Ha, finally got him about 20 minutes after I posted that. Took ~4 hours of trying spread across a few days. Next up, White Rider.
Would it be a good idea to sell all my items, fuse all my demons to new demons, register them, buy as some high stat equipment, farm for Macca and play the post game DLC before starting a NG+?
YESSSSSSSS! I beat that MOTHERFUCKER Ancient of Days. Felt so fucking good.
I did it at lvl 81 and all my demons survived too. I basically grabbed a piece of paper and a calculator, and computed every single damage I inflicted to check how close I was to the 50% health line, to avoid triggering his second phase. Then right at the edge of the line (just shy of 8k damage), I put an entire turn into full damage to deal 5k of damage with my party. After that it was just a matter of chipping away the last 3-4k of his health over two turns, just before he can start his Spirit Focus -> Damnation bullshit.
I used Quetzalcoatl, Demonee-Ho, and Uriel. My MC has Doping/Debilitate/Luster Candy, Quetzalcoatl has Deilitate, Demonee-Ho has Luster Candy, and Uriel has Mediarahan. For offence my MC uses Concentrate->Megidola, Demonee-Ho has Desperate Hit, and Uriel has that 15-hit physical attack (which kinda sucks because I didn't fuse Charge on him). Quetzalcoatl never attacks unless it's using Energy Drain.
I really like how the tactic worked out in the end. The ending for the DLC quest was pretty cool too. Now that I have that weight off my shoulders, I can't wait for the next story DLC.![]()
That guide is fucking useless.
The world map is by a very large margin the worst thing about the game.
That being said, the world map music theme is godly.
If you're happy to use Google Translate then there's some decent maps here: http://gamers-high.com/megami4/map/tokyo.html They use english letters to mark key locations and the diagrams are pretty self explanatory.
Aww, well I find it useful when I explore new regions and don't really feel like testing out the weaknesses of enemy demons
Beat the game today with the neutral ending. If I have major gripes, it's that the dungeons are a big step down from the ones in Nocturne in terms of puzzles and ferocity, as well as the more grounded look to them in comparison to Nocturne's more genuinely alien art design, but other than that, it's a great game that's more than worthy of being Nocturne's successor.
Also in terms of buff/debuff spells, getting +1 on attack magic causes it to do more damage, but what does getting a +1 on the support spells do? Does it give you an extra stack per cast?
Aww, well I find it useful when I explore new regions and don't really feel like testing out the weaknesses of enemy demons
SMTIV guest artists in case it hasn't been posted yet.
Seeing this list and who drew what, it made me reflect on something.Tamotsu Shinohara - Minotaur, Napaea, Dullahan, Koga Saburo, Tenkai, Chemtrail, Ancient of Days, Sanat
Yasushi Nirasawa - Centaur, Medusa, Asmodeus, Michizane, Lucifer, Masakado
Kyouma Aki - Kuebiko, Yamato Takeru, Kenji, Astaroth
Yoshihiro Nishimura - Omoikane, Pluto, P-Army, Yaso Magatsuhi
Keita Amemiya - Lilith, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Merkabah
Yasushi Nirasawa who by far made the worst designs, is (or at least was) a good artist actually.
He's well known for his work on previous video games such as Bullet Witch (Cavia Xbox 360), Deep Fear (Saturn), Poison Pink (PS2), London Seirei Tantei Dan (PS1).
You have to also keep in mind that the designers for the new demons were hired for a unique reason - other than Kyouma Aki (who probably got the gig because he adapted the Persona designs for the P4 and P3 anime adaptations) the designers are all big name designers in Japanese tokusatsu shows like Kamen Rider. The director of SMT4 is a huge fan of the genre, and he's been waiting for a chance to collaborate with these talents for a long time now. They definitely delivered in terms of providing designs which matched the tone of the work they're known for. I would say that after getting over the silly designs of Napaea, Centaur, Minotaur, and Medusa (omg the WORST!), the rest of the new designs throughout the game worked really well. They fit into the tone of the setting, and matched the roles the demons serve in the story of SMT4.
Seeing this list and who drew what, it made me reflect on something.
Yasushi Nirasawa who by far made the worst designs, is (or at least was) a good artist actually.
