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Sheriff pursuing felonies after Confederate statue torn down


We have to protect our families from the war of northern aggression! I imagine young, uneducated people were just as easy to manipulate back then. But it's a moot point. The people might not all have been racist but the service they joined was. There's no reason they should be honored for being part of the confederate army. Why would you honor people for their terrible decision making skills?
We have to protect our families from the war of northern aggression! I imagine young, uneducated people were just as easy to manipulate back then. But it's a moot point. The people might not all have been racist but the service they joined was. There's no reason they should be honored for being part of the confederate army. Why would you honor people for their terrible decision making skills?

"Joined" and "decision" are strong words for "Conscripted".


What I'm saying is, if Trump went to war against, Iunno California or some shit, it doesn't matter what my opinions are as an enlisted soldier -- Either I fight for Kaiser Fuckface, or I possibly face death. Personally? Might choose death. Best thing I can hope for is some sense befalls America and the shit just stops cold.

But like, if that were to happen, and I were to be killed, I'd sure hope I wouldn't be remembered solely as some cruel heartless bastard who fought to destroy California, or whatever horrendous thing I was forced to do.

Never said that. Not even once, not for a single microsecond. I said I will support a shred of pity for those who died in a war they didn't support.

Once again would the 2017 go to war to defend slavery?

You are defending people that fought to keep others in chains, if that is not support i don't know what its. People don't say John Wayne Gacy was a serial killer sure but he was a hell of a birthday clown.
"Wow, people were killed after being forced to take part in a war they didn't want, wanted no part of, over something they didn't want (slavery). Man, you know, it really sucks to be dragged into something like that, when you really didn't agree with it. It's kinda sad you know?"

"You're a racist!"


"Wow, people were killed after being forced to take part in a war they didn't want, wanted no part of, over something they didn't want (slavery). Man, you know, it really sucks to be dragged into something like that, when you really didn't agree with it. It's kinda sad you know?"

"You're a racist!"

If the people you claim were good people, why weren't black people welcome with open arms after the war? Why did reconstruction fail? Why did Jim Crow come into being?

They didn't have a musket to their head 24 hours a day for 60 years.

You are absolving people of an evil they proudly committed and worked hard to evolve and refine in new ways


Fought bravely for the right to own, rape, and murder another human being. Real brave tstuff

Too many of you are being obtuse. While I agree that there should be no monuments, the responses to that post is pretty shameful.

Only in a perfect world would most people that been drafted or were desperate for cash would still reject it. I didn't agree with the Iraq War, but if there was a draft for it or I was already in the military, I wouldn't disobey orders to go into Iraq. That isn't a decision one grunt can make unless it is an obviously unlawful order.

Yes, there were "normal" people who wasn't exactly fighting for those things specifically that were in the confederate army. We can argue that those guys were in the minority and not truly worth mentioning when speaking of the confederacy.


"Wow, people were killed after being forced to take part in a war they didn't want, wanted no part of, over something they didn't want (slavery). Man, you know, it really sucks to be dragged into something like that, when you really didn't agree with it. It's kinda sad you know?"

"You're a racist!"

You're arguing a dumb point that nobody brought up in the first place. We are currently in the throes of a massive right wing Nazi facist resurgence and you want to coddle racist Southerners by saying "not all y'all ancestors were racist, I get it!" In the face of their violence and murder.

Do you see a problem here?

And to the post above: nobody is being fucking obtuse. We are telling you that your argument is irrelevant in today's society.


Too many of you are being obtuse. While I agree that there should be no monuments, the responses to that post is pretty shameful.

Only in a perfect world would most people that been drafted or were desperate for cash would still reject it. I didn't agree with the Iraq War, but if there was a draft for it or I was already in the military, I wouldn't disobey orders to go into Iraq. That isn't a decision one grunt can make unless it is an obviously unlawful order.

Yes, there were "normal" people who wasn't exactly fighting for those things specifically that were in the confederate army. We can argue that those guys were in the minority and not truly worth mentioning when speaking of the confederacy.

