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Sherlock Series 3 |OT| - THE Source for Fiction’s Cheekbone Fetish


liked the episode and very glad to have it back

did find the direction a bit tacky though. the motorbike chase scene especially. also not a huge fan of the show reflexively commenting on its own fandom so much.

the stuff between holmes and watson was superb. cumberbatch is so ridiculously good.
Was I the only one who thought that was utterly terrible? The mystery was paper thin, most of the scenes were forced awkwardness, and it felt like the show was just trying to troll its fans as hard as possible because they can.


So that was not how he really did it is it...all too obvious.

What a load of shit...

Anyway glad it is back.

I wonder who the guys was at the end watching Sherlock pulling Holmes out of the fire?


Overall a fair episode. Some great scenes sort of jumbly tied together by a predictable plot of nothingness. Pretty much a setup for the rest of the series.

Yeah the main plot was pretty much nothing just the framing for the comeback, the reconciliation and the setup for the rest of the season. I think they went a wee bit too hard on the trolling as it ate up a fair bit of screen time. I'd assume the old guy is
Professor Moriarty, Jim's dad, looking for revenge.


That's not really how it works. To watch iPlayer love you need a TV Licence.

People leeching off iPlayer costs money and threatens its expansion. It's better to torrent it.

Not really.

Q: When do you need a licence? Do you need one for watching TV using an iPlayer?

A: You need a TV Licence to watch or record TV programmes as they are being shown on television, irrespective of what channel you're watching, what device you are using (TV, computer, laptop, mobile phone or any other), and how you receive them (terrestrial, satellite, cable, via the internet or any other way).

You do not need a TV Licence if you are watching TV after it has been shown on television, eg TV programmes downloaded or streamed after broadcast.


Now, obviously that is in regards to people in the UK and not abroad.
It was worth the two year wait
but the terrorist attack plot, especially when Sherlock turned the bomb off so easily felt a bit rushed and I think that there were too many references to the fans.
One thing, am I meant to know who Molly's boyfriend is? I got the very obvious resemblance but am I missing something?


No risks taken. I was really expecting to know how he survived, but I think it will be like a "running joke" that will last the whole serie.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
this was the worst episode ever, i will be watching the next to tell you it was bad too


I thought it did a neat job of explaining how he did it and simultaneously using Anderson as what the audience would think.

What, was that it? was basically cleverly answering the responses to how he did it. It wasn't some great party piece.
The Squash ball was the bit everyone missed; I liked that

-Didn't explain that very well rereading it. Our expectations will never be met on that one is how I see it.

Overall a good episode, not the best but a very solid and welcome return.

Excellent from Freeman and Cumberbatch, interesting side character developments but agree the overall thread could have been more engaging.

However I don't think the overall thread is the meat of the episode, the introduction to the characters is.

And good stuff it was.


Unconfirmed Member
Was I the only one who thought that was utterly terrible? The mystery was paper thin, most of the scenes were forced awkwardness, and it felt like the show was just trying to troll its fans as hard as possible because they can.

The terror attack mystery? It was irrelevant to the story, it didn't matter. It was just there to set up various conversations and shit like that.


It was worth the two year wait
but the terrorist attack plot, especially when Sherlock turned the bomb off so easily felt a bit rushed and I think that there were too many references to the fans.
One thing, am I meant to know who Molly's boyfriend is? I got the very obvious resemblance but am I missing something?

She doesn't get the very obvious resemblance


Very solid episode, I really enjoyed it.

Lestrade's reaction at Sherlock's return was classic!

"Ooooh, you bastard!"


Was I the only one who thought that was utterly terrible? The mystery was paper thin, most of the scenes were forced awkwardness, and it felt like the show was just trying to troll it's fans as hard as possible because they can.

I really didn't expect anything else to be honest. Moffat and Gatiss aren't that clever in terms of plotting, and the whole mystery took a life of it's own given the gap between series. There's only so many ways it could have went down, and that was probably the most obvious and cod realistic.

Given the build up, it was probably a given they'd have to try to diffuse it and given they chose to go real time with the gap there was always going have to spend a lot of time setting up the reset. A stronger mystery framing the episode would have been far better, but they needed something threatening enough to bring Sherlock back (which could have been avoided if they ignored the two year gap or significantly reduced it, they could have just said Sherlock's name had been cleared following a police investigation and have him reappear without half as much drama), which limited them a fair bit in terms of macguffins. Although the mystery they went done was particularly weak, I mean who wasn't immediately getting the meaning of Underground Network when the train guy appeared?

It felt like a huge waste given we only get 3 episodes. This might take the place of the weaker middle episode. Hopefully.


Of course it's difficult to live up to two-years of anticipation, but I enjoyed myself watching it.
bet so did Fiction...

Clearly it was an episode to get the gang back together. It didn't have a strong mystery or story at all. Still, I loved many of the character moments, and am simply happy to have it back.


It was ok. Probably the best Gatiss episode to date. Never been a fan of his writing; his Doctor Who and Sherlock episodes have usually been the weakest in their respective runs. This was better than the norm.


It was ok. Probably the best Gatiss episode to date. Never been a fan of his writing; his Doctor Who and Sherlock episodes have usually been the weakest in their respective runs. This was better than the norm.

