Isn't DEX better for phys than STR in this game?
New to the series. Never played either SMT or Persona games. Figured this would be a good place to jump in.
I've been reading the last couple posts about newcomers tips, is there a wiki or anything like that out there that goes into detail about the game systems? Thanks.
New to the series. Never played either SMT or Persona games. Figured this would be a good place to jump in.
I never drop below 40 lifestones, just throw them at demons
Is this games story connected to the older ones? Kinda interested in reading about them if so.
Nope. There are references and easter eggs pointed at past games yes but it's not connect. SMT IV like SMT III was/is it's own universe.
SMT3 has vague connections to the 2 games before it, though.
I liked fire emblem awakening A LOT (because I like strategy board games like stratego), but I haven't really played any other JRPG's besides zelda ( if that even counts).... should I get this?
True but it's not connected to it completely story wise. Those references don't really add anything unless the person knew, easter eggs. Still fun regardless
I liked fire emblem awakening A LOT (because I like strategy board games like stratego), but I haven't really played any other JRPG's besides zelda ( if that even counts).... I haven't really had much experience in the genre. Should I get this?
Yeah, about that...
Here's a quick guide for your MC build (yeah it's gamefaqs, I know) : http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/672441-shin-megami-tensei-iv/66751506
Can you farm incenses? That'd really break the game rofl
Thanks, I will check it out. Does the included guide that comes with the game also come along with the digital version from the eshop?[/QUOTE]
No, those extra goodies are obviously for the retail version.
Well, I'm just really overwhelmed. I feel like SMT4 was made for me. It's a lot of factors but I'll be sad when the game ends, for sure.
So I'm on training exercise II and getting pretty frustrated. Just gave a demon a life stone and 80 macca and then he ran away. Earlier gave a demon a life stone and macca and mp and it died on the first turn afterwards....
Am I doing something wrong or is this quest going to take hours?
so I should really go for AGI/LUC
difference between MAG and DEX?
Magic Attacks VS Ranged attack/Defense?
Some demons are assholes. But soon you'll become better at recruiting demons.
Yes. Perservance is keyIm thinking of going a STR build, is that viable in this game?
Err spoiler direction halp question
I just did the crowd horde quest in Shinjuku and beat the boss. I need a card or something from a guard but I can't leave Shinjuku? From the main area gate I can't see/find a way back Shinjuku Main East Entrance. Am I blind?
I'm not sure I understand your question and you should really spoiler it better. At least mention the area or else people might not highlight it at all.
Wow, that was fun. I came across a domain that had a level 75 boss at the end,. I fully expected to get rocked, but I thought I'd give it a serious try, even though my hero is only level 27 and my demons are a fair bit lower. He's always weak to fire in every game he appears in, so I knew what to try. A bunch of agilaos and some sukukajas in the first turn, I braced for attacks, but he missed almost all of them. I won before the end of the second round. Awesome.Erlkonig
Wow, that was fun. I came across a domain that had a level 75 boss at the end,. I fully expected to get rocked, but I thought I'd give it a serious try, even though my hero is only level 27 and my demons are a fair bit lower. He's always weak to fire in every game he appears in, so I knew what to try. A bunch of agilaos and some sukukajas in the first turn, I braced for attacks, but he missed almost all of them. I won before the end of the second round. Awesome.Erlkonig
What, really? I gave up when I saw his goddamn level, I'll try doing the same rofl.
Wow, that was fun. I came across a domain that had a level 75 boss at the end,. I fully expected to get rocked, but I thought I'd give it a serious try, even though my hero is only level 27 and my demons are a fair bit lower. He's always weak to fire in every game he appears in, so I knew what to try. A bunch of agilaos and some sukukajas in the first turn, I braced for attacks, but he missed almost all of them. I won before the end of the second round. Awesome.Erlkonig
Jealous of my skillz.Straight up lucky. Then again, the game told me Long was a more powerful enemy than I was ready, and I cut right through it.
Awesome.Wow, that was fun. I came across a domain that had a level 75 boss at the end,. I fully expected to get rocked, but I thought I'd give it a serious try, even though my hero is only level 27 and my demons are a fair bit lower. He's always weak to fire in every game he appears in, so I knew what to try. A bunch of agilaos and some sukukajas in the first turn, I braced for attacks, but he missed almost all of them. I won before the end of the second round. Awesome.Erlkonig
They stack 3 times.I reached Ueno before going to bed last night. The way the game opened up at the point almost chased away the sleepiness. I don't think I deserve this game. ;-;
Anyhow, I came here to ask about Fundraiser-- How much money are you guys getting with this app?
Btw, do the same buff/debuffs stack or is it like Persona?
I reached Ueno before going to bed last night. The way the game opened up at the point almost chased away the sleepiness. I don't think I deserve this game. ;-;
Anyhow, I came here to ask about Fundraiser-- How much money are you guys getting with this app?
Btw, do the same buff/debuffs stack or is it like Persona?
I reached Ueno before going to bed last night. The way the game opened up at the point almost chased away the sleepiness. I don't think I deserve this game. ;-;
Anyhow, I came here to ask about Fundraiser-- How much money are you guys getting with this app?
Btw, do the same buff/debuffs stack or is it like Persona?