You don't have to.
I'm listening
You don't have to.
The thing that is creating so much confusion is that you downloaded the app for worldwide viewers, which doesn't require any VPN or anything, but a subscription to watch the content that is on there.
I assume this is the app you have: BBC iPlayer (Global)
I have no clue whether Sherlock gets puts up on there after airing.
Now, the one where you need a VPN for is this one: BBC iPlayer
As you can see from the screenshots, that is the one we are talking about, as it has channels and probably a watch live option.
I have no clue about a free VPN, they are probably out there, or at least ones with a trial. Personally I use and it has never given me a problem with the Iplayer website on the PC and PS3 and should also work easily on your iPad. It has a trial for two weeks if you want to see that works. At least you are going to have a backup if it doesn't show up in the BBC Global app.
So I'd say see if you want to bother activating that trial see if it works on your iPad and you can at least watch the episodes for two weeks on the normal Iplayer app. And after it has aired also see whether that Global app shows the episodes. After those two weeks, well, if the Global app works, it is fine, otherwise you need to find some other VPN. There isn't really much of an authorization though on the VPN, so you could probably just enter a different email or use it without having an account at all.
Foiled at every
Can't download the BBC iPlayer app (non-global one), so I figured I'd try the website iPlayer. On my phone (without the mediahint proxy), it says I'm outside the UK. Fine.
On the iPad, it doesn't say outside UK...but apparently the site iPlayer doesn't work with iPads. Lol. Oh well.
Guess I'll watch it some other way!
Wow you've had a short wait for new episodes haven't you? Lucky bastard.
Pirate it then buy the box-set when it releases to avoid feeling bad.
This all seems too complicated for me. Lol. And yeah, mine is the global app.
I will try that trial VPN sometime tomorrow though and see what happens. Otherwise I should have a new computer pretty quick here and I'll just obtain in other ways...
On a computer this should be a lot easier. Install free Google Chrome app (Mediahint probably works) -> Go to website -> Watch.
As a European trying to watch everything (semi)legally I know the pains.
Still should check tomorrow if it appears on your Global app though, who knows!
My parents beat that. I've successfully got them through all six existing episodes over the Christmas break with The Reichenbach Fall screened on the 30th. Yep, where the rest of us had a two year wait to resolve that cliffhanger, they have a two day wait.
Screw it, iPlayer is SD macroblocked ass for live content. It's the Moriarty route for me. I can wait until five minutes after it airs to get my proper HD Sherlock on.
iPlayer Just doesn't have BBC HD on at all which is why live content is SD only.
SD would have been fine at a decent bitrate but the feed is macroblocked to shit because of how low BR it is.
Does this make me...ordinary?
It's actually really good fro me, I'm in the UK with a 100mb download though so maybe that has something to do with it. I am using UnblockUs to appear as if I'm from the US.
Certainly not on the side of the angels, that's for sure.![]()
I'm doing a Reichenbach rewatch. I'm gonna say you should do the same.Hm, I'm wondering. Should I do a Sherlock marathon before the new episode tomorrow or should I start watching that Continuum show everyone says is good and go in to the Season 3 Sherlock premiere without the refresher?
Go in without refresher. Just imagine the events like they were two years ago. Just like the characters on the show.Hm, I'm wondering. Should I do a Sherlock marathon before the new episode tomorrow or should I start watching that Continuum show everyone says is good and go in to the Season 3 Sherlock premiere without the refresher?
Why would appearing as if you're from the US make your iPlayer experience better? For that matter, I thought it blocked Americans outright.
This VPN is in the 20/30mbit range (located in London), so basically about 1/3rd to 1/2 of my 60mbit connection. It shouldn't be an issue of bandwidth at all. I also tried mediahint (which did work and its free) but it was the same macroblocked story. This is specifically live content we're talking about; The HD recordings are fine.
So what time does this hit?
How many more hours to go?
I didn't mean to imply that UnblockUS would make it better, I was just giving a explanation of what my connection is using.
Here is a quick snap of BBC one Livestream.
I Don't see any real issue here. It would be perfectly watchable for me and I'm a bit of a quality whore.
Here you go, *sherlock fandom name here*
Which to believe? The website countdown says 15:12 left, and that one says 15:42.
It will be airing live at 4AM my time![]()
through sordid means
I remember thinking it then and I still think it now: A Scandal in Belgravia is one of the five best episodes of television in the last decade.
My parents beat that. I've successfully got them through all six existing episodes over the Christmas break with The Reichenbach Fall screened on the 30th. Yep, where the rest of us had a two year wait to resolve that cliffhanger, they have a two day wait.
through sordid means
I looked in the global app's twitter and they said "we don't know when we're getting Sherlock sorry". Haha.
@btrinczek unfortunately due to rights issues we won't have series 3 of Sherlock on the app straight after it's broadcast in the UK