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Sherlock Series 3 |OT| - THE Source for Fiction’s Cheekbone Fetish


Are the horns some sort of clue, or just coincidence?


so good :D


5:30 in the morning and I laughed out loud at the "I had dinner with--A GHOST" part.
The way it was framed, the delivery, Sherlock and Watson shitfaced....lol


Well, I loved it. The comedy and the sincerity all worked, the mystery was neatly woven between the wedding and myriad cases Sherlock recounted, set up some potentially brilliant plot points for the finale (discount this if they all get ignored, but I'd be surprised), the performances were terrific, it switched up the formula for a show which could easily get by relying on the same old, it had an
Irene Adler cameo
and by golly, the bridesmaid and her lilting Irish accent were gorgeous. Might be my favourite episode of the show so far.
Yeah, I also really liked that episode. At first it was kind of all over the place but it tied together at the end very well.

Mary is like the best thing ever. I want them all to continue solving crimes together, she just fits in there with Sherlock and Watson so perfectly.

They're doing a good job of humanizing Sherlock this season as well IMO, it's gradual and doesn't seem forced.


All episode ONE spoilers not sure how the rules of this place work.

I haven't caught the most recent episode yet, but the first one was probably the worst episode of Sherlock yet by a decent margin, so that's kind of disappointing.
I guess everyone, including myself, guessed how Sherlock faked it, but it seemed much cooler in my head than what it actually looked like on film, oh well to that. Though it does rob the finale of season 2 somewhat to now know that 'oh, well, the British government was playing Moriarty from the start, I makes sense' but it makes Moriarty come off as a huge chump.

The real problem with episode 1 was that it felt like it was completely indulgent and insubstantial. From the fan wank material, to the paper thin mystery, to the complete abuse of visual effects. It felt more like what you might have seen due to a writers strike than an episode from this series after two years. Sherlock has never put the characters first, well that's not true literally, but the show always predicates their emphasis on character through how they interact and solve the larger plot, and if this is how the writers are planning on writing them without such framing... bleh. Saying that the series has always but the characters first as an excuse for the near invisible mystery that was the thread for this episode is just silly, since the ratio of character to plot has never been to this much of an extreme.

I also really disliked how they seemingly threw things into the story only so they could subvert preconceptions from Series 1 and 2.
Making Mycroft 'smarter' than Sherlock is one thing, making him 'smart(er)' in apparently exactly the same way as Sherlock is quite silly and serves no purpose to the plot or characters except to undermine the core worth of our protagonist. Mycroft may be lazy, but it takes away from Sherlock if he is 'anything you can do I can do better- I just choose not to'

Similarly with showing his parents out of nowhere, again just to show them, when I think most people assumed them dead (like Watson said we never saw them at the funeral).
get the feeling that this series will be devoted to only really telling one real mystery and it's going to be stretched out over the entire 3 episodes, leaving us with a ton of goofy character filler that, if episode one is any indication, will play more like something off of fanfic.net than the established mood of the series prior.


I suppose we'll see what episode 2 brings. I did laugh a few times during episode one, but the whole think left me kind of cold.


I read some of the negative impressions here before seeing the episode and got a bit worried but I ended up really loving it. Its definitely better than The Blind Banker and the Baskerville episodes at the very least. Loved seeing how humanized Sherlock has become and how that has affected him. The ending was perfect as well.


I shot people I like more for less.
Really loved this one. Thought it was much more enjoyable than the last one, as well as much better than the other two episode twos. Good balance of humor and the heartfelt. Mary is a great addition to the cast too.

Sad that we've waited so long for it and it's already a week from ending again :p looking forward to the next episode though.


that was the most sappy, self congratulatory, masturbatory, poorly structured, all round shitty episode of television I've seen since since...oh, since last episode.

fuck me, this series is really dying on its arse. The first two seasons were excellent but this pandering to the internet fanboys is really pissing away everything good about the series.

