Yesss, thank you!
Mokoi is taken already, I believe. Sorry!
edit: Oops, sorry about double posting.
Yesss, thank you!
So I been playing this and Soul Hackers and I wanna know, the demons sometimes say crazy stuff lol is this a staple of this series? One demon told me she doesn't go out with broke dudes and left the battle lol.
I love the fact this game includes demon profiles. It's really interesting to learn more about the mythos.
Free Ippon-Datara for whoever wants his dorky ass. lol
My memory is blurry, but I do know for sure Soul hackers had demon profiles in the compendium as well.
My memory is blurry, but I do know for sure Soul hackers had demon profiles in the compendium as well.
If there was, I don't think I ever saw it.
Here's the updated chibi-demons avatar list. X = taken.
The profiles are pretty much a staple in the series.
If there was, I don't think I ever saw it.
So I been playing this and Soul Hackers and I wanna know, the demons sometimes say crazy stuff lol is this a staple of this series? One demon told me she doesn't go out with broke dudes and left the battle lol.
Thought this would be an interesting story to share.
The cashier girl who worked at my local ebgames today today was pleasantly surprised, apparently this time not only Atlus shipped 30+ copies of the SMTIV, the shipment actually came in one piece (stores around me are infamous of only getting 3-5 copies of games from Atlus frequently), there is almost a cabinet full of it.
Another interesting thing to see for me was that, I arrived at the store at 10AM (Right when it opened), and there was 8 people in the line, all for SMT IV
I'm just very excited to share this, so glad to see some recognition of SMT in real life.
Gamestop armor apparently makes you weak to phys/gun/light/dark, so . . . yeah. lol.
Free Ippon-Datara for whoever wants his dorky ass. lol
Here is another someone can have!
Thought this would be an interesting story to share.
The cashier girl who worked at my local ebgames today today was pleasantly surprised, apparently this time not only Atlus shipped 30+ copies of the SMTIV, the shipment actually came in one piece (stores around me are infamous of only getting 3-5 copies of games from Atlus frequently), there is almost a cabinet full of it.
Another interesting thing to see for me was that, I arrived at the store at 10AM (Right when it opened), and there was 8 people in the line, all for SMT IV
I'm just very excited to share this, so glad to see some recognition of SMT in real life.
I'll take number 45
Come on folks. Someone had to rep dat sweet Cybele avatar
Yeah I was looking at the armor and noticed the weaknesses right away. Nope to that.
That's was definitely intentional lol.
Also, another bonus:
Come on folks. Someone had to rep dat sweet Cybele avatar
I really like how the game is very fast; with the notable exception of trying to heal up after a battle I don't ever find myself fighting with menus. I'm in over my head with the skill system - if I don't swap out a skill when a demon suggests it, do I get another chance later
I will.
Thanks Lissar!!!
EDIT: Am I the only one who would actually be okay with chibi demons somewhere in a SMT or Persona game? Perhaps in a bonus (joke) dungeon? These are the coolest things ever...
(And I hope Newegg doesn't crush my SMT box - it is on schedule to arrive tomorrow).
Bought the game because of the e-shop credit (and because some of the other mods won't shut up about it). Never played a SMT game before. It's neat, even if all the characters are jerks.
I really like how the game is very fast; with the notable exception of trying to heal up after a battle I don't ever find myself fighting with menus. I'm in over my head with the skill system - if I don't swap out a skill when a demon suggests it, do I get another chance later?
And I keep hearing "princesses" whenever someone says "prentices".
Can someone who has used the EB Games DLC code let me know what its properties are? I've been trying to go back through the thread but it's moving really fast with all the avatar stuff. Thanks!
elec resist and gun weak.