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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

Ok, really weird question here.

Chapter 5... there's a point where you head down some stairs and you have to kind of "puzzle" a padded room... where you look through a small opening and a door appears and then you have to get the right button on the contraption in the middle to make the corpse blood flow.

I've seen YT videos where this section is clear as daylight.
Here's an example of the room from someone playing on x360:

When I play that section on PC, it's all hazy and obfuscated, but only in the padded room itself... I can't help but think "it shouldn't be like this", but I have no idea how to fix it otherwise:


Ok, really weird question here.

Chapter 5... there's a point where you head down some stairs and you have to kind of "puzzle" a padded room... where you look through a small opening and a door appears and then you have to get the right button on the contraption in the middle to make the corpse blood flow.

I've seen YT videos where this section is clear as daylight.
Here's an example of the room from someone playing on x360:

When I play that section on PC, it's all hazy and obfuscated, but only in the padded room itself... I can't help but think "it shouldn't be like this", but I have no idea how to fix it otherwise:

Yes it's a bug exclusive to the PC version of the game, it's funny though cause it fits the room so well I thought it was intentional.
Yes it's a bug exclusive to the PC version of the game, it's funny though cause it fits the room so well I thought it was intentional.

Yep, thought it was intended.

Ok, as long as it's not just me... so weird... I thought maybe there was an effect that didn't render correctly or something... but then I was checking some walkthroughs for akumu mode and decided to check if it was a global thing... :3

Oh well... it's not game breaking at least.
Aaaaand I beat the chapter 10 boss (pretty easily this time) and I've played a bit into chapter 11. I don't enjoy it as much as some of the other chapters (mainly due to the atmosphere), but it's definitely not bad so far. There are some challenging parts like the
armored machine gun guys
, but luckily they are in positions where it's really easy to get them once you know what to expect. I took out the
fake ruvik
and his hoard really easily with just a grenade and a match, but his move set seemed pretty intense.

I liked the
things in the water
a lot. It was a nice throwback to
del lago
in RE4. Nice and tense, but not difficult.

I decided to take a break after I reached that
big cage full of dudes and two Gus with explosive crossbows came out and wrecked me
. I could see how they could be frustrating if you don't take them out quickly.

I'm excited to press on as I think I ended it right as the chapter was gonna get really intense. I do hope I get to a more moody/atmospheric locale soon though. The
collapsing city
, while kinda cool just doesn't have the same striking visuals the other places do. I do like Easter eggs to past events everywhere though like
the Laura movie poster, the carousal with the same music as the blade, the tango billboard, and I think I saw some characters like Juli and either Seb or Joseph on another
. I bet there's some plot explanation as to why all that is going on in this particular location, but fuck if I know!
Ok. So, I couldn't get more than 2 or 3 hours into Resident Evil 4 because the game was too difficult for me (and this is also with a Gameshark assisting me). I've started the Evil Within on the easiest difficulty, and I have the dlc that came with the game that gave me green gel and the better shotgun. I just beat chapter 3 after playing that chapter for an hour and fifteen minutes (with a guide, no less) and I'm starting chapter 4 with a lot of my ammunitions depleted (I think I have 6 revolver shots and 4 shotgun blasts, and maybe 1 bolt?).

Any advice on how to get through this game for someone who just sucks at these types of games? Is there an upgrade path/exploit I should do with my gel? Should I try to just stick to one weapon over others? (I'm not good with the revolver. I line up a headshot and he still misses for some reason, or the shot doesn't kill them and does little damage).


Typical playthrough will clock in around 15 hours, it's a lengthy game for a fairly small studio.
Shit, I'm up to 13 hours already and only just finished chapter 7.

Ok. So, I couldn't get more than 2 or 3 hours into Resident Evil 4 because the game was too difficult for me (and this is also with a Gameshark assisting me). I've started the Evil Within on the easiest difficulty, and I have the dlc that came with the game that gave me green gel and the better shotgun. I just beat chapter 3 after playing that chapter for an hour and fifteen minutes (with a guide, no less) and I'm starting chapter 4 with a lot of my ammunitions depleted (I think I have 6 revolver shots and 4 shotgun blasts, and maybe 1 bolt?).