Only thing shameful is people willing to give evil the benefit of the doubt


Inhuman rights are not a discussion. If you want to cosign rape, murder, and maiming. Do you, but I won't legitimize it by calling it a discussion

Such a ludicrous characterization. You have been very quick to decry other posts as logical fallacies while steadfastly charging forth with your own.
You're arguing a dumb point that nobody brought up in the first place. We are currently in the throes of a massive right wing Nazi facist resurgence and you want to coddle racist Southerners by saying "not all y'all ancestors were racist, I get it!" In the face of their violence and murder.

Do you see a problem here?

And to the post above: nobody is being fucking obtuse. We are telling you that your argument is irrelevant in today's society.

Page 1:
""I've walked by this statue several times in the last few weeks. And I've wondered, if it is appropriate," said Emily Yeatts, an attorney in Durham. "If there IS a way to remember and honor, as it says, 'The boys who wore the gray,' without also lending some legitimacy to the cause for which they fought. This statue has struck me as out of place in Durham, for some time. And while I was surprised to see the news footage last night, it seemed right.""

Me: "Okay yeah, I can see remembering the people who were dragged into that war completely against their will (and possibly moral compass), but statues aren't really appropriate for it"

GAF: "You're a racist and love the confederacy!"
Too many of you are being obtuse. While I agree that there should be no monuments, the responses to that post is pretty shameful.

Only in a perfect world would most people that been drafted or were desperate for cash would still reject it. I didn't agree with the Iraq War, but if there was a draft for it or I was already in the military, I wouldn't disobey orders to go into Iraq. That isn't a decision one grunt can make unless it is an obviously unlawful order.

Yes, there were "normal" people who wasn't exactly fighting for those things specifically that were in the confederate army. We can argue that those guys were in the minority and not truly worth mentioning when speaking of the confederacy.

Posts like this are why things will never truly improve in America and why we lose people like Heather Heyer


Too many of you are being obtuse. While I agree that there should be no monuments, the responses to that post is pretty shameful.

Only in a perfect world would most people that been drafted or were desperate for cash would still reject it. I didn't agree with the Iraq War, but if there was a draft for it or I was already in the military, I wouldn't disobey orders to go into Iraq. That isn't a decision one grunt can make unless it is an obviously unlawful order.

Yes, there were "normal" people who wasn't exactly fighting for those things specifically that were in the confederate army. We can argue that those guys were in the minority and not truly worth mentioning when speaking of the confederacy.

They could have fought for America instead of turning their back on their country because they loved slavery so much. Stop acting like they just woke up on a battlefield wearing gray.


Page 1:
""I've walked by this statue several times in the last few weeks. And I've wondered, if it is appropriate," said Emily Yeatts, an attorney in Durham. "If there IS a way to remember and honor, as it says, 'The boys who wore the gray,' without also lending some legitimacy to the cause for which they fought. This statue has struck me as out of place in Durham, for some time. And while I was surprised to see the news footage last night, it seemed right.""

Me: "Okay yeah, I can see remembering the people who were dragged into that war completely against their will (and possibly moral compass), but statues aren't really appropriate for it"

GAF: "You're a racist and love the confederacy!"

Nobody in the Confederacy deserves to be honored, accidental racist or not. You can advocate for accidental racists all you want, that's your call to arms, not mine.
Once again, I'm not saying the Confederacy should be honored...

History is more complex than sweeping generalizations. Were all Confederates racist? No. Were most of them racist? Yea probably. So were a lot of Union soldiers. Should those Southerners who weren't racists and didn't support the secession leave the South? In a perfect world yea, but that's not always an option.

Are you really trying to "both sides" the fucking Civil War?

Jesus Fucking Christ.
Posts like this are why things will never truly improve in America and why we lose people like Heather Heyer

God, I *REALLY* hate to go here, but if ISIS straps a bomb on some kid and blows them up, we don't call the child ISIS do we?

Can we really not recognize that choice and individual morals don't apply when drafts are flying around? You don't exactly get to opt out of that shit.

