This game is nothing short of badass. Loving the futuristic-past feel (I'm sure there's a word for that, just can't think of it.) of the game. Burroughs is badass too.
lol at the character Walter though, I was gonna name my character Walter after Walter White from Breaking Bad...glad I didn't.
Anyways what's up with Issachar? I'm only like 35 mins in but there's no way that guy won't come back.
This game is balls hard as well, if I switch to easy, will it penalize me? Will I get a different ending for being a pussy?
If you die twice the option comes up.Wait, there are difficulty settings in this game?
Welp. I'm trying to beat the Madness of Phantoms challenge quest in Shinjuku, and I was having a great time beating the Insane Hordes, but the boss at the end just wipes me. No weaknesses, too much HP, and he has Fatal Sword and Blight. RIP. I think I'll just try this shit later. Lol.
Wait, there are difficulty settings in this game?
Can I find a Fallen demon in the training dungeon place?
If you die twice the option comes up.
There's SMT mode (Normal), easier hard (Easy), and SMT hard (Hard)
Nvm. Got a bitchin PhoenixAnyone know of the demons that fuse with Makara?
So, I'm at Kiccigiorgi...Just fought Issachar and "killed" him (I was pressing A too fast before I knew it was a choice >.<). Would his fate have been different if I spared him? Also, I'm trying to go for the neutral path, but I guess choosing to kill him puts me on the chaotic path? :x
No..He begs you to kill him, and Walter chews you out for not ending his suffering
I figured that was the case. I was just surprised thatWalter didn't have any reaction to me letting it go.
And therein lie the problem with me spamming Home > X > A > A instead of sitting through the Charon sequence.![]()
SMTIVGAF, how long do you plan on using the demon in your avatar? When I get Yoshitsune, I'll try to keep him for as long as possible!
SMTIVGAF, how long do you plan on using the demon in your avatar? When I get Yoshitsune, I'll try to keep him for as long as possible!
How are people fusing super demons with null stats? Crazy.
Also, exploring Shinjuku is so fun.
SMTIVGAF, how long do you plan on using the demon in your avatar? When I get Yoshitsune, I'll try to keep him for as long as possible!
How are people fusing super demons with null stats? Crazy.
Also, exploring Shinjuku is so fun.
SMTIVGAF, how long do you plan on using the demon in your avatar? When I get Yoshitsune, I'll try to keep him for as long as possible!
Isnt Demonlingual just to talk to demons you cant normal talk to (really wild demons or spirits)?
The sword attack during roaming mode to pre-iniate a fight is clunky as hell. It is exactly like a b-tier team made it this way and never tested it. A game like Persona 4 has a very good system where it is easy to determine where the enemy is, you can strategize on pre-initaiting it, and the depth of where the enemy is and where your sword lands is excellent. In contrast this game has really bad depth, clunky looking enemy sprites pre-battle, and sword depth that is hard to determine.
The worst part I've experienced and I had seen people complain about this beforehand but didn't think it would be nearly this bad, is the demon recruitment. I just finished playing Soul Hackers before this and the recruiting has never been this bad in any recent SMT I can remember. I was even in a conversation loop with a Chagrin that would never join me even when giving them stuff over in and over and satisfying them with "cheating". What is even the point of getting demonlingual if the demon is just going to ask me to take a survey with the only possible answer is to say you like them the best and then them saying it was a survey for the demon you most loathe. Did the devs even play their game?
The sword attack during roaming mode to pre-iniate a fight is clunky as hell. It is exactly like a b-tier team made it this way and never tested it. A game like Persona 4 has a very good system where it is easy to determine where the enemy is, you can strategize on pre-initaiting it, and the depth of where the enemy is and where your sword lands is excellent. In contrast this game has really bad depth, clunky looking enemy sprites pre-battle, and sword depth that is hard to determine.
Fuck that blight attack, it kept raping my entire team.Fuck David. Glad I finally whompped his ass.
Heres my updated team, and stats
I absolutely disagree that the sword swinging is any worse than in Persona 4. It's pretty much exactly as bad. You can enable 3D on the 3DS if the depth is a big issue, though, at least.
27 hours in, some boss and difficulty discussion spoilers below.
I'm stuck on Pluto at the moment, and overall it feels like the difficulty that was starting to slack off is picking back up again. Tenkai was a complete joke, but the bosses in Ichigaya started to either lack weaknesses completely, or force you to focus on something other than purely abusing them (VR Battle 6 is good foreshadowing of how to take down Omoikane). Pluto has an Almighty skill, Vulnera, that does a decent amount of damage and has a high chance of Bind. This, coupled with Sunny Ray, a Fire skill that also Poisons, is making him very difficult to take down. He can safely stunlock my entire team and them waste them away.
Working fine for me. Ive run into little trouble. Depends on ypur play style too of course d:How's the balanced stats working out for you? I'm torn between doing that or just going wild putting everything into magic.