been working my way thru this at a surprisingly slow (as in, unenthusiastic) pace (currently lvl 24), & am in agreement with much of what you said (& particularly with the above). the game just isn't grabbing me the way a good smt game should (had the same problem with devil summoner 2, after really loving the first one). weirdly enuf, i was actually having more fun with strange journey at this point

the story's been decidedly uninteresting up till now, & the cast's been disappointingly dull/cliched. in many ways, smt iv almost seems to work better as a semi-sandbox rpg than it does a more traditional one, but, for me, that has as many minuses (lack of focus, meandering/uninspired storyline) as it does pluses (always somewhere to go, something to do)...
so i don't know. maybe it turns out that i'm playing the game the way it's meant to be played - just kinda wandering in'n'out, getting a little bit done here'n'there, & basking in the over-all ambiance (& there's definitely enough to bask in - graphically, & musically, the game's just fine). i'm not
not having fun. but, like coopolon, i'm not loving the game. & i'd thought, & expected, that i would...
ps: afa the initial difficulty level, it's ended up feeling very bogus/forced to me. as tho it was done solely as a response/counter-balance to 'save anywhere'. it''s never really felt clever in any way, just unnecessarily brutal (&, eventually, very, very tiresome)...