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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

So I just bought this game today for my PS3 and normally idk care about graphics but holy shit wtf happened with this games? The textures are god awfull and there's a ridiculous amount of pop ins, this is after installing the game too. Does this get better or is the PS3 version just that bad?

I'd like to know more about this as well, the PS3 version is the only one available to me and I've been hearing bad things about that version, that's why I've been holding off so far.

Just as reference, I played Ground Zeroes on PS3 and didn't mind at all, because while it was obviously worse than the current gen versions it was still really well done for PS3 standards and from what I've been hearing that is not the case with this game.
Chapter 14 was pretty cool, but I feel like they could have gone farther with it. It felt like a chapter that could have been from the mid game, not the penultimate chapter. The boss was a lot of fun (although not particularly challenging) but I thought they would ratchet up the intensity a bit more and have some more clever/freaky uses for those electricity puzzles. It was kind of a moodier/atmospheric chapter compared to 13 which I thought was suitably challenging/intense for one of the final chapters (dat final encounter).

Chapter 15, once the annoying cryptic story/walking bits are done with, has been crazy awesome so far. I wasn't a huge fan of the aesthetic of the
eyeball arena
, but the encounters in there were pretty great. I'm glad I got to see
the sadist
one last time and make him my bitch. It really shows how far you come in the game were he is one of the scariest, most imposing enemies at first, but by the end he's chump change.

I decided to save the last bit of the game for another day after I got my face caved in by the
dual keeper battle
, which is just ridiculously cool. I think he's definitely the best of the recurring boss monsters.


I'm trying really hard to like this game, I really am but man are they making it hard for me. First off lets talk about the technical issues. On PS4 the game runs really bad, I'm talking about sub 20 at times, which is so fucking odd considering the game looks last gen. The atmospheric lighting is really cool but seriously, theres NO reason for this game to run this bad after 2 patches, especially considering the missing real estate with the black bars. Yep, the black bars suck! I'm constantly fighting to even see whats going on, whether its finding enemies or looking for items, I feel like I'm crippled before I even play the game. As for the gameplay, its pretty rough. A lot of the animations and just general polish is very last gen...no stealth animation for things like opening doors? Let me stand up quick open the door and have to press R1 again to go stealthy. The camera is horrible while trying to stealth and look around corners, its just not NEARLY as good as say TLOU, again I feel crippled playing the game. As far as combat goes, if an enemy is 5 feet away, I pull out my pistol and all of a sudden IM ZOOMED in within an inch of a zombies face and trying to aim, its so stupid! Fucking invisible enemies? Who thought this was fun? I shot one with 3 harpoon bolts to finally get it down before using a match. Oh and there are certain scenarios where you have no fucking clue what to do. Do I fight it? Do I run? Do I keep running? do I burn corpses to defeat it? Who knows, let me die 10 times and figure it out using trial and error, it takes me out of the game completely.

Ok so the game has positives too. The atmosphere it out of this world! I love it, its really the only thing that keeps me coming back. The combat, when it works, its pretty satisfying, like getting a badass headshot and then burning an enemy that ends up killing another one right next to him, thats cool.

All in all I gave up earlier because I got pissed that I wasted so much ammo killing invisible enemies that you cant fucking see, even if you stop and try to see footsteps or puddles, sometimes you just cant, but I will give it a go later to try and maybe force my way through it. I'm glad I only paid 30 bucks since thats about the trade in value I'll get after I finish and trade it, but seriously, this game just seems so unpolished, and the combat a poor mans TLOU. Maybe it gets way better after chapter 5? I'll rate later, still too early IMO.

My friend, you've described my thought on the PS4 version to a T. I'm also at Chapter 5 as I read this.


My friend, you've described my thought on the PS4 version to a T. I'm also at Chapter 5 as I read this.

Let me say this.

It gets better. I've changed a few of my opinions since then but still stick to most of them. I am now FINALLY getting fucking plot points to where I actually want to see how the story plays out but this is by no means a great game. Its good, especially for the price I paid, nothing more, nothing less.


Typing from mobile:

PS4 players, make sure you've actually installed the patch. I think you go to Notifications after downloading. Installation seems to be done manually.

