I mean some people thought they'd use the fear gas from Baskervilles, would that have been better?
Better than what? We still don't know how he did it.
I mean some people thought they'd use the fear gas from Baskervilles, would that have been better?
Better than what? We still don't know how he did it.
Id like stalk Rupert graves through an abandoned car park too
That man is such a dish
Kinda disappointed that they pussied out of the explanation, but I enjoyed the episode anyway. Cumberbatch and Freeman are just too good. My only real issue is the small number of episodes per series.
Wait so people think they didn't explain it? The way I interpreted it that last one was meant to be how he "really" did it.
Someone's gonna have to explain that to me, cos I only saw two fake explanations.They explained it very clearly.
Someone's gonna have to explain that to me, cos I only saw two fake explanations.
Obviously fake but it sure was awesome hahahaIf you're someone who thought he would swoop in through a window and snog Molly you deserve to be mocked. Thoroughly.
Someone's gonna have to explain that to me, cos I only saw two fake explanations.
You obviously only watched the first half of the episode then.
i thought the last one was the real explanation and the joke with the guys reaction was that for some people (aka the shows obsessive fans) an explanation will never be enough as they love the mystery so much
I guess you're right. The fact they kept it ambiguous with Watson kept me wondering.What he says to Anderson is what happened.
Anderson - representing the 'fandom' - doesn't believe him. So Sherlock trolls Anderson when he is disappointed.
None of the details of this telling are off. The music is 'right'. Everything is right unlike the other retellings. There would be no point to show it otherwise. I
I thought the guy's reaction suggested that Holmes was just humouring him. Might watch the scene again!
Sherlocks parents were Benedict's real parents.
Sherlocks parents were Benedict's real parents.
Yep. Makes sense.That was the real one. That whole scene was a jibe at all the theorists online. A kind of "oh, that's it? But this other theory would've been a lot cooler...." that's likely happening on discussion boards online right now.
Edit: Didn't see the post at the time but basically what vcassano1 said above!
Wait so people think they didn't explain it? The way I interpreted it that last one was meant to be how he "really" did it. Otherwise that scene is kinda pointless and very oddly placed in episode for a troll. If it was meant to be canon I didn't like it very much though.
2 years was far too long. Hope we don't have to wait 2 years for the next series.
Empire have published quotes from a Q&A with the episode creators:
Implicit confirmation that they did explain it.On working out how The Reichenbach Fall would work…
Moffat: “Working out how to do it was a long and difficult process, and one very much helped by the geography of St. Bart’s hospital, as you wouldn't see the body hit the pavement.”
Gatiss: “We were going to do it as a two-stage trick. There was going to be a platform, like a window-cleaning platform, which Sherlock would hit, then another body would drop out of it. That’s why there’s a reference in the newspaper to the refit of a historic hospital, then we changed our minds because Toby Haynes, the director of Reichenbach, noticed that the ambulance station was at exactly the right point.”
2 years was far too long. Hope we don't have to wait 2 years for the next series.
Implicit confirmation that they did explain it.
I feel silly saying I'm disappointed since they already made fun of me for it. But I also feel the fact that they anticipated this reaction is an acknowledgement that it wasn't a very satisfying explanation. Too elaborate. I know a lot of people would probably have hated it but honestly I'd have preferred it if they had offered the super cheesy one from the opening as a fun explanation and then left it ambiguous from there.
Watched it, liked it. The restaurant bit was properly funny and I likeJohn's new fiancee.
Regarding the explanation as to how Sherlock did it, I thinkthat we were not given a proper real explanation at all and maybe we never will be. The scene where Sherlock explains it to the bearded conspiracy nut might as well be an elaborate ruse. Or it all took place in that guy's head.
Also, the newmenacing museum villain looked like Sean Bean in his closeups.
Next episode is on Sunday![]()
Not even a week break between episodes, it's like not getting any for two years then prematurely ejaculating...
Too elaborate? I think you have to forgive a show of being elaborate when a character can mentally map out the entire geography of London in his brain.
I thought it did a neat job of explaining how he did it and simultaneously using Anderson as what the audience would think.
What, was that it? was basically cleverly answering the responses to how he did it. It wasn't some great party piece.The Squash ball was the bit everyone missed; I liked that
-Didn't explain that very well rereading it. Our expectations will never be met on that one is how I see it.
Overall a good episode, not the best but a very solid and welcome return.
Excellent from Freeman and Cumberbatch, interesting side character developments but agree the overall thread could have been more engaging.
However I don't think the overall thread is the meat of the episode, the introduction to the characters is.
And good stuff it was.
People guessed the squash ball beforehand, it was heavily foreshadowed. I think what people missed was that there's a building in-between Watson's view of the incident. Which is fair enough since cameras hid it until this episode.