Everybody seems to be able to do the 24th At noon eastern correct? Godslay and Larry confirmed via email and Lunchbox is available too.
Can't you do something on your phone BG

Lol I doubt I'll be able too , I can try to make it to the very beginning of it. Got a work/school meeting till maybe about 12ish. And im suppose to work right after (12:30) and my other draft is 1:45, I'll be trying to juggle as of now.
Idk might be able to make some picks depending on what time my meeting is over, it'll just have to auto pick the rest. Unless I can somehow do one draft on my phone and my other on laptop. It'll be and interesting situation for me haha
I'll update my rankings if I can't make all my picks live, or if I can't make any live
Edit: forgot this league is on NFL.com not yahoo. Thought this league was on yahoo like my others. I'll check out the nfl.com draft app. I might be able to juggle both drafts actually, it all depends how busy I get during work I guess, dumb freshman asking me gym questions smh
Pls don't fine me, I can't go bankrupt, Cleveland can't go bankrupt.....