Played through Chapter 2 last night. Runs well so far. Still in trial-and-error phase of figuring out when enemies can see me, etc. Frustrating, but fun. Amazing atmosphere, marred by things like Seb needing to stand up to open doors, etc.

I feel like I'm treating each enemy like a boss, hiding when there's two or more, and then picking them off silently after observing their patrol routines and line of sight, or luring them into traps with distractions. There's a huge scarcity of stuff to use. If there's a group, I just run. Sprinting doesn't seem necessary so far.

Story-wise, here's my guess at the nature of the world as I head into Chapter 3:
Note mentioned brainwave sync among multiple subjects. I'm guessing everyone's linked with Ruvik's mind, Inception-style. Probably already were linked prior to arrival at hospital, somehow, meaning even the intro sequence was a mental construct, hence Ruvik's time-space abilities.

Not sure, though. Only at Chapter 3.


Typing from mobile:

PS4 players, make sure you've actually installed the patch. I think you go to Notifications after downloading. Installation seems to be done manually.

Played through Chapter 2 last night. Runs well so far. Still in trial-and-error phase of figuring out when enemies can see me, etc. Frustrating, but fun. Amazing atmosphere, marred by things like Seb needing to stand up to open doors, etc.

I feel like I'm treating each enemy like a boss, hiding when there's two or more, and then picking them off silently after observing their patrol routines and line of sight, or luring them into traps with distractions. There's a huge scarcity of stuff to use. If there's a group, I just run. Sprinting doesn't seem necessary so far.

Story-wise, here's my guess at the nature of the world as I head into Chapter 3:
Note mentioned brainwave sync among multiple subjects. I'm guessing everyone's linked with Ruvik's mind, Inception-style. Probably already were linked prior to arrival at hospital, somehow, meaning even the intro sequence was a mental construct, hence Ruvik's time-space abilities.

Not sure, though. Only at Chapter 3.

Come back later.
My chapter rankings after beating the game and reflecting a little:


I don't dislike any of the chapters, too. 1 and 2 are a little slow and story heavy/don't have a lot of the more fun mechanics at play, and 8 is too short, but they're still decent. I'm sure my rankings will change after replaying the game a few times though.


has the patch been talked about much in here? i feel like my game (ps4 ver) runs much better since the patch
but that could just be placebo haha
has the patch been talked about much in here? i feel like my game (ps4 ver) runs much better since the patch
but that could just be placebo haha

I've heard people say it runs a bit better. I won't know for sure until I replay on nightmare and see how chapter 3 holds up, as that was one of the worst spots for me in terms of the frame rate.


Let me say this.

It gets better. I've changed a few of my opinions since then but still stick to most of them. I am now FINALLY getting fucking plot points to where I actually want to see how the story plays out but this is by no means a great game. Its good, especially for the price I paid, nothing more, nothing less.

Yeah I'm up to chapter 7 now and I'm really into it. I'm not sure what it is about the earlier chapters that gives off the bad impression.


I just beat the game too. Clear time ~~22 hours and 89 deaths on Survivor difficulty.

The 400-kill achievement glitched for me and did not unlock even after a 22-hour playthrough. I have the challenge unlocked for killing 1000 enemies but no 400-kill achievement.

Does anyone have any tips to overcome this glitch?


Seriously this game turns into Gauntlets R' US later in the game. Chapter 11/12 is it? So annoying. I love the slow paced, figure out your approach type of gameplay in here but when they start throwing hordes of enemies at you, it gets insanely frustrating.


Just did Chapter 3. I thought the first two chapters were great, but Chapter 3 was incredible. I felt like the smartest person in the world when I defeated the boss.

My strategy:
I used the bow to setup explosive traps at the following location: 1) In front of the Sadist's pen; 2) at the entrance to his barn; 3) just inside the door of the two-story house with the two bedrooms upstairs; 4) again at the first staircase landing; and 5) again at the top of the stairs. Once I triggered him, I sprinted back to the two-story house, ran upstairs and hid inside the closet. The explosives slowed him down as he chased me. And while hiding inside the closet, I got the achievement and the checkpoint, confirming he was defeated. I stepped outside and I see his chainsaw sitting at the top of the stairs. :-D

It's such a well-designed level. Exploring it after the fact, I realized that even if you were out of ammo, you could still
lure him through the two trap-rigged buildings -- the burning building with the dart launchers, and the other building with the spike floors
. Mikami thinks of everything!
I started my Nightmare run, and holy shit. It's made chapter 2 (which I didn't especially like the first go round) a lot more fun. Gotta plan stuff out a lot more carefully. And I was not expecting the haunted to be so fast! I can't wait till I get to some of the more remixed enemy encounters.