Since *apparently* I have to say this, I fucking hate the KKK, fucking hate the Nazis, fucking hate the confederacy, and my blood is absolutely boiling over the press conference.
I can't figure out why this is a relevant or worthwhile argument to be making.
Literally my only argument is that not all Confederate soldiers were horrible people, which I said in response to a poster who said that all Confederate soldiers were "horrible sacks of shit." The Confederacy itself was a sack of shit, but some people were forced to fight in a war they didn't support. Like Vietnam. Or Iraq. Are they horrible people because they were forced to do something they didn't want to? No, I don't think so. The horrible people were the actual racists that willingly joined up so they could keep the slaves in their place. Was that most of the Confederate army? Yea, sure. I didn't say that wasn't true. I'm just saying it's important to realize that not every Confederate soldier was a supporter of the Confederate's ideals.

But apparently I support racism and the Confederacy so whatever.

Are you really trying to "both sides" the fucking Civil War?

Jesus Fucking Christ.
No, actually, I'm not.
God, I *REALLY* hate to go here, but if ISIS straps a bomb on some kid and blows them up, we don't call the child ISIS do we?

Can we really not recognize that choice and individual morals don't apply when drafts are flying around? You don't exactly get to opt out of that shit.

Since *apparently* I have to say this, I fucking hate the KKK, fucking hate the Nazis, fucking hate the confederacy, and my blood is absolutely boiling over the press conference.

Not remotely the same, but if that's how you see it then there's really no point in trying to convince you otherwise


God, I *REALLY* hate to go here, but if ISIS straps a bomb on some kid and blows them up, we don't call the child ISIS do we?

Can we really not recognize that choice and individual morals don't apply when drafts are flying around? You don't exactly get to opt out of that shit.

Since *apparently* I have to say this, I fucking hate the KKK, fucking hate the Nazis, fucking hate the confederacy, and my blood is absolutely boiling over the press conference.

Either way you're inventing people. Like... inventing people to make an argument.


God, I *REALLY* hate to go here, but if ISIS straps a bomb on some kid and blows them up, we don't call the child ISIS do we?

Can we really not recognize that choice and individual morals don't apply when drafts are flying around? You don't exactly get to opt out of that shit.

Since *apparently* I have to say this, I fucking hate the KKK, fucking hate the Nazis, fucking hate the confederacy, and my blood is absolutely boiling over the press conference.

Literally my only argument is that not all Confederate soldiers were horrible people, which I said in response to a poster who said that all Confederate soldiers were "horrible sacks of shit." The Confederacy itself was a sack of shit, but some people were forced to fight in a war they didn't support. Like Vietnam. Or Iraq. Are they horrible people because they were forced to do something they didn't want to? No, I don't think so. The horrible people were the actual racists that willingly joined up so they could keep the slaves in their place. Was that most of the Confederate army? Yea, sure. I didn't say that wasn't true. I'm just saying it's important to realize that not every Confederate soldier was a supporter of the Confederate's ideals.

But apparently I support racism and the Confederacy so whatever.

No, actually, I'm not.

But y'all are literally #Notallconfederates
The statue literally made a reference to preserving anglo-Saxon culture and was made to intimidate civil rights activists. It was not honoring confederate soldiers who were drafted against their will so you guys can miss me with that bs.


This is probably a good thing since far right guys could do the same to a civil rights statue and point to this situation as a time when ppl werent prosecuted. It sucks, but its one of those things that could have negative repruccusions if they let it slide.
Not remotely the same, but if that's how you see it then there's really no point in trying to convince you otherwise

So I guess all the people drafted and sent to Vietnam hate the Vietnamese? All the guys we send to Iraq and Afghanistan hate brown people? Is that it? We can't separate individuals from a military entity?


God, I *REALLY* hate to go here, but if ISIS straps a bomb on some kid and blows them up, we don't call the child ISIS do we?

Can we really not recognize that choice and individual morals don't apply when drafts are flying around? You don't exactly get to opt out of that shit.

