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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

I've been stuck on Chapter 6 since the end of October. I died probably 25 times and put the game on ice. Just picked it up again today and can't get through
the dog boss thing
. I don't want to change it to casual, but I might have to because I'll never finish it this way.

Don't wait for it
to come out of the bushes.
Fire some stun bolts from your Agony crossbow and headshot it with what you have.

If you just
wait for it to charge
you'll just be losing more health than doing damage due to the BS involved with that attack.


In the last few chapters I was happy to see stealth be implemented more than what I had been expecting. And that ridiculous
final fight
I would not have expected from someone telling me what it was that I'd enjoy it.


I've been stuck on Chapter 6 since the end of October. I died probably 25 times and put the game on ice. Just picked it up again today and can't get through
the dog boss thing
. I don't want to change it to casual, but I might have to because I'll never finish it this way.

Don't wait for it
to come out of the bushes.
Fire some stun bolts from your Agony crossbow and headshot it with what you have.

If you just
wait for it to charge
you'll just be losing more health than doing damage due to the BS involved with that attack.

If it's charging you put a sniper/shotgun shot into its face and it'll fall over most of the time.
If it's charging you put a sniper/shotgun shot into its face and it'll fall over most of the time.

I wasn't having much luck outside of maybe an odd charge here and there. Most of the time it just kept coming and bowls me over.

Just a technically/mechanically odd fight that was really the only one where I was wondering what they were thinking when they shipped it.


Yeah I don't mind the stealth but the mechanics and the limping were just weird. I think I mostly hated how slow it was intentionally. Was hoping for a more RE4 village like start.

Also just set crouch to toggle, which will help a lot!
Typing from mobile. Looking at the game on its own terms (rather than comparing it to RE4), it becomes apparent after the first few levels that Ch. 1 was establishing the fact you shouldn't always try to fight enemies. The game is teaching players that slow methodical avoidance is sometimes the best course of action, followed by beating a quick retreat when spotted. There's an entire sequence in Ch. 2 that reinforces this mode of gameplay, before Ch. 3 shifts the focus more to trap-setting and calculated combat. Also, Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 have more story-restricted moments, I.E. brief stints of forced slow-walking, but in hindsight I don't mind because of the atmosphere and story intrigue. ^_^


I wasn't having much luck outside of maybe an odd charge here and there. Most of the time it just kept coming and bowls me over.

Just a technically/mechanically odd fight that was really the only one where I was wondering what they were thinking when they shipped it.
Just dash to the right and somewhat forward when it charges. Worked every time for me. Missed me by miles and made that super easy.

Anyways, I'm running through Chapter 10 and its just awesome set piece after awesome set piece.

How is this game not more highly rated? I suppose if you really care about story or want modern third person shooter controls, its disappointing, but otherwise, its impressing me constantly, even like 2/3's of the way through the game.
I still have the no upgrade run to get a platinum on this game. I could just cheese that shit on casual, but I'm feeling a little crazy and might just attempt it on nightmare. I want to finish it up before my winter break is over, or before the DLC at least. Not sure if it's worth torturing myself with it.


Just pulled an all-nighter with this game. I'm sure some of you could beat the game in that amount of time, but I'm taking it nice and slow. I did chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11 that night. My playthrough is at 24 hours so far.

I seriously love this game. It is magnificent to me in so many ways.

Chapter 9 was wonderful. Hiding under tables, beds and in closets to elude
one-hit-kill Ruvik
had me on edge to the point I was running back to the save room every time I found new supplies, etc. "The worrying type, I see." You bet! The atmosphere was delicious throughout, each wing of the house capped off by a gruesome puzzle (
). But the best part was the room with the
giant mannequin heads, and the blood-man in the maze
. That room is perhaps the single most visually striking area in the game so far. I took several screenshots, I loved it so much.

Chapter 10 was challenging! First, let me say I love the look of the dark corridors and red lights, made more ambient by the torch-carrying Haunted. But then when the lights come on and you realize you're in
an underground amusement park, repurposed as a dungeon
, it's even better. A couple sequences here really tested my limits. The first was the bit where you have to take down
two hook-men
in order to turn a crank and open a door. I thought I was at my wit's end, short on ammo as I was, but it turns out there was just enough ammo there to take them down. I do wonder if you could trick them into
firing their hooks into the grinder
. Hmm... The next challenging bit was, of course,
the return of Laura
. This boss has the dubious honor of killing my character the most times. And each time I shouted "Fuck!" or "Shit!" or "AHHH!" before punching the couch cushion and immediately retrying. The erratic movement of the boss is SO UNNERVING, and if you make the mistake of tripping a bomb or wandering into fire, the boss won't wait for you to recover before delivering the one-hit kill.

