This new season of Sherlock has been surprising me in some ways. It's a very different tone than what the series was when it started. There's still all the wit and sarcasm from the characters, and the general dysfunctional nature of the relationships between Sherlock and everyone else (it's even stranger now with Mary in the picture), but this time round it feels like the mysteries and the cases took a serious backseat to the characters. More like a framework to have something interesting happening while also putting the characters in a situations where they are forced to talk with and about each other.
Both episodes (it's so weird to think of them as "episodes" when they're really more like TV movies) so far have been about Sherlock trying to better understand who he is and who the people are around him. While so much of the format feels familiar, the actual narrative flow and dialogue has taken a very different turn and it's strange but yet pretty satisfying. It kinda feels like... Sherlock is finally... growing up? His speech about John was really, really good stuff.
Definitely looking forward to how they close the season off on Sunday. I'm actually hoping it is sort of conclusive this time, instead of having cheap hooks into the next season. The show is popular enough now that I don't think they really need that anymore.