Since *apparently* I have to say this, I fucking hate the KKK, fucking hate the Nazis, fucking hate the confederacy, and my blood is absolutely boiling over the press conference.

Holy shit really? You might wanna mention the mentally handicapped too, but since you know that children and the mentally handicapped can't make that kind of decision knowingly, it's an incredibly dishonest argument.


They could have fought for America instead of turning their back on their country because they loved slavery so much. Stop acting like they just woke up on a battlefield wearing gray.

That is very nice, except that isn't how real shit goes down. People couldn't just willy-nilly walk from their home en masse to join the U.S. The people who did escape were in the minority because they were willing to risk everything and even abandon their families for it and I applaud them, but condemning those who can't or didn't as if they were completely for it is silly.

Posts like this are why things will never truly improve in America and why we lose people like Heather Heyer

Did reading comprehension fail you or are you just too emotional and not thinking?

Only thing shameful is people willing to give evil the benefit of the doubt

Umm.. no you all have shameful posts.
Holy shit really? You might wanna mention there mentally handicapped too, but since you know that children and the mentally handicapped can't make like that kind of decision knowingly, it's an incredibly dishonest argument.





This is probably a good thing since far right guys could do the same to a civil rights statue and point to this situation as a time when ppl werent prosecuted. It sucks, but its one of those things that could have negative repruccusions if they let it slide.


They been doing it, but funny how the law is never that swift or sure in these cases


Honestly the people who toppled the statue should send a bill to the state government for services rendered for a task the government clearly couldn't do.




Lots of Republican politicians did. Fuck out of here with your shit. Sorry they fought for the wrong side, they don't deserve to be remembered except as the Confederacy should be. Evil. By the way I know how a draft works, I've served in the military.
The statue was honoring that entity.

And, as I said in my very first post, a statue isn't appropriate.

I literally said, let's remember those few guys who died for something they didn't believe in.

Lots of Republican politicians did. Fuck out of here with your shit. Sorry they fought for the wrong side, they don't deserve to be remembered except as the Confederacy should be. Evil. By the way I know Joe a draft works, I've served in the military.

You're right, rich people who could pay someone to be a substitute, or had enough slaves to be considered important, could opt out.
That's not everyone.
The statue literally made a reference to preserving anglo-Saxon culture and was made to intimidate civil rights activists. It was not honoring confederate soldiers who were drafted against their will so you guys can miss me with that bs.
No one (I think) is saying that the statue should have stayed up.
I mean, this isn't really surprising. Tearing down government property was bound to lead to legal issues for the people involved.

They probably should have worn masks.


Page 1:
""I've walked by this statue several times in the last few weeks. And I've wondered, if it is appropriate," said Emily Yeatts, an attorney in Durham. "If there IS a way to remember and honor, as it says, 'The boys who wore the gray,' without also lending some legitimacy to the cause for which they fought. This statue has struck me as out of place in Durham, for some time. And while I was surprised to see the news footage last night, it seemed right.""

Me: "Okay yeah, I can see remembering the people who were dragged into that war completely against their will (and possibly moral compass), but statues aren't really appropriate for it"

GAF: "You're a racist and love the confederacy!"

The woman in the article is asking how it's possible to honor "the boys who wore the gray" WITHOUT ALSO lending legitimacy. As in it can't be done. She's expressing doubt because the statue explicitly states "the boys who wore gray." She makes that obvious by sharing her thought that she thought it should have been removed a while ago.

She is not wondering about soldiers who were "dragged" into war because this statue isn't making a point about that. Her mixed feelings are about how it was removed.

You've been off base from the start.
Chuckling at people clearly ignorant of history pretending to be smart

If there is information that clearly defines that literally everyone who was in the Confederate Army agreed with the notion of slavery and splitting the country for it, then okay! I'm wrong. If we know that everyone there was a shit bag, then yup, they are all shit bags, and as soon as presented the evidence that everyone who died in a gray uniform shared those views then okay.

But I'd be much more willing to bet that we know definitively that there were people vehemently against it that died fighting on that side.