I'm at Ch. 5 now, and this game still runs fine. Slight dips here and there, but it feels like 30 fps most of the time. Maybe I haven't hit the technically taxing chapters yet? I'm playing on PS4 with the patch.

The dialogue and VA is goofy as hell, but I'm OK with that. Bit of levity between each harrowing set-piece.

I just wish they'd fine-tune some of the animations. It's jarring how Seb stands up to do so many things. In TLoU, when Joel is crouching, he stays crouching, only standing up to shank or strangle an enemy. I wish Seb was the same. Instead he stands all the way up to open a door, etc.

And speaking of TLoU, I keep trying to stealth-kill enemies with Triangle. That habit from TLoU blows my cover so much in TEW, haha.
I'm at Ch. 5 now, and this game still runs fine. Slight dips here and there, but it feels like 30 fps most of the time. Maybe I haven't hit the technically taxing chapters yet?.
I think the earliest chapters are the worst. Chapter 3 probably worst overall.

After that the game seemed fine for me performance wise on ps4.
And speaking of TLoU, I keep trying to stealth-kill enemies with Triangle. That habit from TLoU blows my cover so much in TEW, haha.

I've been bouncing between my nightmare run on this and a grounded run in TLOU and it's so confusing readjusting to the controls for each because the mechanics are so similar haha.


With Ch. 4 fresh in mind, I have to say, it was a weird chapter. I still liked it, but it was weird! And come to think of it, I'm not sure where I ended up using that
key I found inside the corpse the doctor's brother was working on
. After that I returned to the courtyard, went in the save room, and then followed
Leslie into the house with the invisible baddie
, after which
Ruvik appeared and I wound up in the bloody cellar leading to spider-lady


With Ch. 4 fresh in mind, I have to say, it was a weird chapter. I still liked it, but it was weird! And come to think of it, I'm not sure where I ended up using that
key I found inside the corpse the doctor's brother was working on
. After that I returned to the courtyard, went in the save room, and then followed
Leslie into the house with the invisible baddie
, after which
Ruvik appeared and I wound up in the bloody cellar leading to spider-lady

It was just a locker key to use in the save area.


Just did Chapter 3. I thought the first two chapters were great, but Chapter 3 was incredible. I felt like the smartest person in the world when I defeated the boss.

My strategy:
I used the bow to setup explosive traps at the following location: 1) In front of the Sadist's pen; 2) at the entrance to his barn; 3) just inside the door of the two-story house with the two bedrooms upstairs; 4) again at the first staircase landing; and 5) again at the top of the stairs. Once I triggered him, I sprinted back to the two-story house, ran upstairs and hid inside the closet. The explosives slowed him down as he chased me. And while hiding inside the closet, I got the achievement and the checkpoint, confirming he was defeated. I stepped outside and I see his chainsaw sitting at the top of the stairs. :-D

It's such a well-designed level. Exploring it after the fact, I realized that even if you were out of ammo, you could still
lure him through the two trap-rigged buildings -- the burning building with the dart launchers, and the other building with the spike floors
. Mikami thinks of everything!

Yea I wish the game was more of this. More sandbox like areas that let the player manage the Evil Within. This is the best chapter to me. The other chapters were cool. But some felt like chores as you progressed along the game

I think if this game was pure Mikami it would be excellent. But his approach here was to let other talent design the game while he directed. But I think he more so just managed then directed this.

I'm waiting on Tango's next game already.
I think if this game was pure Mikami it would be excellent. But his approach here was to let other talent design the game while he directed. But I think he more so just managed then directed this.

Is there any evidence of this? The game felt 100% Mikami to me, at least in terms of encounters, enemies, and level design throughout the whole game. He directed RE4 and REmake as well, and there were designers working under him there too, because one guy can't design entire AAA game.


