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Sherlock Series 3 |OT| - THE Source for Fiction’s Cheekbone Fetish

Canon informed people:
So are we thinking that maybe Mary is going to be the one to kill CAM? Or Sherlock himself? It would have to be one of the three at least, I assume. Or wait...maybe they go the same way the book did, with a random victim doing it, and Sherlock and John in a 'wrong place wrong time' situation, but John is nabbed, so Sherlock steps up and takes the fall for him? oooooh.




Who dat? The fourth member of the Holmes/Watson/Lestrade barbershop quartet?
Canon informed people:
So are we thinking that maybe Mary is going to be the one to kill CAM? Or Sherlock himself? It would have to be one of the three at least, I assume. Or wait...maybe they go the same way the book did, with a random victim doing it, and Sherlock and John in a 'wrong place wrong time' situation, but John is nabbed, so Sherlock steps up and takes the fall for him? oooooh.

There's lots of ways it can go...

John kills CAM
Mary kills CAM
CAM kills Mary
CAM kills Lestrade
Lestrade kills CAM
Sherlock kills CAM
CAM tries to kill someone else, Molly/Mrs Hudson/someone else dies
CAM kills Mycroft
Random anonymous person kills CAM, John/Sherlock take the fall

I could believe any one of these.

I really think that
CAM will survive, but whatever he does will leave our heroes completely fucked.

Edit: Hey, what the hell. Donovan has almost no reaction to Sherlock returning despite being equally responsible as the blubbering mess that is Anderson. Now who is the sociopath?
Canon informed people:
So are we thinking that maybe Mary is going to be the one to kill CAM? Or Sherlock himself? It would have to be one of the three at least, I assume. Or wait...maybe they go the same way the book did, with a random victim doing it, and Sherlock and John in a 'wrong place wrong time' situation, but John is nabbed, so Sherlock steps up and takes the fall for him? oooooh.

I'd place cash on Mary killing him, and Sherlock purposely taking the rap for it. Fulfilling that Last Vow.

Nope, it's painfully obvious that this series is permanently taking a turn for the lighthearted and soap-operatic in an attempt to pander to the tumbr crowd.

Uh huh.

See you next week!
There's lots of ways it can go...

John kills CAM
Mary kills CAM
CAM kills Mary
CAM kills Lestrade
Lestrade kills CAM
Sherlock kills CAM
CAM tries to kill someone else, Molly/Mrs Hudson/someone else dies
CAM kills Mycroft
Random anonymous person kills CAM, John/Sherlock take the fall

I like to think that
no one will die. CAM was hired by Mycroft to throw a surprise party for Sherlock. Thus we get character development for Mycroft and sets us up nicely for next years sit com about a black mailer and s government agent living under the same roof. What hilarious antics will they get up to?
There's lots of ways it can go...

John kills CAM
Mary kills CAM
CAM kills Mary
CAM kills Lestrade
Lestrade kills CAM
Sherlock kills CAM
CAM tries to kill someone else, Molly/Mrs Hudson/someone else dies
CAM kills Mycroft
Random anonymous person kills CAM, John/Sherlock take the fall

I like to think that
no one will die. CAM was hired by Mycroft to throw a surprise party for Sherlock. Thus we get character development for Mycroft and sets us up nicely for next years sit com about a black mailer and s government agent living under the same roof. What hilarious antics will they get up to?

Ooooh, I like this.

"I know you had that NK agent murdered."

"Well, he left the toilet seat up!"

*laugh track*

The Real Abed

Just watched it. I really loved it. So good. The drunk part was amazing. But then when he got into that mode and figured it all out, so good. So gooood.

It's episodes like this that make me really sad that we only get 3 episodes every two years. Why not 6? If you're gonna spend 2 years between seasons, give us a few more at least. Too little Sherlock is a damn crime.

Just watched it. I knew already, but this show is quite possibly my favorite TV thing ever.
Basically this. Aside from all of New Who, Sherlock is my most favorite imported TV show. (Or maybe it's the other way around? It would be if there were more than 3 episodes every 2 years.) Though I like many many others, too many to list so I won't.


It's episodes like this that make me really sad that we only get 3 episodes every two years. Why not 6? If you're gonna spend 2 years between seasons, give us a few more at least. Too little Sherlock is a damn crime.

Hands up who would rather have more Sherlock than The Hobbit. I blame Peter Jackson stretching that into three films.
It's episodes like this that make me really sad that we only get 3 episodes every two years. Why not 6? If you're gonna spend 2 years between seasons, give us a few more at least. Too little Sherlock is a damn crime./QUOTE]

Hands up who would rather have more Sherlock than The Hobbit. I blame Peter Jackson stretching that into three films.

They finished filming it a while ago. Anything now is reshoots.