I wanted to love it, I wanted it to be good, but the show's lost its connection to the source material. It used to feel like a genuinely modernised version of Sherlock Holmes, now it feels like just another badly directed, self-important bbc drama. The loss of Paul McGuigan seems to have decimated the quality of the show.

edit: although still 10x better than Baskervilles

If we get multiple more seasons of this as the principal actors careers progress, I'm guessing having just one episode devoted to John's marriage with Mary will end up feeling pivotal to every character's arc.

Not sure if you realize this about storytelling, but moments of levity (all the "romantic comedy" bits) help the audience connect further with our characters so that the stakes are raised when they are put in peril. Or, you know, you can fucking despise it for being tumblr porn instead of being all plotty plotty mcbadguy.
If we get multiple more seasons of this as the principal actors careers progress, I'm guessing having just one episode devoted to John's marriage with Mary will end up feeling pivotal to every character's arc.

Not sure if you realize this about storytelling, but moments of levity (all the "romantic comedy" bits) help the audience connect further with our characters so that the stakes are raised when they are put in peril. Or, you know, you can fucking despise it for being tumblr porn instead of being all plotty plotty mcbadguy.

i liked all of them. even the one with that cheesy asian lady villain.

a bit disappointing that there's a lack of a substantial case in this season. but the character scenes certainly make up for it.

still having said that they HAVE to have a full-on mystery in the third episode.
I liked all the episodes of the previous seasons, even the weaker Baskerville one. I really hope they're building up to something decent with this season, and not just (speculation alert)
the couple getting split due to murder or whatever, and ending it on a boring status quo.
That, paired with all the fanfic-level filler, would make the entire season a waste. I don't like the masturbatory gags, the atrocious fake-drunk humour stuff that seemed to never end, the clichéd sappiness, or the fact that the mysteries are being pushed way to the back, to make room for tired wedding scenes. I hope they are able to correct their course, but considering how many people are absolutely loving this direction, maybe it's just me. It really did feel like fanfiction.

I also was not buying how (episode 2 twist)
two people got stabbed through their clothes without noticing. Where were they stabbed anyway? If it was through their belts, I definitely call bullshit on that.

I pretty much agree with all of this. I suggest you set your expectations accordingly before starting the second episode.


that was the most sappy, self congratulatory, masturbatory, poorly structured, all round shitty episode of television I've seen since since...oh, since last episode.

fuck me, this series is really dying on its arse. The first two seasons were excellent but this pandering to the internet fanboys is really pissing away everything good about the series.

I wanted to love it, I wanted it to be good, but the show's lost its connection to the source material. It used to feel like a genuinely modernised version of Sherlock Holmes, now it feels like just another badly directed, self-important bbc drama. The loss of Paul McGuigan seems to have decimated the quality of the show.

edit: although still 10x better than Baskervilles
No, it really isn't. It's getting record viewing figures and still generating critical acclaim.
Shit is about to go down in the next episode. I actually found last night's episode brillant, loved the speach, the drunk scenes, the solving of the cases and the ending.

The scene where Watson and Holmes are playing "Guess who", or whatever it's called, and John sits on the edge of the chair almost about to fall down, was so great. I burst out laughing because it was so believable, and also because it's something I know I've done in the past. haha

I can't stop thinking that
John is about to die
. And it'll have something to do with
Mary, either voluntarily with evil intent or part of something bigger and that she had to do it.


Not as deep as he thinks
I loved the episode. It was touching and the end with forever alone was really well done. I felt bad for Sherlock. The mystery tied up very well too and loved the way they did the talking of the chat rooms with the people. Mycroft appearing there along with you know who was also a big surprise which was sweet.

I also lost it at the drunk solving case. Fucking lol
This episode was incredible, I'm shocked at the amount of dislike I'm seeing. I'm extremely apprehensive about the next episode, as it really does feel like things are about to go very, very badly.


Fantastic episode and of course people don't like it. Its like this with every TV show thread I come to on here. Loving a show at the moment? Stay away from these threads.
This episode was incredible, I'm shocked at the amount of dislike I'm seeing. I'm extremely apprehensive about the next episode, as it really does feel like things are about to go very, very badly.

