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Shin Megami Tensei Community Thread: Be Your True Demon

Apocalypse may be the creepiest game in the franchise! Plenty tone-deaf as well. I don't want to see another Asahi, Toki, or Navarre again.

I wish this series had input from an unconventional weirdo like Taro Yoko. Kaneko's personality added so much to it, and DSJ may reveal what SJ would've been like without him, although circumstances play a role as well.


Honestly I don't think anyone joking about silly anime scenarios in DSJ is being serious, I don't think anyone expects such a thing, but at the same time I don't think it's weird to expect the tone of the game and the writing in the new scenario to take a hit based on what little we've seen and especially Atlus' recent output.

Also I swear I'm not even trying to be overly cynical or witty when I say Alex looks like a teen. Hell, I truly do expect her to pose as one, this doesn't look like an adult to me:

And to be sure I even asked a younger cousin who knows nothing about these games to tell me what age she thinks Alex is based on that picture, and then did the same with one of Zelenin in the new style, and she said 17 and 30 respectively lol. Obviously I have no way to prove I'm not lying but eh, Zelenin comes off as an adult even in the new style, but Alex looks like what a Persona main character would look (which is not to say those look like actual real life teenagers, of course).

Anyways, SJ is my favorite game in the series and I'll be getting it day one regardless (provided we get it at all), but though I doubt they'll /ruin/ it, I'm carefully looking forward to it because I wouldn't put it past modern Atlus to modify its tone for at least the added events.

Kaneko's personality added so much to it, and DSJ may reveal what SJ would've been like without him, although circumstances play a role as well.

Yeah basically this.


Also I swear I'm not even trying to be overly cynical or witty when I say Alex looks like a teen. Hell, I truly do expect her to pose as one, this doesn't look like an adult to me:
Nope, still not looking like a teen to me. Though, I'm 27 and I still get people thinking I'm in my late teens, these things happen.

Actually, I'm getting slight Motoko Kusanagi vibes from her, maybe it's the purple hair. What if we are all wrong, what if she is actually a cyborg/android?!
She isn't the MC's waifu, she's Arthurs!
True Cyborg Ending, here we come!
but Alex looks like what a Persona character would look

What does this even mean, haha. There are Persona characters that are adults, there are Kaneko characters that are teens. I have no idea how this is meant to prove your point at all, haha.




The size of her eyes combined with the soft nose make her look fairly young, even though they only show her scowling.

This is a 17 years old.
That's a 15 years old... which is still weird, although Toriyama has gone and made the sudden Saiyan growth spurt canon.


She looks old enough, it's just that the whole getup looks out of place in SJ and smells of oc donut steel.

Are there even characters with "anime" hairs in SJ?


She looks old enough, it's just that the whole getup looks out of place in SJ and smells of oc donut steel.

Are there even characters with "anime" hairs in SJ?

Nothing about her hair or outfit are really out of place when compared with many demons.

I think I'm gonna make my prediction in this no evidence speculation game on the True Cyborg Ending though.
Lucifer is lame, join science!


The size of her eyes combined with the soft nose make her look fairly young, even though they only show her scowling.

That's a 15 years old... which is still weird, although Toriyama has gone and made the sudden Saiyan growth spurt canon.

He's 17 on the Piccolo Daimaoh saga according to the wiki, which is where I confirmed the info. I was under the impression it was 14 or 15 too but I guess I was thinking early Dragon Ball.

In the show itself, Goku is initially stated to be 14 years old, but after learning math with Roshi, he says that he's actually 12 during the first tournament. Then there's a 3 years timeskip, so he would be 15 years old by the time of that image. That 17 years old age is gotten by doing math based on official timeline years, which are never actually used in the show or manga.

Yeah, 12 at the start and 15 at the end is what I remember too, still confusing how the official timeline apparently contradicts that. I guess that's consistent with Toriyama just not remembering anything ever lol


He's 17 on the Piccolo Daimaoh saga according to the wiki, which is where I confirmed the info. I was under the impression it was 14 or 15 too but I guess I was thinking early Dragon Ball.

In the show itself, Goku is initially stated to be 14 years old, but after learning math with Roshi, he says that he's actually 12 during the first tournament. Then there's a 3 years timeskip, so he would be 15 years old by the time of that image. That 17 years old age is gotten by doing math based on official timeline years, which are never actually used in the show or manga.