I'd give the blow-by-blow on how I beat her, but unfortunately the PS4 record feature didn't capture this one correctly, and it was such a long boss fight that I can't remember every step of it. I believe the flowchart went something like:
Escape sequence on walkways --> first pipe room, distract Laura while waiting for fire to subside --> climb ladder, hold out on walkway while waiting for fire to subside (I made a couple laps around the loop) --> short corridor with fire spouts, shoot switch on ceiling to escape --> pipe room with rectangular walkway: shoot switch immediately to right, then run left and shoot second switch there, then run to front of room and shoot final switch --> drop down to boiler room and grab shotgun shells where you land, use shotgun to hit switches without needing to carefully aim, then disable bomb by lever and hit nearby switch to fry Laura, buying time to pull lever and escape

Go figures, that wasn't even the end of the chapter. Although I'm not complaining: The actual final boss of Chapter 10 was equally impressive. Several things I love here:
1) Sneaking around underground at the start, as the beast passes overhead, prowling the hospital hallways, looking for you; 2) How the beast scans the parking garage for you by using the glowing eye on its tail -- reminds me of that one scene in "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise; 3) How the controller rumbles from the boss' footsteps, conveying the massive size of the beast; and 4) How you can hide in either of the two rooms and sneak out to stock up on supplies whenever the beast is out of sight, preparing for the fight to come.
Super-satisfying boss fight, and a brilliant way to wrap up Chapter 10.

And then there's Chapter 11. I find this chapter visually spectacular, from the amount of detail poured into every
half-collapsed skyscraper and waterlogged street
, to the sense of scale as you explore a
city block in a sinkhole
. I bet the addition of enemies with
machine guns
will upset some players, but I found these enemies to be legitimately threatening and an excellent way to mix up the trash mobs. I also liked the scenes where you had to
distract the monster in the water and pass through the gates
, and the whole sequence in the
mannequin warehouse
was a lot of fun. All in all, I just love the concept of this stage, a sort of
post-apocalyptic Inception

I also feel like I have a good sense of the story now. It's an intriguing tale, and I'm eager to see what happens next. :)


In chapter 11 I got a statue/key just after a checkpoint
when you get to the water
and then died. I went back to where the statue was but didn't see it so I assumed I got it. But when I got to the next save point it said I had zero keys. :(


So later tonight I'll begin Chapter 12. Just for fun, though, I want to see if I can summarize the story so far:

It all begins with Rubin Victoriano (the man later called Ruvik), the heir to one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Krimson City. His family are the financial backers of Beacon Mental Hospital. As a child, he had a deep interest in neuro-science. In private, he conducted inhumane experiments on animals. He discovered a kindred spirit in Dr. Marcelo Jimenez, director of Beacon Mental Hospital, who shared his interest in neuro-science. Marcelo starts providing "material" for Rubin's experiments, in the form of patients from Beacon Mental Hospital.

While Rubin was already exhibiting signs of a psychopath, he also had a sweet side -- his love for his sister Laura. One day, Rubin and Laura are playing in the barn when a mob of locals, upset about the Victorianos' acquisition of land, set fire to the barn. Laura dies in the blaze, while Rubin barely escapes. He is severely burned.

Rubin becomes convinced Laura can be brought back. Fearing his mentally deranged son, Rubin's father banishes him to the basement -- what appears to have been an underground amusement park made for the children (see Ch. 10). But when Rubin breaks free, he kills his parents. Thus, the charitable donations to Beacon Mental Hospital dry up. Marcelo stops providing Rubin with patients for his experiments.

As a young adult, Rubin starts abducting people in the countryside, mainly those he blames for what happened to Laura. He captures them in cruel traps and brings them to the basement of his estate, now a dungeon, where he continues to conduct his experiments. The fruits of his labor is a system whereby human minds can be synced together in what is collectively experienced as a new reality -- one where Rubin alone exerts conscious influence, shaping and reshaping the world, a world where Laura is still alive. But it would appear that since other minds are involved, the world is still governed by certain laws, including a degree of agency on the part of the other victims, who can attempt to resist Rubin (now renamed Ruvik).