Yeah, that ending just left me in complete dread of the next episode, and I'm sure people will get their big case. I absolutely adored this episode and it might be my 2nd favorite episode of the series. I was laughing the whole time and Sherlock realizing how much he cares about Watson was played out perfectly. Oh and the chemistry between John, Mary, and Sherlock is pretty incredible.
If we get multiple more seasons of this as the principal actors careers progress, I'm guessing having just one episode devoted to John's marriage with Mary will end up feeling pivotal to every character's arc.

Not sure if you realize this about storytelling, but moments of levity (all the "romantic comedy" bits) help the audience connect further with our characters so that the stakes are raised when they are put in peril. Or, you know, you can fucking despise it for being tumblr porn instead of being all plotty plotty mcbadguy.

woah, no need to be patronising just because you disagree with my opinion.

I'm a member of the audience, and the levity cheapened the experience for me. I dislike the direction the show's taking and feel like the comedy is going way too far in order to please the existing fan base, is that not a legitimate opinion?

And the only reason I tune in to the show, or indeed read the original stories, is specifically for the "plotty plotty mcbadguy" stuff, it's a detective show, I'm not here for the increasingly soppy characterisation which has taken up the vast majority of these last two episodes. You can have levity and character development without sacrificing the integrity of the experience, and I really feel like that's what's happening. Also the directing has been only intermittently decent, that first episode was shot like a goddam student film.

No, it really isn't. It's getting record viewing figures and still generating critical acclaim.

dying on its arse for me, I feel like I'm watching the show I love slip away.

Seriously, the show is absolutely in love with itself and its idea of Sherlock

glad at least one person agrees.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
This episode almost lost me a few times in the first 15 minutes, but by the time it had finished, easily one of my favourite episodes. Such a great character piece, it has a very different tone from almost all of the other episodes. Not something I'd want to see done too often, but in the context of the development of the series and the characters, it worked excellently.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Kind of get the feeling this latest episode is Sherlock's Love and Monsters, which was equally terrific and equally capable of alienating a significant portion of the fanbase.

No, because this was actually good and Love and Monsters was chronically horrendous with absolutely no redeeming features apart from ELO references.
dying on its arse for me, I feel like I'm watching the show I love slip away.

I think you will get what you want next week. It feels like they've been setting for a pretty big episode with a breather these first two. If they don't have a big case next week with a lot of the usual stuff, than I feel like this complaint might be justified. I think they just decided to take these 2 in a different direction, and it isn't what the show will continually be like


It's a fundamentally detective show, the levity and characterisation are welcome as long as they are interwoven around the framework of a detective show, and that means a central framing of mystery which requires to be solved. Last nights show had the mystery tacked on as an afterthought, as did the week before, last weeks was a far more understandable decision as it at least moved the overriding plot on. Last nights show was extremely light on plot both internally and as part of the overriding plot.
It's a fundamentally detective show, the levity and characterisation are welcome as long as they are interwoven around the framework of a detective show, and that means a central framing of mystery which requires to be solved. Last nights show had the mystery tacked on as an afterthought, as did the week before, last weeks was a far more understandable decision as it at least moved the overriding plot on. Last nights show was extremely light on plot both internally and as part of the overriding plot.

I actually felt like it was the opposite. The train bomb thing was solved in like 5 minutes and seemed like they added it in so they would have a mystery. The interwoven mystery from last night was actually executed very well.


It's a fundamentally detective show, the levity and characterisation are welcome as long as they are interwoven around the framework of a detective show, and that means a central framing of mystery which requires to be solved. Last nights show had the mystery tacked on as an afterthought, as did the week before, last weeks was a far more understandable decision as it at least moved the overriding plot on. Last nights show was extremely light on plot both internally and as part of the overriding plot.

In that context, an interesting snippet from this review

The Sign Of Three proved what Sherlock’s writers have been saying in interviews all year: that theirs isn’t a detective show but a show about a detective.


I actually felt like it was the opposite. The train bomb thing was solved in like 5 minutes and seemed like they added it in so they would have a mystery. The interwoven mystery from last night was actually executed very well.

