Chemtrail was the worst one for me to get. I didn't keep a count, but it probably took at least 500 attempts to get him to spawn.Probably spent 30 mins in the last day or so trying to spawn Chemtrail. Fucking Fiends. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Still no luck.
If you don't like it, stop doing it. I don't think that it's meant to be done like that.Wasted a whole hour earlier trying to spawn Chemtrail. Getting really annoyed by this Fiend thing. It's not fun, it's boring, and it really seems like more trouble than its worth just to squeeze extra game content out. It's really kinda lame and bullshit.
If you don't like it, stop doing it. I don't think that it's meant to be done like that.
But it doesn't seem like there's any proper way for it to be done. It's not like the game really gives you any reason to go to the places where the Fiends spawn over and over again. They designed it the way they did which means the content is just unavailable to most players except those who like doing redundant things over and over and over. It's pretty bad design I think.
Arghhhhh I've been stuck for the past few hours, google didn't help either![]()
Can't find the tunnel to ikebukuro, went there through the terminal but it's a dead end and yes, I have the talisman
Rememberwhere you arrived by boat to go to Shinjuku? The tunnel is located between two poisonous swamps in the world map.
Finished the game on neutral, now for NG+ to get the others. Is it safe for me to go to the spoiler thread or should I get the other two paths first?
My two cents on the neutral path:
Why did I get to fight Lucifer, but not God? Regardless, both bosses were pretty easy. Beelzebub was harder than both of them. I did like how the game made you go seek out most of the back story. The actual ending was shorter than I expected, but made sense. Also, I always heard people talking about these doors for each stat that you could open if you had 100 or more in that stat. I never found these doors.
I don't think it's a good design either. What they could do is make even the locations where they spawn random. That way you can't redo the process until they show up.
If you mean their spawn point is random and their chance of spawning is also random that's taking questionable design and making it genuinely terrible.
My two cents on the neutral path:
Why did I get to fight Lucifer, but not God?
Ancient Curse is the most bullshit thing >_>
Wasted a whole hour earlier trying to spawn Chemtrail. Getting really annoyed by this Fiend thing. It's not fun, it's boring, and it really seems like more trouble than its worth just to squeeze extra game content out. It's really kinda lame and bullshit.
Wasted a whole hour earlier trying to spawn Chemtrail. Getting really annoyed by this Fiend thing. It's not fun, it's boring, and it really seems like more trouble than its worth just to squeeze extra game content out. It's really kinda lame and bullshit.
I've actually got a few questions if anyone can help me out?
1. I'm on new game+, but I can't access the reduced demon compendium apps yet? What's the deal? I don't want to summon demons from my book yet until I reduce the cost? When do these apps become available again?
2. Also, regarding the unique new game+/alignment quests/demons, do I have to clear any of the regular quests or do anything special leading up until the point where I lock my route/decision? Basically, can I just blast through the game again and avoid all quests and still gain access to the unique ones during the later portions of the game?
Ancient Curse is the most bullshit thing >_>
At least I haven't see an enemy that can use Shivering Taboo ? Which is basically Ancient Curse but it inflicts all ailments instead of a random one.
Does Ancient Curse get blocked if you block any status or does it only get blocked if you block the one it inflicts on you ? Lamentation might actually be nicer if its the second one.
Ancient curse and its brethren (even lamentation) is blocked if the target is immune to any of the ailments.
I've now spent 7 hours looking for Pale Rider. With nothing to show for it. Not a thing. Does anyone who has encountered it have a screen shot of the actual location ? Beginning to suspect that I'm not in the right spot.
If you mean their spawn point is random and their chance of spawning is also random that's taking questionable design and making it genuinely terrible.
Yep, that's what I meant. That way you can't hunt them, but at the same time the chance of encountering one of them remains the same. What I want to see is an effective implementation of a rare appearance that you can't farm.
I think Vagrants in Dark Souls is a good example. They are very rare and they can appear pretty much anywhere in the game, but when you encounter one of them, it feels awesome (I've encountered 4 of them during my ~2500 hours of playing that game).
The chance doesn't remain the same unless you deliberate redo it to get it back to the same probability.
If there's 15 000 distinct "points" in a world and a 1/256 chance of encountering something if you're on its point , the chance of encountering it given a random spawn location and chance is ~ 1 / 3 840 000. That's a heck a lot less than 1 / 256 , given the fiends are largely location in areas that you'll walk through once in a normal game (Pale Rider is an exception being in a completely optional area that has nothing of interest, Trumpeter might also be in theory depending on when he begins to spawn, White Rider also is in the other direction, being in an area you'll probably visit several times if you're a completionist since he's on the most direct path to the Member's Only Shop).
If any given spot has a 1 / 256 chance of spawning something then in a game the length of SMT , your chances of not encountering it is effectively 0.
