P Prophet Steve Member Jan 1, 2014 #607 Oof, gonna wait until it has aired and appeared on iPlayer, have fun.
W Wes venison crêpe Jan 1, 2014 #628 Hahaha what the hell. I love the way they are treating these theories.
B Broken Joystick At least you can talk. Who are you? Jan 1, 2014 #632 Okay, this two year wait was definitely worth it.
W Wes venison crêpe Jan 1, 2014 #633 John can stay in his job for all I care if we get more of Molly like this.
F Fireblend Banned Jan 1, 2014 #634 Oh man, I should bail out of this thread but the comments are so tempting D:
I IdreamofHIME Member Jan 1, 2014 #635 I knew they'd bugger up how he did it. Two years of over thinking it, typical Moffat.
W Wes venison crêpe Jan 1, 2014 #637 Nooooooooo dreams shattered, but i knew that was the person Sherlock meant last season.
W Wes venison crêpe Jan 1, 2014 #639 Bit too predictable this scenario. I expect better. Still plenty of time though.
W Wes venison crêpe Jan 1, 2014 #640 Jesus, people turning on just that second for the 10o'clock news would've been in for a hell of a shock.
Jesus, people turning on just that second for the 10o'clock news would've been in for a hell of a shock.
F Future Foundation Member Jan 1, 2014 #641 IdreamofHIME said: I knew they'd bugger up how he did it. Two years of over thinking it, typical Moffat. Click to expand... But Gatiss wrote it?
IdreamofHIME said: I knew they'd bugger up how he did it. Two years of over thinking it, typical Moffat. Click to expand... But Gatiss wrote it?
Baleoce Member Jan 1, 2014 #644 "Everyone's a critic." Moffat is saying we are the insane bearded fan-fiction guy. (..and Sudden Clarity Clarence looks like a young Benedict Cumberbatch.)
"Everyone's a critic." Moffat is saying we are the insane bearded fan-fiction guy. (..and Sudden Clarity Clarence looks like a young Benedict Cumberbatch.)
TabletopTictacs Member Jan 1, 2014 #645 Baleoce said: "Everyone's a critic." Moffat is saying we are the insane bearded fan-fiction guy. Click to expand... Dude looks like he could be Cumberbatch's brother.
Baleoce said: "Everyone's a critic." Moffat is saying we are the insane bearded fan-fiction guy. Click to expand... Dude looks like he could be Cumberbatch's brother.
G Gaf_SentMe Member Jan 1, 2014 #647 All caught up and ready to dl tonight. Watson's walk is hilarious. Love this show. Thank god for Netflix.
All caught up and ready to dl tonight. Watson's walk is hilarious. Love this show. Thank god for Netflix.
W Wes venison crêpe Jan 1, 2014 #650 Overall a fair episode. Some great scenes sort of jumbly tied together by a predictable plot of nothingness. Pretty much a setup for the rest of the series.
Overall a fair episode. Some great scenes sort of jumbly tied together by a predictable plot of nothingness. Pretty much a setup for the rest of the series.