Is there any evidence of this? The game felt 100% Mikami to me, at least in terms of encounters, enemies, and level design throughout the whole game. He directed RE4 and REmake as well, and there were designers working under him there too, because one guy can't design entire AAA game.

True, but TEW was to showcase his up and coming talent also.

The ones who will be directing Tango's next games. You would be surprised if some of the encounters and level designs weren't even Mikami.

I know games aren't made by one person especially AAA.


Is there any evidence of this? The game felt 100% Mikami to me, at least in terms of encounters, enemies, and level design throughout the whole game. He directed RE4 and REmake as well, and there were designers working under him there too, because one guy can't design entire AAA game.
I've only completed the first four chapters, but the variety and pacing has been excellent so far, which to me is a hallmark of Mikami design. You rarely go from one set-piece straight into another; there are usually areas that invite cautious exploration, building suspense with thoughtful sound design (that moment when you realize the source of the
rattling chains
in Chapter 3) and line of sight (I.E. the use of hanging laundry to obscure your view). And when you do get to the set-pieces, so far it seems the game is experimenting with different kinds of fear, whether it's panicky flight, nervous avoidance, a breathless game of cat and mouse, or barely scraping by with crudely-improvised crowd control. Naturally, people will have preferences, with most probably gravitating toward the sandbox scenarios, but I think those moments where you hide in a closet or under a bed are great palate cleansers. :)
True, but TEW was to showcase his up and coming talent also.

The ones who will be directing Tango's next games. You would be surprised if some of the encounters and level designs weren't even Mikami.

I know games aren't made by one person especially AAA.

He said before release that he was working very closely on the game, but then in one of the Sessler videos I think he said next time he wouldn't let his team give as much input haha. So who knows. I think the final product is very reflective of his design philosophies and is a great game, but you may be right that there are moments where he let others have more say.

I've only completed the first four chapters, but the variety and pacing has been excellent so far, which to me is a hallmark of Mikami design. You rarely go from one set-piece straight into another; there are usually areas that invite cautious exploration, building suspense with thoughtful sound design (that moment when you realize the source of the
rattling chains
in Chapter 3) and line of sight (I.E. the use of hanging laundry to obscure your view). And when you do get to the set-pieces, so far it seems the game is experimenting with different kinds of fear, whether it's panicky flight, nervous avoidance, a breathless game of cat and mouse, or barely scraping by with crudely-improvised crowd control. Naturally, people will have preferences, with most probably gravitating toward the sandbox scenarios, but I think those moments where you hide in a closet or under a bed are great palate cleansers. :)

Good news, this sort of variety in pacing, types of fear, and scenario design will continue throughout the rest of the game! It manages to feel pretty cohesive though, and the difficulty and enemies scale up really well with your upgraded weapons and abilities.


I had a great "holy shit" moment in Chapter 4. I remembered the
the spider-lady
from the live-action teaser trailer, so when I walked into a room and panned the camera across the walls to see
bloody handprints everywhere
, I literally whispered "Oh shit," and then I stopped panning the camera when I saw
the corpse on the ground
. I didn't know they'd make you face that thing that early in the game, haha. Holy shit.
I had a great "holy shit" moment in Chapter 4. I remembered the
the spider-lady
from the live-action teaser trailer, so when I walked into a room and panned the camera across the walls to see
bloody handprints everywhere
, I literally whispered "Oh shit," and then I stopped panning the camera when I saw
the corpse on the ground
. I didn't know they'd make you face that thing that early in the game, haha. Holy shit.

Just you wait :)
I've only completed the first four chapters, but the variety and pacing has been excellent so far, which to me is a hallmark of Mikami design. You rarely go from one set-piece straight into another; there are usually areas that invite cautious exploration, building suspense with thoughtful sound design (that moment when you realize the source of the
rattling chains
in Chapter 3) and line of sight (I.E. the use of hanging laundry to obscure your view). And when you do get to the set-pieces, so far it seems the game is experimenting with different kinds of fear, whether it's panicky flight, nervous avoidance, a breathless game of cat and mouse, or barely scraping by with crudely-improvised crowd control. Naturally, people will have preferences, with most probably gravitating toward the sandbox scenarios, but I think those moments where you hide in a closet or under a bed are great palate cleansers. :)

Good, good...