Any advice on how to get through this game for someone who just sucks at these types of games? Is there an upgrade path/exploit I should do with my gel? Should I try to just stick to one weapon over others? (I'm not good with the revolver. I line up a headshot and he still misses for some reason, or the shot doesn't kill them and does little damage).
I don't think you're going to get an answer that makes you happy or feel better. Unfortunately, being able to aim properly and make good use of your ammo is quite necessary. I don't think relying on a single weapon is going to help a whole bunch since you're not always going to have a lot of ammo for it and will need to switch weapons mid-battle. Being able to get headshots can be quite critical for ammo conservation. It wont always kill your enemies right away, but you stand a good chance of it. I personally upgraded the Critical skill for my handgun as a priority just because of this. I only ever aim for the body for normal enemies when I'm about to be attacked and simply need to stop them for a second to get away(so as a defensive measure, more than anything).

That said, you will sometimes find yourself quite depleted on ammo after a big fight or whatever and that isn't abnormal. 6 handgun bullets and 4 shotgun shells left isn't anything to worry about. But you do want to be careful when you're low like that.

Make sure you're looking out for the statues along the way and smashing them for locker keys. That can sometimes give you the extra ammunition you need.

And somebody correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think upgrading your stock ammo will top you up as well.


Shit, I'm up to 13 hours already and only just finished chapter 7.

Goddamn you might have the longest playthrough yet, I was about 7 1/2 hours in at chapter 7.

And somebody correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think upgrading your stock ammo will top you up as well.

I'm 99% sure stock doesn't refill ammo, health bar upgrades refill HP though.


Goddamn you might have the longest playthrough yet, I was about 7 1/2 hours in at chapter 7.
I pretty much crouch my way through most of the game.

And save a ton. "Ok, grabbed some more ammo, lets go back and save." lol

I'm 99% sure stock doesn't refill ammo, health bar upgrades refill HP though.
Ok thanks. I thought it happened to me once, but I was probably mistaken.


I pretty much crouch my way through most of the game.

And save a ton. "Ok, grabbed some more ammo, lets go back and save." lol

That's how I'm playing, and it's been a lot of fun so far (I think I've almost finished chapter 5.) It was funny running around chapter 3 after killing everyone and realizing it wasn't as nearly as big or complicated a layout as it appeared when I was inching my way thru it.

I wish the frame rate/shooting was as smooth as RE 4, but I'm managing alright.


I'm 99% sure stock doesn't refill ammo, health bar upgrades refill HP though.

Yeah, it doesn't. I tested it and got really sad when it didn't refill. Getting a full clip when you upgrade was a great feeling in RE 4, and ammo is even scarcer here.


That's how I'm playing, and it's been a lot of fun so far (I think I've almost finished chapter 5.) It was funny running around chapter 3 after killing everyone and realizing it wasn't as nearly as big or complicated a layout as it appeared when I was inching my way thru it.
Ha, really. Its like this small little area with 3 or 4 buildings but it felt so much more daunting while going through it.
Shit, I'm up to 13 hours already and only just finished chapter 7.

I don't think you're going to get an answer that makes you happy or feel better. Unfortunately, being able to aim properly and make good use of your ammo is quite necessary. I don't think relying on a single weapon is going to help a whole bunch since you're not always going to have a lot of ammo for it and will need to switch weapons mid-battle. Being able to get headshots can be quite critical for ammo conservation. It wont always kill your enemies right away, but you stand a good chance of it. I personally upgraded the Critical skill for my handgun as a priority just because of this. I only ever aim for the body for normal enemies when I'm about to be attacked and simply need to stop them for a second to get away(so as a defensive measure, more than anything).

That said, you will sometimes find yourself quite depleted on ammo after a big fight or whatever and that isn't abnormal. 6 handgun bullets and 4 shotgun shells left isn't anything to worry about. But you do want to be careful when you're low like that.

Make sure you're looking out for the statues along the way and smashing them for locker keys. That can sometimes give you the extra ammunition you need.

And somebody correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think upgrading your stock ammo will top you up as well.

Thanks for the comments and advice. As others have pointed out, upgrading ammo stock doesn't refill ammo, but upgrading health does do that, so that's something.

So far, the biggest and best upgrades have been increasing my stock of ammo and items. That's helped a ton and rarely has me with no ammo in situations.

But now I'm just about to finish chapter 5 (which is a really long chapter. did I read that chapters 5 and 6 are the longest?), and I'm thinking of upgrading my revolver and shotgun even more. However, I know that I'm going to get at least 2 more weapons, the sniper rifle and the magnum, and I don't know if I should blow a lot of my gel on the revolver and shotgun. I assume the magnum will just be used against bosses, but what about the rifle? Is it useful?