I think that's a terrible idea for the record. Unless the creature didn't do anything that wasn't available elsewhere even if it was more work. I mean I don't care in the least if GiveMeFatLoot (who doesn't have a compendium entry, doesn't have unique items and doesn't unlock anything but does drop 6 random pieces of rare loot that can be find elsewhere (at 1/256 drops rate each) and an amount of gold it takes 100 hours to farm elsewhere) has an encounter rate of 0.00000001% on a single randomly generated tile per playthrough. I still think it's a bad idea but I don't care if I don't find it and more power to the people who get lucky doing so. But when game content like Fusions and unique items are locked away by random numbers I think its terrible design (and the Fiends are even worse at this because you need to beat every Fiend but David and Chemtrail in order to fuse Mother Harlot who's part of a standard challenge quest).
It's like people take some perverse pride in getting lucky with random numbers. Somedays I suspect I could program a game where there's a 99% chance die with each step, and you win the game if you take 10 steps and there'd be people who praise it as being fantastic.
And I still hold this view point even though I just managed to get Trumpeter and beat it. Which means that of RNG Fiends I only have Red Rider left, and he's probably the easiest to spawn.
Next up Fusion Error only demons.
ETA - I suppose I should point out that rather than stop people hunting them, it'll just make hunting them even more tedious , since hunting them will involve moving step by step over every spot in the game in a long, tedious and cyclical pattern. And it will still be criticized as terrible design.
What's wrong with something -optional- you can't hunt for?
Tried Clipped Wings DLC, beat the first boss died at second. And I'm LVL 92.
I think a far better design solution for Fiends would be to add a DLC for every ending the player has unlocked which makes it 1/4 more likely for Fiends to spawn.
OK, I'm finally finding time to get back into this. I only just finished the mission where you fight that Chimera thing at the VERY beginning (it's right after you finish the first trial or whatever to learn about the concepts).
Any tips to get started? I feel kind of weak and have no idea what monsters I should be going for.
Save often, recruit as many demons as you can and fuse as often as possible. More demons, more options to deal with bosses. (PS get a demon that knows/learns sukukaja, rakukaja or Bufu (the ice attack), the first boss is very tough and you're going to need them to survive.
Build your stats to focus on either Physical/gun skills or Magic. (I personally recommend magic if you're a first-timer, very versatile)
If you choose a Physical build do not put points into strength. Dexterity contributes the most to your attack skills' power.
Make sure to invest into agility and Luck frequently as well. Agility determines accuracy and luck determines your critical, instant kill and ailment success rates.
If you go for a magic build you'll generally want agility over luck, if you go physical you'll want even investment in both stats.
Don't give up. The early game is the hardest part, since you have the fewest options.
Save often, recruit as many demons as you can and fuse as often as possible. More demons, more options to deal with bosses. (PS get a demon that knows/learns sukukaja, rakukaja or Bufu (the ice attack), the first boss is very tough and you're going to need them to survive.
Build your stats to focus on either Physical/gun skills or Magic. (I personally recommend magic if you're a first-timer, very versatile)
If you choose a Physical build do not put points into strength. Dexterity contributes the most to your attack skills' power.
Make sure to invest into agility and Luck frequently as well. Agility determines accuracy and luck determines your critical, instant kill and ailment success rates.
If you go for a magic build you'll generally want agility over luck, if you go physical you'll want even investment in both stats.
Don't give up. The early game is the hardest part, since you have the fewest options.
Thanks - I've been putting points into DEX/LUK/AGI, so I guess guns are where I'm heading. I had read that, so that's my plan.
I was noticing that I fused two demons together. When I tried to recruit some new demons to fuse, I instantly won the battle (or something along those lines)? Is there some mechanic that I'm missing or confusing?
When you talk to a demon to have them join you, if they join you and they are the last enemy then the battle is over. If the Demon decides to not join you, but runs away or just decides not to fight anymore, the battle ends.
Sometimes though, I try and recruit and the demon just goes away? Like it says something along the lines of I'm already friends with them or some shit?
I think a far better design solution for Fiends would be to add an app upgrade for every ending the player has unlocked which makes it 1/4 more likely for Fiends to spawn. That way, for players who really want to find the Fiends, instead of being "lucky" they also have the option of just playing through the game again to get the other endings, and increasing their odds until the point where they've seen everything in the game, where the odds become 100%.
The most important thing to note about game design is that it should always be fun. If the game forces a player to do something which isn't fun, or the game makes it such that players feel completely left out simply because of "luck", then that's bad design. It wouldn't be a problem if we're talking about some silly palette-swap super hard versions of existing demons, but we're talking about classic SMT demons who loves of fans would want to fight and also fuse. What's even worse is that Chemtrail is one of the new original designs for the game, and they're locking it behind some stupid RNG. Really dumb.
Do you already have that demon in your inventory? You can't get more than 1 of the same type. You need to fuse the demon or get rid of it to invite the same demon again.