I think this series is definitely pandering to the Tumblr/shipping fanbase a little too much, I miss the proper mysteries of the previous episodes. It's a shame. The show's still enjoyable but it's definitely heading in a direction I'm not really keen on. I'm someone that doesn't think about either kissing Sherlock or Sherlock kissing Watson though, so I'm probably in the minority now anyway, ha. I appreciate the character development going on, but I don't really think it's got the same spirit as the earlier episodes, they've realised what the majority of their fans want and they're going for it. It seems like the wait for new episodes has just made the fandom focus so much on shipping characters that that's overtaken everything else and made it completely alien to those who aren't as interested in that sort of thing.
Even the weakest episodes of the last two series (Banker, Hounds) had a lot more mystery and deduction going on, and I think were probably better for it. Both these episodes have had weak storylines really with odd things letting them down (why steal a tube train and wire that up as a bomb when they've already planted bombs in the tunnel anyway? Why not just put the bomb in the tunnel by itself if no one's going down that line as it is? Similarly, the "You should have driven faster" line makes no sense when you realise that he should just have never gone back at all), with the emphasis in both being on the relationship between the characters. I don't mind that, but it shouldn't be at the expense of the mystery. I have hopes for the third episode though as they can't really have all three episodes fail in that aspect.
Edit: Not trying to stir up arguments, just putting in my opinion. As I said, I like the show I just want a real meaty mystery to sink my teeth into.