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Sherlock Series 3 |OT| - THE Source for Fiction’s Cheekbone Fetish


The best thing I can say about this season is that it's over. The writing wasn't anywhere near up to usual standards and they relied on a lot of cheap slights of hand to misdirect the viewers and greatly abused very unimaginative visual techniques to hammer simple themes over our heads in ways that could have been accomplished much better with even a smidgen of greater skill and respect for the audience.

'Child Sherlock' and the habit of constantly interspersing him with 'Adult Sherlock' while blaring melodramatic music to over extended slow shot sequences should be thrown into a bond fire along with all the other cheap ploys this season enjoyed over using.

Best Episode: 2
Worst: 3

Highlight of season from a technical level:
Sherlock gets shot, hands down, exceptionally well done

Summary: Wasting time, the season, where nothing of importance happens, every stake pushes the StarTrek Voyager reset button, and we all hope that they have something more interesting for us than the incredibly lazy way that
they reintroduced Moriarty

If this trend continues everything after Series 2 might as well be regulated to officially produced fanfiction.

What a waste of good talent both in front of and behind the camera.


I am convinced that Sherlock will end up one of the most well-crafted gay love stories ever aired on television, or the worst instance of queer-baiting ever.

I choose to believe that Sherlock and John are going to hook up by the end.

Yes, I have been reading a lot of Tumblr lately. Why do you ask?


I am convinced that Sherlock will end up one of the most well-crafted gay love stories ever aired on television, or the worst instance of queer-baiting ever.

I choose to believe that Sherlock and John are going to hook up by the end.

Yes, I have been reading a lot of Tumblr lately. Why do you ask?

It already is a love story, why does it have to be sexual? I don't get it. I mean I comprehend, but I do not empathize.

I can't fathom how they play out a scene where they suddenly realize they want to fuck. I just don't.


It already is a love story, why does it have to be sexual? I don't get it. I mean I comprehend, but I do not empathize.

I can't fathom how they play out a scene where they suddenly realize they want to fuck. I just don't.

That's also what I thought at first. But after that last season, there's just way too many moments of intimacy between the two to be explained away by simple bromance.


That's also what I thought at first. But after that last season, there's just way too many moments of intimacy between the two to be explained away by simple bromance.

Tumblr confirmation bias.

I would have absolutely no qualms if it turned out to be romantic in the end, I have no horse in the race when it comes to Sherlock and John's orientation, but I genuinely think it would be out of character at this point. That alone would make me disappointed if it turned out to be the case, not because "OMG they can't be gay that's weird". Watson surely isn't glued to the straight end of the kinsey scale, and who the fuck knows exactly how nebulous Sherlock's sexuality is (or if it even exists). But I'm picturing the two of them kissing and it reeks of pandering to a corner of the fanbase, as well as devaluing their development thus far.


Tumblr confirmation bias.

I would have absolutely no qualms if it turned out to be romantic in the end, I have no horse in the race when it comes to Sherlock and John's orientation, but I genuinely think it would be out of character at this point. That alone would make me disappointed if it turned out to be the case, not because "OMG they can't be gay that's weird". Watson surely isn't glued to the straight end of the kinsey scale, and who the fuck knows exactly how nebulous Sherlock's sexuality is (or if it even exists). But I'm picturing the two of them kissing and it reeks of pandering to a corner of the fanbase, as well as devaluing their development thus far.

LOL - to be fair, I was getting these vibes before I allowed my mind to be warped by tumblr (I didn't start checking tumblr until after I watched all the episodes, lord knows going anywhere NEAR tumblr before you've caught up on a show is just begging to be spoiled).

Personally, while I wouldn't be upset if they WEREN'T gay, I don't think think it would be at all out-of-character if they were. The show's taken extra, deliberate care to keep Sherlock's sexuality vague, and John's sexuality comically staunch. And after season 3 (particularly after "The Sign of Three") I think the writers have given the audience enough to glean something more than platonic feelings between the two, and at this point I think that's intentional.

I mean, at the end of the 'Sherlock gets shot' sequence in the last episode, it's thoughts of protecting John that gives Sherlock the strength to climb the stairs of his mind palace and basically restart his heart (after getting a lecture from Moriarty about not fearing the pain of loss and heartbreak, no less). And what was the point of that final scene between Sherlock and Janine other than to tell the audience that Sherlock didn't ever fuck her? Why would that information be relevant? And let's not get into the scene earlier in the episode where John was surprised, uncomfortable, then visibly agitated over the revelation that Sherlock had a "girlfriend."

