd controller, not a jump.


I'm suprised at the complains of the controls. This controls like much of what is published by big time developers now-a-days: it removes a lot of the "useless" frustration of precise timing and presses, and instead implements a layer of subtle help to the player, in various ways.

- Jumping to swings and runnable walls is almost automatic, taking away a LOT of the frustration of "cheap" deaths.

- Button combos have a bit of a buffer. This makes it a LOT easier to string together the combos you want, if you calm down, and push the directions and buttons that perform what you wish.

- Guns have generous spread and distances. Shotguns are insane at controlling crowds. Even previously "unshakeable" enemies can be staggered/juggled when using the right weapons.

- His roll has LOADS of invincibility, when used right. (For the record, I never really liked Right stick controls for rolls/evasion. Take your finger off the attack buttons.) It's actually pretty easy to roll through shots and charges.

- Health is almost everywhere. You'll start almost every encounter with a lot of HP, if you're using your weapons well. Boxes which normally drop nothing, seem to drop health if you're weak. Larger enemies drop health more when weak as well, I believe, and they can be toppled pretty safely with some fancy shotgun crowd control.

- Shank can emergency roll, to cancel his attacks (he flashes white when this happens). It's not as instant as Bayonetta, but it's still pretty generous. You CAN get sorta stuck in long attack strings if you overdo it, but that's the cost of playing "mindlessly".

If you start using the D-pad to switch weps on the fly, stringing together combos and generally controlling all of the death-dance as actively as you can, the game is pretty satisfying. It takes a bit of learning, and some patience, but that's because it actually has some DEPTH.

This is funny, compared to Scott.P. Here, you get almost every technique at the get go, but it seems like not many are taking the time to learn the particulars. However, with Scott P, you learn things 1 move at a time, giving you a great way to get used to using each thing... yet people complain there that it feels too shallow. I think it's cool to have 2 games with such opposing design styles released in the same week, for less than half of a retail release...


Love the game, love the art style, love the costume unlocks and I love the gameplay! My minor gripes with the game are the loading times and not being able to configure the controls (X=attack and use items). Hard mode is kicking my butt!

Unlocked 3 costumes so far...
The red costume with an Afro for beating it on normal.
The Hockey mask after 100 chainsaw kills.
The Bruce Lee Game of Death after 1000 kills!

Fun game!


The thing that annoys me most is the voice-acting.
Shank, instead of sounding like the total badass that he is, sounds retarded.

Seriously? seriously? or is that like, on purpose, and supposed to be funny or whatever.

ACE 1991

Hm, reviews seem a little more all over the place than I expected. I assume repetition is the biggest drawback, correct?


Played the demo and enjoyed it. Don't think it would be as enjoyable over the 4 hours or so reported however.

If it ever drops to 800 pts I'll get it, 1200 a bit too much for my tastes though.

Also the EA logo screen and the mini-trailer thing at the start froze frequently for me, first cutscene ran fine though which was odd.


GameFan Alumnus
SAB CA said:
If you start using the D-pad to switch weps on the fly, stringing together combos and generally controlling all of the death-dance as actively as you can, the game is pretty satisfying. It takes a bit of learning, and some patience, but that's because it actually has some DEPTH.
You can't switch weapons mid-combo, right? I tried to do this. You hear the sound effect, but the weapon (e.g., chainsaw) does not switch. That would have made for more badass combos.

My favorite moment in the game is the cutscene
before the Priest fight.


Spayro said:
The thing that annoys me most is the voice-acting.
Shank, instead of sounding like the total badass that he is, sounds retarded.

Seriously? seriously? or is that like, on purpose, and supposed to be funny or whatever.

"The other, and less significant, issue: chugging cinematics. Cheng notes that "older Xbox 360's have slower disc access rates, so the opening cinematic chugs, and loading between levels takes longer." This never came up in testing and doesn't actually affect the gameplay in any way, but that's got to be doubly annoying. Slow load times off a hard drive?"

I knew it, the old 20giggers also effect install loading times as gaf found out last year, amazing to see how streaming some video in an xbla game can also have the same effect, what sort of bit rate are they using here???


I only played the demo but the game was really fun. Definitely one of the best 2d art styles i've seen. It really does look like a cartoon. Once I get more points this weekend I'll buy it. I am glad I upgraded to the 360 s so I have all this space now.


I know the PC version is a little ways out, but does anyone know if the developers showed interest in releasing this on Steam? That would probably be the only way I picked this up on the PC.
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