Mr. Tibbs

Steve Gaynor did a dual write-up on Alien: Isolation and The Evil Within. Fantastic criticism.

Don’t Look Behind You
Nostalgia never hurt anyone, says the writer and designer of Gone Home. But Alien: Isolation and The Evil Within prove that video game creators can’t revisit the past and expect it to be the same place.
Ok so finished this game and I don't fully understand the plot.

Can someone please explain to me the plot points and progression?

There is no plot. Mikami doesn't care about story and just framed a backdrop of being in a madman's psyche as an excuse to send you through environments that have zero relation to one another.

The more I stew on it, the more unsatisfied I am with The Evil Within in terms of gameplay and story. RE4's story isn't deep, but at least the objective was always clear. With The Evil Within, we're never given an objective nor any hints at a means of escape from this hellscape. So the whole entire game is just Sebastian wandering aimlessly through Ruvik's mind. There are hints at Leslie being the key somehow, but the only characters who ever treat Leslie with any importance is the doctor and Julie. There is zero drama or tension or momentum in the story when you know at any point Ruvik can just pop up out of nowhere and send all the characters back to square one. And at any point he can complete his objective, but he doesn't want to because he just likes exerting his control over people. Like, he is the master of his world and seems to be omnipotent. There is no reason to believe that anything we do is getting us closer to an exit. And if we happened to stumble on one, Ruvik could just come in and teleport us, sending us clipping through the walls to the first level again.


Thanks for the comments and advice. As others have pointed out, upgrading ammo stock doesn't refill ammo, but upgrading health does do that, so that's something.

So far, the biggest and best upgrades have been increasing my stock of ammo and items. That's helped a ton and rarely has me with no ammo in situations.

But now I'm just about to finish chapter 5 (which is a really long chapter. did I read that chapters 5 and 6 are the longest?), and I'm thinking of upgrading my revolver and shotgun even more. However, I know that I'm going to get at least 2 more weapons, the sniper rifle and the magnum, and I don't know if I should blow a lot of my gel on the revolver and shotgun. I assume the magnum will just be used against bosses, but what about the rifle? Is it useful?
Rifle is useful, but I haven't found its something I'm using a bunch and would be a priority to upgrade. Ammo for it is scarce and I'm still using my handgun and shotgun as primary damage dealers.

Just me, though. I know in RE4 there were all sorts of viable paths to take when upgrading weapons so perhaps there are no right/wrong answers here.
Thanks for the comments and advice. As others have pointed out, upgrading ammo stock doesn't refill ammo, but upgrading health does do that, so that's something.

So far, the biggest and best upgrades have been increasing my stock of ammo and items. That's helped a ton and rarely has me with no ammo in situations.

But now I'm just about to finish chapter 5 (which is a really long chapter. did I read that chapters 5 and 6 are the longest?), and I'm thinking of upgrading my revolver and shotgun even more. However, I know that I'm going to get at least 2 more weapons, the sniper rifle and the magnum, and I don't know if I should blow a lot of my gel on the revolver and shotgun. I assume the magnum will just be used against bosses, but what about the rifle? Is it useful?

Take revolver critical to level 5 ASAP

Shotgun critical to level 5 sometime after that

Rifle needs no upgrades imo, just go for headshots

Magnum firepower is useful, maybe to to 140 or 160%

That should do you. Though you should pump a few levels into stock for the various weapons.
Boy, the real boss battle in Chapter 5 is the framerate. I nearly died because I kept overturning because of the framerate.

Anyway, I'm starting to finally get a handle on the combat, and upgrading the revolver as I have has helped quite a bit. Thanks for the advice, all.

Oh, and 4 hours to just get to chapter 6. Can't imagine how people speed run this game.
Take revolver critical to level 5 ASAP

Shotgun critical to level 5 sometime after that

Rifle needs no upgrades imo, just go for headshots

Magnum firepower is useful, maybe to to 140 or 160%

That should do you. Though you should pump a few levels into stock for the various weapons.

Agreed with everything you said. Would just like to add that upgrading Sprint to Lv. 3 is also extremely helpful.


Y'all are trippin, chapters 11 and 12 were fine. So far I've noticed no big drop off in quality in the back third.

Enemy waves in the compound area, on rails cart shooting gallery, on rails bus shooting gallery, machine gun turret shooting gallery, driving the bus etc.
Enemy waves in the compound area, on rails cart shooting gallery, on rails bus shooting gallery, machine gun turret shooting gallery, driving the bus etc.