C'mon, these two are totes hot for each other.
I haven't gotten "watch these characters turn out gay" vibes this strong since season 2 of Spartacus, the episode right before Agron and Nasir make out.
Well you have to keep in mind that it's Moffat and Gatiss writing these stories. There have been theories that Sherlock and Watson were lovers that existed before the show and they've made blatant references to that throughout the show. Even given that, these are writers who are not afraid to venture to a space where characters love each other platonicaly. Sherlocks devotion to Watson comes from Watson being one of the few that he can connect with, let alone stand. As such he's fiercely devoted to him. You can see this throughout series 3 (it seems to be the theme) but especially when Sherlock extends his devotion to Mary simply because she's someone that Watson loves and they reinforce that in The Last Vow.

What you're seeing is the blurring of the lines though. I mean Mary really does come across as a Sherlock-lite in some scenes. It could be a hint or it could be Moffat and Gatiss having a bit of fun and giving a bit of ammo to the debate on the characters.
I finished watching episode three last night. Overall, I vastly preferred the first and second seasons. It was still enjoyable and the end of episode three was interesting to say the least, but the season didn't feel like Sherlock Holmes.

I do like the chemistry and relationship between Sherlock and Watson, but I liked it much more when the show focused on solving crimes as opposed to the weird international intrigue stuff. Also, the main villain wasn't interesting in the least. Moriarty had much more character development.
TLDR: Get your James Bond/24 Jack Bauer nonsense out of my Sherlock.


Come on, you can't honestly believe this bit, at least.

Oh but I do. Two things of significance happened this season. One of them was a necessary preface to starting the series again so it doesn't really count and the other was of course the marriage of Mary and Watson.

CAM? Ultimately the series hits the reset button on him by simply having Sherlock kill him. He has no lasting effects on the series, or our protagonists. or anyone else.
Punishment for killing CAM? Fakeout! Sherlock is not sent away (not that I would have liked that resolution) some big bad is back so let's forget that he killed a man completely by next season.
Mary isn't Mary? No consequence. John forgives her over a single episode without knowing what she did. Probably everything from torture to child murder. Oh well.
Sherlock might be suffering from some form of PTSD? Nope.
Sherlock is on the drugs 'again' even though we only ever heard about cigs previously. Only for a case! Quickly forgotten.

The only thing this season progressed, for all the drama they injected into ultimately pointless scenes, was John got married and they can have Mary be a proficient witty third wheel death machine for the lulz.
Just a friendly PSA that the NA version of Sherlock S3 on BD/DVD is now available in stores. Amazon & Best Buy are currently selling it for $26.99.


(Oh and Danganronpan is out too for my fellow Vita gamers)
Watched the third episode again. I still really enjoy 98% of it, but the very end is starting to rub me the wrong way. The series has only just begun to show vague, early signs of getting a little tired (maybe it's just because I hate catchphrases and "I'm a high-functioning sociopath!" makes me want to jettison myself into deep space) but it seemed to be doing a good job of setting up a new status quo, mixing things up a bit and sending us in new directions for the next season... but then it gleefully says "nah, fuck it" and gets right back on track with the same stuff again.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited when I first saw that, but the second time through it just has me worried about the future of the series. Will they never be willing to take big risks and push the series into new territory they don't already know works?
Oh but I do. Two things of significance happened this season. One of them was a necessary preface to starting the series again so it doesn't really count and the other was of course the marriage of Mary and Watson.

CAM? Ultimately the series hits the reset button on him by simply having Sherlock kill him. He has no lasting effects on the series, or our protagonists. or anyone else.
Punishment for killing CAM? Fakeout! Sherlock is not sent away (not that I would have liked that resolution) some big bad is back so let's forget that he killed a man completely by next season.
Mary isn't Mary? No consequence. John forgives her over a single episode without knowing what she did. Probably everything from torture to child murder. Oh well.
Sherlock might be suffering from some form of PTSD? Nope.
Sherlock is on the drugs 'again' even though we only ever heard about cigs previously. Only for a case! Quickly forgotten.

The only thing this season progressed, for all the drama they injected into ultimately pointless scenes, was John got married and they can have Mary be a proficient witty third wheel death machine for the lulz.

