I'm still waiting to be shown what the narrative point of Jen being a hulk is. As far as I've seen, outside the origin stuff in the first episode, none of the stories have anything to do with her being a hulk. Were the series about powerless Jen setting up a superhero division of a law firm, almost nothing meaningful would have to change to tell the same stories: her ability to represent Blonsky wouldn't change, nor her ability to represent Wong; if her superhero legal division had any sort of branding (or nickname given to her by the media because of her job), Titania would still be able to steal it and Jen's dates could still have dated her for her notoriety; she obviously could still have attended the wedding, and her fight with Titania would have been more impactful because she'd be at a disadvantage (demonstrating the risk of superhero defence). All the hulk stuff has been either superfluous or entirely aesthetic, and in some respects the series would actually be stronger without it in terms of Jen being more at risk. She could still be Banner's cousin, but get the idea of superhero defence after having to defend him from some spurious/malicious charge, and go from there.