This came from smtg a while back, I think I've made it up to date.

Why is Bel so high? I'm guessing it has something to do with Naoya's route?

Either way, it feels weird to say this but I think Nanashi might be the strongest SMT MC if we go by accomplishments alone, specially if we're talking about
anarchy Nanashi
SJ is a very creepy game, especially with how merciless the game is. You don't feel like a hero, you're a marine who is WAY out of his element.

That is very much a demon realm that wants you dead.

Indeed, you really feel the hostility.

Really bummed the remake appears to be going Full Anime.

It's too soon to say that.

Also, Kaz worked on P5 as a 'supervisor' for the HDization of the demons. It shows, they look fantastic.

They do indeed, every time I come across a new one I'm very pleased. These models will be used in several games going forward so it's no surprise they put a lot of care in them.

As for the discussion about Nocturne, for me the game is perfect as it is in every way, I wouldn't want to change anything, it all comes together perfectly, regardless of some design choices being intentional or not.

Glad to see this thread is geting more traffic.


Wasn't that Catherine?
Was it? Was this worldwide or in just one region?

So here's a fun little thing, remember the interview for SMTIV where someone (I forget who) said Burroughs was named Burroughs because of the alphabet. It started with Arthur in Strange Journey, then Burroughs in SMTIV, and I guess they didn't do it for Apocalypse (Dagda was a demon, not an AI). However with that SMT Switch (that is more than likely SMTV since just about everything has pointed to that game being that) game on the horizon, I expect to see another AI in that game that starts with a C. Predictions? I am going with Clarence.


"Biggest hit" aside, it does make sense that they're talking about the PS4 port of SMT HD project. I never really expected it to be Switch exclusive, but it sounds like it's the primary platform at least, hmm.

Was it? Was this worldwide or in just one region?

So here's a fun little thing, remember the interview for SMTIV where someone (I forget who) said Burroughs was named Burroughs because of the alphabet. It started with Arthur in Strange Journey, then Burroughs in SMTIV, and I guess they didn't do it for Apocalypse (Dagda was a demon, not an AI). However with that SMT Switch (that is more than likely SMTV since just about everything has pointed to that game being that) game on the horizon, I expect to see another AI in that game that starts with a C. Predictions? I am going with Clarence.

Huh, never heard of this, that's pretty neat.

It'd be funny if they named it Catherine.


Come on, you don't seriously believe a P4-2 right? Unless this is so old that it predates P5, SMT is the only thing that fits the bill.

I think it's actually possible they could go with a P4-2 for the first project of the Persona team's new leadership, since they likely wouldn't want to deviate too much from the successful model from P3-5. So, a very safe new game with an all new cast, or an actual direct sequel both would make some sense. A direct sequel in comparison would remove some of the complaints about the game's systems not changing much from Persona 5.

I guess there would be the issue of the old cast being out of school, but they could feature a new school age protagonist and secondary cast in addition to returning P4 characters.


I wouldn't rule out a Persona 4-2 at some point for P Studio's new game at all either, but what I don't get is why people aren't focusing on SMT when it says "up to 4" and P5 released last year. It'd only make sense if the job application was way older, but it says it's "recent".


I could be wrong, but isn't SMT bigger than Persona in Japan? SMT predates it there and has been around for quite a long time.

It's pretty well known, but I think Persona is more profitable by a wide margin. It's just that a new core SMT is also a pretty big deal there.


I could be wrong, but isn't SMT bigger than Persona in Japan? SMT predates it there and has been around for quite a long time.

It has been around for a long time, but at least based on the numbers available from some older questionable Famitsu charts, it seems like even SMT II just about crawled past 250k units. So, even before the modern games Persona 1 was already bigger than any SMT. And, nowadays we have SMTIV doing 600k worldwide, while Persona 4 Golden broke one million worldwide (or at least 700k, I can't find a solid source confirming one million for 4 Golden right now, but I'm pretty sure I've seen it before).