Actually they implied his drug habits in A Study in Pink, when the police comb through his house on a fake drug bust to annoy and coerce him. Watson laughs it off as ridiculous, but Sherlock and Lestrade give knowing looks.

In addition to the literary character using cocaine, but that's not really relevant.


Actually they implied his drug habits in A Study in Pink, when the police comb through his house on a fake drug bust to annoy and coerce him. Watson laughs it off as ridiculous, but Sherlock and Lestrade give knowing looks.

In addition to the literary character using cocaine, but that's not really relevant.

You are right, I was re-watching it with my girlfriends mother (to show her the series) and I had forgotten about that. I hat mentally recorded it that they used nicotine as his cocaine stand in for the reboot.

Watched the third episode again. I still really enjoy 98% of it, but the very end is starting to rub me the wrong way. The series has only just begun to show vague, early signs of getting a little tired (maybe it's just because I hate catchphrases and "I'm a high-functioning sociopath!" makes me want to jettison myself into deep space) but it seemed to be doing a good job of setting up a new status quo, mixing things up a bit and sending us in new directions for the next season... but then it gleefully says "nah, fuck it" and gets right back on track with the same stuff again.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited when I first saw that, but the second time through it just has me worried about the future of the series. Will they never be willing to take big risks and push the series into new territory they don't already know works?

I feel as though this season was already a noticeable departure from the formula of the first two series, do you disagree?


I just watched all 3 series of this over the past several days. Overall I like it, but I think it has a lot of issues.

- Good chemistry between the two leads. Definitely the main draw here.
- Mostly good supporting cast. I like pretty much everyone aside from Moriarty (which I'll rant about below).
- The episodes that revolve around them being together, solving cases are usually strong. Mainly the first two series with some of the stuff in the third.

- I find sometimes the plot gets a little too convoluted and there are too many occasions where it tries to deceive the audience (faking deaths, Mary Watson, etc...).
- Sometimes the show reuses some of the same tricks too often. Like Sherlock 'deducing' people or whatever. It's clever sometimes, but other times it seems like a time filler that's just supposed to drive the same point of 'Sherlock is smart' into our brains.
- I really don't care for the Moriarty character. I think the actor sucks and chews the scenery way too much and it can get pretty cringe worthy. I don't really find the character very compelling or interesting, and I'm indifferent toward the times where Sherlock had to solve cases that Moriarty created for him. I prefer Sherlock just solving real, random crimes. I was pretty disappointed at his hinted return.
- As others have pointed out, the Season 3 finale is a bit of a mess in some ways. It's overall entertaining, but the fact that there are like, no consequences (at least so far) for anything that transpired, even though they should have been huge moments, leaves me a bit unsatisfied.

I enjoyed Season 3 but I do hope the next season gets back to the more standard case solving format. I think they've gone too far with some of the character drama, and possibly weakened the relationship between the two leads by having them say too much or go too far. There are only so many times where you can have them get angry with eachother, then make up, then get angry etc... it loses its impact and eventually feels like a cheap way to create drama. But I really did enjoy it overall and will keep watching it. Just didn't blow my mind necessarily and I can't call it one of my top shows because of the flaws.


I actually love Moriarty in this interpretation of Sherlock, when he was first introduced at the pool I thought that he was far too effervescent and indecisive to be the dark master mind to rival Sherlock, but his sheer insanity grew on me, and ultimately won me over ten fold for the finale of Series 2. To each their own, I'm just worried about how he'll fair in his return if the writing quality of series three is anything to go by.

I particularly loved the roof top scene and the entire 'It's too easy' revelation.


It's a shame that Series three, in it's unimaginative stupor, decided to retcon some of the tension of that scene by having Moriarty be played from minute one.
The best thing I can say about this season is that it's over. The writing wasn't anywhere near up to usual standards and they relied on a lot of cheap slights of hand to misdirect the viewers and greatly abused very unimaginative visual techniques to hammer simple themes over our heads in ways that could have been accomplished much better with even a smidgen of greater skill and respect for the audience.

'Child Sherlock' and the habit of constantly interspersing him with 'Adult Sherlock' while blaring melodramatic music to over extended slow shot sequences should be thrown into a bond fire along with all the other cheap ploys this season enjoyed over using.

Best Episode: 2
Worst: 3

Highlight of season from a technical level:
Sherlock gets shot, hands down, exceptionally well done

Summary: Wasting time, the season, where nothing of importance happens, every stake pushes the StarTrek Voyager reset button, and we all hope that they have something more interesting for us than the incredibly lazy way that
they reintroduced Moriarty

If this trend continues everything after Series 2 might as well be regulated to officially produced fanfiction.