That's what I've got so far. There are other plot details, like the story of Seb, but as of Ch. 11 going on Ch. 12, that's where the overall premise stands. :)
Just pulled an all-nighter with this game. I'm sure some of you could beat the game in that amount of time, but I'm taking it nice and slow. I did chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11 that night. My playthrough is at 24 hours so far.


nice to see that someone else likes chapter 11



nice to see that someone else likes chapter 11
Haha, I did leave the game on once while I ate dinner, but yeah, I'm a chickenshit in these games. I'll hide for 10 minutes only to realize the next room is empty, lol. So much fun, though. I'm trying to stay level-headed and not let "new game high" cloud my judgement, but this might eclipse Bayo 2 and Tropical Freeze for my GOTY. There are just so many memorable moments, and such exquisitely intense feelings of intrigue, suspense, adrenaline, etc. The pacing, variety, encounter design, resource management and overall game balance is top-notch, as is the art direction, audio design, atmosphere, world-building, weapon set and bestiary. It'd be bonkers to have a survival horror game of this magnitude in any year, let alone 2014. A true blessing for someone with my tastes.
Finished chapter 4 on my nightmare no upgrade run. It's been about 7 weeks since I last played, and I forgot just how exhilarating this game can be. Absolutely love it.

Run is going so far so good. You really have to think on your toes when not using upgrades. I've been utilizing stealth, hiding spots, and environmental traps quite a bit. I only died about 4 times so far.

If I can get through chapters 6 and 7 without killing myself, I think the rest of the run should be fairly simple. Though chapter 11 without upgraded shock bolts will be something alright.

I highly recommend this run for anybody who has already beaten the game quite a few times and wants a fresh challenge.


I'm probably near the end of chapter 6 and I'm really liking the game. This is basically the RE4 sequel I've always wanted from a gameplay perspective. I didn't dare to think it'd deliver like this but so far it has been so good.


Typing from mobile. Just finished the game, blitzing chapters 12, 13, 14 and 15 -- magnificent!! That final boss was a ton of fun. Will share more thoughts later, but suffice it to say, this game is a 10/10 in my book. So many memorable moments, so many varied scenarios, and such exquisite gameplay-driven emotion, over such a long yet beautifully paced journey. It was quite challenging for me -- 32.5 hours, 163 deaths -- but I persisted, and the satisfaction is immense. Kudos to Mikami for making such a game!
Finished chapter 4 on my nightmare no upgrade run. It's been about 7 weeks since I last played, and I forgot just how exhilarating this game can be. Absolutely love it.

Run is going so far so good. You really have to think on your toes when not using upgrades. I've been utilizing stealth, hiding spots, and environmental traps quite a bit. I only died about 4 times so far.

If I can get through chapters 6 and 7 without killing myself, I think the rest of the run should be fairly simple. Though chapter 11 without upgraded shock bolts will be something alright.

I highly recommend this run for anybody who has already beaten the game quite a few times and wants a fresh challenge.
I did my No upgrade run on normal. Wasn't bad at all. I'll have to do a nightmare no upgrade sometime. Maybe even akumu one day.
Just started this on PS4, enjoying it mostly but holy crap is the camera annoying as all hell, it's really pissing me off. It's wayyyyy to close to your character and in the middle of hectic action, it's such a mess. Otherwise its nice old school feeling survival horror


Just started this on PS4, enjoying it mostly but holy crap is the camera annoying as all hell, it's really pissing me off. It's wayyyyy to close to your character and in the middle of hectic action, it's such a mess. Otherwise its nice old school feeling survival horror
Yeah the FOV is ridiculous on console. I had to get the PC version because of that even though I would've preferred to have it on PS4. The game is a lot nicer to play without the borders and zoomed in view.
Yeah the FOV is ridiculous on console. I had to get the PC version because of that even though I would've preferred to have it on PS4. The game is a lot nicer to play without the borders and zoomed in view.

I should have just gotten it on PC, I went with PS4 simply because of the big screen and surround sound system.


I had to do the last part of chapter 12 with nothing but a grenade
because I used up all my ammunition on the spider and the enemies who attack the bus from above.

It was the first time I thought the game was being unfairly stingy.
I had to do the last part of chapter 12 with nothing but a grenade
because I used up all my ammunition on the spider and the enemies who attack the bus from above.