I'm at Ch. 5 now, and this game still runs fine. Slight dips here and there, but it feels like 30 fps most of the time. Maybe I haven't hit the technically taxing chapters yet? I'm playing on PS4 with the patch.

The dialogue and VA is goofy as hell, but I'm OK with that. Bit of levity between each harrowing set-piece.

I just wish they'd fine-tune some of the animations. It's jarring how Seb stands up to do so many things. In TLoU, when Joel is crouching, he stays crouching, only standing up to shank or strangle an enemy. I wish Seb was the same. Instead he stands all the way up to open a door, etc.

And speaking of TLoU, I keep trying to stealth-kill enemies with Triangle. That habit from TLoU blows my cover so much in TEW, haha.

haha yea. I press triangle now and then to pick up ammo and he just starts swinging away at things. DAMMIT TLOU!
Up to chapter 4 on Nightmare and loving it. It's a nice bump in difficulty, I died a shitload in chapter 3 (although again, not to the Sadist), it took me an hou and a half to beat. Luckily I
torched the fake ruvik so he didn't give me too much trouble.
Other than him were there more enemies in the chapter on Nightmare? Are most encounters pretty remixed or are they fairly similar to survival difficulty?

Even if they're pretty similar, the difficulty definitely makes me use a lot more tactics than I had to on survival, which really highlights both how good the level design is, and how many options they give you for disposing of enemies.


My goodness, Chapter 5 was INCREDIBLE. Perfect chapter, I loved everything about it.
Long spooky hallway at the start, "sanity effects," invisible enemies in the hospital ward, teaming up with Joseph, the hospital room filled with Haunted (I love how they all wake up from the cots when alerted), the cube room with the doors leading to story hints that are intriguing but don't overstay their welcome, the huge fight in the water tank room, the race to free Kidman from the tank, exploring the dungeon underground, and that AMAZING fight with Laura.

Speaking of which, here's how I defeated that boss -- my strategy makes use of three matches:
Enter room, turn left, go downstairs, grab torch, turn right and go upstairs, trigger Laura at the corpse in middle of room. Immediately hit her with torch. Then stand by and wait for her to reappear from that corpse. Turn and leap down to incinerator, wait for her to drop down, then trigger the trap. Head down hallway to first corpse; wait for her to come out of it, then use a match. Head upstairs to next corpse, and repeat. Then run to middle of the room, and use yet another match once she comes out. Then run back to start of room, and aim at barrel; Laura will come from other incinerator, on your right; shoot barrel when she's next to it. Then run forward, to opposite side of room, near where exit is; she'll spawn at corpse there; turn right and go upstairs against far wall, grab torch, wait for her to come up to you (don't attempt to fight her on the stairs), and torch her. Now wait and she'll spawn from the same corpse again; lead her downstairs behind you, crouch-walk under low-hanging door and enter incinerator; make sure she's following you, then climb ladder before she passes under low-lying door. Trigger the trap, and she's done!

I see that had I not had the matches, there was at least
one other barrel
I could've used, although I wonder what I would've done for those last two hits. Perhaps the
traps reset after both are used

I'm deep into Ch. 6 now,
in a sunny cemetery with Joseph.
I nearly thought I was at my wit's end with the
1v1 Sadist fight
, since I was so limited in resources. I ended up finding a stockpile in one of two rooms activated by levers on the other end of the church. Careful, though:
The right room is full of enemies!
In the end, I think I defeated the Sadist with
two grenades, six handgun bullets, a couple shotgun blasts, a couple rifle shots
... But I wonder how that fight would've been possible if I were literally out of ammo. Does ammo appear elsewhere in the environment when you're fresh out?

This game is really amazing. I'm legit liking this just as much as I did RE4 back in the day. It's MUCH scarier than RE4 (not Amnesia-level scary, but still perfectly unsettling!), and the action sequences are just as exquisite as you'd expect. The variety of encounters and environments, the delicious art and atmosphere, the Dark Souls-like satisfaction of overcoming a boss or coming out of a trash mob unscathed, it's all so good!
You get it, bruh. Just wait for chapter 6, it's even better.