Enemy waves in the compound: It was a solid combat section! It reminded me of a less annoying part in RE4 at the island with the opening and closing shutter door.

Cart shooting gallery: Gave me flashbacks to the RE4 gondola ride, and it was easy!

Bus shooting gallery: I liked this one two! The spider chase was cool, and liked the shootout with haunted as well, as your limited movement space ratcheted up the tension. It doesn't hold a candle to RE4's mine cart section though.

Machine gun turret: It was annoying dodging the fire, but once you get the turret it was super cathartic! It's a brief moment of empowerment in a game that otherwise takes sadistic pleasure in making you as unempowered as possible.

Driving the bus: I liked this part because it was just a brief, fun bit of interactivity! It reminded me of RE4's jetski section, except in this one you got to run people over. It could have been a cutscene, so I appreciated I got control over it. I love how it adds to the variety in the game, too.

Plus, chapter 11 had one of the creepiest sections of the game in the warehouse. I really dug the designs of the haunted with the suits, sickles, and tight masks as well (although I remember seeing one of them in one of the trailers and I was hoping they would be a new enemy type or boss because they looked so creepy).

Overall the two chapters just continued to offer a nice change of pace and scenery as all the chapters do, and ramp up the difficulty as well. The only part I really didn't like was the second encounter with the
fish things
because my distractions wouldn't work and I kept getting eaten :/

They certainly weren't my favorite chapters, but I didn't dislike them either. Chapter 13 seems really promising so far though with a freakier tone, and a bit more colorful/interesting environment.
I can only imagine how much better this game would've been received without the tech issues. I quite enjoyed it.

The debate I've had among other people who've played the game is that it's fun but the tech flaws hurt the overall experience. I don't forgive the flaws, the other people do.

I really want to put the blame on Bethesda more than Tango and Mikami.


The debate I've had among other people who've played the game is that it's fun but the tech flaws hurt the overall experience. I don't forgive the flaws, the other people do.

I really want to put the blame on Bethesda more than Tango and Mikami.
Playing on PC is clearly the way to go. Ive been playing at mostly 60fps and minimal black bars.

Guess thats why I can really enjoy things. One of my favorite games of the year so far.
Enemy waves in the compound: It was a solid combat section! It reminded me of a less annoying part in RE4 at the island with the opening and closing shutter door.

Cart shooting gallery: Gave me flashbacks to the RE4 gondola ride, and it was easy!

Bus shooting gallery: I liked this one two! The spider chase was cool, and liked the shootout with haunted as well, as your limited movement space ratcheted up the tension. It doesn't hold a candle to RE4's mine cart section though.

Machine gun turret: It was annoying dodging the fire, but once you get the turret it was super cathartic! It's a brief moment of empowerment in a game that otherwise takes sadistic pleasure in making you as unempowered as possible.

Driving the bus: I liked this part because it was just a brief, fun bit of interactivity! It reminded me of RE4's jetski section, except in this one you got to run people over. It could have been a cutscene, so I appreciated I got control over it. I love how it adds to the variety in the game, too.

Plus, chapter 11 had one of the creepiest sections of the game in the warehouse. I really dug the designs of the haunted with the suits, sickles, and tight masks as well (although I remember seeing one of them in one of the trailers and I was hoping they would be a new enemy type or boss because they looked so creepy).

Overall the two chapters just continued to offer a nice change of pace and scenery as all the chapters do, and ramp up the difficulty as well. The only part I really didn't like was the second encounter with the
fish things
because my distractions wouldn't work and I kept getting eaten :/

They certainly weren't my favorite chapters, but I didn't dislike them either. Chapter 13 seems really promising so far though with a freakier tone, and a bit more colorful/interesting environment.

interesting to hear the minority perspective on this. i hated both chapter 11 and 12. i do, however, agree that the
mannequin warehouse stealth section was awesome
In chapter 9, which I'm halfway through,
Ruvik follows you around and randomly appears to kill you in one hit...
does this continue through the rest of the game, because this is annoying and frustrating. Also, I haven't seen an invisible enemy since, I dunno, chapter 4? Are they done with as well?
In chapter 9, which I'm halfway through,
Ruvik follows you around and randomly appears to kill you in one hit...
does this continue through the rest of the game, because this is annoying and frustrating. Also, I haven't seen an invisible enemy since, I dunno, chapter 4? Are they done with as well?

