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Sherlock Series 3 |OT| - THE Source for Fiction’s Cheekbone Fetish


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I don't know what a dish means but yes. Yes.



My favorite part was the multiple locales where John
choked, hit, and ultimately headbutted

I like that we don't even see
and that Anderson's entire
life has gone to shit.

Hopefully this
villain will live up to Moriarty.


While I liked the episode as a nice "welcome back" to the fans, I miss the smaller scale cases, the weird solutions, and the focus on mystery.

This episode pretty much just made him into James Bond lite.

Reading the descriptions for the next episodes isn't exactly promising in this regard.
Sherlocks parents were Benedict's real parents.

I thought they'd be, different.

This might be my personal favourite episode. I love that Gatiss played with Internet fandom by creating some of the more elaborate theories.

This episode pretty much just made him into James Bond lite.

Yeah, I definitely got that impression as well. I agree with you about the smaller cases but I found myself loving this "Welcome Back" episode nevertheless.
Some thoughts on The Empty Hearse.

Such a great opening ep and tons of fun. My God the feels... Jesus. Music was great too though the opener reminded me of Mega Man stage music strangely.

And Mary was so good. Loved her. All the nods to fandom was hilarious.

John John John. You were great as but such a douche to Mrs. Hudson, whom was just lovely.

That Hug man... You know he was in the know the entire time too lol. Lestrade looked like such a boss in the suit he was rocking.

Molly my love! You're so adorably badass and that sweater was cute.

Will be rewatching soon enough (like tomorrow) and will probably be more coherent.

PS - trailer for next ep looks awesome!

Id like stalk Rupert graves through an abandoned car park too

That man is such a dish

So I take you approve of the new look? I actually liked his look in the next ep more from the trailer.
Really fun episode, but not the best. Not much to the mystery or the case, but all the character stuff was so wonderful. In the end, that is what we needed with this episode.

So nice to have it back.


I loved it, the restaurant scene was great especially and I'm satisfied with the explanation. The
Derren Brown cameo
was funny too. Can't wait for the next episode.
I loved it, the restaurant scene was great especially and I'm satisfied with the explanation. The
Derren Brown cameo
was funny too. Can't wait for the next episode.

It always comes back to
Derren Brown
, doesn't it? :3

Loved that reference.
Oh, and I LOVED Mary. So great. And then I look up to see that the actress, Amanda Abbington, and Martin Freeman have been together for over 13 years now and have a few kids. Awww.
Goddamn this was sogood.gif. I personally didn't mind the explanation.

Sure it wasn't off the wall but it wasn't stupid or anything.

Molly finally gets recognition and even affection from Sherlock...and she's engaged to a wannabe version of him. Oh, Molly. XD

John hitting him multiple times was hilarious.
The ending:

I thought it was weird that they were talking for more than the 2 minutes that was on the timer of the bomb but i assumed it was just the typical trope of extending film time and not actual physical time but I am so glad they subverted that in the best way possible.


Why did I get the feeling
that the guy with glasses is the real Moriarty? Like the Moriarty from last series was just a stand in?


Why did I get the feeling
that the guy with glasses is the real Moriarty? Like the Moriarty from last series was just a stand in?

Moriarty is dead. The man with the glasses is the second most dangerous man.
So that was great. Laughed at the off switch, a few minutes before I'd thought to myself that it'd be hilarious if that's what it was, and lo and behold!
I seriously think that this the subtitle for this episode was "We Ship Everything" because they where hitting nearly everything that fandom clambers for.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Fantastic return. Wasn't as much case work as other episodes but they had a lot to cover with the return of Sherlock. Wish the series was like 5 episodes though. It's going to be over quick.


I seriously think that this the subtitle for this episode was "We Ship Everything" because they where hitting nearly everything that fandom clambers for.

They should have had The Woman pop out of a cake naked at the end of the episode. That would have really sealed it.


I seriously think that this the subtitle for this episode was "We Ship Everything" because they where hitting nearly everything that fandom clambers for.

What shippings were there besides Sherlock/John and Sherlock/Molly
Watch them not do any shippings the fandom wants
What shippings were there besides Sherlock/John and Sherlock/Molly
Watch them not do any shippings the fandom wants

Sherlock/Moriarty, John/Mary (which is canon), Sherlock/Lestrade (if you count that hug as more than friendly) & Lestrade/Molly (unrequited if you look at his expressions when watching her during the Ripper "case" and the engagement party)


Is there any way for one of us poor ol' Americans to watch it before it airs on PBS? I don't wanna wait :(.

If you'd like I can PM you a link!

And yes, poor Molly. :(
I hope the new guy treats her well and isn't another fake boyfriend.
If you'd like I can PM you a link!

And yes, poor Molly. :(
I hope the new guy treats her well and isn't another fake boyfriend.

I would love that, these spoilers are slowly tearing my soul apart. I'm not even sure if I'm being melodramatic at this point.


Well that was certainly fun. I enjoyed pretty much the whole episode except for Mary. I can't explain it but she just completely rubbed me the wrong way in every scene she was in. I feel kinda bad since none of the other ladies both present or past have bothered me.

I think my favorite bits of this episode involved Sherlock and Mycroft interacting. I honestly find their sibling rivalry to be one of the more enjoyable relationships on display.

Demon Ice

Fantastic episode. Laughed out loud at so many parts.

When Sherlock is revealing himself to John and John's just trying to order champagne:

"Surprise me"

"I'm trying to."

Or something like that. Hilarious. The insane fan theories were awesome too.

Edit: You guys do realize that we still don't know how Sherlock survived, right? The explanation he gave Anderson was not true, Anderson realized that.
Fantastic episode. Laughed out loud at so many parts.

When Sherlock is revealing himself to John and John's just trying to order champagne:

"Surprise me"

"I'm trying to."

Or something like that. Hilarious. The insane fan theories were awesome too.

Edit: You guys do realize that we still don't know how Sherlock survived, right? The explanation he gave Anderson was not true, Anderson realized that.

Heh, well we'll never truly know... Or will we?

And the use of his Martin Creiff accent during the restaurant scene was brilliant. The part where he was having a shave in Mycroft's office and he sits up in his chair with his hair slicked back reminded me of John Harrison/Khan. But the part where he was giggling during the bomb defuse scene nearly broke my brain lol.
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