First set is available on launch, as it was in Japan. If it keeps up with the trend, one set per week up to set 4, then a "break" on the following week. After that, the three last sets are one per week again.When will we get the DLC in NA?
First set is available on launch, as it was in Japan. If it keeps up with the trend, one set per week up to set 4, then a "break" on the following week. After that, the three last sets are one per week again.When will we get the DLC in NA?
Is anyone planning on getting this day 1 but not diving into it deep right away? I was persuaded to buy this game because of the $30 promo, but I was vacillating over buying it before. I don't think I can play because I already have a 3DS backlog of Fire Emblem Awakening (since day 1 Feb), Luigi's Mansion, and Animal Crossing.
Hopefully I can finish most of these games before Pokemon comes out, which I will use the $30 towards. I doubt it.
Got the shipping notification a couple of hours ago from Amazon.
Now I must make sure my calender is clear for a week starting Tuesday.
This will be my first SMT. Any tips?
The later armor is really good, but it's not really necessary. The boss quests are much more interesting, but it depends on how they're priced.So I'm guessing the equip DLC is worthless, the easy mode DLC is worthless, and that a few of the story DLC are worth it?
I haven't gotten my notification yet. Gonna go flip out now.
This will be my first SMT. Any tips?
Mine won't ship until Monday night, probably. There's an Amazon shipping center a few hours from me, so they seem to wait until the last possible moment to ship stuff.
Is anyone planning on getting this day 1 but not diving into it deep right away? I was persuaded to buy this game because of the $30 promo, but I was vacillating over buying it before. I don't think I can play because I already have a 3DS backlog of Fire Emblem Awakening (since day 1 Feb), Luigi's Mansion, and Animal Crossing.
Hopefully I can finish most of these games before Pokemon comes out, which I will use the $30 towards. I doubt it.
Just shipped!
New puppy and a new SMT on the same day. Puppy will win the attention, but I'll try not to neglect my 3DS too much
Fuse regularly.
Who needs a puppy when you have demons
I always feel bad when I have to fuse Jack Frost.
I have trouble with this because I get attached to some demons.
Noooo, I don't want to say goodbye to Kikurihime!
Get puppy demons!
I don't like the new fusion system. Where's my fusion demon grid?
I need to find out if Gamestop is doing a midnight release on this.
Just curious, what don't you like?
Does anyone know if there is a strategy guide that is going to come out for this in English? I know the book that comes with the first print run covers roughly 30-40% of the game, but I'm just wondering if there is going to be something like Nocturne got. I think I heard something was coming out in Japan but I hadn't heard anything about English.
When is this going to be available on the eShop? And usually at which hour the eShop updates?
Hopefully not GCT...
That Nocturne guide is impossible to find.
I need to find out if Gamestop is doing a midnight release on this.
Traditionally, first party games release at midnight EST, and third party games release at noon EST. But there's always a chance that it will release at midnight (and everybody will stay up until 3am waiting regardless).
Actually should've said why. Spoilers just invade:I don't like that there's no traditional search, but only the three demons that are recommended to you at one time.
I'm used to the demon grid/ table where you can see every possible demon fusion result. In past SMT games, I would sometimes fuse low level, random, unused demons to see what results id get. Now I can't just select who I want to fuse.
Actually should've said why. Spoilers just invade:I don't like that there's no traditional search, but only the three demons that are recommended to you at one time.
I'm used to the demon grid/ table where you can see every possible demon fusion result. In past SMT games, I would sometimes fuse low level, random, unused demons to see what results id get. Now I can't just select who I want to fuse.
That Nocturne guide is impossible to find.
DLC Set 7:
- Glittering Light Equipment DLC (200yen
- "The Future of Tokyo" Quest DLC (400yen)
Dat baldness.
Actually should've said why. Spoilers just invade:I don't like that there's no traditional search, but only the three demons that are recommended to you at one time.
I'm used to the demon grid/ table where you can see every possible demon fusion result. In past SMT games, I would sometimes fuse low level, random, unused demons to see what results id get. Now I can't just select who I want to fuse.
Uh are you missing something? You're not just limited to the three recommended demons, there's a very comprehensive database with a wide variety of search terms you can use to explore what fusion options are available to you.
Looks like I am missing something
I'm sure it's fine!
Actually, last time they sent me a shipping notice it was after the item already arrived. Silly Amazon.