Blame Benedict and Martin for being so awesome that everyone wants them. At least they love Sherlock enough to keep coming back when they can.
It's episodes like this that make me really sad that we only get 3 episodes every two years. Why not 6? If you're gonna spend 2 years between seasons, give us a few more at least. Too little Sherlock is a damn crime.

Hands up who would rather have more Sherlock than The Hobbit. I blame Peter Jackson stretching that into three films.

I'd have honestly preferred if The Hobbit had not been stretched out as long as it has but I'd still have watched it regardless because I think MF is great as Bilbo.


Hands up who would rather have more Sherlock than The Hobbit. I blame Peter Jackson stretching that into three films.
The Hobbit is only one reason why there hasn't been more Sherlock and the primary filming for that finished in 2012. The pick-up shootings finished last Summer too so that doesn't hold Freeman or Cumberbatch back.
You know, something awful has happened to this thread. Instead of people happily getting along and expressing differing opinions, the thread has developed into an unpleasant experience where anyone who dares criticise the show "clearly isn't fan enough" or "should just watch a different show if they prefer straight-up detective shows".

Practically everyone in this thread is a Sherlock fan, so clearly they are perfectly aware that it's not CSI or whatever other suggestions have been offered.

All those that loved the last episode should be happy and not question the "fan-ness" of those that didn't enjoy it for whatever reasons.

I agree with this and I'll be keeping my opinion to myself in future if the third episode is also not as great as the first two.

Just because I don't like the direction that the show is going it, doesn't mean that I am not a fan of Sherlock.
Canon informed people:
So are we thinking that maybe Mary is going to be the one to kill CAM? Or Sherlock himself? It would have to be one of the three at least, I assume. Or wait...maybe they go the same way the book did, with a random victim doing it, and Sherlock and John in a 'wrong place wrong time' situation, but John is nabbed, so Sherlock steps up and takes the fall for him? oooooh.

I'm going to go for Mary, just because I don't want to see another 'Sherlock falls from grace' storyline this soon (or ever again!) I'm going to guess that John and Sherlock witness Mary killing him, as in the books, but it throws up all sorts of issues, ie Mary isn't who she says she is, John having to cover for her, etc...


This show is great, I was hoping we'd get more than three 'episodes' since they have been airing them weekly rather than spaced out across a few seasons.

I think that Cumberbatch is only going to become more busy in the future. To my untrained eye, he's an actor on the level of a prime Russel Crowe, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Denzel Washington.. truly an A list talent. That wedding speech scene was great, went from truly uncomfortable to pulling tears, great work and I expect more big things from him in the future, probably a best actor Oscar too.


This show is great, I was hoping we'd get more than three 'episodes' since they have been airing them weekly rather than spaced out across a few seasons.

I think that Cumberbatch is only going to become more busy in the future. To my untrained eye, he's an actor on the level of a prime Russel Crowe, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Denzel Washington.. truly an A list talent. That wedding speech scene was great, went from truly uncomfortable to pulling tears, great work and I expect more big things from him in the future, probably a best actor Oscar too.
I think my sarcasm meter is broken.


Watched the new episode last night on iplayer. So overall GAF consensus is that ep 2 is good? I enjoyed the first ep but this one was all over the bloody place. Didn't like it one bit and have no reason to go back and rewatch it as I usually do.


Pizza Dog
I think this series is definitely pandering to the Tumblr/shipping fanbase a little too much, I miss the proper mysteries of the previous episodes. It's a shame. The show's still enjoyable but it's definitely heading in a direction I'm not really keen on. I'm someone that doesn't think about either kissing Sherlock or Sherlock kissing Watson though, so I'm probably in the minority now anyway, ha. I appreciate the character development going on, but I don't really think it's got the same spirit as the earlier episodes, they've realised what the majority of their fans want and they're going for it. It seems like the wait for new episodes has just made the fandom focus so much on shipping characters that that's overtaken everything else and made it completely alien to those who aren't as interested in that sort of thing.

Even the weakest episodes of the last two series (Banker, Hounds) had a lot more mystery and deduction going on, and I think were probably better for it. Both these episodes have had weak storylines really with odd things letting them down (why steal a tube train and wire that up as a bomb when they've already planted bombs in the tunnel anyway? Why not just put the bomb in the tunnel by itself if no one's going down that line as it is? Similarly, the "You should have driven faster" line makes no sense when you realise that he should just have never gone back at all), with the emphasis in both being on the relationship between the characters. I don't mind that, but it shouldn't be at the expense of the mystery. I have hopes for the third episode though as they can't really have all three episodes fail in that aspect.

Edit: Not trying to stir up arguments, just putting in my opinion. As I said, I like the show I just want a real meaty mystery to sink my teeth into.