It was the first time I thought the game was being unfairly stingy.

gives you a ton of ammo though, especially since shooting the
drop like 5 or 6 pistol rounds each.
I've just met my first invisible enemy, how do you see them without getting caught? I ran around the room until they lunged, then quickly did a scatter shot with the shotgun and melee'd everywhere!
I've just met my first invisible enemy, how do you see them without getting caught? I ran around the room until they lunged, then quickly did a scatter shot with the shotgun and melee'd everywhere!

Use the flash bolts from the agony crossbow to reveal them.


Look at the floor for moving puddles or moving gurney equipment and shoot it.
Use the flash bolts from the agony crossbow to reveal them.


Look at the floor for moving puddles or moving gurney equipment and shoot it.

Thanks, and if I'm out of flash bolts and there's no environmental hints? How quick do they move and how much damage do they do if they get hold of you?


Neo Member
Use the flash bolts from the agony crossbow to reveal them.


Look at the floor for moving puddles or moving gurney equipment and shoot it.

I loaded a javelin bolt and stood in aiming mode. When the invisible enemy was in front of me the reticle would reflect this by being shortened. Just finished the game last night, I didn't really use flash bolts at all, wonder what other useful things I didn't realize they could be used for.
Thanks, and if I'm out of flash bolts and there's no environmental hints? How quick do they move and how much damage do they do if they get hold of you?

If I told you the answer I think it'd be a spoiler for a pretty good scare later, so I'll simply say "Git Gud".

Use flash bolts. You can craft them rather easily.

I loaded a javelin bolt and stood in aiming mode. When the invisible enemy was in front of me the reticle would reflect this by being shortened. Just finished the game last night, I didn't really use flash bolts at all, wonder what other useful things I didn't realize they could be used for.

The flash bolts are awesome for clearing out waves of enemies and getting green gel.

Most stealth kills result in enemies dropping green gel.
If I told you the answer I think it'd be a spoiler for a pretty good scare later, so I'll simply say "Git Gud".

Use flash bolts. You can craft them rather easily.

Lol. Thanks. This game actually does zero hand holding, found that in the very first enemy encounter actually. I think I died about 5 times before realising what I was meant to do.

Closer Two

Anyone here happen to have a first play through save file at the beginning of chapter 11? I was loving the game then my PC blue screened and my data was corrupted.

I can only find save files that are at 100% game completion and there's no fun in that.


So now that I've finished my first playthrough, how do I replay individual chapters, and how is the inventory handled (i.e. what items do I start with, etc)?

Also, model viewer is excellent!


I loaded a javelin bolt and stood in aiming mode. When the invisible enemy was in front of me the reticle would reflect this by being shortened. Just finished the game last night, I didn't really use flash bolts at all, wonder what other useful things I didn't realize they could be used for.

Flash bolts are extremely useful, I find them as my go to weapon when using need to clear a wave of enemies.

I shoot the flash at a wall, an enemy or whatever. Then I proceed to stealth kill them all. Also, stealth killing like this puts you in invincibility mode, you can't be touched.

I also have my flash arrows maxed out though.


Flash bolts are extremely useful, I find them as my go to weapon when using need to clear a wave of enemies.

I shoot the flash at a wall, an enemy or whatever. Then I proceed to stealth kill them all. Also, stealth killing like this puts you in invincibility mode, you can't be touched.

I also have my flash arrows maxed out though.
I tried this but couldn't get the stealth kill prompt to appear
Oooh, OK. Makes sense. I'll try that when replaying chapters for fun. Btw, how does inventory work when you select a Chapter to replay?

If you chapter select through new game +, it'll use your completed file inventory. No clue if you start from regular new game.

edit - btw if you hate yourself, be sure to try Akumu mode >:)


If you chapter select through new game +, it'll use your completed file inventory.

No clue if you start from regular new game.
In that case, I think I'd start fresh out of all ammo, lol. But each chapter has the necessary amount of ammo lying around early on, iirc. I want to show this to friends, but I wonder which chapter would offer the best vertical slice (and most crowd-pleasing thrills!). It's like TLOU, where a 30-min demonstration can't possibly do the journey justice.
In that case, I think I'd start fresh out of all ammo, lol. But each chapter has the necessary amount of ammo lying around early on, iirc. I want to show this to friends, but I wonder which chapter would offer the best vertical slice (and most crowd-pleasing thrills!). It's like TLOU, where a 30-min demonstration can't possibly do the journey justice.

Chapters 5 and 6 together make up the best stretch of the game imo. Though 10 is probably the most effective in isolation.
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