I'm on chapter 13, but to answer your questions thus far, not it does not continue, and yes they are done with.
In chapter 9, which I'm halfway through,
Ruvik follows you around and randomly appears to kill you in one hit...
does this continue through the rest of the game, because this is annoying and frustrating. Also, I haven't seen an invisible enemy since, I dunno, chapter 4? Are they done with as well?

There's more one hit kills, just not based around Ruvik touching you.
This is the worst game I've played this year; this is worse than Thief. I'm on chapter 10 and I think I'm done. I've hated most of this game, and I don't know why I'm bothering with it. This isn't scary or tense or anything other than frustrating.

Thanks for the help you guys gave me to get me this far, but I'm done.
Shit, I still need to beat this. Think I left off...Ch.13 maybe? I remember
the fenced in area with the gun wielding haunted. The underwater enemy you have to go from car to car to avoid...not sure if there was anything more recent than that.
Wow chapter 13 was great. That climax was so great. The lighting and
the swinging meat
made it so intense and atmospheric.
The Keeper
is such a great enemy.

Shit, I still need to beat this. Think I left off...Ch.13 maybe? I remember
the fenced in area with the gun wielding haunted. The underwater enemy you have to go from car to car to avoid...not sure if there was anything more recent than that.

That would be chapter 11.


This is the worst game I've played this year; this is worse than Thief. I'm on chapter 10 and I think I'm done. I've hated most of this game, and I don't know why I'm bothering with it. This isn't scary or tense or anything other than frustrating.

Thanks for the help you guys gave me to get me this far, but I'm done.

Even though I don't find this game to be frustrating or difficult the fact that you found RE4 to be difficult and made it to chapter 10 in this game is impressive.
This is the worst game I've played this year; this is worse than Thief. I'm on chapter 10 and I think I'm done. I've hated most of this game, and I don't know why I'm bothering with it. This isn't scary or tense or anything other than frustrating.

Thanks for the help you guys gave me to get me this far, but I'm done.
Just curious. Is it the worst game you've played this year as it relates to quality or as it relates to your overall enjoyment? Chances are you aren't going to love a game if you don't enjoy playing it, but there are games that I feel are good even if I'm horrible at playing them. Im just wondering how people view a game because this game seems fairly polarizing.


Just curious. Is it the worst game you've played this year as it relates to quality or as it relates to your overall enjoyment? Chances are you aren't going to love a game if you don't enjoy playing it, but there are games that I feel are good even if I'm horrible at playing them. Im just wondering how people view a game because this game seems fairly polarizing.


Ok. So, I couldn't get more than 2 or 3 hours into Resident Evil 4 because the game was too difficult for me (and this is also with a Gameshark assisting me). I've started the Evil Within on the easiest difficulty, and I have the dlc that came with the game that gave me green gel and the better shotgun. I just beat chapter 3 after playing that chapter for an hour and fifteen minutes (with a guide, no less)

Any advice on how to get through this game for someone who just sucks at these types of games?

In chapter 9, this is annoying and frustrating.

This is the worst game I've played this year; this is worse than Thief. I'm on chapter 10 and I think I'm done. I've hated most of this game, and I don't know why I'm bothering with it. This isn't scary or tense or anything other than frustrating.

I think he's just having a hard time with the game.
So I just bought this game today for my PS3 and normally idk care about graphics but holy shit wtf happened with this games? The textures are god awfull and there's a ridiculous amount of pop ins, this is after installing the game too. Does this get better or is the PS3 version just that bad?


I was down to my last two bullets when I beat the
chainsaw guy in chapter 6.

Can be be killed with melee in that situation where there's no way to stealth because the doors are all shut? I don't know what i would have done if I had run out of ammo. I really wish the game would give you a full clip when you upgrade.


Playing on PC is clearly the way to go. Ive been playing at mostly 60fps and minimal black bars.

Guess thats why I can really enjoy things. One of my favorite games of the year so far.

I might buy it again in a few years when I get a new PC. Playing RE 4 at 60fps earlier this year was awesome.
I was down to my last two bullets when I beat the
chainsaw guy in chapter 6.

Can be be killed with melee in that situation where there's no way to stealth because the doors are all shut? I don't know what i would have done if I had run out of ammo. I really wish the game would give you a full clip when you upgrade.

I think anything can technically be killed with melee, but it does so little damage that it's not really worth it.
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