What a waste of good talent both in front of and behind the camera.
I couldn't agree more. I marathoned Series 3 with my father, and wow. There were so many things about this Series I disliked that I stopped keeping track. I own Series 1 and 2 on bluray, and won't spend a penny on Series 3. It was just...not good. Even the good bits were done terribly,
like Sherlock blowing Magnussen's brains out.


I thought series 3 was fantastic, personally. I think there's a lot to be had there
if you correctly interpret the show as portraying a burgeoning romance between Sherlock and John. ;)


Couple of questions..

On Amazon it lists season three with "Original UK Version" after it in the title...how come? The first two seasons don't have that listed.

And does the third season blu-ray come in a slipcase? I'm one of those guys who gets annoyed with my collection if a season of a show stands out case-wise. My first season of Sherlock doesn't have a case but season two does. Hate it!
Couple of questions..

On Amazon it lists season three with "Original UK Version" after it in the title...how come? The first two seasons don't have that listed.

And does the third season blu-ray come in a slipcase? I'm one of those guys who gets annoyed with my collection if a season of a show stands out case-wise. My first season of Sherlock doesn't have a case but season two does. Hate it!

Basically it has all the same stuff as the UK version (extras are the same), but the cover is actually different than the UK version (I find it kind of funny actually). It also comes with a slipcover.

And yes, lack of slipcover for S1 annoys me to no end as well.

Btw, my friend got me something pretty awesome but have to wait for her to ship it to me lol. Will post when it arrives.
So I've been waiting to post this for a while now, as they all just arrived in a care package from my best friend. Presenting some Sherlock goods...

"You should put that on a t-shirt."

"There's the front of the t-shirt."

"...And there's the back of the t-shirt."

Sherlock Collector's Limited Edition S1-3 Set - BBC Shop Exclusive:

Inside contents:

...Little bonus:


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Cungenhatch's face is longer than that, the hair is kind of similar though.


This might interest some of you:

A few folks might recall BBC's The Hollow Crown, a well-recieved run of BBC adaptations of Shakespeare plays with extremely good casting (Patrick Stewart, David Suchet, Ben Whishaw, Jeremy Irons, Tom Hiddleston...).

They've recently announced a followup run covering Henry VI and Richard III, and they've made a casting announcement (which in turn leads us back to this thread!): Richard III is Cumberbatch.
This might interest some of you:

A few folks might recall BBC's The Hollow Crown, a well-recieved run of BBC adaptations of Shakespeare plays with extremely good casting (Patrick Stewart, David Suchet, Ben Whishaw, Jeremy Irons, Tom Hiddleston...).

They've recently announced a followup run covering Henry VI and Richard III, and they've made a casting announcement (which in turn leads us back to this thread!): Richard III is Cumberbatch.

Yeah, I read a blurb about that over the weekend. Martin's also going to play Richard III in a production over this coming summer. Not to mention BC will be Hamlet next year on stage as well.

Going to be interesting really.
So, I know in the post-credits scene of the final episode of season 3 we, the viewers, got a real live video of
Moriarty saying "Did you miss me?" but in-universe, all anyone's seen has been a shoddy animated photo of Moriarty's mouth moving up and down and pre-recorded audio being played over and over again. Do they believe the character is actually alive, and if so, why?

Also, RE: Hiddleston, it wont' happen but he could play
Moriarty. In the original books Sherlock met "Moriarty" many times and it was almost always a different person, claiming that the previous one was just a decoy.
Didn't really follow this thread or any relevant online discussion while I was watching Season 3, but I was really disappointed.

Terribly weak episodes, and the whole overly melodramatic plot with Watson and his wife was horrific.


... no? It just means it'll be a "one-off", i.e. won't be a series of 3. Probably a Christmas/New Years special that the BBC's wallet is drooling over.

I'm guessing that it means it won't actually be series 4, but a special in between series 3 and 4. It's just kind of worded weird.
... no? It just means it'll be a "one-off", i.e. won't be a series of 3. Probably a Christmas/New Years special that the BBC's wallet is drooling over.

That's what I took it to mean. I liked MHR so seeing a few more mini-episodes between S3 and S4 would be a nice way to pass the time before we get S4 proper (which still hasn't been officially announced lol).
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