I can't beatOse. Maybe I should get some physical resist.
On the outside map, there's a demon that resists.
Can't remember the name, but it has a trunk.
I can't beatOse. Maybe I should get some physical resist.
So two quick questions,
First, how are you guys checking your alignment. I've met the guys in the bar, but that's all I've seen. Is there an icon that I've missed that straight up tells you what alignment you are?
SecondI just made it to blasted Tokyo and have the choice to either kill the demon or take on pluto. So far I've just been doing what I would do, but this choice appears binary and I don't know what to do. Can I do both? If not do you have a recommendation. As per the first question I don't know my alignment, but the guy in the bar says I'm polite. I'd like to go law. I sided with Walter at the split.
Kill the demon...? I thought that was a sidequest type of deal. Even Walter flat out saying that you can choose to do it or not, it's up to you, right?
I did both. Killing the demon in Shinjuku (IIRC) and killing. Not even sure that there is a 'choice' here, except maybe that question that popped out before the boss fight.... Huh, come to think of it, I don't know what happened if you say "It takes more consideration" instead of "Yeah" answer.Pluto
Polite means your alignment is law.
That quest is listed under the main quests section and not challenge quests. I just assumed I could only do one of the two.
Question about alignments and when they lock, 70% or so (maybe a bit more?) into the game:
I've just been given the choice of siding with the now-transformed sister Gabby, or go back and join the Black Samurai. Even after choosing to side with the Black Samurai (and now I have to go to the power plant, which I can't for the life of me find -- help?) the guy in the bar still says I'm "polite". Do I still have a chance of moving the needle to neutral and away from Law? How far am I approximately from being locked into a path?
Anyways, I did both, and I see no repercussion from doing them both. Not that I am aware of anyways.
Did anyone else find this mysterious room in Kasumigaseki and what's up with it?
outside of the underground tunnel, there are 2 elevators that don't work. If you have key 2, you can use the one on the right. There's a small underground secret passage that leads you to a room that's mostly empty, but in one if the rooms inside there's a ghost saying something about the Ashura-Kai.
I wonder if there's any mission linked to this
Skill name spoilers:
So which Ice skill should I carry on my main character,. The last one is expensive but oh so strong.Bufudyne, Glacial Blast or Cold World?
That's enough. I'm tired of receiving complaints and I'm tired of editing and deleting posts. I don't think it's that hard to be courteous with your spoiler tags. All you have to do is mark where you are in the game.
And CornBurrito, you need to actually USE spoiler tags.
Skill name spoilers:
So which Ice skill should I carry on my main character,. The last one is expensive but oh so strong.Bufudyne, Glacial Blast or Cold World?
Where? I didn't realize I was spoiling anything that hasn't already been said without spoiler tags prior in the thread.
Breath from Demonee-ho is the best ice spell, from what I've used of it.
You can't? Desperate Hit can be whispered so I assumed Breath would be the same.
So I decide to check the Mikado equipment shop, since it's been a while. New armor for sale! OK, let's see what the chest piece does for my sta--12 HP and weak to Dark. With no resistances.
Q. Sweetie. Are you sure blacksmithing is the profession for you?
What's the skill description for Breath?
And what do you mean it can only be passed down with Fusion Lite? You mean that app for fusing during battle? You can't pass it down to any other demon with regular fusing...?
But it looks cool.
(I don't actually remember if it looks cool.)
It's Glacial Blast with one more hit.
Unique skills like Desperate Hit can't be inherited through fusion, but fusion lite makes it possible mid-battle. The problem is that you can't pick and choose just what skills are passed down in lite...
Speaking of armors, there's some badass stuff at the Ginza shop but can't buy anything because I'm such a bum (just paid Charon 40k that I owed him).
Ah, I see my assumption was correct. This game keeps on giving![]()
Anyone downloading the Clipped Wings DLC, please offer a little mini-review. Wondering if there's any story content at all, or if it's just a battle with the ability to fuse the archangels.
So...anyone bought the new DLC yet? Contains some nice story bits.
Dam they seem to be rolling the dlc out faster than original release no?
For clipped wings (I'm at level 81 BTW):Uriel is easyish. Raphael is utterly destroying me. He has a severe party-wide wind attack that pierces resistances and he inflicts some kind of status spell with one of his phys attacks, He has almighty if you happen to resist those.
So how many total DLCs for this game? Anyone know a number?
There's 5 major ones total. The 2 Archangel packs,A fight against a Demon called Sanato, an avatar of God, and the revived Masakado (The game's ultimate challenge.) And yes, you get to fuse all of them.
They just have to translate the text for localization. There's no voicework or extensive coding to be done.
So, a question!
What do you folks think the ingredients/skill set-up for the Ultimate Healer in this game?
I created a Null-everything Norn with Mediarahan and Energy Drain, but she is still susceptible to status attacks, which is annoying.
Any recommendation about which demon to fuse on and the skills to pass on for the Ultimate Healer?
Salvation, Samerecarm, Victory Cry, same as always.
Personally not crazy about a huge amount of Nulls on my demons. Even for my healers I prefer a bit of offensive and support spells instead of mass passives.
If I'm still Lawful afteris there any chance I can pull off Neutral? Should I pretty much only go with Chaos decisions after this?siding with Walter,
I made mostly Lawful decisions in the story, told the optional Suicidal Woman I was a human, AND I spared all four fighters in the Tournament Prelims...There's still a chance. It just depends on how far into law you were.
I made mostly Lawful decisions in the story, told the optional Suicidal Woman I was a human, AND I spared all four fighters in the Tournament Perlims...But I went left every time in that Ethics Trial. The Cynical Man is saying I'm "very polite" after siding with Walter.
Given all that, am I probably screwed even if I go full chaos now?![]()