I think SMT's tone is whatever the creators want to make of it though. There were a lot of comments about how SMT3 didn't really feel anything like a real SMT game when it came out too. Maybe less so in the west since no one had played a SMT game before that. It was a huge departure in many ways.
I think some of the new Kaneko demon designs for SMT:SJ pretty much sucked too, so it's not like he's incapable of making pretty meh designs. The character designs in SMT4 are an even larger departure from the style of Kaneko's character designs for other SMT games. Clearly the intention here was to create a true SMT sequel without relying on Kaneko's trademark visual style. They probably wanted to see if they could capture the concept of SMT without being restricted or limited to Kaneko's vision. It's a good idea too, since any franchise which relies on one or two people too much will eventually have problems if either those people aren't interested in working anymore, or they start to suck, or they die.
I agree with the general statement, but a game needs to have a consistent art direction. SMTIV is the work of many artists who worked on character and demons design. While the chara design felt consistent, demon design lacked that consistency.
It felt like a cross over or something in that regard.
As I said, I would really like to see another megaten with one new artist who draws all the demons like in Majin Tensei or Giten Megami Tensei. Even if the result isn't as good as Kaneko's art, at least it's consistent.
As an aside note, I'm curious, which demons did you find badly designed in Strange Journey?
Because I liked all the new designs Kaneko made for that one.
So I'm at the part whereI see the cocoon and the angels. I'm guessing this is where I choose between law/chaos with Jonathan and Walter? Also, while I'm pretty sure I failed the requirements, I'm guessing that talking to Isabeau would've led to the neutral path if I made the right choices?
I don't think the demon design being inconsistent is entirely fault of the new designers though. Even if we take all the new designs away, and just stick with the 300++ demons which are all designed by Kaneko over the span of two decades or so, the demon artwork would still look horribly inconsistent. Kaneko's own style has changed significantly over the years in terms of coloring, details, and linework.
By mixing and matching so many different eras of Kaneko in one package, it wasn't going to look consistent. So I don't think the new designers made it worse, they just made it more interesting. I really love Amemiya's work on the major angel designs. It fit what the story was going for perfectly.
For Strange Journey, I think that the pet demon thing which was part of the chaos hero's story was pretty dorky looking, the new Orcus design is really shitty, and Mem Aleph was pretty bad too. Definitely disappointing as the final boss in the game.
So roughly how long is a typical NG+ play through to get law and chaos ending?
Question about the fiends:
For the Toyosou shelter for instance, do I need to keep reloading my game everytime I go in there and walk to the center, or can I just run out to the elevator and come back in via elevator??
So are the DLC boss fights worth the challenge & do they offer any extra story tidbits?
They do add story bits, and they're pretty good fights. Clipped Wings Part 1 will probably be pretty easy for anyone who has beaten the game once you have the right set up to exploit the two bosses in a row, but starting from Clipped Wings Part 2, the bosses all have new tricks up their sleeve which make them pretty fun to fight. Definitely challenging.
So any thoughts on where the series goes next?
I have a feeling we will see another SMT sooner than expected. Probably not mainline, kinda like Strange Journey. I assume this because Atlus has a habit of recycling assets, they have plenty to use from this game. Maybe a modern Raidou game?
Story wise? Not sure really. I do miss the alien feel of Nocturne, and my favorite part really was Infernal Tokyo as that felt truly apocalyptic.
What do you guys think?
Also, any good online resources or discussions about the plot of SMTIV?
Can you even go inside the other cities when you help out Akira during the Infernal Tokyo chapter? Every time I tried to enter, there were always guards there and Akira would be like "let's get outta here man"
Yes but only in the Chaos and Neutral postgame.
When you mean postgame, do you mean newgameplus? Or do you mean save before the final battle and go back before you beat up the final boss (I beat the game on Chaos route) Sorry, this whole New Game Plus thing is confusing me for in this game
You don't have to begin NG+. For the Chaos route, just return to Camp Ichigaya and push the button in front of the Yamato reactor at any time before the final boss.
I had no idea you could return back to Infernal Tokyo at the Camp at any given point (if I'm understanding you correctly)
Yep. You can return to Blasted Tokyo too, if you want, but only Infernal Tokyo gets new content.