Edit: You're already in chapter 6...reading comprehension fail. It was one of my favorite chapters. I think if you're completely out of ammo for that part and there's none in the environment then you are just screwed and you have to restart the whole chapter.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
It's possible to run out of ammo in chapter six before the chainsaw and screw yourself.
And finally beat it. Not sure what to make of that ending.

Liked the game as a whole. Could have probably used another half year in the oven for polish and was disappointed in the collectibles/story-handling.

Will probably visit some other games before moving on to Nightmare.


Just finished Chapter 7. Holy shiiiiiiiiiit! The encounter with
The Keeper

As with the Ch. 3 boss and the Ch. 5 boss, I used the PS4's record feature to save footage of the fight. Watching it again now, there are so many wonderful touches in that fight, like how you can glimpse
The Keeper approaching as you shut each vault door
, or how
he pauses a moment to gather his composure after reforming, giving you an extra moment to turn the crank, etc., while also establishing his fearsome presence.
I also think it's clever how
The Keeper rips off his own head at one point in order to respawn inside the same room as Seb
, and how the
spike traps and vaults of the catacomb echo the spiked mallet and vault-head of The Keeper
. All of these details add up to create a truly memorable monster encounter, something truly iconic. Like the Ch. 3 boss and Ch. 5 boss before it, the Ch. 7 boss is an instant classic.

I also must say I'm super-impressed with how Mikami managed to balance this game so well. My character is thoroughly upgraded at this point, but I still feel like I'm just barely scraping by some encounters, even though I'm scouring the environment for supplies and making very judicious use of my limited resources. I love how this really, truly, feels like survival horror. I have to imagine it's not easy designing bosses that feel this overwhelming at first, yet that are so oddly addicting, so that you're compelled to try again and again. Of course, the satisfaction of finally overcoming them is immense. I'm still riding the high of defeating
The Keeper
and it's nearly dawn. I need to get some sleep!

What a game. And the great thing about the story is the setup allows for all kinds of set changes, so I have no idea where Seb will end up next when I start Ch. 8. But I'm eager to find out. ^_^
Sigh, chapter 11 and it's all gone to shit.

Why oh why did Mikami feel the need to include
enemies with guns? They don't make the game more enjoyable or challenging, they are just annoying and take away from what was otherwise a very good game.

I'm nearing the point where I just can't be bothered to play any more. I hate it when games like this go in that direction. It serves no gameplay benefit. It's just stupid and lazy gameplay design.
Sigh, chapter 11 and it's all gone to shit.

Why oh why did Mikami feel the need to include
enemies with guns? They don't make the game more enjoyable or challenging, they are just annoying and take away from what was otherwise a very good game.

I'm nearing the point where I just can't be bothered to play any more. I hate it when games like this go in that direction. It serves no gameplay benefit. It's just stupid and lazy gameplay design.

There were enemies with
since chapter 3. They just added
machine gun enemies
. The first one is definitely annoying, but the others are placed in ways that all you have to do is read the level design. I really didn't mind them that much since they are really infrequent and don't move around very much. They just offer a slightly different challenge that requires you to read the environment in a different way.


Just started. Really really hated the first chapter. Hoping it's an anomaly.

First and second chapter are really heavy on the stealth side of gameplay. After that it becomes more or less action oriented. Stealth is recommended for the easy kills though even after the first two chapters.
First and second chapter are really heavy on the stealth side of gameplay. After that it becomes more or less action oriented. Stealth is recommended for the easy kills though even after the first two chapters.
Yeah I don't mind the stealth but the mechanics and the limping were just weird. I think I mostly hated how slow it was intentionally. Was hoping for a more RE4 village like start.

Also just set crouch to toggle, which will help a lot!


Yeah I don't mind the stealth but the mechanics and the limping were just weird. I think I mostly hated how slow it was intentionally. Was hoping for a more RE4 village like start.

Also just set crouch to toggle, which will help a lot!

Well you won't be seeing limping anymore in the game and next chapters will be much closer to RE4 village.
I've been stuck on Chapter 6 since the end of October. I died probably 25 times and put the game on ice. Just picked it up again today and can't get through
the dog boss thing
. I don't want to change it to casual, but I might have to because I'll never finish it this way.
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