The previous weeks mystery, regardless of how poorly executed it was, was at least the driving force behind Sherlock's return, so it was plot critical. Shoddy, derivative and easily replaced by any other macguffin to bring him back? Sure but it was plot critical. It was the driving force of what happened afterwards. Last night, a mystery conveniently appeared at a wedding. Had the mystery not appeared nothing fundamentally would have changed other than Sherlock delivering a slightly shorter less awkward best mans speech, it was the very definition of tacked on, they wanted an episode about John's wedding and related shenanigans so they wrote one and added a slight mystery which took up about 30% of the run time, leaving 70% for teh funny.


I still don't fully understand the point/connection of the Mayfly. Why was the photographer/mayfly doing what he was doing with those women?

What were the secrets that suspiciously each of those women on "I dated a ghost" had?

I feel like I've missed an important step somewhere.


In that context, an interesting snippet from this review

Bit rich for them to have came to that conclusion, 3 series in. The first two series where pretty by the book as a detective show even if the show was weakest in the middle episodes when it was concentrating really hard on the mystery of the week. There's a happy middle ground between the detective show and Freeman/Cumberbatch power hour (and a half) and they found it in episode 1,3,4,6 but not so much in the last two where they've moved too much away from the mystery side of things, and not so much in episodes 2 and 5 where a bit of the charm of the show was lost on the mystery of the week.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I started out not liking the direction of this episode because I thought it would end up just being a bunch of random one off stories being told by Sherlock at the wedding. But they really tied it all up in the end. Actually ended up being one of my favorite episodes. Especially good considering the second episode of the season tends to be the weakest with Sherlock.


I still don't fully understand the point/connection of the Mayfly. Why was the photographer/mayfly doing what he was doing with those women?

What were the secrets that suspiciously each of those women on "I dated a ghost" had?

I feel like I've missed an important step somewhere.

They all worked for Watson's military mate, who was nigh on in hiding due to the attempts on his life (their secret was presumably working for this highly secretive individual). He was dating them each for one night, long enough to gather the information required to get to him at the wedding.


It's a fundamentally detective show, the levity and characterisation are welcome as long as they are interwoven around the framework of a detective show, and that means a central framing of mystery which requires to be solved. Last nights show had the mystery tacked on as an afterthought, as did the week before, last weeks was a far more understandable decision as it at least moved the overriding plot on. Last nights show was extremely light on plot both internally and as part of the overriding plot.
So what?

I've never really though of this show as heavily plot-driven in the first place. Each episode can generally stand on its own. Kinda like House or something, where there is an overarching story to follow, but the focus is generally on individual episodes.


They all worked for Watson's military mate, who was nigh on in hiding due to the attempts on his life (their secret was presumably working for this highly secretive individual). He was dating them each for one night, long enough to gather the information required to get to him at the wedding.

Hmm. This season's mysteries have been highly coincidental, eh?
I enjoyed the episode, it was entertaining and John and Sherlock were on great form getting drunk (plus I got to play 'guess the pub/club', the perks of them shooting so much in Cardiff). It did get a bit muddled in the middle, but if i wanted to explain that away I'd just say that it was Sherlock telling the stories, and his mind just jumps from one thing to another all the time.

Looking forward to next week's episode, and then it's time for another 2yr wait..... Lame

(I had to lol at Facebook comments last night, someone was complaining that they didn't finish the bank robber story and hoped Sherlock would solve it next week..... :-/)


Hmm. This season's mysteries have been highly coincidental, eh?

I think the bit that really stretched the boundaries was that
the very two mysteries Holmes used in his speech tied into the actual murder attempt. He had not done that it wouldn't have really pushed things any further than usual, but then had he not done that it wouldn't have tied together so neatly, so I can live with it!


I think the bit that really stretched the boundaries was that
the very two mysteries Holmes used in his speech tied into the actual murder attempt. He had not done that it wouldn't have really pushed things any further than usual, but then had he not done that it wouldn't have tied together so neatly, so I can live with it!

I can fully understand that from a narration point of view. It's just that for the last two episodes we have had the enormous coincidence where random clients just separately ask about stuff which happens to be directly related to the 'big' mystery in the episode. It just looks like he's solving the mysteries by being incredibly lucky rather than his amazing detective skills.
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