They reprinted Devil Survivor Overclocked, Radiant Historia, and the first three EO games. recently got a Strange Journey reprint not too long ago as well.
As for me, 6 hours in and it keeps getting better. Only problem I have is the exp gain is really crap/takes forever to level and pretty much anything can still kill you/your party members in the right conditions(ex. I suck at timing my sword slash for battles to get that pre-emptive strike x.x) Not playing easy mode, and I haven't died since getting my party together after those first few levels. At least MC dying isn't game over, had that happen a couple times but my demons pulled through for me (yay! XD)
Can't remember if I've complained enough about the voices yet

I just want to punch Navarre all the time but that's probably part of his character being an elitist jerk. Who voices the AI Burroughs?(Did I spell that right?) I feel like I've heard her voice before, or I'm having weird deja vu as I've been playing KI:U recently as well XD