Azure Phoenix said:
But no, there is no marketing, just the hype being generated by all the good (US) reviews.
Then be patient. <= Take it from someone who was patient upon discovering Wayforward and Shantae some time early in 2000-2001 and who followed the development of the first game, and supported Wayforward's other games (Extreme Sports!!!) in the meantime.
To be fair, internet die-hards make up most of the audience for this game. A sequel to an 8 year old US only Game Boy Color game that sold very poorly, which is being released on the graveyard known as DSiWare is hardly going to stir up the masses.
Shantae stirring up the masses is a dream of mine, but passive aggressive types will always find an excuse to not join in the reindeer games; the GBA is about to come out, the 3DS is about to come out, it's on DSiWare, etc.
Everybody is punished (Wayforward and fans) when you don't hold the line. It helps nobody to get whipped into a frenzy, and then fall out of rank when you don't get what you want immediately.
After Matt Bozon, Voldi Way, and the Wayforward crew, I'm probably the next person in line that wants to see this franchise thrive.
I've said it earlier in the thread, if you're waiting for a 3DS; then it doesn't matter so long as the same day you buy your 3DS you buy a copy of Risky's Revenge.
Hopefully Wayforward will re-use the game engine now that it's in place and there's a distribution model to crank out more episodes in the series; and hopefully like with Art Academy they'll get collected and released on a cart down the road.
I hope Risky's Revenge releases in more regions soon. Hell, they just posted some fantastic fan art from Japan on the Shantae Facebook page.