Shit looks like I'm going law.
When do I unlock alignment check?
After Ikebukuro. Go to a Hunter's Association and talk to the Cynical Man. Polite=law, hot-blooded=chaos, hard-to-read=neutral.
I know that feeling. I thought I was doing a good job balancing law versus chaos, but a quick check of the Japanese route guide shows that I have a LOT more Law points than Chaos points, rather than the slight Law bias I thought I had. Going to try and reverse course by siding with Chaos during the initial route split, but if I wind up following Law instead of Neutral then oh well. I hear Chaos has some NG+ exclusive demons, so I might go L-->C-->N.
If you don't want to go Law, why not trigger the early bad end?
After Ikebukuro. Go to a Hunter's Association and talk to the Cynical Man. Polite=law, hot-blooded=chaos, hard-to-read=neutral.
lol @ polite = law. Unless this SMT is different, law makes you such an asshole.
Supposedly if you pick the top choice for everything and then make some specific choices during major events you can get neutral easily.
Do you have the regular 3ds? I get the same thing, The nyko powerpak added some bulk and helps a little, but it is really not very comfortable for a handheld gaming platform.
Spoiler tag, you fool.
Spoiler tag, you fool.
Just to clarify, those dumb questions you get asked by bosses dont affect alignment right? They just give you or the opponent bonuses?
Spoiler tag, you fool.
Finally got the MP recovery app, are the upgrades to it as ridiculously expensive? 4 levels was kind of absurd for it. Now my MC is way behind on skill upgrades.
Finally got the MP recovery app, are the upgrades to it as ridiculously expensive? 4 levels was kind of absurd for it. Now my MC is way behind on skill upgrades.
Not everyone wants to know there's anWhat the-- that wasn't a spoiler! Anyone who looks at the box could see it. If you wanted me to add spoiler tags then do it yourself or message me. Christ.
Sorry, I should have clarified that I have the XL.
Where is the statue of Hachiko?
I've been running around Shibuya and can't seem to find it.
So I've died 3 times so far, but every time I elected to not pay for revival. Do those deaths not count towards the 2 easy mode deaths that I need? Because I can't seem to figure out where to switch to easy mode (lay off, it's my first SMT game).
They do not count.
Me too, I was pretty surprised. Doing Chaos dialog choices 80% of the time, Cynical man said I was polite, and suddenly neutral path. ^_^I cannot believe I actually locked myself to the neutral path.
So happy right now.
If it was the regular I'd have brought up the Hori wheel as that's supposed to be good, but XL... Yeah, I'm curious too, the later PSP revisions and Vita are way more comfortable to hold for prolonged periods and now I'm starting to want a grip for the XL, and I usually don't care for that sort of stuff.Sorry, I should have clarified that I have the XL.
I'm having trouble with a certain boss surrounded by statues.
Anyone mind helping me out? I fused a demon with Zan, but its my only user and I basically lose the whole battle if the boss gets a critical hit, which seems to be often.
Oh wow there's a new breath , acid breath. Noice
I got me yesterday a Black Frost, ho. He isn't as powerful as I thought though (Ice Breath sucked, so I forgot it so the Black Frost could learn Mamudo!).
Transform a Gremlin. Also, try to level up that Zan user, teach Zan to your MC. After that abuse whatever buffs/debuffs you have on hand.
Okay so I'm level 24 now, and I found the. But after doing that mission, there is no more main missions exceptmilitary baseand"Find all the terminals". I have no clue what to do. I'm just aimlessly wandering around the map now. I found this guy that made me pay $500 macca to cross the river. So I did that, and now I'm in a swamp area where it's poisonous (It's the Shinjuku region) Every time I stop off somewhere and find a Demon Domain, they are like level 44 or level 75. I keep having to turn around and retreat. Where the hell am I supposed to go?"Arrest the Black Samurai"
I feel like I'm clearly in the wrong area, as these demon domains are much higher levels than me.
So I hit level 30 and got a new app thatmakes skills mutate. What does that mean?
Quick question about Shinjuku:Regarding the boss demon in the government office building...well I said I wouldn't kill it and got to battle a Harpy army instead. Does this affect my alignment/the story in any way? XD
Nope, you are right on track. There should be a place you missed around that poisonous swamp area that will take you to Shinjuku, where the story continues.
So... any tips on allocating skill points?
Random encounter in the scaffolded section of Naraku, around where the Sky Terminal is. Maybe on the causeway down as well, I forget.