Who is CAM?

In the context of what we've seen onscreen, we don't really know.

In the context of the revealed announcements, he's
Charles Augustus Magnussen.

In the context of the canon, he's
Charles Augustus Milverton, master blackmailer and described by Holmes thus:

"Who is he?" I asked.

"The worst man in London," Holmes answered, as he sat down and stretched his legs before the fire. "Is anything on the back of the card?"

I turned it over.

"Will call at 6.30 -- C.A.M.," I read.

"Hum! He's about due. Do you feel a creeping, shrinking sensation, Watson, when you stand before the serpents in the Zoo and see the slithery, gliding, venomous creatures, with their deadly eyes and wicked, flattened faces? Well, that's how Milverton impresses me. I've had to do with fifty murderers in my career, but the worst of them never gave me the repulsion which I have for this fellow. And yet I can't get out of doing business with him -- indeed, he is here at my invitation."


Final consolidated ratings for The Empty Hearse will be out tomorrow, but I'm hearing that - with one day of ratings still to come - it's already now the most-watched episode of the series.


Can some one please explain to me what "night do" mean ?

Dunno whether it's a particularly British thing, but there are generally two components to a wedding - the ceremony and the reception. The former involves the vows and "I do" etc and is often followed by a formal dinner. The reception is basically some variety of music, booze and buffet, taking place later in the evening.

As formal dinners are expensive, the close family and friends are often the only ones invited to the ceremony, whilst workmates etc are invited to attend the cheaper reception, or 'night do', so as many people as possible can share some part of the day without financially ruining the bride's father.

EDIT: oh, and of course, who you invite to the ceremony and who you invite to the reception is a social minefield. A badly considered omission from the ceremony and friendships can be destroyed, families torn asunder, Aunt Doris may amend her will. Following this up with an invitation to the 'night do' is simply kicking them when they're down. This may help explain the verbal quotes clearly heard around the word 'night do' in this episode, highlighting the withering putdown the person has been subject to.

Blue Lou

Can some one please explain to me what "night do" mean ?

A 'do' is slang for a party or social night out. Night is when it takes place. :) If someone goes to a 'work do', it's a night out with people from their employ. Just to confuse you, a 'do' is also another way of saying hair style and a 'to do' is an argument or fight.
Dunno whether it's a particularly British thing, but there are generally two components to a wedding - the ceremony and the reception. The former involves the vows and "I do" etc and is often followed by a formal dinner. The reception is basically some variety of music, booze and buffet, taking place later in the evening.

As formal dinners are expensive, the close family and friends are often the only ones invited to the ceremony, whilst workmates etc are invited to attend the cheaper reception, or 'night do', so as many people as possible can share some part of the day without financially ruining the bride's father.

EDIT: oh, and of course, who you invite to the ceremony and who you invite to the reception is a social minefield. A badly considered omission from the ceremony and friendships can be destroyed, families torn asunder, Aunt Doris may amend her will. Following this up with an invitation to the 'night do' is simply kicking them when they're down. This may help explain the verbal quotes clearly heard around the word 'night do' in this episode, highlighting the withering putdown the person has been subject to.

In regards to your edit you are bang on, which is why we are inviting nobody to our wedding apart from the best man and witnesses. It pisses off everybody at once and it saves a lot of hassle and money. Both sets of parents have gave their blessing.


In regards to your edit you are bang on, which is why we are inviting nobody to our wedding apart from the best man and witnesses. It pisses off everybody at once and it saves a lot of hassle and money. Both sets of parents have gave their blessing.

A fine choice.

A 'do' is slang for a party or social night out. Night is when it takes place. :) If someone goes to a 'work do', it's a night out with people from their employ. Just to confuse you, a 'do' is also another way of saying hair style and a 'to do' is an argument or fight.

There was a to do at the do and I messed up my do.


Could someone tell me why the Sherlock Blu Rays aren't in 1080p? >:l

British TV shows need to be able to be broadcast in 50Hz since that's the PAL standard, so they're filmed in 1080p at 25Hz (show each frame twice = 50Hz). The Blu-ray format only allows 1080p at 24Hz (for film) but allows 1080i at 50Hz, so they use that to avoid unsightly judder issues.

You're still getting all the same image data in 50Hz 1080i as you would in 25Hz 1080p, only interlaced.


Nope, it's painfully obvious that this series is permanently taking a turn for the lighthearted and soap-operatic in an attempt to pander to the tumbr crowd.

I wouldn't go that far, but the thought crossed my mind, yeah.
I hope they have something in store for episode 3, and don't let the fandom mold their art too much, it's the worst thing, when it happens.

A quick nod of acknowledgement (like the homoerotic fantasy in ep 1) is all that is needed, then get back on track.
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