He's not great at plotting but he does get some of the interactions between characters pretty well. Overuses comedy and the whole reintroduction was far too slapstick.


Fully expected people to moan about the episode. The worst thing that can happen to a show is hype because people use it as a platform to form their own expectations and strop when they aren't met.

The terror plot was an afterthought and I was personally disappointed we didn't get a firm revelation about the faked death. But the character interactions were superb. Such a great cast.


Honestly I didn't think this episode was any good. I still enjoyed it. Mostly thanks to the chemistry between Freeman and Cumberbatch. But I feel that its getting a bit too silly for its own good. I'm also starting to hate the long self wankery shots of Sherlock looking plottingly into the distance.
I really didn't expect anything else to be honest. Moffat and Gatiss aren't that clever in terms of plotting, and the whole mystery took a life of it's own given the gap between series. There's only so many ways it could have went down, and that was probably the most obvious and cod realistic.

Given the build up, it was probably a given they'd have to try to diffuse it and given they chose to go real time with the gap there was always going have to spend a lot of time setting up the reset. A stronger mystery framing the episode would have been far better, but they needed something threatening enough to bring Sherlock back (which could have been avoided if they ignored the two year gap or significantly reduced it, they could have just said Sherlock's name had been cleared following a police investigation and have him reappear without half as much drama), which limited them a fair bit in terms of macguffins. Although the mystery they went done was particularly weak, I mean who wasn't immediately getting the meaning of Underground Network when the train guy appeared?

It felt like a huge waste given we only get 3 episodes. This might take the place of the weaker middle episode. Hopefully.

I agree that the initial idea of having the conspiracy theory nut try and explain the mystery was a clever way to diffuse the tension built up around how he "did" it. I thought the first time was cool, the second time was fine but pushing it, and then the third time was just me uttering to myself "really..." while staring in dismay at the lack of self control they had writing this episode. It seems the buildup and fame the show has garnered went to the writers' heads and they were just running a victory lap.

It may have been my setup in watching this on a shitty JVC TV, but the character scenes didn't do much for me, and as you said, without the strong framing mystery the show sort of fell apart in my mind. Hopefully once they are more focused in the next two episodes the show will get back to tight pacing and unpredictability (to some extent at least).


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't watched a single episode of Sherlock. Is it alright if i start from S3? I always assumed each episode would be kinda standalone.

You'd be doing yourself disservice if you didn't watch S1 & S2. They'll also help you better understand the relationships between the characters.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Great episode, though the main plot line was very weak. Sherlock was in full troll mode. Lestrade's meeting was great. Mrs Hudson and Freeman was hilarious. Anderson's scene was incredible. Did not disappoint.


Anyone else get strong Clive Barker's 'Books of Blood' vibes from this? Gatiss is a known horror nut. The stuff in the underground was very reminiscent of 'Midnight Meat Train' and the scene with Watson in the bonfire was ripped straight from 'The Hidden' (aka Candyman).


I haven't watched a single episode of Sherlock. Is it alright if i start from S3? I always assumed each episode would be kinda standalone.

Not really, normally yes but this episode was completely interconnected with previous events. I'd go so far to say it just wouldn't work as a standalone at all without at least watching the last episode of S2. You'd be able to follow it and it does press a massive reset button, but there would be little weight to it, you need to see the end of the episode to suffer some of the smugness about explanations and cod theories this episode throws in your face.


I agree that the initial idea of having the conspiracy theory nut try and explain the mystery was a clever way to diffuse the tension built up around how he "did" it. I thought the first time was cool, the second time was fine but pushing it, and then the third time was just me uttering to myself "really..." while staring in dismay at the lack of self control they had writing this episode. It seems the buildup and fame the show has garnered went to the writers' heads and they were just running a victory lap.

Completely agree with that, the episode was incredibly smug.

I don't care about the 'explanation' being clever or mindblowing etc... I'm not somebody who was disappointed because the last episode of LOST didn't reveal an amazing blueprint to explain everything perfectly. I just wanted a good story. This was not a good story.
That 'love' was a spelling mistake not a condescending remark, sorry. It was meant to be 'live', and to watch it live you absolutely do need a TV Licence. And to be in the UK.

This is correct but in theory you can just pause it for 5 seconds and resume (so you're 5 seconds behind live television).
C'mon EZ! Work faster!! I want my Sherlock Holmes fix before I go to bed tongiht.

The Blu-Rays and DVDs are ridiculously high price, 40$ for 3 episodes a season. Damn. I'm 80$ less rich, now.


i do think there's an element of undeserved smugness yeah. i think it's kinda lame to spend the episode mocking people who theorize over the mystery of sherlock's death when you were responsible for making a gimmicky mystery such a core part of the series.

if it doesn't really matter then they shouldn't have written it in, instead of going loool got you sillies

i really liked how they handled the characters responses to sherlock faking his death then returning, which made up the core of the episode with the case as a little diversion, i just don't care one iota about how it happened and wish they didn't relish in it so much
Definitely not.

You could maybe start with S2. But S3E1 is just nodding and winking (and making fun of) established fans.

I dunno, I'm a newcomer (seen a few here and there) and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

It did a good job of establishing the previous events I think.
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