The Kree

Literally my only argument is that not all Confederate soldiers were horrible people, which I said in response to a poster who said that all Confederate soldiers were "horrible sacks of shit." The Confederacy itself was a sack of shit, but some people were forced to fight in a war they didn't support. Like Vietnam. Or Iraq. Are they horrible people because they were forced to do something they didn't want to? No, I don't think so. The horrible people were the actual racists that willingly joined up so they could keep the slaves in their place. Was that most of the Confederate army? Yea, sure. I didn't say that wasn't true. I'm just saying it's important to realize that not every Confederate soldier was a supporter of the Confederate's ideals.

But apparently I support racism and the Confederacy so whatever.

No, actually, I'm not.

I still can't figure out why this is a relevant or worthwhile argument to be making right now.


Lots of Republican politicians did. Fuck out of here with your shit. Sorry they fought for the wrong side, they don't deserve to be remembered except as the Confederacy should be. Evil. By the way I know how a draft works, I've served in the military.

oh really what eighteenth century conflict did you serve during


Uhh....no there isn't, that's the problem. Civilian action is the best solution.

No, I don't agree.

I will say, I don't like the fact that the Confederate statues are out in the public eye. But let's face it, eventually they will come down and go to museums, where they belong.

People should not be breaking the law and/or pissing other people off, especially in times like these, when so many are on edge and acts like these could incite more violence. They should follow legal, civil, and non-violent means to remove the statues.
How would this qualify as a felony?


I just got into this thread so it may have been answered but they might charge the ones who toppled the statue with Criminal Mischief second degree which is a felony depending on how much the statute cost. But I'm only familiar with NY state law so not sure if its the same in NC.


I still can't figure out why this is a relevant or worthwhile argument to be making right now.

Hint: it's not. It's a stupid tangent. These statues were erected to intimidate black people and honor soldiers who consciously fought in the war to support slavery.


oh really what eighteenth century conflict did you serve during

There's a thing called military history. We study as well as serve while training. Try and be a bit less snarky though, it was hard to read through the frothing rush to try and gotcha post
And, as I said in my very first post, a statue isn't appropriate.

I literally said, let's remember those few guys who died for something they didn't believe in.

You're right, rich people who could pay someone to be a substitute, or had enough slaves to be considered important, could opt out.
That's not everyone.

No one (I think) is saying that the statue should have stayed up.
The war was morally wrong from day 0. The confederacy didn't have a strong national court and many people sued state courts for conscription practices. Even if you refused you weren't lined up in a firing squad. That doesn't take in to account trying to relocate to the north or the comparisons to what slaves had to do just to survive. People who served in the confederacy willingly or not do not deserve to be honored.
The woman in the article is asking how it's possible to honor "the boys who wore the gray" WITHOUT ALSO lending legitimacy. As in it can't be done. She's expressing doubt because the statue explicitly states "the boys who wore gray." She makes that obvious by sharing her thought that she thought it should have been removed a while ago.

She is not wondering about soldiers who were "dragged" into war because this statue isn't making a point about that. Her mixed feelings are about how it was removed.

You've been off base from the start.
I interpreted her message as honoring the fact that fighting in a war is fucking terrifying, right wrong or indifferent, it's fucking terrifying. I added, okay, you know, some people probably got thrown in there, so I can understand wanting a level of rememberance of them. BUT NOT WITH A STATUE

I still can't figure out why this is a relevant or worthwhile argument to be making right now.

Because if you show empathy for anyone who died for something they didn't agree in, no they actually agreed in it wholeheartedly and were a piece of shit, and I'm a piece of shit too!
Looks like they arrested someone already

Takiyah Thompson was arrested after taking part in a 4 p.m. press conference a North Carolina Central University.

Thompson was charged with:

Disorderly conduct by injury to a statue (Class II Misdemeanor)
Damage to real property (statue as a fixture (Class I Misdemeanor)
Participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500 (Class H Felony)
Inciting others to riot where there is property damage in excess of $1,500 (Class F Felony)
Thompson was seen leaving the Durham County Jail just before 6 p.m.
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