P4-2 doesn't make much sense when they have a new critically acclaimed and even more commercially successful game to milk. Whatever way you look at it it doesn't make sense for the ad to be referring to Persona unless they just picked their ad from back when P5 was being produced and forgot to update it, which wouldn't surprise me.
P4-2 doesn't make much sense when they have a new critically acclaimed and even more commercially successful game to milk. Whatever way you look at it it doesn't make sense for the ad to be referring to Persona unless they just picked their ad from back when P5 was being produced and forgot to update it, which wouldn't surprise me.

In the end that's probaby what happened. I'm kinda surprised that people would entertain the idea of Atlus making a P4-2 tbh. P4 is burried, unless there's a P5 spin-off that also features characters from previous games.


I can't seem them going back to milk P4 unless P5's spin-offs bomb. They obviously would want to focus the marketing and people's attention on the current cast/waifus.


I can't seem them going back to milk P4 unless P5's spin-offs bomb. They obviously would want to focus the marketing and people's attention on the current cast/waifus.

Persona 4's spinoffs (particularly Q and Arena) still used the cast from 3 - I'd hesitate to say they'd be dropping characters with so much marketing attention dedicated to them already, and their own considerable fanbases. An actual sequel would make no sense (and that goes for 5 as well), but I fully expect to see the cast from 4 rear their heads in the 5 spinoffs, and continue to be merchandised.

Not Spaceghost

It's cheaper (39 dollars) in Amazon lol

Ahaha yeah I think I'll give it a year or so until it's at the same price SMT4 currently is (hopefully), I was just looking for a mobile SMT to take with me on a vacation soon enough. I think I'll replay SMT1 on iOS, I've only played the SNES fan patch lmao and I've heard the iOS port is ridiculously good localization wise and gameplay wise.

Just gotta make sure to never upgrade iOS ever again lol.


Ahaha yeah I think I'll give it a year or so until it's at the same price SMT4 currently is (hopefully), I was just looking for a mobile SMT to take with me on a vacation soon enough. I think I'll replay SMT1 on iOS, I've only played the SNES fan patch lmao and I've heard the iOS port is ridiculously good localization wise and gameplay wise.

Just gotta make sure to never upgrade iOS ever again lol.

I just wish Atlus would keep that localization and either update it for the new version of iOS, or port it to something else where it won't get lost to time so quickly. That port has been out what, 3 years? They never did the localization of the Android version. I think eShop is mostly off the table unless they decide to use the same script and localize it if it gets released on Virtual Console on Switch (or maybe SNES VC on 3DS).

Not Spaceghost

I just wish Atlus would keep that localization and either update it for the new version of iOS, or port it to something else where it won't get lost to time so quickly. That port has been out what, 3 years? They never did the localization of the Android version. I think eShop is mostly off the table unless they decide to use the same script and localize it if it gets released on Virtual Console on Switch (or maybe SNES VC on 3DS).

Yeah seriously, I would love a patch to this that brings it to 64bit, I almost imagine there is some deeper problem preventing that from happening though. The iOS version is basically the GBA version with PS1 music and a new (really good) script, which I think makes bringing it to the eshop a mess, nor can they bring it to PSN as a PS1 classics, the only option is really a fresh steam release or android i guess.

I think atlus even said that doing an SMT2 localization for ios is like right at the bottom of their to-do list so I hope they considering keeping the SMT1 port updated.


After trying to stick to any game that's not Yakuza once I was done with P5, I finally founda replacement in Devil Survivor Overclocked. I've beaten this multiple times across but versions, but I think this is the first time I play through it while fully grasping how to do fusions best and managing skills properly, and man, what a blast.

This game is so good and addictive, I've been playing it since last weekend and I'm already in day 6, and so far the only wall I hit was Beldr, which forced me to change the MC's party and setup to one that I haven't changed ever since... Hardcore STR build + Horkos and Nalagiri is all I need!

I'm aiming for Naoya's route which I've never played and I think I just secured it, that's one thing less to worry about.


Here are awesome 2 battle themes :

Shin Megami Tensei IF - Old Enemy

Persona 2 Innocent Sin - Battle Theme

I added this track because it's pure Shin Megami Tensei. Something I don't like from Persona is the J-Pop OST (although in P5, the soundtrack is great), but this battle theme from P2-IS is great. I hope the rest of the soundtrack of the game and the sequel are on the same level.

Shin Megami Tensei IF to the west when Altus? You could call it "Shin Megami Tensei IF: Persona Zero" to get the attention of everyone.
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